diff options
authorRyan S. Arnold <>2016-08-10 14:03:55 -0500
committerRyan S. Arnold <>2016-08-10 14:03:55 -0500
commitd3848d12854f5b19351bf1ff5e2d7cc95d8fc95c (patch)
parente5eb475b3cf929953b3e59eb31a04d4d364a1566 (diff)
Generate release notes with python scripting.
17 files changed, 3390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09b696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3544bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+import os
+from sh import git
+from sh import ln
+from sh import mkdir
+from sh import ErrorReturnCode
+from sh import chmod
+# In order to set directory read/write permissions for test cases
+from stat import *
+from proj import Proj
+from gitrepo import cd
+from gitrepo import GitRepo
+import time
+class Clone(GitRepo):
+ def __init__(self, proj, clonedir=None, remote=None ):
+ super(Clone,self).__init__(proj)
+ # If the user passes a clonedir then they want to reuse an existing
+ # clone. This will often be the case with large repositories like
+ # gcc, which take 20 minutes to clone.
+ # Clone a new repo from the remote
+ if clonedir is None or (isinstance(clonedir, basestring) and clonedir == ""):
+ if remote=="" or remote is None:
+ raise TypeError('Clone input parameter \'remote\' can not be empty')
+ # TODO test that remote is a well formed URL?
+ # TODO if there's a trailing / strip it.
+ self.remote=remote
+ # Strip the end off the repo url to find the clonedir name.
+ clone_dirname=remote.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
+'Cloning %s repository into %s/%s' % (self.remote, self.proj.projdir, clone_dirname))
+ self.repodir=self.proj.projdir + '/' + clone_dirname
+ try:
+ with cd(self.proj.projdir):
+ git("clone", self.remote, clone_dirname, _err_to_out=True, _out="/dev/null")
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Git unable to clone into " + self.repodir)
+ # Reuse an existing git clone directory
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(clonedir, basestring):
+ raise TypeError('clonedir must be of type basestring')
+ elif not os.path.isdir(clonedir):
+ raise EnvironmentError("Specified clonedir directory '%s' does not exist" % clonedir)
+ # Check to see if clonedir is a git repository.
+ with cd(clonedir):
+ # There might be a file called .git
+ if not os.path.isdir(clonedir + '/.git'):
+ try:
+ git("rev-parse", _err_to_out=True, _out="/dev/null")
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError('Specified clonedir is not a git repository.')
+ # Strip off the directory name
+ clone_dirname=clonedir.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
+ self.repodir=self.proj.projdir + '/' + clone_dirname
+ # TODO: verify that we don't get another clone dir in the projdir.
+ # It's possible the clonedir is already in the projdir.
+ if os.path.exists(self.repodir):
+'The clonedir %s already exists in %s' % (clonedir, self.repodir))
+ else:
+'Reusing existing clonedir %s and symlinking as %s in %s' % (clonedir, self.repodir, self.proj.projdir))
+ try:
+ ln("-s", clonedir, self.repodir)
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Can't create symlink %s to %s." % (clonedir, self.repodir))
+'Clone directory set as %s' % (self.repodir))
+ return
+ def clonedir(self):
+ return self.repodir
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Clone Class: remote = " + self.remote + ", clonedir =" + self.repodir +">"
+class TestClone(unittest.TestCase):
+ testdirprefix="CloneUT"
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ # We need a Proj dir to store the mother clone in.
+ cls.proj=Proj(prefix=TestClone.testdirprefix)
+ # Setup a single remote clone in a Proj directory and then all of the
+ # other tests in this module should clone from this resulting local
+ # clone as if it were a remote. This will reduce the network burden on
+ # the remote git server being tested. If this fails then the entire
+ # TestClone will be marked as not executed.
+ #TODO: Perform a connectivity test to determine online or offline
+ # testing mode.
+ cls.rnclone=Clone(cls.proj,remote=u'')
+ #OFFLINE: cls.rnclone=Clone(cls.proj,remote=u'/var/run/media/ryanarn/sidecar/reldir/release-notes')
+ cls.startbranch=cls.rnclone.getbranch()
+ cls.rtremote=u''
+ #OFFLINE: cls.rtremote=u'/var/run/media/ryanarn/sidecar/releases/tcwg-release-tools'
+ # All further tests will use this as the remote.
+ cls.rnremote=cls.rnclone.repodir
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ cls.proj.cleanup()
+ # Every instance of TestClass requires its own proj directory.
+ def setUp(self):
+ # TODO: Is this redundant with the setUpClass()?
+ self.proj=Proj(prefix=TestClone.testdirprefix)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # TODO: Is this redundant with the tearDownClass()?
+ self.proj.cleanup()
+ # These immediate tests clone from a remote repository
+ def test_clone(self):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.clone.clonedir()))
+ def test_two_different_clones_in_one_projdir(self):
+ self.clonern=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ self.clonert=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rtremote)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.clonern.clonedir()) and os.path.isdir(self.clonert.clonedir()))
+ # All clones after this point should use TestClone.rnremote as the remote.
+ def test_str_function(self):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ self.assertEqual(str(self.clone), self.clone.clonedir())
+ def test_empty_string_clonedir_with_remote(self):
+ # This will use the remote because clonedir is an empty string.
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote, clonedir="")
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.clone.clonedir()))
+ def test_none_clonedir_with_remote(self):
+ # This will use the remote because there is no clonedir
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.clone.clonedir()))
+ def test_empty_remote_empty_clonedir(self):
+ # A bogus directory will fail.
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote="", clonedir="")
+ def test_non_string_clonedir(self):
+,remote=TestClone.rnremote, clonedir="")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,
+ def test_no_string_clonedir_empty_remote(self):
+ # remote can't be be empty if clonedir is not set.
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote="")
+ def test_existing_clonedir(self):
+ # Clone's clonedir parameter allows a user to specify an existing
+ # directory use for the clone. It will setup a symlink in the proj
+ # directory pointing to the tree. This is a useful feature for
+ # very large repositories.
+ # Use the clonedir from TestClone.rnclone
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,clonedir=TestClone.rnclone.clonedir())
+ # Verify that a symlink is used for the clone.
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(self.clone.clonedir()))
+ def test_failed_symlink(self):
+ # We'll make the projdir read-only so we can force symlink creation
+ # to fail.
+ with cd(self.proj.projdir):
+ # Set to read-only to force symlink to fail.
+ os.chmod(self.proj.projdir, S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR)
+ # Use the clonedir from TestClone.rnclone
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ # Verify that this throws an exception.
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,clonedir=TestClone.rnclone.clonedir())
+ with cd(self.proj.projdir):
+ # Reset to writable so we can remove the projdir
+ os.chmod(self.proj.projdir, S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR)
+ def test_clone_failure_due_to_write_permissions(self):
+ with cd(self.proj.projdir):
+ # Set to read-only to force the git clone to fail.
+ os.chmod(self.proj.projdir, S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR)
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ with cd(self.proj.projdir):
+ # Reset to writable so we can remove the projdir
+ os.chmod(self.proj.projdir, S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR)
+ def test_nonexistant_clonedir(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.clone_one=Clone(self.proj, clonedir="/a/nonexistant/directory/")
+ def test_not_gitdir(self):
+ # Verify that an exception is raised when attempting to clone something
+ # that's not a git repository.
+ nongitdir=self.proj.projdir + "/nongitdir"
+ with cd (self.proj.projdir):
+ os.mkdir(nongitdir)
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote="", clonedir=nongitdir)
+ def test_not_gitdir_but_with_dot_git(self):
+ # Verify that an exception is raised when attempting to clone a
+ # directory that has a .git file but is NOT a git repository.
+ nongitdir=self.proj.projdir + "/nongitdir"
+ with cd (self.proj.projdir):
+ os.mkdir(nongitdir)
+ # Create and empty .git file.
+ with open(".git", 'a'):
+ os.utime(".git", None)
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote="", clonedir=nongitdir)
+ def test_incorrect_input_proj_type(self):
+ # Clone requires a valid Proj type as an input parameter. Verify that
+ # it throws an exception.
+ proj='stringtypeonpurpose'
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ self.clone=Clone(proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ def test_non_destructive_cleanup(self):
+ # Make sure that the file removal method in proj.cleanup() doesn't
+ # follow and remove symlinks.
+ self.clone_one=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ self.proj_two=Proj(prefix=TestClone.testdirprefix)
+ # Use the clonedir from the first project as the clonedir for the
+ # second project.
+ self.clone_two=Clone(self.proj_two,clonedir=self.clone_one.clonedir())
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(self.clone_two.clonedir()))
+ # Cleanup proj_two
+ self.proj_two.cleanup()
+ # Make sure clone_one.clonedir wasn't removed when proj_two was removed
+ # which is a concern since proj_two used a clone directory from
+ # proj.
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.clone_one.clonedir()))
+ def test_get_branch_clone(self):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ self.assertEqual(TestClone.startbranch, self.clone.getbranch())
+ def test_checkoutbranch_clone(self):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ # Test a new branch
+ with self.clone.checkoutbranch("TestClone", "origin/HEAD"):
+ self.assertEqual("TestClone", self.clone.getbranch())
+ self.assertEqual(TestClone.startbranch, self.clone.getbranch())
+ # Test being able to switch to a branch that already exists.
+ with self.clone.checkoutbranch("TestClone"):
+ self.assertEqual("TestClone", self.clone.getbranch())
+ self.assertEqual(TestClone.startbranch, self.clone.getbranch())
+ #TODO test a non-default 'track' passed to checkoutbranch.
+ def test_checkoutbranch_clone_with_local_changes(self):
+ self.clone=Clone(self.proj,remote=TestClone.rnremote)
+ # create an empty file and add it to the repository.
+ with cd (self.clone.repodir):
+ # Create and empty file.
+ with open("checkouttest", 'a'):
+ os.utime("checkouttest", None)
+ self.clone.add(self.clone.repodir + '/checkouttest')
+ with self.clone.checkoutbranch("TestClone", "origin/HEAD"):
+ self.assertEqual("TestClone", self.clone.getbranch())
+ # Verify there's no file name 'checkouttest' when we switch branch.
+ with cd (self.clone.repodir):
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(self.clone.repodir + '/checkouttest'))
+ # Verify that we've returned to the correct branch.
+ self.assertEqual(TestClone.startbranch, self.clone.getbranch())
+ # Show that checkouttest does exist once were out of the
+ # checkoutbranch context.
+ with cd (self.clone.repodir):
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.clone.repodir + '/checkouttest'))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ed3e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#from jinja2.utils import Markup, escape, pformat, urlize, soft_unicode, \
+# unicode_urlencode
+from jinja2.runtime import Undefined
+#from jinja2.exceptions import FilterArgumentError
+#from jinja2._compat import imap, string_types, text_type, iteritems
+def environmentfilter(f):
+ """Decorator for marking environment dependent filters. The current
+ :class:`Environment` is passed to the filter as first argument.
+ """
+ f.environmentfilter = True
+ return f
+def do_customwordwrap(environment, s, width=79, break_long_words=True,
+ wrapstring=None, break_on_hyphens=False):
+ """
+ Return a copy of the string passed to the filter wrapped after
+ ``79`` characters. You can override this default using the first
+ parameter. If you set the second parameter to `false` Jinja will not
+ split words apart if they are longer than `width`. By default, the newlines
+ will be the default newlines for the environment, but this can be changed
+ using the wrapstring keyword argument.
+ """
+ if not wrapstring:
+ wrapstring = environment.newline_sequence
+ import textwrap
+ return wrapstring.join(textwrap.wrap(s, width=width, expand_tabs=False,
+ replace_whitespace=False,
+ break_long_words=break_long_words,
+ break_on_hyphens=break_on_hyphens))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb8b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from clone import Clone
+from sh import git
+from gitrepo import cd
+class GCCClone(Clone):
+ def __init__(self, proj, clonedir=None, remote=None ):
+ super(GCCClone,self).__init__(proj, clonedir, remote)
+ with cd(clonedir):
+ try:
+ with open('gcc/BASE-VER', 'r') as f:
+ self.basever = f.readline().strip()
+ except:
+ raise IOError('gcc/BASE-VER not found in ' + clonedir)
+ log=git("log", "-n 1", "--grep=Merge branch")
+ for logline in log:
+ if logline.lstrip().startswith("Merge"):
+ # For some reason rsplit('.') isn't working.
+ self.fsfrev=logline.lstrip().rsplit(None,1)[1].split('.',1)[0]
+ def get_base_version(self):
+ return self.basever
+ def get_fsf_revision(self):
+ return self.fsfrev
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a79de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+import os
+from sh import git
+from sh import ErrorReturnCode
+from sh import ErrorReturnCode_128
+import subprocess
+# Use this to manage 'cd' context
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from proj import Proj
+# Return to prevdir when context is exited.
