path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..004ad4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set tw=78 expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 autoindent smartindent:
+import csv
+import sys, getopt
+# For fileIO
+import os.path
+# Generate html files from textile files.
+import textile
+# Generate text files from html.
+#from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+# Jinja2 is the templating engine.
+from jinja2 import Template, FileSystemLoader, Environment
+from custom_wordwrap import do_customwordwrap
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from datetime import datetime
+from shutil import copyfile
+# To test if a remote file exists.
+import urllib2
+from series import Series
+from linaroseries import LinaroSeries
+from rnseries import CandidateRN
+from gccclone import GCCClone
+from rninput import finput
+def get_gcc_version(gccclone):
+ dct= {}
+ (dct["major"],dct["minor"],dct["revision"]) = gccclone.get_base_version().split(".")
+ return dct
+def rngen(candidate, gccclone):
+ #TODO Test that candidate is a CandidateRN
+ trackseries=candidate.get_track_series()
+ nextseries=candidate.get_next_series()
+ print "toNext: " + nextseries.getBranchname()
+ print "toNext: " + format(nextseries, '%N/%d')
+ # TODO: What if 'track' is not a snapshot branch? To do this right we'd
+ # probably have to preserve basedon information in the release notes
+ # repository as a yaml file.
+ basedon=''
+ basedon=basedon + trackseries.getDir()
+ print "basedon: " + basedon
+ basis_url=basedon
+# print 'gccbaseversion is ' + gccclone.get_base_version()
+# dct= {}
+# (dct["major"],dct["minor"],dct["revision"]) = gccclone.get_base_version().split(".")
+# print 'fsf revision is ' + gccclone.get_fsf_revision()
+ ver=get_gcc_version(gccclone)
+ print 'gcc major ' + ver['major']
+ print 'gcc minor ' + ver['minor']
+ fsf=gccclone.get_fsf_revision()
+ # The version numbering scheme changed with GCC 5. Now, every new release
+ # has the major version incremented. Prior to version five the minor was
+ # incremented per-release.
+ # TODO: read stable and maintenance information from a config file.
+ if int(ver['major']) <= 4:
+ gcc_version_path= u'' + ver['major'] + '.' + ver['minor']
+ stab_maint='Maintenance'
+ else:
+ gcc_version_path=ver['major']
+ stab_maint='Stable'
+ print "This is a %s candidate for GCC version %s" % (stab_maint,
+ gcc_version_path)
+ history=finput('Please enter the location of the changelog csv file: ', "6.1-2016.06.csv")
+ print "using the following .csv file: " + history
+ #month_year=format(nextseries, '%D')
+ outfile=u'GCC-' + ver['major'] + u'.' + ver['minor'] + u'-' + month_year.strftime("%Y.%m")
+# if spin != "":
+# outfile=outfile + u'-' + spin
+# if rc != "":
+# outfile=outfile + u'-rc' + rc
+ outfile=outfile + str(nextseries.spin) + str(nextseries.rc)
+ print "outfile: " + outfile
+ with open(history, mode='r') as backports:
+ backports_content =
+ in_memory_backports = StringIO(backports_content)
+ backportsDict = csv.DictReader(in_memory_backports, fieldnames=['rev', 'fsf', 'linaro', 'summary', 'target', 'type', 'notes', 'backport', 'owner', 'author'], delimiter=',')
+ backports.close();
+ release_type=nextseries.longuppertype()
+ spin=str(nextseries.spin).strip('-')
+ rc=str(nextseries.rc).strip("-rc")
+ template_dir=candidate.rntemplate.workdir()
+ series_dir=candidate.rnworkdir.workdir()
+ # Verify that the basis url is actually valid, otherwise the release notes
+ # will contain erroneous information.
+ url=urllib2
+ try:
+ ret = urllib2.urlopen(basis_url)
+ except url.URLError as e:
+ print "%s does not exist!" % basis_url
+ exit(1)
+ # TODO verify that the basis_url is a valid url and warn if not.
+ basis=u''
+ basis_ver=basis_url.strip("/")
+ basis_ver=basis_ver.rsplit("/",1)[1]
+ if basis_url.find("releases") == 1:
+ basis="Linaro Release GCC " + basis_ver
+ elif basis_url.find("-rc") == 1:
+ basis="Linaro Release-Candidate GCC " + basis_ver
+ else:
+ basis="Linaro Snapshot GCC " + basis_ver
+ release_string="Linaro GCC %s.%s-%s.%s %s" % (ver['major'],ver['minor'],month_year.strftime("%Y"), month_year.strftime("%m"),release_type)
+ print "The release notes for this %s will be generated based on: %s" % (release_string, basis)
+ # Get ready to do the rendering of the jinja2 templates into .textile
+ # format.
+ # relative path to the README.textile templates.
+ src_readme_path=u'/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/5/README.textile'
+ bin_readme_path=u'/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile'
+ # absolute path to README.textile templates.
+ template_src_readme=template_dir + src_readme_path
+ template_bin_readme=template_dir + bin_readme_path
+ # relative path to the README.textile.series templates.
+ # Note, the src templates don't have an extends (.series) file.
