# REQUIRES: ppc # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64le-unknown-linux %s -o %t1.o # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64le-unknown-linux %p/Inputs/ppc64-no-split-stack.s -o %t2.o # RUN: ld.lld --defsym __morestack=0x10010000 %t1.o %t2.o -o %t # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t | FileCheck %s # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64-unknown-linux %s -o %t1.o # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64-unknown-linux %p/Inputs/ppc64-no-split-stack.s -o %t2.o # RUN: ld.lld --defsym __morestack=0x10010000 %t1.o %t2.o -o %t # RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t | FileCheck %s .abiversion 2 .section ".text" # A caller with a stack that is small enough that the addis instruction # from the split-stack prologue is unneeded, and after the prologue adjustment # the stack size still fits whithin 16 bits. .p2align 2 .global caller_small_stack .type caller_small_stack, @function caller_small_stack: .Lcss_gep: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lcss_gep@ha addi 2, 2, .TOC.-.Lcss_gep@l .localentry caller_small_stack, .-caller_small_stack ld 0, -0x7040(13) addi 12, 1, -32 nop cmpld 7, 12, 0 blt- 7, .Lcss_alloc_more .Lcss_body: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) stdu 1, -32(1) bl nss_callee addi 1, 1, 32 ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr .Lcss_alloc_more: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) bl __morestack ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr b .Lcss_body .size caller_small_stack, .-caller_small_stack # CHECK-LABEL: caller_small_stack # CHECK: ld 0, -28736(13) # CHECK-NEXT: addi 12, 1, -16416 # CHECK-NEXT: nop # CHECK-NEXT: cmpld 7, 12, 0 # CHECK-NEXT: bt- 28, .+36 # A caller that has a stack size that fits whithin 16 bits, but the adjusted # stack size after prologue adjustment now overflows 16 bits needing both addis # and addi instructions. .p2align 2 .global caller_med_stack .type caller_med_stack, @function caller_med_stack: .Lcms_gep: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lcms_gep@ha addi 12, 12, .TOC.-.Lcms_gep@l .localentry caller_med_stack, .-caller_med_stack ld 0, -0x7040(13) addi 12, 1, -32764 nop cmpld 7, 12, 0 blt- 7, .Lcms_alloc_more .Lcms_body: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) stdu 1, -32764(1) bl nss_callee addi 1, 1, 32764 ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr .Lcms_alloc_more: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) bl __morestack ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr b .Lcms_body .size caller_med_stack, .-caller_med_stack # A caller with a large enough stack frame that both the addis and # addi instructions are used in the split-stack prologue. .p2align 2 .global caller_large_stack .type caller_large_stack, @function caller_large_stack: .Lcls_gep: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lcls_gep@ha addi 12, 12, .TOC.-.Lcls_gep@l .localentry caller_large_stack, .-caller_large_stack ld 0, -0x7040(13) addis 12, 1, -1 addi 12, 12, -32 cmpld 7, 12, 0 blt- 7, .Lcls_alloc_more .Lcls_body: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) lis 0, -1 addi 0, 0, -32 stdux 1, 0, 1 bl nss_callee ld 1, 0(1) ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr .Lcls_alloc_more: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) bl __morestack ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr b .Lcls_body .size caller_large_stack, .-caller_large_stack # CHECK-LABEL: caller_large_stack # CHECK: ld 0, -28736(13) # CHECK-NEXT: addis 12, 1, -1 # CHECK-NEXT: addi 12, 12, -16416 # CHECK-NEXT: cmpld 7, 12, 0 # CHECK-NEXT: bt- 28, .+44 # A caller with a stack size that is larger then 16 bits, but aligned such that # the addi instruction is unneeded. .p2align 2 .global caller_large_aligned_stack .type caller_large_aligned_stack, @function caller_large_aligned_stack: .Lclas_gep: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lclas_gep@ha addi 12, 12, .TOC.-.Lclas_gep@l .localentry caller_large_aligned_stack, .-caller_large_aligned_stack ld 0, -0x7040(13) addis 12, 1, -2 nop cmpld 7, 12, 0 blt- 7, .Lclas_alloc_more .Lclas_body: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) lis 0, -2 stdux 1, 0, 1 bl nss_callee ld 1, 0(1) ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr .Lclas_alloc_more: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) bl __morestack ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr b .Lclas_body .size caller_large_aligned_stack, .-caller_large_aligned_stack # CHECK-LABEL: caller_large_aligned_stack # CHECK: ld 0, -28736(13) # CHECK-NEXT: addis 12, 1, -2 # CHECK-NEXT: addi 12, 12, -16384 # CHECK-NEXT: cmpld 7, 12, 0 # CHECK-NEXT: bt- 28, .+40 # main only calls split-stack functions or __morestack so # there should be no adjustment of its split-stack prologue. .p2align 2 .global main .type main, @function main: .Lmain_gep: addis 2, 12,.TOC.-.Lmain_gep@ha addi 2, 2,.TOC.-.Lmain_gep@l .localentry main,.-main ld 0, -0x7040(13) addi 12,1,-32 nop cmpld 7, 12,0 blt- 7, .Lmain_morestack .Lmain_body: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) stdu 1, -32(1) bl caller_small_stack nop bl caller_med_stack nop bl caller_large_stack nop bl caller_large_aligned_stack addi 1, 1, 32 ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr .Lmain_morestack: mflr 0 std 0, 16(1) bl __morestack ld 0, 16(1) mtlr 0 blr b .Lmain_body .size main,.-main # CHECK-LABEL: main # CHECK: ld 0, -28736(13) # CHECK-NEXT: addi 12, 1, -32 # CHECK-NEXT: nop # CHECK-NEXT: cmpld 7, 12, 0 .section .note.GNU-split-stack,"",@progbits