+# Use in the following manner:
+# with cd("foodir"):
+# operation1_in_foodir
+# operation2_in_foodir
+# operation3_in_prevdir
+def cd(newdir):
+ prevdir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(newdir))
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(prevdir)
+# This is called 'GitRepo' because a repository for a project doesn't only have
+# to be a git repository. Abstract base class used to define the operations
+# that both Clone and Workdir share. Notice that there is no actual repodir
+# specified here. You must instantiate a subclass in order to use/test these
+# operations. This is because 'clones' and 'workdirs' are created differently
+# but you operate on them in the exact same way.
+class GitRepo(object):
+ def __init__(self, proj):
+ self.repodir=u""
+ if isinstance(proj, Proj):
+ self.proj=proj
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('proj input parameter is not of type Proj')
+ def branchexists(self, branch):
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ try:
+ # Quote the branchname because it might have strange
+ # characters in it.
+ br="%s" % branch
+ git("rev-parse", "--verify", br)
+ except ErrorReturnCode_128:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def getbranch(self):
+ try:
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ branch=git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD").stdout.rstrip()
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to get the current branch")
+ return branch
+ # TODO: Fully test this.
+ # Stash current changes and change to new branch.
+ # Return to previous branch when context is exited.
+ @contextmanager
+ def checkoutbranch(self, branch, track=""):
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ # The stashid will remain empty if there were no changes in the
+ # directory to stash.
+ stashid=u""
+ try:
+ self.prevbranch=git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD").stdout.rstrip()
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to get the current branch")
+ try:
+ # TODO: do we want to do a blanket git add *?
+ stashid=git("stash", "create").stdout.rstrip()
+ # If there's no stash then there's no reason to save.
+ if stashid!="":
+ git("stash", "save")
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to get the current branch")
+ try:
+ # TODO This is a nop as it is.
+ git("rev-parse", "--verify", branch)
+ # if the branch exists the previous statement won't cause an
+ # exception so we know we can just check it out.
+ git("checkout", branch)
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ try:
+ # if it doesn't exist we need to checkout a new branch
+ git("checkout", "-b", branch, track).stdout.rstrip()
+ except ErrorReturnCode as exc:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to checkout -b %s %s" % (branch, track))
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ try:
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ git("checkout", self.prevbranch)
+ # If there's no stashid then there were no files stashed,
+ # so don't stash apply.
+ if stashid!="":
+ git("stash", "apply", stashid)
+ except ErrorReturnCode, exc:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to return to the previous branch: %s" % exc.stderr)
+ # TODO: Write a unit test for this.
+ def add(self, filetogitadd):
+ # TODO: Determine if filetogitadd is relative or absolute.
+ # TODO: verify that filetogitadd is in self.repodir
+ try:
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ git("add", filetogitadd)
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to git add " + filetogitadd)
+ # TODO: Write a unit test for this.
+ # TODO: fix the default
+ def commit(self, message="default"):
+ print "Committing changes."
+ try:
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ # Git commit first with a boiler plate message and then allow the user
+ # to amend.
+ if git("status", "--porcelain"):
+ # print git("commit", "-m", '%s' % message, _err_to_out=True)
+["git", "commit", "-m", message])
+ # using python sh will suppress the git editor
+["git", "commit", "--amend"])
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to git commit ")
+ def log(self, number):
+ try:
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ print git("log", "-n %d" % number)
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to git add " + filetogitadd)
+ # TODO: Does this need to 'cd' first?
+ def editFile(self, toedit):
+ editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
+ if not editor:
+ editor='/usr/bin/vim'
+ os.system(editor + ' ' + self.repodir + '/' + toedit)
+ self.add(toedit)
+ return
+ # TODO: Test this function with both dryrun=True and dryrun=False
+ def pushToBranch(self, tobranch, dryrun=True):
+ try:
+ # TODO: Check for un-merged commits.
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ branch=self.getbranch()
+ if dryrun:
+ git("push", "--dry-run", branch, tobranch)
+ else:
+ git("push", branch, tobranch)
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to push branch %s to %s" % (branch, tobranch))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.repodir
+# TestGitRepo is an abstract baseclass. Verify that the constructor
+# will throw an exception if you try to run operations without
+# defining a subclass.
+class TestGitRepo(unittest.TestCase):
+ repoprefix="GitRepoUT"
+ # This class is only used to test the GitRepo functions since, as an,
+ # abstract-baseclass, GitRepo doesn't define repodir, and we need an
+ # actual repository to test git based functions.
+ class DerivedGitRepo(GitRepo):
+ def __init__(self, proj):
+ super(TestGitRepo.DerivedGitRepo,self).__init__(proj)
+ self.remote=u''
+ dgr_dirname="release-notes"
+ self.repodir=self.proj.projdir + "/" + dgr_dirname
+ try:
+ with cd(self.proj.projdir):
+ git("clone", self.remote, dgr_dirname, _err_to_out=True, _out="/dev/null")
+ except ErrorReturnCode:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Git unable to clone into " + self.repodir)
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls.proj=Proj(prefix=TestGitRepo.repoprefix, persist=False)
+ cls.dgr=TestGitRepo.DerivedGitRepo(cls.proj)
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ cls.proj.cleanup()
+ # Test that the abstract baseclass throws an exception if one of the
+ # functions are called from the baseclass without a derived class.
+ def test_repo(self):
+ self.repo=GitRepo(self.proj)
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+ # We haven't set a repodir so this should throw an exception.
+ branch=self.repo.getbranch()
+ # TODO: Create a test-branch in the repo so it's always there.
+ def test_branchexists(self):
+ self.assertTrue(self.dgr.branchexists("remotes/origin/releases/linaro-4.9-2015.05"))
+ def test_not_branchexists(self):
+ self.assertFalse(self.dgr.branchexists("foobar"))
+ def test_getbranch(self):
+ with cd(self.dgr.repodir):
+ try:
+ git("checkout", "-b", "master_test", "origin/master").stdout.rstrip()
+ except ErrorReturnCode as exc:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to checkout -b %s %s" % (branch, track))
+ self.assertEquals(self.dgr.getbranch(), "master_test")
+ # TODO: Test checkoutbranch with various combinations of polluted
+ # directories.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eb4ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Author: Giampaolo Rodola' <g.rodola [AT] gmail [DOT] com>
+# License: MIT
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import contextlib
+import signal
+import sys
+def _sigterm_handler(signum, frame):
+ sys.exit(0)
+_sigterm_handler.__enter_ctx__ = False
+def handle_exit(callback=None, append=False):
+ """A context manager which properly handles SIGTERM and SIGINT
+ (KeyboardInterrupt) signals, registering a function which is
+ guaranteed to be called after signals are received.
+ Also, it makes sure to execute previously registered signal
+ handlers as well (if any).
+ >>> app = App()
+ >>> with handle_exit(app.stop):
+ ... app.start()
+ ...
+ >>>
+ If append == False raise RuntimeError if there's already a handler
+ registered for SIGTERM, otherwise both new and old handlers are
+ executed in this order.
+ """
+ old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _sigterm_handler)
+ if (old_handler != signal.SIG_DFL) and (old_handler != _sigterm_handler):
+ if not append:
+ raise RuntimeError("there is already a handler registered for "
+ "SIGTERM: %r" % old_handler)
+ def handler(signum, frame):
+ try:
+ _sigterm_handler(signum, frame)
+ finally:
+ old_handler(signum, frame)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)
+ if _sigterm_handler.__enter_ctx__:
+ raise RuntimeError("can't use nested contexts")
+ _sigterm_handler.__enter_ctx__ = True
+ try:
+ yield
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ except SystemExit, err:
+ # code != 0 refers to an application error (e.g. explicit
+ # sys.exit('some error') call).
+ # We don't want that to pass silently.
+ # Nevertheless, the 'finally' clause below will always
+ # be executed.
+ if err.code != 0:
+ raise
+ finally:
+ _sigterm_handler.__enter_ctx__ = False
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # ===============================================================
+ # --- test suite
+ # ===============================================================
+ import unittest
+ import os
+ class TestOnExit(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # reset signal handlers
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ self.flag = None
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # make sure we exited the ctx manager
+ self.assertTrue(self.flag is not None)
+ def test_base(self):
+ with handle_exit():
+ pass
+ self.flag = True
+ def test_callback(self):
+ callback = []
+ with handle_exit(lambda: callback.append(None)):
+ pass
+ self.flag = True
+ self.assertEqual(callback, [None])
+ def test_kinterrupt(self):
+ with handle_exit():
+ raise KeyboardInterrupt
+ self.flag = True
+ def test_sigterm(self):
+ with handle_exit():
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
+ self.flag = True
+ def test_sigint(self):
+ with handle_exit():
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
+ self.flag = True
+ def test_sigterm_old(self):
+ # make sure the old handler gets executed
+ queue = []
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda s, f: queue.append('old'))
+ with handle_exit(lambda: queue.append('new'), append=True):
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
+ self.flag = True
+ self.assertEqual(queue, ['old', 'new'])
+ def test_sigint_old(self):
+ # make sure the old handler gets executed
+ queue = []
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda s, f: queue.append('old'))
+ with handle_exit(lambda: queue.append('new'), append=True):
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
+ self.flag = True
+ self.assertEqual(queue, ['old', 'new'])
+ def test_no_append(self):
+ # make sure we can't use the context manager if there's
+ # already a handler registered for SIGTERM
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda s, f: sys.exit(0))
+ try:
+ with handle_exit(lambda: self.flag.append(None)):
+ pass
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+"exception not raised")
+ finally:
+ self.flag = True
+ def test_nested_context(self):
+ self.flag = True
+ try:
+ with handle_exit():
+ with handle_exit():
+ pass
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+"exception not raised")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382ed08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+import unittest
+import copy
+from series import Series
+from series import seriesFromBranchname
+from datetime import datetime
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+from vers import Spin
+from vers import Rc
+# Progression:
+# The Linaro release progression follows.
+# Snapshot 2016.01
+# spin 1 2016.01-1
+# spin 2 2016.01-2
+# Candidate 2016.01-rc1
+# rc 2 2016.01-rc2
+# Release 2016.01
+# Note: Remember, if a snapshot is respun to fix a
+# bug then the fix should be cherry-picked into the
+# release branch and a release-candidate spun from
+# from the release branch.
+# Candidate 2016.01-1-rc1
+# rc 2 2016.01-1-rc2
+# Release 2016.01-1
+# Inherit Series in order to provide Linaro specific rules on transitions
+# between series types. The baseclass Series doesn't have the toNext*
+# functions defined.
+class LinaroSeries(Series):
+ def __init__(self, seriestype, vendor=None, package=None,, spin=None, rc=None, strict=True):
+ # This is a dispatch table so that we can use a 'toNext' function based
+ # on an input type and it will call the correct toNextFoo function.
+ # This will work if the key is an integer or a string. Ideally this
+ # would be added to Series and we wouldn't need to derive, but I
+ # couldn't figure out how to get the pointer tables correct.
+ self.dispatchnext = {
+ Series.series.index("candidate"): self.toNextCandidate,
+ 'candidate': self.toNextCandidate,
+ Series.series.index("snapshot"): self.toNextSnapshot,
+ 'snapshot': self.toNextSnapshot,
+ Series.series.index("release"): self.toNextRelease,
+ 'release': self.toNextRelease,
+ }
+ super(LinaroSeries,self).__init__(seriestype, vendor, package, date,spin,rc, strict)
+ def toNextCandidate(self, date=None, strict=False):
+ if self.seriestype < 0 or self.seriestype >= len(Series.series):
+ raise TypeError('toNextCandidate on an unknown series type.')
+ candidate=copy.deepcopy(self)
+ candidate.seriestype = Series.series.index("candidate")
+ if date:
+ if not isinstance(date,datetime):
+ raise TypeError('date is not of type datetime.')
+ if self.seriestype == Series.series.index("candidate"):
+ candidate.rc.increment()
+ elif self.seriestype == Series.series.index("release"):
+ rc=Rc(1)
+ candidate.rc=rc
+ candidate.spin.increment()
+ elif self.seriestype == Series.series.index("snapshot"):
+ spin=Spin(None)
+ rc=Rc(1)
+ candidate.rc=rc
+ candidate.spin=spin
+ # If the user hasn't specified a date, the implicit behavior is to
+ # increment the date by 1 month when moving from a snapshot to a
+ # candidate.
+ if not date:
+ candidate.incrementMonth()
+ # If the user did specify a date and we're in strict mode we need to
+ # verify that the date they chose is exactly one month difference.
+ elif strict:
+ if != + relativedelta(months=1):
+ raise ValueError('toNextCandidate invoked with strict=True. Snapshot date to candidate date can only be +1 month difference.')
+ return candidate
+ if strict and !=
+ raise ValueError('Candidate date can only change if current series is a Snapshot when toNextCandidate is invoked with strict=True.')
+ return candidate
+ def toNextRelease(self, date=None, strict=False):
+ if self.seriestype < 0 or self.seriestype >= len(Series.series):
+ raise TypeError('toNextRelease called on an unknown series type.')
+ elif self.seriestype == Series.series.index("release"):
+ raise TypeError('A release series can not be the basis for another release. Move to a release candidate first.')
