import click @click.command("importreport", short_help="import simple space separated " "data into a report to submit.") @click.argument("input", type=click.File('rb'), default="-", required=False) @click.argument("output", type=click.File('wb'), default="report.json", required=False) @click.option("--testsuite", "suite", default="nts", show_default=True, required=True, help="short name of the test suite to submit to") @click.option("--order", required=True, help="Order to submit as number. " "Ex: a svn revision, or timestamp.") @click.option("--machine", required=True, help="the name of the machine to submit under") def action_importreport(input, output, suite, order, machine): """Import simple data into LNT. This takes a space separated key value file and creates an LNT report file, which can be submitted to an LNT server. Example input file: \b foo.exec 123 bar.size 456 foo/bar/baz.size 789 The format is "test-name.metric", so exec and size are valid metrics for the test suite you are submitting to. """ import lnt.testing import os machine_info = {} run_info = {'tag': suite} run_info['run_order'] = order machine = lnt.testing.Machine(machine, machine_info) ctime = os.path.getctime( mtime = os.path.getmtime( run = lnt.testing.Run(ctime, mtime, run_info) report = lnt.testing.Report(machine=machine, run=run, tests=[]) for line in input.readlines(): key, val = line.split() metric = key.split(".")[1] metric_type = float if metric not in ("hash", "profile") else str test = lnt.testing.TestSamples(suite + "." + key, [val], conv_f=metric_type) report.tests.extend([test]) output.write(report.render())