// REQUIRES: ppc // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64le-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64le-unknown-linux %p/Inputs/ppc64-tls.s -o %t2.o // RUN: ld.lld -shared %t2.o -o %t2.so // RUN: ld.lld -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld64.so.2 %t.o %t2.so -o %t // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=InputRelocs %s // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=OutputRelocs %s // RUN: llvm-objdump --section-headers %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=CheckGot %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=Dis %s // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64-unknown-linux %p/Inputs/ppc64-tls.s -o %t2.o // RUN: ld.lld -shared %t2.o -o %t2.so // RUN: ld.lld -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld64.so.2 %t.o %t2.so -o %t // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=InputRelocs %s // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=OutputRelocs %s // RUN: llvm-objdump --section-headers %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=CheckGot %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=Dis %s .text .abiversion 2 .file "intial_exec.c" .globl test_initial_exec # -- Begin function test_initial_exec .p2align 4 .type test_initial_exec,@function test_initial_exec: # @test_initial_exec .Lfunc_begin0: .Lfunc_gep0: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep0@ha addi 2, 2, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep0@l .Lfunc_lep0: .localentry test_initial_exec, .Lfunc_lep0-.Lfunc_gep0 # %bb.0: # %entry li 3, 0 stw 3, -12(1) addis 3, 2, a@got@tprel@ha ld 3, a@got@tprel@l(3) lwzx 4, 3, a@tls extsw 3, 4 blr test_hi: .Lfunc_gep1: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep1@ha addi 2, 2, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep1@l .Lfunc_lep1: .localentry test2, .Lfunc_lep1-.Lfunc_gep1 addis 3, 0, b@got@tprel@h blr test_ds: .Lfunc_gep2: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep2@ha addi 2, 2, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep2@l .Lfunc_lep2: .localentry test16, .Lfunc_lep2-.Lfunc_gep2 addi 3, 0, c@got@tprel blr // Verify that the input has every initial-exec tls relocation type. // InputRelocs: Relocation section '.rela.text' // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HA {{0+}} a + 0 // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_LO_DS {{0+}} a + 0 // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_TLS {{0+}} a + 0 // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HI {{0+}} b + 0 // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_DS {{0+}} c + 0 // There is a got entry for each tls variable that is accessed with the // initial-exec model to be filled in by the dynamic linker. // OutputRelocs: Relocation section '.rela.dyn' at offset 0x{{[0-9a-f]+}} contains 3 entries: // OutputRelocs: R_PPC64_TPREL64 {{0+}} a + 0 // OutputRelocs: R_PPC64_TPREL64 {{0+}} b + 0 // OutputRelocs: R_PPC64_TPREL64 {{0+}} c + 0 // Check that the got has 4 entires. (1 for the TOC and 3 entries for TLS // variables). Also verify the address so we can check // the offsets we calculated for each relocation type. // CheckGot: got 00000020 00000000100200c0 // GOT stats at 0x100200c0, so TOC will be 0x100280c0 // We are building the address of the first TLS got entry which contains the // offset of the tls variable relative to the thread pointer. // 0x100200c8 (got[1]). // #ha(a@got@tprel) --> (0x100200c8 - 0x100280c0 + 0x8000) >> 16 = 0 // #lo(a@got@tprel)) --> (0x100200c8 - 0x100280c0) & 0xFFFF = -7ff8 = -32760 // Dis: test_initial_exec: // Dis: addis 3, 2, 0 // Dis: ld 3, -32760(3) // Dis: lwzx 4, 3, 13 // Second TLS got entry starts at got[2] 0x100200d0 // #hi(b@got@tprel) --> (0x100200d0 - 0x100280c0) >> 16 = -1 // Dis: test_hi: // Dis: lis 3, -1 // Third TLS got entry starts at got[3] 0x100200d8. // c@got@tprel--> (0x100200d8. - 0x100280c0) = -0x7fe8 = 32744 // Dis: test_ds: // Dis: li 3, -32744