+ elif self.seriestype == Series.series.index("snapshot"):
+ raise TypeError('A snapshot series can not be the basis for a release. Move to a release candidate first.')
+ # Only a candidate can turn into a release.
+ release=copy.deepcopy(self)
+ # if we have a candidate and ask for a release rc needs to be None.
+ rc=Rc()
+ release.rc=rc
+ release.seriestype = Series.series.index("release")
+ if date:
+ if not isinstance(date,datetime):
+ raise TypeError('date is not of type datetime.')
+ if strict and !=
+ raise ValueError('Release date can not change as toNextRelease was invoked with strict=True')
+ return release
+ def toNextSnapshot(self, date=None, strict=False):
+ if self.seriestype < 0 or self.seriestype >= len(Series.series):
+ raise TypeError('toNextRelease called on an unknown series type.')
+ elif self.seriestype == Series.series.index("candidate"):
+ raise TypeError('Series of type candidate can not be the basis for a snapshot.')
+ if self.seriestype == Series.series.index("release"):
+ raise TypeError('Series of type release can not be the basis for a snapshot.')
+ # Only snapshots can be snapshots next.
+ snapshot=copy.deepcopy(self)
+ snapshot.seriestype = Series.series.index("snapshot")
+ snapshot.spin.increment()
+ if date:
+ if not isinstance(date,datetime):
+ raise TypeError('date is not of type datetime.')
+ if strict and !=
+ raise ValueError('Snapshot date can not change as toNextSnapshot was invoked with strict=True')
+ return snapshot
+ # toNext will take a 'key' as either a string representing the
+ # Series.series type or the index of the Series.series type, e.g.,
+ # 'candidate' or Series.series.index("candidate") and it will forward
+ # to the correct toNext* function as mapped in the dispatchnext
+ # dictionary.
+ def toNext(self, seriestype, date=None, strict=False):
+ return self.dispatchnext[seriestype](date, strict)
+# Helper function which creates a LinaroSeries from a properly formed branch name
+# input string.
+def linaroSeriesFromBranchname(branch=None):
+ # Create a Series using the helper function and then populate a
+ # LinaroSeries. TODO: There's probably a better way to do this such
+ # as a SeriesFactory that is overridden.
+ series=seriesFromBranchname(branch)
+ linaroseries=LinaroSeries(Series.series[series.seriestype], vendor="linaro", package=series.package , , spin=series.spin, rc=series.rc, strict=True )
+ return linaroseries
+class TestLinaroSeries(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_candidate_to_candidate(self):
+ candidate=LinaroSeries("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ candidate2=candidate.toNextCandidate()
+ self.assertEqual(candidate2.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1-rc2")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate2.seriestype, Series.series.index("candidate"))
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ #TODO test date and strict=True
+ def test_release_to_candidate(self):
+ # Test where spin is None and needs to be incremented.
+ release=LinaroSeries("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15))
+ candidate=release.toNextCandidate()
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1-rc1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.seriestype, Series.series.index("candidate"))
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ # Now test where spin is already non-zero.
+ release2=LinaroSeries("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1")
+ candidate2=release2.toNextCandidate()
+ self.assertEqual(candidate2.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-2-rc1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate2.seriestype, Series.series.index("candidate"))
+ #TODO test date and strict=True
+ def test_snapshot_to_candidate(self):
+ snapshot=LinaroSeries("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="6")
+ candidate=snapshot.toNextCandidate()
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.06-rc1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.seriestype, Series.series.index("candidate"))
+ self.assertNotEqual(,
+ # Verify that it's one month apart.
+ self.assertEqual(, + relativedelta(months=1))
+ # Make sure that the default date increment is just one month.
+ candidate2=snapshot.toNextCandidate(strict=True)
+ self.assertEqual(, + relativedelta(months=1))
+ # whether strict=True or not.
+ candidate3=snapshot.toNextCandidate(strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(, + relativedelta(months=1))
+ # If the user passed a date and strict=yes, make sure the increment is only one month.
+ candidate4=snapshot.toNextCandidate(date=datetime.strptime("2016.06.15", "%Y.%m.%d"), strict=True)
+ + relativedelta(months=1)
+ self.assertEqual(,plusonem)
+ # Make sure the date can be set without error when strict is False
+ candidate5=snapshot.toNextCandidate(date=datetime.strptime("2016.07.15", "%Y.%m.%d"), strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(, + relativedelta(months=2))
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Attempting to increment the date when strict=True should raise an exception.
+ candidate6=snapshot.toNextCandidate(date=datetime.strptime("2016.07.15", "%Y.%m.%d"), strict=True)
+ def test_unknown_to_candidate(self):
+ unknown=LinaroSeries("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ # Purposely override with an incorrect seriestype.
+ unknown.seriestype=99
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=unknown.toNextCandidate()
+ def test_candidate_to_release(self):
+ candidate=LinaroSeries("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ release=candidate.toNextRelease()
+ self.assertEqual(release.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1")
+ self.assertEqual(release.seriestype, Series.series.index("release"))
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ release2=candidate.toNextRelease(strict=True)
+ self.assertEqual(release2.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1")
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Attempting to increment the date when strict=True should raise an exception.
+ release3=candidate.toNextRelease(date=datetime.strptime("2016.06.15", "%Y.%m.%d"), strict=True)
+ # If strict=False and the date is changed, go ahead and change it.
+ release4=candidate.toNextRelease(date=datetime.strptime("2016.06.15", "%Y.%m.%d"), strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(release4.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.06-1")
+ self.assertNotEqual(,
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ release5=candidate.toNextRelease("2016.06", strict=False)
+ def test_snapshot_to_release(self):
+ snapshot=LinaroSeries("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="6")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ release=snapshot.toNextRelease()
+ def test_release_to_release(self):
+ release=LinaroSeries("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="6")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ release2=release.toNextRelease()
+ def test_unknown_to_release(self):
+ unknown=LinaroSeries("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1")
+ # Purposely override with an incorrect seriestype.
+ unknown.seriestype=99
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ release=unknown.toNextRelease()
+ def test_candidate_to_snapshot(self):
+ candidate=LinaroSeries("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ snapshot=candidate.toNextSnapshot()
+ # This would/should be the case if this wasn't and invalid option.
+ # self.assertEqual(snapshot.seriestype, "snapshot")
+ def test_release_to_snapshot(self):
+ release=LinaroSeries("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ snapshot=release.toNextSnapshot()
+ def test_snapshot_to_snapshot(self):
+ snapshot=LinaroSeries("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="6")
+ snapshot2=snapshot.toNextSnapshot()
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot2.getBranchname(), "snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-7")
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot2.seriestype, Series.series.index("snapshot"))
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ # Verify that the original hasn't changed. This verifies that a
+ # deepcopy is used on the toNext* functions.
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.getBranchname(), "snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6")
+ snapshot3=snapshot.toNextSnapshot(strict=True)
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot3.getBranchname(), "snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-7")
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot3.seriestype, Series.series.index("snapshot"))
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Attempting to increment the date when strict=True should raise an exception.
+ snapshot4=snapshot.toNextSnapshot(date=datetime.strptime("2016.06.15", "%Y.%m.%d"), strict=True)
+ # If strict=False and the date is changed, go ahead and change it.
+ snapshot5=snapshot.toNextSnapshot(date=datetime.strptime("2016.06.15", "%Y.%m.%d"), strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot5.getBranchname(), "snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.06-7")
+ self.assertNotEqual(,
+ # Verify that a date as a string generates an exception.
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ snapshot6=snapshot.toNextSnapshot("2016.06.15", strict=False)
+ def test_unknown_to_snapshot(self):
+ unknown=LinaroSeries("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1")
+ # Purposely override with an incorrect seriestype.
+ unknown.seriestype=99
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ snapshot=unknown.toNextSnapshot()
+ def test_snapshot_toNext(self):
+ snapshot=LinaroSeries("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1")
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.getBranchname(), "snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1")
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext("candidate")
+ # A Snapshot -> Candidate traversal always results in spin being set to zero
+ # and the first release candidate being created.
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.06-rc1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.seriestype, Series.series.index("candidate"))
+ # Make sure toNext works with 'index' as well as the type string.
+ candidate2=snapshot.toNext(Series.series.index("candidate"))
+ # A Snapshot -> Candidate traversal always results in spin being set to zero
+ # and the first release candidate being created.
+ self.assertEqual(candidate2.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.06-rc1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate2.seriestype, Series.series.index("candidate"))
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext("release")
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext(Series.series.index("release"))
+ def test_toNext_incorrect_keys(self):
+ snapshot=LinaroSeries("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1")
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.getBranchname(), "snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1")
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext("candidat")
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext("snapsho")
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext("releas")
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext(-1)
+ candidate=snapshot.toNext(len(Series.series)+1)
+ # Index out of range of the Series.series array.
+ # Test to see if the objects returned from the toNext* functions are
+ # new instances and not references to the input Series.
+ def test_toNextFOO_return_new_objects(self):
+ candidate=LinaroSeries("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ candidate2=candidate.toNext("candidate")
+ release=candidate.toNext("release")
+ self.assertIsNot(candidate,candidate2)
+ self.assertIsNot(candidate,release)
+ snapshot=LinaroSeries("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1")
+ snapshot2=snapshot.toNext("snapshot")
+ self.assertIsNot(snapshot,snapshot2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f8fa7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+import os
+import tempfile
+# Execute shell commands with the 'sh' package.
+from sh import rm
+# TODO: Take an existing directory as an input, which allows the benefits of a
+# Proj without having to create the directory. BUT make sure that
+# persist=True is forced in such cases.
+# This class represents the project temporary directory whose lifetime is
+# managed. It is not persistent by default.
+class Proj(object):
+ # @ persist - True, False or None. Only True persists.
+ # @ prefix - Optional prefix appended to projdir directory name.
+ def __init__(self, prefix="", persist=None):
+ # This allows string or bool inputs.
+ if str(persist).lower() == "true":
+ self.persist=True
+ longevity="persistent"
+ else:
+ self.persist=False
+ longevity="temporary"
+ #TODO: Take an option variable to pass to mkdtemp to collect all
+ # instances of Proj in to for testing purposes.
+ self.projdir=unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix), "utf-8")
+"Created %s project directory in %s" % (longevity, self.projdir))
+ def cleanup(self):
+ #FIXME: Only rm -rf if the directory exists. Make sure it's not / or /home
+# #TODO: make sure that persisdir isn't a mount-bind to /home
+ if not self.persist and self.projdir != "/" and self.projdir != "/home":
+"Removing project dir %s" % self.projdir)
+ rm("-rf", "--preserve-root", self.projdir)
+ self.projdir=None
+ else:
+"Project dir %s will persist" % self.projdir)
+class TestProj(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.persistdir=""
+ def test_create(self):
+ self.proj=Proj()
+ self.assertNotEqual(self.proj.projdir, "")
+ def test_create_dir(self):
+ self.proj=Proj()
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.proj.projdir))
+ def test_create_with_prefix(self):
+ self.proj=Proj("testprefix")
+ self.assertTrue("testprefix" in self.proj.projdir)
+ def test_create_with_persist_bool(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(persist=True)
+ self.assertTrue(self.proj.persist)
+ self.persistdir=self.proj.projdir
+ def test_create_with_persist_str(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(persist="true")
+ self.assertTrue(self.proj.persist)
+ self.persistdir=self.proj.projdir
+ def test_create_with_persist_false_str(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(persist="false")
+ self.assertFalse(self.proj.persist)
+ # Just in-case it wasn't set properly
+ self.persistdir=self.proj.projdir
+ def test_create_with_persist_false_bool(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(persist=False)
+ self.assertFalse(self.proj.persist)
+ # Just in-case it wasn't removed properly
+ self.persistdir=self.proj.projdir
+ def test_create_with_persist_capstr(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(persist="TRUE")
+ self.assertTrue(self.proj.persist)
+ self.persistdir=self.proj.projdir
+ def test_cleanup(self):
+ self.proj=Proj()
+ projdir=self.proj.projdir
+ self.proj.cleanup()
+ # Verify that the directory has been removed.
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(projdir))
+ def test_cleanup_with_persist(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(persist=True)
+ projdir=self.proj.projdir
+ self.proj.cleanup()
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(projdir))
+ self.persistdir=self.proj.projdir
+ def test_cleanup_with_persist_and_prefix(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(persist=True, prefix="thingy")
+ projdir=self.proj.projdir
+ self.proj.cleanup()
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(projdir))
+ self.persistdir=self.proj.projdir
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # if persistdir is set and isdir then remove it or we'll pollute /tmp.
+ if os.path.isdir(self.persistdir):
+ if self.persistdir != "/" and self.persistdir != "/home":
+ rm("-rf", "--preserve-root", self.persistdir)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..313c6ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# We use argparse rather than getopt because it allows us to setup a parser as
+# a separate object and then we can test input combination with an external
+# python script that uses the unittest module.
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+# handle_exit is a context manager which guarantees that the project temporary
+# directories are cleaned up when there are signals.
