// REQUIRES: x86 // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o // RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t1 // RUN: llvm-readobj -r %t1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=NORELOC %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=DISASM %s // RUN: ld.lld -shared %t.o -o %t1 // RUN: llvm-readobj -r %t1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=RELOCSHARED %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=DISASMSHARED %s // NORELOC: Relocations [ // NORELOC-NEXT: ] // DISASM: Disassembly of section test: // DISASM-NEXT: _data: // DISASM-NEXT: 201000: 19 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201002: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201004: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201006: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201008: 1a 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20100a: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20100c: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20100e: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201010: 1b 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201012: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201014: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201016: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201018: 19 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20101a: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20101c: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20101e: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201020: 1a 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201022: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201024: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201026: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 201028: 1b 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20102a: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20102c: 00 00 // DISASM-NEXT: 20102e: 00 00 // DISASM: _start: // DISASM-NEXT: 201030: 8b 04 25 19 00 00 00 movl 25, %eax // DISASM-NEXT: 201037: 8b 04 25 1a 00 00 00 movl 26, %eax // DISASM-NEXT: 20103e: 8b 04 25 1b 00 00 00 movl 27, %eax // DISASM-NEXT: 201045: 8b 04 25 19 00 00 00 movl 25, %eax // DISASM-NEXT: 20104c: 8b 04 25 1a 00 00 00 movl 26, %eax // DISASM-NEXT: 201053: 8b 04 25 1b 00 00 00 movl 27, %eax // RELOCSHARED: Relocations [ // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: Section ({{.*}}) .rela.dyn { // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: 0x1000 R_X86_64_SIZE64 foo 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: 0x1008 R_X86_64_SIZE64 foo 0x0 // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: 0x1010 R_X86_64_SIZE64 foo 0x1 // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: 0x1033 R_X86_64_SIZE32 foo 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: 0x103A R_X86_64_SIZE32 foo 0x0 // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: 0x1041 R_X86_64_SIZE32 foo 0x1 // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: } // RELOCSHARED-NEXT: ] // DISASMSHARED: Disassembly of section test: // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: _data: // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: ... // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1018: 19 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 101a: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 101c: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 101e: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1020: 1a 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1022: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1024: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1026: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1028: 1b 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 102a: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 102c: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 102e: 00 00 // DISASMSHARED: _start: // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1030: 8b 04 25 00 00 00 00 movl 0, %eax // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1037: 8b 04 25 00 00 00 00 movl 0, %eax // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 103e: 8b 04 25 00 00 00 00 movl 0, %eax // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1045: 8b 04 25 19 00 00 00 movl 25, %eax // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 104c: 8b 04 25 1a 00 00 00 movl 26, %eax // DISASMSHARED-NEXT: 1053: 8b 04 25 1b 00 00 00 movl 27, %eax .data .global foo .type foo,%object .size foo,26 foo: .zero 26 .data .global foohidden .hidden foohidden .type foohidden,%object .size foohidden,26 foohidden: .zero 26 .section test,"axw" _data: // R_X86_64_SIZE64: .quad foo@SIZE-1 .quad foo@SIZE .quad foo@SIZE+1 .quad foohidden@SIZE-1 .quad foohidden@SIZE .quad foohidden@SIZE+1 .globl _start _start: // R_X86_64_SIZE32: movl foo@SIZE-1,%eax movl foo@SIZE,%eax movl foo@SIZE+1,%eax movl foohidden@SIZE-1,%eax movl foohidden@SIZE,%eax movl foohidden@SIZE+1,%eax