+ src_extends_path=u'/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/5/README.textile'
+ bin_extends_path=u'/components/toolchain/binaries/README.textile.series'
+ # absolute path to README.textile.series template overrides. These are
+ # what are passed to the jinja2 rendering engine because they might
+ # override the default templates with version specific information.
+ series_src_extends=series_dir + src_extends_path
+ series_bin_extends=series_dir + bin_extends_path
+ # These are the README.textile files that exist in the series directory.
+ series_src_readme=series_dir + src_readme_path
+ series_bin_readme=series_dir + bin_readme_path
+ # Copy the template README.textile over the series README.textile file
+ # because the jinja2 engine will need access to the parent template. This
+ # will be overwritten with the generated README.textile later.
+ copyfile(template_src_readme, series_src_readme)
+ copyfile(template_bin_readme, series_bin_readme)
+ # After the script runs the *_series_template_path files are overwritten
+ # with the generated README.textile files.
+ src_readme=series_src_readme
+ bin_readme=series_bin_readme
+ # Setting lstrip_blocks=True lets us use indenting in jinja2 templates.
+ env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(series_dir), lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True)
+ # We need to use a custom wordwrap filter that doesn't line-break urls.
+ env.filters['customwordwrap'] = do_customwordwrap
+ source_archive_template = env.get_template(src_extends_path)
+ binary_archive_template = env.get_template(bin_extends_path)
+ announce_template = env.get_template(bin_extends_path)
+ # Generate the toolchain GCC source archive release notes.
+ source_textile_rendering = source_archive_template.render(
+ backports=backportsDict,
+ GCC_base_version=ver['major'] + u'.' + ver['minor'] + u'.' + ver['revision'],
+ FSF_rev=fsf,
+ basis=basis,
+ basis_url=basis_url,
+ year=month_year.strftime("%Y"),
+ dd_month=month_year.strftime("%m"),
+ rc=rc,
+ spin=spin,
+ stab_maint=stab_maint,
+ release_type=release_type,
+ package="GCC",
+ major=ver['major'],
+ minor=ver['minor'])
+ source_textile_rendering = source_textile_rendering.encode('utf-8')
+ out_source=u'' + outfile
+ out_binary=u'Linaro-' + outfile
+ try:
+ with open(out_source + u'.textile','w') as f:
+ f.write(source_textile_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote textile rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_source + u'.textile'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering textile source archive release notes.')
+ source_html_rendering = textile.textile(source_textile_rendering)
+ try:
+ with open(out_source + u'.html','w') as f:
+ f.write(source_html_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote html rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_source + u'.html'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering html release notes.')
+ # Generate the binary toolchain archive release notes.
+ binary_textile_rendering = binary_archive_template.render(
+ announce='',
+ year=month_year.strftime("%Y"),
+ dd_month=month_year.strftime("%m"),
+ rc=rc,
+ spin=spin,
+ major=ver['major'],
+ minor=ver['minor'],
+ stab_maint=stab_maint,
+ snap_rc_release=release_type)
+ binary_textile_rendering = binary_textile_rendering.encode('utf-8')
+ try:
+ with open(out_binary + u'.textile','w') as f:
+ f.write(binary_textile_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote textile rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_binary + u'.textile'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering textile binary archive release notes.')
+ binary_html_rendering = textile.textile(binary_textile_rendering)
+ try:
+ with open(out_binary + u'.html','w') as f:
+ f.write(binary_html_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote html rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + out_binary + u'.html'
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering html release notes.')
+ # Generate the binary toolchain announce message.
+ announce_rendering = announce_template.render(
+ announce='yes',
+ year=month_year.strftime("%Y"),
+ dd_month=month_year.strftime("%m"),
+ rc=rc,
+ spin=spin,
+ major=ver['major'],
+ minor=ver['minor'],
+ stab_maint=stab_maint,
+ snap_rc_release=release_type)
+ announce_rendering = announce_rendering.encode('utf-8')
+ announce_file=u'announce-' + out_binary + u'.txt'
+ try:
+ with open(announce_file,'w') as f:
+ f.write(announce_rendering)
+ print 'Wrote text rendering to file %s' % os.getcwd() + u'/' + announce_file
+ except IOError as e:
+ sys.exit('Error rendering text announce message.')
+ # Copy the generated .textile file over the
+ # readme_series_dir/README.textile template file.
+ # WARNING: This must be done AFTER you generate the announce message
+ # because it uses the same README.textile template as the textile rendered
+ # release notes.
+ copyfile(out_binary + u'.textile' ,bin_readme)
+ print 'Wrote generated file ' + out_binary + u'.textile' + " to " + bin_readme
+ # Copy the generated .textile file over the
+ # readme_series_dir/README.textile template file.
+ copyfile(out_source + u'.textile' ,src_readme )
+ print 'Wrote generated file ' + out_source + u'.textile' + " to " + src_readme
+ candidate.rnworkdir.add(bin_readme)
+ candidate.rnworkdir.add(src_readme)
+ candidate.rnworkdir.commit("Generated Release Notes for " + nextseries.label())
+ candidate.rnworkdir.log(1)
+ # TODO: Ask if the user would like to push the release notes changes.
+ quit(0);
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])