+from handle_exit import handle_exit
+from datetime import datetime
+from series import Series
+from gccclone import GCCClone
+from clone import Clone
+from linaroseries import LinaroSeries
+from linaroseries import linaroSeriesFromBranchname
+from proj import Proj
+from gitrepo import cd
+from template import TemplateRN
+from rnseries import CandidateRN
+from rngen import rngen
+# Cleanup the temporary project directory if necessary.
+def rncleanup():
+ if not rnProj:
+ # This will be the case if the script is run via the test driver.
+ print "No cleanup needed"
+ else:
+ rnProj[0].cleanup()
+def generate(track, todate, toseries, gccsource):
+ # Delay creating the Proj directory until now so that the parser (and
+ # parser validation functions) can be tested in the unittests without
+ # invoking the internals of this driver.
+ rnProj.append(Proj(prefix='rn', persist=True))
+ print "proj dir is: " + rnProj[0].projdir
+ # This will raise an exception if gccsource is not a git repository.
+ gccclone=GCCClone(rnProj[0], clonedir=gccsource)
+ #use gccsource to figure out the GCC Base Version and the FSF Version from the git commit history.
+ print 'gccbaseversion is ' + gccclone.get_base_version()
+ print 'fsf revision is ' + gccclone.get_fsf_revision()
+ trackSeries=linaroSeriesFromBranchname(track)
+ #rnclone=Clone(rnProj[0], remote=u'')
+ rnclone=Clone(rnProj[0], remote=u'ssh://')
+ # TODO: Check toseries to create the right *RN object.
+ nexRN=CandidateRN(rnProj[0], rnrepo=rnclone.clonedir(), trackseries=trackSeries)
+ nextSeries=nexRN.get_next_series()
+ if todate !=
+ raise RuntimeError('The date passed to this driver does not equal the date computed by LinaroSeries.toNext()')
+# print "toNext: " + nextSeries.getBranchname()
+# print "toNext: " + format(nextSeries, '%N/%d')
+ # TODO: What if 'track' is not a snapshot branch? To do this right we'd
+ # probably have to preserve basedon information in the release notes
+ # repository as a yaml file.
+# basedon=''
+# basedon=basedon + trackSeries.getDir()
+# print "basedon: " + basedon
+ rngen(nexRN, gccclone)
+# print 'gccbaseversion is ' + gccclone.get_base_version()
+# print 'fsf revision is ' + gccclone.get_fsf_revision()
+ # TODO: After the release notes are generated, the generated files need
+ # to be added, commit, and pushed.
+ # These changes are on the CandidateRN workdir branch.
+# Verify that the GCC Source is located where it says it is.
+class VerifyGCCSourceAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs):
+ if nargs is not None:
+ raise ValueError("nargs not allowed")
+ super(VerifyGCCSourceAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ print('%r %r %r' % (namespace, values, option_string))
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
+ print "gccsource: " + values
+ # We simply want to test that the directory exists. We'll prove that
+ # it is a git directory in a later step.
+ if not os.path.isdir(values):
+ sys.exit(2)
+def str_to_datetime(datestr):
+ # strptime will throw an exception if the input date is not a string or is
+ # not parsable.
+ if len(datestr) < 10:
+ inputdate=datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y.%m")
+ else:
+ inputdate=datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y.%m.%d")
+ # Force the 'day' to 15 to unify comparisons.
+ return inputdate.replace(day=15)
+def create_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="",
+ description='''Generate release notes.'''
+ )
+ # Positionals are required by default.
+ parser.add_argument('track', help='branchname of series to track.')
+ parser.add_argument('-g', '--gccsource', dest='gccsource', required=True, action=VerifyGCCSourceAction, help='location of the gcc source')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--date', dest='todate', required=True, help='the next series date in "YYYY.MM" form.', type=str_to_datetime)
+ # At least one of the following arguments are required.
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+ group.add_argument('-c', '--candidate', dest='toseries', action='store_const', const=LinaroSeries.series.index("candidate"))
+ group.add_argument('-r', '--release', dest='toseries', action='store_const', const=LinaroSeries.series.index("release"))
+ group.add_argument('-s', '--snapshot', dest='toseries', action='store_const', const=LinaroSeries.series.index("snapshot"))
+ return parser
+def main():
+ parser=create_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ generate(args.track, args.todate, args.toseries, args.gccsource)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+# logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ with handle_exit(rncleanup):
+ main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..004ad4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set tw=78 expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 autoindent smartindent:
+import csv
+import sys, getopt
+# For fileIO
+import os.path
+# Generate html files from textile files.
+import textile
+# Generate text files from html.
+#from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+# Jinja2 is the templating engine.
+from jinja2 import Template, FileSystemLoader, Environment
+from custom_wordwrap import do_customwordwrap
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from datetime import datetime
+from shutil import copyfile
+# To test if a remote file exists.
+import urllib2
+from series import Series
+from linaroseries import LinaroSeries
+from rnseries import CandidateRN
+from gccclone import GCCClone
+from rninput import finput
+def get_gcc_version(gccclone):
+ dct= {}
+ (dct["major"],dct["minor"],dct["revision"]) = gccclone.get_base_version().split(".")
+ return dct
+def rngen(candidate, gccclone):
+ #TODO Test that candidate is a CandidateRN
+ trackseries=candidate.get_track_series()
+ nextseries=candidate.get_next_series()
+ print "toNext: " + nextseries.getBranchname()
+ print "toNext: " + format(nextseries, '%N/%d')
+ # TODO: What if 'track' is not a snapshot branch? To do this right we'd
+ # probably have to preserve basedon information in the release notes
+ # repository as a yaml file.
+ basedon=''
+ basedon=basedon + trackseries.getDir()
+ print "basedon: " + basedon
+ basis_url=basedon
+# print 'gccbaseversion is ' + gccclone.get_base_version()
+# dct= {}
+# (dct["major"],dct["minor"],dct["revision"]) = gccclone.get_base_version().split(".")
+# print 'fsf revision is ' + gccclone.get_fsf_revision()
+ ver=get_gcc_version(gccclone)
+ print 'gcc major ' + ver['major']
+ print 'gcc minor ' + ver['minor']
+ fsf=gccclone.get_fsf_revision()
+ # The version numbering scheme changed with GCC 5. Now, every new release
+ # has the major version incremented. Prior to version five the minor was
+ # incremented per-release.
+ # TODO: read stable and maintenance information from a config file.
+ if int(ver['major']) <= 4:
+ gcc_version_path= u'' + ver['major'] + '.' + ver['minor']
+ stab_maint='Maintenance'
+ else:
+ gcc_version_path=ver['major']
+ stab_maint='Stable'
+ print "This is a %s candidate for GCC version %s" % (stab_maint,
+ gcc_version_path)
+ history=finput('Please enter the location of the changelog csv file: ', "6.1-2016.06.csv")
+ print "using the following .csv file: " + history
+ #month_year=format(nextseries, '%D')
+ outfile=u'GCC-' + ver['major'] + u'.' + ver['minor'] + u'-' + month_year.strftime("%Y.%m")
+# if spin != "":
+# outfile=outfile + u'-' + spin
+# if rc != "":
+# outfile=outfile + u'-rc' + rc
+ outfile=outfile + str(nextseries.spin) + str(nextseries.rc)
+ print "outfile: " + outfile
+ with open(history, mode='r') as backports:
+ backports_content =
+ in_memory_backports = StringIO(backports_content)
+ backportsDict = csv.DictReader(in_memory_backports, fieldnames=['rev', 'fsf', 'linaro', 'summary', 'target', 'type', 'notes', 'backport', 'owner', 'author'], delimiter=',')
+ backports.close();
+ release_type=nextseries.longuppertype()
+ spin=str(nextseries.spin).strip('-')
+ rc=str(nextseries.rc).strip("-rc")
+ template_dir=candidate.rntemplate.workdir()
+ series_dir=candidate.rnworkdir.workdir()
+ # Verify that the basis url is actually valid, otherwise the release notes
+ # will contain erroneous information.
+ url=urllib2
+ try:
+ ret = urllib2.urlopen(basis_url)
+ except url.URLError as e:
+ print "%s does not exist!" % basis_url
+ exit(1)
+ # TODO verify that the basis_url is a valid url and warn if not.
+ basis=u''
+ basis_ver=basis_url.strip("/")
+ basis_ver=basis_ver.rsplit("/",1)[1]
+ if basis_url.find("releases") == 1:
+ basis="Linaro Release GCC " + basis_ver
+ elif basis_url.find("-rc") == 1:
+ basis="Linaro Release-Candidate GCC " + basis_ver
+ else:
+ basis="Linaro Snapshot GCC " + basis_ver
+ release_string="Linaro GCC %s.%s-%s.%s %s" % (ver['major'],ver['minor'],month_year.strftime("%Y"), month_year.strftime("%m"),release_type)
+ print "The release notes for this %s will be generated based on: %s" % (release_string, basis)
+ # Get ready to do the rendering of the jinja2 templates into .textile
+ # format.
+ # relative path to the README.textile templates.
+ src_readme_path=u'/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/5/README.textile'
+ bin_readme_path=u'/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile'
+ # absolute path to README.textile templates.
+ template_src_readme=template_dir + src_readme_path
+ template_bin_readme=template_dir + bin_readme_path
+ # relative path to the README.textile.series templates.
+ # Note, the src templates don't have an extends (.series) file.
+ src_extends_path=u'/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/5/README.textile'
+ bin_extends_path=u'/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series'
+ # absolute path to README.textile.series template overrides. These are
+ # what are passed to the jinja2 rendering engine because they might
+ # override the default templates with version specific information.
+ series_src_extends=series_dir + src_extends_path
+ series_bin_extends=series_dir + bin_extends_path
+ # These are the README.textile files that exist in the series directory.
+ series_src_readme=series_dir + src_readme_path
+ series_bin_readme=series_dir + bin_readme_path
+ # Copy the template README.textile over the series README.textile file
+ # because the jinja2 engine will need access to the parent template. This
+ # will be overwritten with the generated README.textile later.
+ copyfile(template_src_readme, series_src_readme)
+ copyfile(template_bin_readme, series_bin_readme)
+ # After the script runs the *_series_template_path files are overwritten
+ # with the generated README.textile files.
+ src_readme=series_src_readme
+ bin_readme=series_bin_readme
+ # Setting lstrip_blocks=True lets us use indenting in jinja2 templates.
+ env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(series_dir), lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True)
+ # We need to use a custom wordwrap filter that doesn't line-break urls.
+ env.filters['customwordwrap'] = do_customwordwrap
+ source_archive_template = env.get_template(src_extends_path)
+ binary_archive_template = env.get_template(bin_extends_path)
+ announce_template = env.get_template(bin_extends_path)
+ # Generate the toolchain GCC source archive release notes.
+ source_textile_rendering = source_archive_template.render(
+ backports=backportsDict,
+ GCC_base_version=ver['major'] + u'.' + ver['minor'] + u'.' + ver['revision'],
+ FSF_rev=fsf,
+ basis=basis,
+ basis_url=basis_url,
+ year=month_year.strftime("%Y"),
+ dd_month=month_year.strftime("%m"),
+ rc=rc,
+ spin=spin,
+ stab_maint=stab_maint,
+ release_type=release_type,
+ package="GCC",
+ major=ver['major'],
+ minor=ver['minor'])
+ source_textile_rendering = source_textile_rendering.encode('utf-8')
+ out_source=u'' + outfile
+ out_binary=u'Linaro-' + outfile
+ try:
+ with open(out_source + u'.textile','w') as f:
+ f.write(source_textile_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote textile rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_source + u'.textile'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering textile source archive release notes.')
+ source_html_rendering = textile.textile(source_textile_rendering)
+ try:
+ with open(out_source + u'.html','w') as f:
+ f.write(source_html_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote html rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_source + u'.html'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering html release notes.')
+ # Generate the binary toolchain archive release notes.
+ binary_textile_rendering = binary_archive_template.render(
+ announce='',
+ year=month_year.strftime("%Y"),
+ dd_month=month_year.strftime("%m"),
+ rc=rc,
+ spin=spin,
+ major=ver['major'],
+ minor=ver['minor'],
+ stab_maint=stab_maint,
+ snap_rc_release=release_type)
+ binary_textile_rendering = binary_textile_rendering.encode('utf-8')
+ try:
+ with open(out_binary + u'.textile','w') as f:
+ f.write(binary_textile_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote textile rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_binary + u'.textile'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering textile binary archive release notes.')
+ binary_html_rendering = textile.textile(binary_textile_rendering)
+ try:
+ with open(out_binary + u'.html','w') as f:
+ f.write(binary_html_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote html rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_binary + u'.html'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering html release notes.')
+ # Generate the binary toolchain announce message.
+ announce_rendering = announce_template.render(
+ announce='yes',
+ year=month_year.strftime("%Y"),
+ dd_month=month_year.strftime("%m"),
+ rc=rc,
+ spin=spin,
+ major=ver['major'],
+ minor=ver['minor'],
+ stab_maint=stab_maint,
+ snap_rc_release=release_type)
+ announce_rendering = announce_rendering.encode('utf-8')
+ announce_file=u'announce-' + out_binary + u'.txt'
+ try:
+ with open(announce_file,'w') as f:
+ f.write(announce_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote text rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + announce_file
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering text announce message.')
+ # Copy the generated .textile file over the
+ # readme_series_dir/README.textile template file.
+ # WARNING: This must be done AFTER you generate the announce message
+ # because it uses the same README.textile template as the textile rendered
+ # release notes.
+ copyfile(out_binary + u'.textile' ,bin_readme)
+ print 'Wrote generated file ' + out_binary + u'.textile' + " to " + bin_readme
+ # Copy the generated .textile file over the
+ # readme_series_dir/README.textile template file.
+ copyfile(out_source + u'.textile' ,src_readme )
+ print 'Wrote generated file ' + out_source + u'.textile' + " to " + src_readme
+ candidate.rnworkdir.add(bin_readme)
+ candidate.rnworkdir.add(src_readme)
+ candidate.rnworkdir.commit("Generated Release Notes for " + nextseries.label())
+ candidate.rnworkdir.log(1)
+ # TODO: Ask if the user would like to push the release notes changes.
+ quit(0);
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d3d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# For fileIO
+import os.path
+# @message - The question to display to the user.
+# @default - The default if <enter> is hit.
+# @accept - The list of valid responses.
+# @retry - Whether to retry on a malformed input.
+# Returns 'y' or 'no'
+def yninput(message, default="n", accept=['yes', 'y', 'no', 'n'], retry=True):
+ # TODO: Test this
+ if default.lower() not in accept:
+ raise TypeError('Default as %s is not in list of accepted responses.' % default)
+ default_msg=" [y/N]: "
+ if default.lower() == "y" or default.lower() == "yes":
+ default_msg=" [Y/n]: "
+ while(1):
+ answer=raw_input(message + default_msg) or default.lower()
+ if answer.lower() not in accept and retry:
+ print "'%s' is an invalid response. Please try again." % answer.lower()
+ continue
+ else:
+ if answer.lower() == "yes" or answer.lower() == "y":
+ return "y"
+ return "n"
+# TODO: Test with a directory returned as the answer.
+def finput(message,orval):
+ while(1):
+ answer=raw_input(message) or orval
+ if os.path.exists(answer) and os.path.isfile(answer):
+ return answer
+ print "%s doesn't exist or isn't a regular file. Try again." % answer
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b02373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+import os
+from proj import Proj
+from sh import ls
+from shutil import copyfile
+from gitrepo import cd
+from clone import Clone
+from workdir import Workdir
+from series import Series
+from series import seriesFromBranchname
+from linaroseries import LinaroSeries
+from linaroseries import linaroSeriesFromBranchname
+from template import TemplateRN
+from rninput import yninput
+# Abstract base class for a release-notes series
+# Every RNSeries has a templateRN instance and a workdir. The template
+# instance is used for the base template.
+class RNSeries(object):
+ #rnremote=u''
+ # use ssh:// so that we can push to the remote.
+ rnremote=u'ssh://'
+ _series='components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series'
+ # @rnrepo - path to the existing releases notes repository if there is one.
+ # If there isn't one a new one will be cloned.
+ # @trackseries - an instance of a LinaroSeries to track.
+ # @nextseries - an instance of a LinaroSeries that is the next series.
+ def __init__(self, proj, rnrepo=None, trackseries=None, nextseries=None):
+ # Create the release-notes repository clone. The Clone constructor
+ # will throw an exception if proj is not a Proj. That is an
+ # unrecoverable error so don't catch it here. The Clone constructor
+ # will also throw and exception if rnrepo is not a string.
+ if rnrepo:
+'RNSeries() clone already exists. Using existing.')
+ self.rnclone=Clone(proj, clonedir=rnrepo)
+ else:
+ self.rnclone=Clone(proj, remote=RNSeries.rnremote)
+ # TODO: Write a testcase that exposes this.
+ if not trackseries:
+ raise TypeError("Input variable trackseries is required.")
+ # TODO: Write a testcase that exposes this.
+ if not isinstance(trackseries, LinaroSeries):
+ raise TypeError("Input variable trackseries not of type Series.")
+ # TODO: Write a testcase that exposes this.
+ if not nextseries:
+ raise TypeError("Input variable nextseries is required.")
+ # TODO: Write a testcase that exposes this.
+ if not isinstance(nextseries, LinaroSeries):
+ raise TypeError("Input variable nextseries not of type Series.")
+ self.trackseries=trackseries
+ self.nextseries=nextseries
+ self.proj=proj
+ templ_branchname=self.nextseries.shorttype() + "_" + self.nextseries.getDir()
+'RNSeries() Creating TemplateRN')
+ # Every release-notes series contains a 'template' workdir checked out
+ # into a new templ_branchname branch that tracks master.
+ self.rntemplate=TemplateRN(self.proj,self.rnclone, branchname_suffix=templ_branchname)
+ # We do this now because the SeriesRN workdir might be branched from the template.
+ self.rntemplate.updateTemplateReadme()
+ updateseries=self.rntemplate.updateTemplateSeries()
+ self.rntemplate.commit()
+ print "Please verify that your changes have been committed on the template branch."
+ self.rntemplate.log(1)
+ # It's possible that self.trackseries.getBranchname() doesn't exist
+ # (such is the case if we're creating the first candidate from a
+ # snapshot). In this case 'track' should be the local template branch
+ # so that we pick up the template changes.
+ if not self.rntemplate.branchexists(self.trackseries.getBranchname()):
+ print("Creating RNSeries based on branch " + self.rntemplate.getbranch())
+ self.rnworkdir=Workdir(proj=self.proj, clone=self.rnclone, workdir=self.nextseries.shorttype(), track=self.rntemplate.getbranch(), branchname=self.nextseries.getBranchname())
+ else:
+ print "You updated the template README.textile.series but this will not be reflected in the Candidate README.textile.series."
+ print "Creating RNSeries based on branch " + self.trackseries.getBranchname()
+ self.rnworkdir=Workdir(proj=self.proj, clone=self.rnclone, workdir=self.nextseries.shorttype(), track=self.trackseries.getBranchname(), branchname=self.nextseries.getBranchname())
+ print "Log of last commit on workdir branch:"
+ self.rnworkdir.log(1)
+ print "If you would like to make changes to the series release notes please update the the Candidate README.textile.series file:"
+ answer=yninput("Do you need to update the Candidate README.textile.series file?", "N")
+ if answer == "y":
+ self.rnworkdir.editFile(self._series)
+ else:
+ print "The Candidate README.textile.series file has not been updated."
+ self.rnworkdir.commit()
+ print "Log of last commit on workdir branch:"
+ self.rnworkdir.log(1)
+ # TODO: Don't forget to push template and workdir changes.
+ # self.rntemplate.pushToBranch("origin/master")
+ # TODO: Should the workdir know where to push to?
+ # self.rnworkdir.pushToBranch(self.nextseries.getBranchname())
+ def get_next_series(self):
+ return self.nextseries
+ def get_track_series(self):
+ return self.trackseries
+# Do we even need these, especially if they're all the same?
+class SnapshotRN(RNSeries):
+ def __init__(self, proj, trackseries, rnrepo=None):
+ if not isinstance(trackseries, LinaroSeries):
+ raise TypeError('The series input must be of type LinaroSeries')
+ nextseries=trackseries.toNextSnapshot(strict=True)
+ super(SnapshotRN,self).__init__(proj, rnrepo, trackseries=trackseries, nextseries=nextseries)
+class CandidateRN(RNSeries):
+ def __init__(self, proj, trackseries, rnrepo=None):
+ if not isinstance(trackseries, LinaroSeries):
+ raise TypeError('The trackseries input must be of type LinaroSeries')
+ self.nextseries=trackseries.toNextCandidate(strict=True)
+ super(CandidateRN,self).__init__(proj, rnrepo, trackseries=trackseries, nextseries=self.nextseries)
+class ReleaseRN(RNSeries):
+ def __init__(self, proj, trackseries, rnrepo=None):
+ if not isinstance(trackseries, LinaroSeries):
+ raise TypeError('The series input must be of type LinaroSeries')
+ nextseries=trackseries.toNextRelease(strict=True)
+ super(ReleaseRN,self).__init__(proj, rnrepo, trackseries=trackseries, nextseries=nextseries)
+class TestCandidateRN(unittest.TestCase):
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ testdirprefix="CandidateRNUT"
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls.proj=Proj(prefix=TestCandidateRN.testdirprefix, persist=True)
+'11111 Created Proj dir')
+ cls.rnrepo=Clone(cls.proj,remote=u'')
+'22222 Created clone dir')
+ cls.branch=u'snapshots/linaro-6.1-2016.06'
+ cls.series=linaroSeriesFromBranchname(branch=cls.branch)
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ cls.proj.cleanup()
+ def test_candidate_newclone(self):
+'33333 Going To Create CandidateRN')
+ candidatern=CandidateRN(self.proj, rnrepo=self.rnrepo.repodir, trackseries=self.series)
+'44444 Created CandidateRN')
+ self.assertEqual(candidatern.nextseries.longuppertype(), "Release-Candidate")
+ self.assertEqual(candidatern.nextseries.longlowertype(), "release-candidate")
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.proj.projdir + "/release-notes.git"))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.proj.projdir + "/candidate"))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.proj.projdir + "/template"))
+# def test_candidate_existingclone(self):
+# # Since this reuses an existing clone of a repository the
+# # release-notes.git directory should actually be a symlink.
+# candidatern=CandidateRN(self.proj, trackseries=self.series, rnrepo=TestCandidateRN.rnrepo.repodir)
+# self.assertEqual(candidatern.series.longuppertype(), "Release-Candidate")
+# self.assertEqual(candidatern.series.longlowertype(), "release-candidate")
+# self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(self.proj.projdir + "/release-notes.git"))
+# self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.proj.projdir + "/candidate"))
+# self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.proj.projdir + "/template"))
+# self.assertEqual(candidatern.rntemplate.getbranch().split("_")[0], "template")
+## self.assertTrue(candidatern.rnworkdir.getbranch().startswith("releases/"))
+# print "Based on: %s" % self.series.getBranchname()
+# print "Template Branch: %s" % candidatern.rntemplate.getbranch()
+# print "Candidate Branch: %s" % candidatern.rnworkdir.getbranch()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6475fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+import os
+import uuid
+from vers import Spin
+from vers import Rc
+from vers import Vendor
+from vers import Package
+from datetime import datetime
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+from vers import packageFromStr
+# A Series stores the instance characteristic that describes the output
+class Series(object):
+ series = ['candidate', 'snapshot', 'release']
+ serieslongupper = ['Release-Candidate', 'Snapshot', 'Release']
+ # @ seriestype - 'type' of either 'candidate', 'snapshot', or 'release'
+ # @ package - String or Package object representing the series package
+ # name with version string, e.g., 'GCC-5.3.1'
+ # @ vendor - String or Vendor object representing the vendor that is
+ # tagged on this series.
+ # @ date - String or 'datetime' object representing the YYYY.MM of this
+ # series. It defaults to 'today'
+ # @ spin - Optional Spin, str, or int
+ # @ rc - Optional Rc, str, or int
+ # This will make sure snapshot doesn't have an rc and release doesn't have
+ # an rc for instance.
+ def __init__(self, seriestype, vendor=None, package=None,, spin=None, rc=None, strict=True):
+ if isinstance(spin, Spin):
+ self.spin=spin
+ else:
+ # Spin will raise an exception if spin is the wrong type.
+ # A None parameter will create a Spin with an internal value of None.
+ self.spin=Spin(spin)
+ if isinstance(rc, Rc):
+ self.rc=rc
+ else:
+ # Rc will raise an exception if rc is the wrong type. A None parameter
+ # will create an Rc with an internal value of None.
+ self.rc=Rc(rc)
+ if isinstance(date, datetime):
+ # Force all of the days of the month to 15 to unify comparisons.
+ date.replace(day=15)
+ else:
+ # 'date' is a string. If the input date can't be parsed by datetime
+ # it will throw an exception. We can't recover from it so just pass
+ # it up.
+ if len(date) < 10:
+ tmpdate=datetime.strptime(date, "%Y.%m")
+ else:
+ tmpdate=datetime.strptime(date, "%Y.%m.%d")
+ # Force all of the days of the month to 15 to unify comparisons.
+ # If the input vendor=None just instantiate the default vendor.
+ if not vendor:
+ self.vendor=Vendor()
+ else:
+ self.vendor=vendor
+ if not package:
+ raise TypeError('Series requires an input package.')
+ elif isinstance(package, Package):
+ self.package=package
+ elif isinstance(package, basestring):
+ self.package=packageFromStr(package)
+ else:
+ # There can't be a defaut package because it requires a version.
+ raise TypeError("Series 'package' unrecognized type " + str(type(package)))
+ # We might want to uniquely identify a particular Series object.
+ self.uniqueid=str(uuid.uuid4())
+ # We store a seriestype as an integer into an enumeration array
+ # so that the names can be changed as desired.
+ try:
+ self.seriestype = Series.series.index(seriestype.lower())
+ except ValueError:
+ self.seriestype = -1 # no match
+ raise TypeError('Invalid series type %s.' % seriestype)
+ # rc can only be non-None for release-candidates.
+ if strict:
+ if self.seriestype == Series.series.index("snapshot"):
+ if self.rc.val != 0:
+ raise ValueError('A snapshot series cannot have an rc.')
+ elif self.seriestype == Series.series.index("release"):
+ if self.rc.val != 0:
+ raise ValueError('A release series cannot have an rc.')
+ if self.seriestype == Series.series.index("candidate") and self.rc.val is 0:
+ raise TypeError('A candidate series must have an rc specified.')
+ # namespace/vendor-package-version-YYYY.MM-spin-rc
+ self.fmt = {
+ '%N': self.getNamespace,
+ '%L': self.serieslabel,
+ '%P': self._getPackageName,
+ '%p': self._getPackageNameLower,
+ '%V': self._getVendor,
+ '%v': self._getVendorLower,
+ '%E': self._getVersion,
+ '%D': self._getYYYYMM,
+ '%d': self.getDir,
+ '%S': self._getSpin,
+ '%R': self._getRc,
+ }
+ def _getPackageName(self):
+ return self.package.pv
+ def _getPackageNameLower(self):
+ return self.package.lower()
+ def _getVendor(self):
+ return self.vendor.__str__()
+ def _getVendorLower(self):
+ return self.vendor.lower()
+ def _getVersion(self):
+ return self.package.version.strfversion("%M%m")
+ def _getYYYYMM(self):
+ return"%Y.%m")
+ def _getSpin(self):
+ return str(self.spin).strip('-')
+ def _getRc(self):
+ return str(self.rc).strip('-')
+ def __format__(self,format_spec):
+ ret=''
+ # Iterate across the dictionary and for each key found and invoke the
+ # function.
+ # self.fmt[idx]()
+ import string
+ ret=format_spec
+ for key in self.fmt.iterkeys():
+ # TOOD: Crap this isn't going to work because each function takes different parameters.
+ replac=self.fmt[key]()
+ ret=string.replace(ret,key,replac)
+ return ret
+ def serieslabel(self):
+ # Only the 'snapshot-' is used in a label.
+ if self.seriestype == Series.series.index("snapshot"):
+ return Series.series[self.seriestype] + u'-'
+ else:
+ return u''
+ def shorttype(self):
+ return Series.series[self.seriestype]
+ def longlowertype(self):
+ return Series.serieslongupper[self.seriestype].lower()
+ def longuppertype(self):
+ return Series.serieslongupper[self.seriestype]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return Series.series[self.seriestype] + "_" + self.uniqueid
+ def label(self):
+ label=str(self.vendor) + u'-' + self.serieslabel() + str(self.package)
+ label=label + u'-' +"%Y.%m")
+ label=label + str(self.spin) + str(self.rc)
+ return label
+ def incrementMonth(self):
+ = + relativedelta(months=1)
+ # TODO: provide a format function which can change the separator and
+ # capitalization, etc.
+ def getDir(self):
+ dirstr=self.package.version.strfversion("%M%m")
+ dirstr=dirstr + u'-' +"%Y.%m")
+ dirstr=dirstr + str(self.spin)
+ dirstr=dirstr + str(self.rc)
+ return dirstr
+ def getNamespace(self):
+ namespace=u'releases'
+ if self.seriestype == Series.series.index("snapshot"):
+ namespace=u'snapshots'
+ return namespace
+ # TODO: Document what a conformant branch name looks like.
+ # Return a conformant branch name from the Series information.
+ def getBranchname(self):
+ branchname=u''
+ if self.seriestype == Series.series.index("snapshot"):
+ branchname=branchname + u'snapshots/'
+ else:
+ branchname=branchname + u'releases/'
+ branchname=branchname + self.vendor.lower()
+ branchname=branchname + u'-' + self.package.version.strfversion("%M%m")
+ branchname=branchname + u'-' +"%Y.%m")
+ branchname=branchname + str(self.spin)
+ branchname=branchname + str(self.rc)
+ return branchname
+# Helper function which creates a Series from a properly formed branch name
+# input string.
+def seriesFromBranchname(branch=None):
+ if not isinstance(branch, basestring):
+ raise TypeError('seriesFromBranchname requires a basestring as input')
+ if not branch:
+ raise ValueError('seriesFromBranchname requires a non-empty string as input')
+ # Get the part before the '/'. That's the namespace
+ try:
+ namespace=branch.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise RuntimeError('string must be <namespace>/<everything_else>')
+ # Get everything after the '/'.
+ try:
+ seriesstr=branch.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise RuntimeError('string must be <package_name>-<package_version>')
+ if namespace == u'':
+ raise TypeError("Couldn't parse a namespace from input string")
+ if seriesstr == u'':
+ raise TypeError("Couldn't parse a series from input string")
+ keys=['vendor', 'version', 'date', 'spin', 'rc']
+ values=seriesstr.split('-')
+ dictionary=dict(zip(keys, values))
+ # if there is no spin but there is an 'rcX' in the spin key:value pair
+ # it means that there's really no spin but should be in the rc key:value
+ # pair.
+ if dictionary.has_key("spin") and "rc" in dictionary["spin"]:
+ dictionary["rc"]=dictionary["spin"]
+ dictionary.pop("spin", None)
+ # We need to have None fields in the missing keys for when we call the
+ # Series constructor.
+ if not dictionary.has_key("rc"):
+ dictionary["rc"]=None
+ else:
+ # strip the "rc" and just leave the int.
+ if dictionary["rc"].startswith("rc"):
+ dictionary["rc"]=dictionary["rc"][2:]
+ # We need to have None fields in the missing keys for when we call the
+ # Series constructor.
+ if not dictionary.has_key("spin"):
+ dictionary["spin"]=None
+ if dictionary["date"]:
+ datekeys=['year', 'month', 'day']
+ datevalues=dictionary["date"].split('.')
+ datefields=dict(zip(datekeys, datevalues))
+ if not datefields.has_key("day"):
+ datefields["day"]="15"
+ seriesdate=datetime(int(datefields["year"]), int(datefields["month"]), int(datefields["day"]))
+ if "snapshots" in namespace and dictionary["rc"]:
+ raise RuntimeError('A snapshots namespace can not have an rc. This is a non-conforming input.')
+ elif "releases" not in namespace and dictionary["rc"]:
+ raise RuntimeError('An rc must have a "releases" namespace. This is a non-conforming input.')
+ elif dictionary["rc"]:
+ seriesname="candidate"
+ elif "snapshots" in namespace:
+ seriesname="snapshot"
+ elif "releases" in namespace:
+ seriesname="release"
+ elif "snapshot" in namespace:
+ raise RuntimeError('"snapshot" is not a complete namespace. A conforming namespace is "snapshots".')
+ else:
+ # TODO test for unknown namespace.
+ raise RuntimeError('Unknown namespace in input string.')
+ package=Package(package="GCC", version=dictionary["version"])
+ series=Series(seriesname, package=package, date=seriesdate, spin=dictionary["spin"], rc=dictionary["rc"], strict=True)
+ return series
+from vers import versionFromStr
+class TestSeries(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_missing_seriestype(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ spin=Spin()
+ rc=Rc()
+ candidate=Series(package="GCC-5.3.1", spin=spin, rc=rc)
+ def test_no_match(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=Series("foobar", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ def test_partial_seriestype_match(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=Series("candid", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ def test_excessive_seriestype_match(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=Series("candidate2", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ def test_match_release(self):
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(release).split("_")[0], "release")
+ def test_match_candidate_wrongcase(self):
+ candidate=Series("Candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1",rc="1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(candidate).split("_")[0], "candidate")
+ def test_match_snapshot_wrongcase(self):
+ snapshot=Series("SNAPSHOT", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(snapshot).split("_")[0], "snapshot")
+ def test_longlowertype_candidate(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc="1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.longlowertype(), "release-candidate")
+ def test_longuppertype_candidate(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc="4")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.longuppertype(), "Release-Candidate")
+ def test_shorttype_candidate(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc="1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.shorttype(), "candidate")
+ def test_serieslabel_candidate(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc="1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.serieslabel(), "")
+ def test_serieslabel_release(self):
+ candidate=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.serieslabel(), "")
+ def test_serieslabel_snapshot(self):
+ candidate=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.serieslabel(), "snapshot-")
+ def test_empty_rc(self):
+ rc=Rc(7)
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc=rc)
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.rc.vers, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(str(candidate.rc), "FOO")
+ def test_empty_rc(self):
+ rc=Rc()
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc=rc)
+ self.assertEqual(str(release.rc), "")
+ release2=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(release2.rc), "")
+ def test_specified_rc(self):
+ rc=Rc(7)
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc=rc)
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.rc.val, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(str(candidate.rc), "-rc7")
+ def test_candidate_with_no_rc(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ rc=Rc()
+ candidate2=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc=rc)
+ def test_rc_as_string(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc="7")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.rc.val, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(str(candidate.rc), "-rc7")
+ def test_rc_as_int(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc=7)
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.rc.val, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(str(candidate.rc), "-rc7")
+ def test_rc_as_typeerror(self):
+ floatrc=7.0
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc=floatrc)
+ def test_rc_as_negative(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", rc="-1")
+ def test_missing_spin(self):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.spin.val, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(str(snapshot.spin), "")
+ def test_specified_spin(self):
+ spin=Spin(7)
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", spin=spin)
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.spin.val, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(str(snapshot.spin), "-7")
+ def test_empty_spin(self):
+ spin=Spin()
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", spin=spin)
+ self.assertEqual(str(snapshot.spin), "")
+ def test_spin_as_string(self):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", spin="7", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.spin.val, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(str(snapshot.spin), "-7")
+ def test_spin_as_int(self):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", spin=7, package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.spin.val, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(str(snapshot.spin), "-7")
+ def test_spin_as_typeerror(self):
+ floatspin=7.0
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", spin=floatspin, package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ def test_spin_as_negative(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", spin="-1", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ def test_empty_spin_and_rc(self):
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(release.spin.val, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(release.rc.val, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(str(release.spin), "")
+ self.assertEqual(str(release.rc), "")
+ def test_package_as_Package(self):
+ package = Package("GCC", "5.3.1")
+ release=Series("release", package)
+ self.assertEqual(str(release.package), "GCC-5.3.1")
+ def test_package_as_Package(self):
+ # Create a Version instead of a package
+ package = versionFromStr("5.3.1")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package)
+ def test_package_as_None(self):
+ package=None
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package)
+ def test_getbranchname(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ self.assertEqual(candidate.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1-rc1")
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc=None)
+ self.assertEqual(release.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1")
+ def test_date_string(self):
+ candidate=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date="2016.05.27", spin="1", rc="1")
+ self.assertEqual(datetime(2016,05,15),
+ candidate2=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date="2016.05", spin="1", rc="1")
+ self.assertEqual(datetime(2016,05,15),
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ candidate3=Series("candidate", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime("20161034234"), spin="1", rc="1")
+ def test_series_strict_true(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1", strict=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1", strict=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1")
+ def test_series_strict_false(self):
+ snapshot=Series("snapshot", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="6", rc="1", strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(snapshot.getBranchname(), "snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6-rc1")
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), spin="1", rc="1", strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(release.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-1-rc1")
+ release=Series("release", package="GCC-5.3.1", date=datetime(2016,05,15), rc="1", strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(release.getBranchname(), "releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-rc1")
+ # TODO: Test combinations of branch names with and without spins/rcs.
+ # TODO: Test whether seriesFromBranchname can detect non-conforming branch names.
+ # These tests will verify that a branchname can be read, a series created,
+ # and then the same branch name recreated.
+ def test_seriesFromBranchname(self):
+ branch=u'snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6-rc1'
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ series=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch)
+ branch2=u'snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6'
+ series2=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch2)
+ self.assertEqual(series2.getBranchname(),u'snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6')
+ branch3=u'snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05'
+ series3=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch3)
+ self.assertEqual(series3.getBranchname(),u'snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05')
+ branch4=u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6-rc1'
+ series4=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch4)
+ self.assertEqual(series4.getBranchname(),u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6-rc1')
+ branch5=u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-rc1'
+ series5=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch5)
+ self.assertEqual(series5.getBranchname(),u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-rc1')
+ branch6=u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6'
+ series6=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch6)
+ self.assertEqual(series6.getBranchname(),u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6')
+ branch7=u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05'
+ series7=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch7)
+ self.assertEqual(series7.getBranchname(),u'releases/linaro-5.3-2016.05')
+ branch8=u'snapshots/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6-rc1'
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ series8=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch8)
+ branch9=u'snapshot/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6-rc1'
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ series9=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch9)
+ branch10=u'snapshot/linaro-5.3-2016.05-6'
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ series10=seriesFromBranchname(branch=branch10)
+ # TODO: Test series.label (as there was a runtime bug)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
index ef2f3a9..73dfb97 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -696,6 +696,8 @@ elif (( VERBOSITY >= 3 )); then
set -x;
+# TODO: Validate BRANCH or TAG as valid.
# Track either the BRANCH or the TAG
@@ -828,6 +830,17 @@ print_info "${bold}Saved branch: ${save_branch}"
print_info "${bold}Checking out branch \"${local_branch}\"..."
pushd $REL_DIR/git 1>/dev/null
git checkout -B ${local_branch} ${track} 2>/dev/null
+# if a tag get the branch: git branch -a --contains tag
+# otherwise get the branch and use that for TRACK
+# Pass $REL_DIR/git as the gcc source directory for pulling the GCC base version
+# and the FSF version.
+# Determine the basis URL:
+# basis_url="${basedon}"
popd 1>/dev/null
print_info "${bold}Creating ${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot}${RELEASE:+release}${CANDIDATE:+release candidate} ChangeLog entries..."
@@ -881,6 +894,7 @@ pushd $REL_DIR 1>/dev/null
print_info "${bold}Creating tarball gcc-linaro-${rname}.tar.xz..."
tar cfJ gcc-linaro-${rname}.tar.xz gcc-linaro-${rname}
md5sum gcc-linaro-${rname}.tar.xz > gcc-linaro-${rname}.tar.xz.asc
+# TODO Move this to after the release notes generation?
ask "Do you want to upload the tarball to ${FILESERVER} [N/y] ?" user_ok
if [ "$user_ok" == "y" ]; then
scp gcc-linaro-${rname}.tar.* "${FILESERVER}"
@@ -915,3 +929,19 @@ popd 1>/dev/null
# Output the info a second time so it's all at the end of any captured logs.
+print_info "${bold}Generating release notes..."
+pushd $REL_DIR/git 1>/dev/null
+mydir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
+print_info "${bold}Generating release notes into ${REL_DIR}/git/"
+set -x
+ python ${mydir}/ ${track} -c -g ${REL_DIR}/git --date ${DATE}
+set +x
+popd 1>/dev/null
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f6a865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import uuid
+from sh import ls
+from proj import Proj
+from clone import Clone
+from workdir import Workdir
+from rninput import yninput
+class TemplateRN(Workdir):
+ _readme='components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile'
+ _series='components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series'
+ def __init__(self, proj, rnclone, branchname_suffix=None):
+ if branchname_suffix:
+ branchname='template_' + branchname_suffix
+ else:
+ branchname='template_' + str(uuid.uuid4())
+ super(TemplateRN, self).__init__(proj, rnclone, "template", track="origin/master", branchname=branchname)
+ # Todo move template workdir out of detached head state.
+ # TODO: Allow the user to edit BOTH the gcc-linaro/ and binaries/
+ # README.textile file as currently this function only does the binary one.
+ # TODO: Create Unit Test
+ def updateTemplateReadme(self):
+ answer=yninput("Would you like to update the Template README.textile file?", "N")
+ if answer != "y":
+ print "The Template README.textile file has not been updated."
+ return False
+ editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
+ if not editor:
+ editor='/usr/bin/vim'
+ print "Edit the README.textile template fragment if changes are needed."
+ os.system(editor + ' ' + self.repodir + '/' + TemplateRN._readme)
+ self.add(TemplateRN._readme)
+ return True
+ # TODO: Create Unit Test
+ def updateTemplateSeries(self):
+ answer=yninput("Would you like to update the Template README.textile.series file?", "N")
+ if answer != "y":
+ print "The Template README.textile.series file has not been updated."
+ return False
+ editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
+ if not editor:
+ editor='/usr/bin/vim'
+ print "Edit the README.textile.series template fragment if changes are needed."
+ os.system(editor + ' ' + self.repodir + '/' + TemplateRN._series)
+ self.add(TemplateRN._series)
+ return True
+ def getReadme(self):
+ return self.repodir + '/' + TemplateRN._readme
+ def getSeries(self):
+ return self.repodir + '/' + TemplateRN._series
+class TestTemplateRN(unittest.TestCase):
+ testdirprefix="TemplateRNUT"
+ # Every instance of TestClass requires its own proj directory.
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(prefix=TestTemplateRN.testdirprefix, persist=True)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.proj.cleanup()
+ def test_getREADME(self):
+ self.rnrepo=Clone(self.proj,remote=u'')
+ self.rntemplate=TemplateRN(self.proj,self.rnrepo)
+ compare=self.proj.projdir + '/template/' + TemplateRN._readme
+ self.assertEqual(self.rntemplate.getReadme(),compare)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.rntemplate.getReadme()))
+ def test_getSERIES(self):
+ self.rnrepo=Clone(self.proj,remote=u'')
+ self.rntemplate=TemplateRN(self.proj,self.rnrepo)
+ compare=self.proj.projdir + '/template/' + TemplateRN._series
+ self.assertEqual(self.rntemplate.getSeries(),compare)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.rntemplate.getSeries()))
+ # TODO: Test branchname_suffix
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6126a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+# Abstract baseclass for Vendor and Package that provides some basic
+# typechecking.
+class PV(object):
+ def __init__(self, pv=None):
+ if isinstance(pv, basestring):
+ self.pv=pv
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Input to PV must be of type basestring.")
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.pv
+ def lower(self):
+ return self.pv.lower()
+class Vendor(PV):
+ def __init__(self, vendor="Linaro"):
+ try:
+ super(Vendor,self).__init__(vendor)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise TypeError("Input 'vendor' must be of type basestring.")
+class Version(object):
+ # @major - required int or str representation of int.
+ # @minor - optional int or str representation of int, otherwise None.
+ # If None, then minor will not be output.
+ # @point - optional int or str representation of int, otherwise None.
+ # If None, then point will not be output.
+ def __init__(self, major, minor=None, point=None):
+ if isinstance(major, int) or isinstance(major, basestring):
+ # This will throw an exception if 'major' is an empty string.
+ self.major=int(major)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("major must be of type int, string.")
+ if isinstance(minor, int) or isinstance(minor, basestring):
+ # This will throw an exception if 'minor' is an empty string.
+ self.minor=int(minor)
+ elif not minor:
+ self.minor=None
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("minor must be of type int, string, or None.")
+ if isinstance(point, int) or isinstance(point, basestring):
+ # This is illegal, as it'd mess up the output and make it look like
+ # there's a minor that's really a point.
+ if not minor and point:
+ raise RuntimeError("minor must be specified if point is specified.")
+ # This will throw an exception if 'minor' is an empty string.
+ self.point=int(point)
+ elif not point:
+ self.point=None
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("point must be of type int, string, or None.")
+ def __str__(self):
+ ver=str(self.major)
+ if self.minor:
+ ver=ver + u'.' + str(self.minor)
+ if self.point:
+ ver=ver + u'.' + str(self.point)
+ return ver
+ # TODO: I'm sure there's a more pythonic way to do this but this is
+ # quick and dirty.
+ # %M - Major
+ # %m - Minor
+ # %p - Point
+ # delimiter - Delimiter character to use in output: space or dash.
+ # TODO: Use a dictionary with replace
+ def strfversion(self, formatstr, delimiter='.'):
+ toks=[str(x) for x in formatstr.split('%') if x.strip()]
+ delstoks=len(toks)
+ verstoks=0
+ if self.major:
+ verstoks=verstoks+1
+ if self.minor:
+ verstoks=verstoks+1
+ if self.point:
+ verstoks=verstoks+1
+ if delstoks > verstoks:
+ numtoks=verstoks - 1
+ else:
+ numtoks=delstoks - 1
+ vers=u''
+ for tok in toks:
+ if tok == 'M':
+ vers=vers + str(self.major)
+ elif tok == 'm':
+ vers=vers + str(self.minor)
+ elif tok == 'p':
+ vers=vers + str(self.point)
+ if numtoks > 0:
+ vers=vers + delimiter
+ numtoks=numtoks-1
+ return vers
+# Helper function which returns a Version.
+def versionFromStr(version):
+ if not isinstance(version, basestring):
+ raise TypeError('input must be of type basestring')
+ major=version.split('.', 1)[0]
+ # split('.',1) will return index error on "5" but will return empty string on "5."
+ # Any empty string is not a valid input into Version.
+ if major == u'':
+ major=None
+ try:
+ minor=version.split('.', 2)[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ minor=None
+ if minor == u'':
+ minor=None
+ try:
+ point=version.split('.', 3)[2]
+ except IndexError:
+ point=None
+ if point == u'':
+ point=None
+ return Version(major, minor, point)
+class Package(PV):
+ # @package - default = GCC
+ # @version - required. Either a string representing a version or a Version
+ # instance.
+ def __init__(self, package="GCC", version=None):
+ #TODO: Make sure package is not None.
+ if package == u'':
+ raise TypeError("Package must not be an empty string")
+ # TODO: Provide a list of known inputs and test against those?
+ try:
+ super(Package,self).__init__(package)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise TypeError("Input 'package' must be of type basestring.")
+ if not version:
+ raise RuntimeError("Package requires a version.")
+ elif isinstance(version, Version):
+ self.version=version
+ else:
+ self.version=versionFromStr(version)
+ def get_package(self):
+ return super(Package,self).__str__()
+ def get_version(self):
+ return str(self.version)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return super(Package,self).__str__() + u'-' + str(self.version)
+ def lower(self):
+ return super(Package,self).lower() + u'-' + str(self.version)
+ #TODO: Create format function which can change the separator to ' ' or to '-'.
+def packageFromStr(package=None):
+ if not isinstance(package, basestring):
+ raise TypeError('packageFromStr requires a string as input')
+ # Get the part before the version numbers. That's the package
+ try:
+ package_name=package.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise RuntimeError('string must be <package_name>-<package_version>')
+ try:
+ package_version=package.rsplit('-', 1)[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise RuntimeError('string must be <package_name>-<package_version>')
+ if package_name == u'':
+ raise TypeError("Couldn't parse a package name from input string")
+ if package_version == u'':
+ raise TypeError("Couldn't parse a package version from input string")
+ # This will throw exceptions if the input are malformed.
+ package=Package(package_name, package_version)
+ return package
+class Vers(object):
+ def __init__(self, val=None):
+ if val is None:
+ self.val=0
+ return
+ if isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, basestring):
+ # This should raise an exception if the string can't be converted
+ # to an int. If val is already an int it's a nop.
+ intval=int(val)
+ if intval < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Input val must not be negative')
+ self.val=intval
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Input val must be of type int or string.")
+ def increment(self):
+ self.val=self.val+1
+ # Return the "-<val>" string or an empty string.
+ def __str__(self):
+ # Don't return
+ if self.val is None or self.val == 0:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return "-" + str(self.val)
+class Spin(Vers):
+ def __init__(self, spin=None):
+ try:
+ super(Spin,self).__init__(spin)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError('Input spin must not be negative')
+class Rc(Vers):
+ def __init__(self, rc=None):
+ try:
+ super(Rc,self).__init__(rc)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError('Input rc must not be negative')
+ # The string representation differs slighty from Spin
+ def __str__(self):
+ # Don't return
+ if self.val is None or self.val == 0:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return "-rc" + str(self.val)
+class TestVersion(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_no_major(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ version=Version(major=None)
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ version=Version()
+ def test_empty_major(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=Version(major="")
+ def test_empty_minor(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=Version(major=5, minor="")
+ def test_empty_point(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=Version(major=5, minor=3, point="")
+ def test_non_int_major(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=Version('A')
+ def test_int_major(self):
+ version=Version(5)
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5")
+ version2=Version(major=5)
+ self.assertEqual(str(version2), "5")
+ def test_intstr_major(self):
+ version=Version("5")
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5")
+ version2=Version(major="5")
+ self.assertEqual(str(version2), "5")
+ def test_non_int_minor(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=Version(major="5", minor="A")
+ def test_int_minor(self):
+ version=Version(major=5, minor=3)
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5.3")
+ def test_intstr_minor(self):
+ version=Version(major="5", minor="3")
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5.3")
+ def test_no_minor(self):
+ version=Version(major="5", minor=None)
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5")
+ def test_point_no_minor(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ version=Version(major=5, minor=None, point=1)
+ def test_int_point(self):
+ version=Version(major=5, minor=3, point=1)
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5.3.1")
+ def test_non_int_point(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=Version(major=5, minor=3, point="A")
+ def test_intstr_point(self):
+ version=Version(major="5", minor="3", point="1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5.3.1")
+ def test_no_point(self):
+ version=Version(major="5", minor="3", point=None)
+ self.assertEqual(str(version), "5.3")
+ def test_strfversion(self):
+ version=Version(major="5", minor="3", point="1")
+ self.assertEqual(version.strfversion("%M%m%p", delimiter='-'),"5-3-1")
+ self.assertEqual(version.strfversion("%M%m%p"),"5.3.1")
+class TestVendor(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_vendor_default(self):
+ vendor=Vendor()
+ self.assertEqual(str(vendor), "Linaro")
+ self.assertEqual(vendor.lower(), "linaro")
+ def test_none_input(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ vendor=Vendor(vendor=None)
+ def test_str_input(self):
+ vendor=Vendor("TestVendor")
+ self.assertEqual(str(vendor), "TestVendor")
+ self.assertEqual(vendor.lower(), "testvendor")
+class TestPackage(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_package_no_version(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ # We require a version.
+ package=Package()
+ def test_package_default(self):
+ package=Package(version="5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(package), "GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.lower(), "gcc-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.pv, "GCC")
+ def test_none_package(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ package=Package(package=None, version="5.3.1")
+ def test_none_version(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ package=Package(package="GCC", version=None)
+ def test_with_Version(self):
+ version=Version(5,3,1)
+ package=Package(version=version)
+ self.assertEqual(str(package), "GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.lower(), "gcc-5.3.1")
+ def test_package_version(self):
+ version=Version(5,3,1)
+ package=Package(version=version)
+ self.assertEqual(str(package.version), "5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.get_version(), "5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.get_package(), "GCC")
+ def test_str_input(self):
+ package=Package("TestPackage", version="5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(package), "TestPackage-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.lower(), "testpackage-5.3.1")
+ def test_empty_package_name(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ package=Package(package="", version="5.3.1")
+class TestSpin(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_spin_val(self):
+ spin=Spin(1)
+ self.assertEqual(spin.val, 1)
+ def test_spin_val_str(self):
+ spin=Spin(1)
+ self.assertEqual(str(spin), "-1")
+ def test_spin_increment_val(self):
+ spin=Spin(1)
+ spin.increment()
+ self.assertEqual(spin.val, 2)
+ def test_spin_increment_str(self):
+ spin=Spin(1)
+ spin.increment()
+ self.assertEqual(str(spin), "-2")
+ def test_zero_spin(self):
+ spin=Spin(0)
+ self.assertEqual(spin.val, 0)
+ def test_zero_spin_str(self):
+ spin=Spin(0)
+ self.assertEqual(str(spin), "")
+ def test_none_spin(self):
+ spin=Spin(None)
+ self.assertEqual(spin.val, 0)
+ def test_none_spin_increment(self):
+ spin=Spin(None)
+ spin.increment()
+ self.assertEqual(spin.val, 1)
+ def test_none_spin_str(self):
+ spin=Spin(None)
+ self.assertEqual(str(spin), "")
+ def test_default_spin(self):
+ spin=Spin()
+ self.assertEqual(spin.val, 0)
+ def test_default_spin_str(self):
+ spin=Spin()
+ self.assertEqual(str(spin), "")
+ def test_negative_val(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ spin=Spin(-1)
+ def test_default_spin_str(self):
+ spin=Spin()
+ self.assertEqual(str(spin), "")
+ def test_spin_string_input(self):
+ spin=Spin("9")
+ self.assertEqual(spin.val, 9)
+ self.assertEqual(str(spin), "-9")
+ def test_spin_negative_string_input(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ spin=Spin("-9")
+ def test_float_type(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ spin=Spin(7.0)
+class TestRc(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_rc_val(self):
+ rc=Rc(1)
+ self.assertEqual(rc.val, 1)
+ def test_rc_str(self):
+ rc=Rc(1)
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "-rc1")
+ def test_negative_val(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ rc=Rc(-1)
+ def test_zero_rc_str(self):
+ rc=Rc(0)
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "")
+ def test_none_rc_str(self):
+ rc=Rc(None)
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "")
+ def test_default_rc_str(self):
+ rc=Rc()
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "")
+ def test_rc_increment_val(self):
+ rc=Rc(1)
+ rc.increment()
+ self.assertEqual(rc.val, 2)
+ def test_rc_increment_str(self):
+ rc=Rc(1)
+ rc.increment()
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "-rc2")
+ def test_none_rc_increment_str(self):
+ rc=Rc(None)
+ rc.increment()
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "-rc1")
+ def test_default_rc_str(self):
+ rc=Rc()
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "")
+ def test_rc_string_input(self):
+ rc=Rc("9")
+ self.assertEqual(rc.val, 9)
+ self.assertEqual(str(rc), "-rc9")
+ def test_rc_negative_string_input(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ rc=Rc("-9")
+ def test_float_type(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ rc=Rc(7.0)
+class TestPackageFromString(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_none(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ package=packageFromStr(package=None)
+ def test_with_package(self):
+ package=Package("GCC", "5.3.1")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ package=packageFromStr(package=package)
+ def test_with_no_package_name(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ package=packageFromStr(package="-5.3.1")
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ package=packageFromStr(package="5.3.1")
+ def test_with_no_package_version(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ package=packageFromStr(package="GCC-")
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ package=packageFromStr(package="GCC")
+ def test_with_space(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ package=packageFromStr(package="GCC 5.3.1")
+ def test_correct_usage(self):
+ package=packageFromStr(package="GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(str(package), "GCC-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.lower(), "gcc-5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.pv, "GCC")
+ self.assertEqual(str(package.version), "5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(package.version.major, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(package.version.minor, 3)
+ self.assertEqual(package.version.point, 1)
+class TestVersionFromStr(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_extra_dot(self):
+ version=versionFromStr("")
+ self.assertEqual(version.major, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(version.minor, 3)
+ self.assertEqual(version.point, 1)
+ def test_major_minor_point(self):
+ version=versionFromStr("5.3.1")
+ self.assertEqual(version.major, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(version.minor, 3)
+ self.assertEqual(version.point, 1)
+ def test_major_minor_dot(self):
+ version=versionFromStr("5.3.")
+ self.assertEqual(version.major, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(version.minor, 3)
+ self.assertEqual(version.point, None)
+ def test_major_minor(self):
+ version=versionFromStr("5.3")
+ self.assertEqual(version.major, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(version.minor, 3)
+ self.assertEqual(version.point, None)
+ def test_major_dot(self):
+ version=versionFromStr("5.")
+ self.assertEqual(version.major, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(version.minor, None)
+ self.assertEqual(version.point, None)
+ def test_major(self):
+ version=versionFromStr("5")
+ self.assertEqual(version.major, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(version.minor, None)
+ self.assertEqual(version.point, None)
+ def test_empty(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ version=versionFromStr("")
+ def test_non_int_major(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=versionFromStr("a.b.c")
+ def test_non_int_minor(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=versionFromStr("5.b.1")
+ def test_non_int_point(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ version=versionFromStr("5.3.a")
+ def test_non_string(self):
+ version=Version(5,3,1)
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ version=versionFromStr(version)
+ def test_none(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ version=versionFromStr(version=None)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e939dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+import unittest
+import logging
+import os
+import uuid
+from proj import Proj
+from gitrepo import cd
+from gitrepo import GitRepo
+from clone import Clone
+from clone import cd
+from sh import git
+from sh import git_new_workdir
+from sh import ErrorReturnCode
+# TODO: Set the git repo pushurl.
+class Workdir(GitRepo):
+ # @ clone - clone this workdir from this Clone.
+ # @ workdir - name of the proposed workdir.
+ # @ track - derive the workdir from the branch designated by the string
+ # in 'track'.
+ # @ branchname - the name of the local branch
+ def __init__(self, proj, clone=None, workdir="", track=None, branchname=""):
+ super(Workdir,self).__init__(proj)
+ # TODO: The Clone can be in a different project dir than proj. if
+ # clone.clonedir is not in proj.projdir then create a symlink in the
+ # current projdir.
+ if not isinstance(clone, Clone):
+ raise TypeError('Clone input parameter is not of type Clone')
+ if not isinstance(workdir, str):
+ raise TypeError('Workdir workdir parameter must be a string')
+ # An empty workdir would result in an empty variable expansion
+ # and a malformed git new-workdir expression.
+ if workdir=="":
+ raise EnvironmentError('You must specify a workdir directory when creating a Workdir')
+ if branchname=="":
+ raise EnvironmentError('You must specify a branchname when creating a Workdir')
+ try:
+ with cd(self.proj.projdir):
+"Workdir(): going to call git new-workdir tracking %s" % track)
+ if track:
+"Workdir(): Calling git new-workdir for workdir %s, tracking %s" % (workdir, track))
+ #TODO: Do we want to prevalidate that 'track' is a valid branch or tag?
+ # If we don't this will just throw an exception.
+ print git_new_workdir(clone.clonedir(), workdir, track, _err_to_out=True, _out="/dev/null")
+ else:
+"Workdir(): Calling git new-workdir for workdir %s, tracking %s" % (workdir, "origin/HEAD"))
+ # Always just checkout HEAD if the track is not specified.
+ print git_new_workdir(clone.clonedir(), workdir, "origin/HEAD", _err_to_out=True, _out="/dev/null")
+ except ErrorReturnCode as exc:
+ # if 'workdir' is None
+ # If 'workdir' already exists.
+ # If clone.clonedir() doesn't exist.
+ # If track isn't a valid branch.
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to create a git workdir ")
+ self.repodir=self.proj.projdir + '/' + workdir
+ try:
+ with cd(self.repodir):
+ git("checkout", "-b", branchname)
+ except ErrorReturnCode as exc:
+ raise EnvironmentError("Unable to checkout branch %s in workdir %s" % (branchname, self.repodir))
+ #TODO: Verify that self.repodir exists or 'raise' exception?
+ # TODO: write this function or the workdir will remain in detached
+ # head state if it's not checked out into a branch.
+ # def checkout(self, ):
+ def workdir(self):
+ return self.repodir
+class TestWorkdir(unittest.TestCase):
+ testdirprefix="WorkdirUT"
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ # We need a Proj dir to store the necessary Clone in.
+ cls.proj=Proj(prefix=TestWorkdir.testdirprefix)
+ #TODO: Perform a connectivity test to determine online or offline
+ # testing mode.
+ # We'll create a Clone to be used by all the Workdir tests in order to
+ # be nice to the git server.
+ cls.rnclone=Clone(cls.proj,remote=u'')
+ #OFFLINE: cls.rnclone=Clone(cls.proj,remote=u'/var/run/media/ryanarn/sidecar/reldir/release-notes')
+ # All further tests will use this as the remote if they need to
+ # create more clones.
+ cls.rnremote=cls.rnclone.repodir
+ # A common name to use for the workdir for all of the Workdir tests.
+ cls.workdir="testworkdir"
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ cls.proj.cleanup()
+ # Every instance of TestWorkdir requires its own proj directory.
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.proj=Proj(prefix=TestWorkdir.testdirprefix)
+ self.branchname="testworkdir-" + str(uuid.uuid4())
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.proj.cleanup()
+ def test_workdir(self):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, track=None, branchname=self.branchname)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.workdir.workdir()))
+ def test_workdir_with_default_track(self):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, branchname=self.branchname)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.workdir.workdir()))
+ def test_workdir_with_track(self):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, track="origin/HEAD", branchname=self.branchname)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.workdir.workdir()))
+ def test_workdir_with_checkoutbranch(self):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, branchname="startbranch")
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.workdir.workdir()))
+ # Test a new branch (derived from the existing branch)
+ with self.workdir.checkoutbranch("TestWorkdir", self.workdir.getbranch()):
+ self.assertEqual("TestWorkdir", self.workdir.getbranch())
+ # Verify that leaving the context restored the original branch.
+ self.assertEqual(self.workdir.getbranch(), "startbranch")
+ # Test being able to switch to a branch that already exists.
+ with self.workdir.checkoutbranch("TestWorkdir"):
+ self.assertEqual("TestWorkdir", self.workdir.getbranch())
+ self.assertEqual(self.workdir.getbranch(), "startbranch")
+ def test_workdir_already_exists(self):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, branchname=self.branchname)
+ # Should fail because TestWorkdir.workdir should already exist.
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.workdir2=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, branchname=self.branchname + '_2')
+ def test_workdir_exceptions(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=None, branchname=self.branchname)
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, track="someinvalidbranchname", branchname=self.branchname)
+ # Test if clone.clonedir() doesn't exist by breaking repodir.
+ brokenclone=Clone(TestWorkdir.proj,TestWorkdir.rnremote)
+ brokenclone.repodir="/breakthisrepodir"
+ # Verify that a Clone with a broken repodir/clonedir results in an
+ # exception.
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, branchname=self.branchname)
+ # 'clone' isn't a valid Clone type.
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone="foobar", workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, branchname=self.branchname)
+ def test_workdir_exceptions(self):
+ #TODO: branchname is empty.
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, track="origin/HEAD", branchname="")
+ def test_workdir_exceptions(self):
+ #TODO: branchname already exists.
+ self.workdir=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, track="origin/HEAD", branchname=self.branchname)
+ with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):
+ self.workdir2=Workdir(self.proj, clone=TestWorkdir.rnclone, workdir=TestWorkdir.workdir, track="origin/HEAD", branchname=self.branchname)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #logging.basicConfig(level="INFO")
+ unittest.main()