#!/bin/bash # Style NC='\e[0m' red='\e[0;31m' blue='\e[1;34m' green='\e[0;32m' bold='\e[1m' italic='\e[3m' lines="$(perl -E 'say "-" x 80')" EDITOR="${EDITOR:-vim}" # ============================================================================== # Usage and Help # ============================================================================== usage() { # Format this section with 75 columns. cat << EOF ${release_script} [-a FILE] [-b BRANCH] [-d DATE] [-h] [-e REMOTE] -n [-r [RC] [SPIN]] [-R [SPIN]] [-S [SPIN]] [-t TAG] [-u] EOF return 0 } extended_usage() { echo -e "${bold}Usage:${NC}" usage; print_info "Run \"${release_script} -help\" for detailed usage information." } help() { # Format this section of text with 75 columns. #cat << EOF echo -e "\ ${bold}NAME${NC} ${release_script} - The Linaro GCC snapshot, and release script. ${bold}SYNOPSIS${NC}" usage echo -e "\ ${bold}DESCRIPTION${NC}" echo -e "\ \"${release_script}\" is a utility that is used to create tarballs and branches for Linaro toolchain GCC monthly snapshots, quarterly releases. By default ${release_script} creates a snapshot tarball, branch, and tag. ${bold}PRECONDITIONS${NC} ${release_script} needs to be executed in the top-level GCC source directory. The GCC source directory must be a git repository. This script will not work on a GCC source tarball or a GCC SVN repository. The GCC source git repository must have the branch that the release or snapshot will based on currently checked out. ${bold}OPTIONS${NC}" cat << EOF -a FILE FILE is the path to the optional amend file to pass to gitlog-to-changelog. For more information on how to use this feature please run gitlog-to-changelog --help. -b BRANCH Derive (track) the snapshot, release, or release candidate from branch BRANCH. The default is to use the existing branch. Using -t with -b is not allowed since -t and -b are both aliases for a single commit. -d DATE Create DATE snapshot or release. The DATE may be in the following formats: YYYY.MM, YYYY-MM, YYYY/MM, YYYY.MM.DD, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD. The Default is the current date. -e REMOTE This specifies the remote (as REMOTE) to use when outputting the push instructions. NOTE: This script does not actually push to the remotes. It is necessary to designate an alternate FSF remote in order to push tags and gcc/LINARO-VERSION updates to the upstream branches for snapshots. -h Print this extended help text. -n No build. Skip the 'build' stage. -R [SPIN] This tells ${release_script} to create a release tarball, branch and tag with an optional spin number SPIN. By default no SPIN number is used. SPIN must be > 0 if specified. -S [SPIN] [Default] This explicitly tells ${release_script} to create a snapshot tarball, branch, and tag with an optional spin number SPIN. By default no SPIN number is used. SPIN must be > 0 if specified. -r [RC] [SPIN] This tells ${release_script} to create a release candidate tarball, branch and tag with an optional release candidate number RC and an optional spin number SPIN. By default RC number '1' is used and SPIN is left blank/off. RC must be >= 1. SPIN must be >= 1 if used. This option will append "[-SPIN]-rcRC" on the end of the release string. Note: If you want to specify a SPIN you MUST specify an RC argument as well or ${release_script} will make the first argument the RC value. -t TAG Derive (track) the snapshot, release, or release candidate from tag TAG. The default is to use the existing branch and not use a TAG. Using -t with -b is not allowed since -t and -b are both aliases for a single commit. -u EOF echo -e "\ Print the short form usage text. See '${bold}SYNOPSIS${NC}' above. ${bold}EXAMPLES${NC} ${bold}Snapshot Examples: ${bold}Implicit Snapshot Based on Current Branch:${NC} ${release_script} ${bold}Explicit Snapshot Based on Current Branch With Today's Date:${NC} ${release_script} -S ${bold}Snapshot Based on Current Branch With Commit Message Fixup With Today's Date:${NC} ${release_script} -S \\ -a /tcwg-release-tools/gitlog-amend-gcc-5 ${bold}Snapshot Based on Linaro GCC 5 Branch With Today's Date:${NC} ${release_script} -S -b remotes/origin/linaro/gcc-5-branch ${bold}Respin Snapshot Based On A Snapshot Branch And An Explicit Date:${NC} ${release_script} -S 1 -d 2015.06 \\ -b remotes/origin/linaro-local/snapshots/linaro-5.1-2015.06 ${bold}Release Candidate Examples: ${bold}Release Candidate With Implicit Spin Number Based On A Snapshot Branch And An Explicit Date:${NC} ${release_script} -d 2015.06 \\ -b remotes/origin/linaro-local/snapshots/linaro-5.1-2015.06 ${bold}Release Candidate Based On A Snapshot Branch And An Explicit Date:${NC} ${release_script} -r 1 -d 2015.06 \\ -b remotes/origin/linaro-local/snapshots/linaro-5.1-2015.06 ${bold}Release Candidate Respin Based On The Release Branch With An Explicit Date:${NC} ${release_script} -r 2 -d 2015.06 \\ -b remotes/origin/linaro-local/releases/linaro-5.1-2015.06 ${bold}Release Examples: ${bold}Release Based on Current Branch With Today's Date:${NC} ${release_script} -R ${bold}Release Based on Release Branch With An Explicit Date:${NC} ${release_script} -R -d 2015.05 \\ -b remotes/origin/linaro-local/releases/linaro-5.1-2015.06 ${bold}Release Respin Based on Release Branch With An Explicit Date:${NC} ${release_script} -R 1 -d 2015.05 \\ -b remotes/origin/linaro-local/releases/linaro-5.1-2015.06 ${bold}AUTHORS${NC} ${release_script} was written by: Yvan Roux Christophe Lyon Ryan S Arnold " return 0 } # ============================================================================== # Functions # ============================================================================== print_step() { echo -e "${blue}${lines}\n${red}** ${1}\n${blue}${lines}${NC}\n" } print_info() { echo -e "${blue}** ${NC}${1}${NC}" } clean() { # This will bring us back to the starting directory even if we're already # there. popd &>/dev/null ask "May I remove ${REL_DIR}/git [N/y] ?" user_ok if [ "$user_ok" = "y" ]; then if [ -d "$REL_DIR/git" ]; then rm -rf $REL_DIR/git if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then print_info "Removed ${REL_DIR}/git" fi fi fi git_out="" # check to see if the local_branch has been created. git rev-parse --verify ${local_branch} &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ask "May I remove the local branch named \"${local_branch}\" as part of the cleanup process [N/y] ?" user_ok if [ "$user_ok" = "y" ]; then git_out=$(git branch -D ${local_branch}) print_info "${git_out}" fi fi if [ "${SNAPSHOT:+set}" = "set" ]; then # check to see if the local_int_branch has been created. git rev-parse --verify ${local_int_branch} &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ask "May I remove the local integration branch named \"${local_int_branch}\" as part of the cleanup process [N/y] ?" user_ok if [ "$user_ok" = "y" ]; then git_out=$(git branch -D ${local_int_branch}) print_info "${git_out}" fi fi fi # If there is a tag created/associated with this release then it should be # removed as well. if [ x"$(git tag -l ${release_tag})" != x ]; then ask "May I remove the local tag named \"${release_tag}\" as part of the cleanup process [N/y] ?" user_ok if [ "$user_ok" = "y" ]; then git_out=$(git tag -d ${release_tag}) print_info "${git_out}" fi fi } clean_and_die() { echo -e "${red}${bold}ERROR: ${NC}${bold}${1}${NC}" clean exit 1 } die() { echo -e "${red}${bold}ERROR: ${NC}${bold}${1}${NC}" exit 1 } handle_ctrl_c() { clean_and_die "User hit ctrl-c. Operation aborted." } # arg1: a date in any format # print a sanitized version of the date, or the error # as generated by `date` if the input is invalid. The # return value is non-zero if there's an error. sanitize_input_date() { local in_date="$1" in_date=${in_date//./-} # If the in_date doesn't include the 'day' add it on # because `date` expects it. [[ ${#in_date} -lt 8 ]] && { in_date="${in_date}-01"; } local sanitized_date= sanitized_date="$(date -d ${in_date} +%Y-%m-%d 2>&1)" ret=$? echo "${sanitized_date}" return $ret; } # arg1 : a sentence # arg2 : a variable # print arg1 and gather user input in arg2 ask() { echo -n -e "${blue}** ${NC}${bold}${1} ${NC}" eval "read ${2}" } changelog() { echo "${SNAPSHOT:+Snapshot }${release}" > $REL_DIR/git/gcc/LINARO-VERSION for cl in $(find $REL_DIR/git -name 'ChangeLog.linaro'); do if [ x"$cl" = x"$REL_DIR/git/gcc/ChangeLog.linaro" ]; then cat - $cl > $cl.new < $chglmsg * LINARO-VERSION: Update. EOF else cat - $cl > $cl.new < $chglmsg EOF fi mv $cl.new $cl done pushd $REL_DIR/git 1>/dev/null if [ ${vstring%%.*} -ge "5" ]; then git commit -a -F- </dev/null } bump_and_dev() { local bump_to="$1" echo "${bump_to}" > $REL_DIR/git/gcc/LINARO-VERSION pushd $REL_DIR/git 1>/dev/null git commit -q -a -F- </dev/null } export_source() { pushd $REL_DIR/git 1>/dev/null git checkout-index -f -a --prefix=$REL_DIR/gcc-linaro-${rname}/ popd 1>/dev/null } build() { pushd $REL_DIR/gcc-linaro-${rname} 1>/dev/null env SOURCEDIR="$PWD/gcc/doc" DESTDIR="$PWD/INSTALL" ./gcc/doc/install.texi2html env MAKE="make -j4" contrib/gcc_build -d $REL_DIR/gcc-linaro-${rname} \ -o $REL_DIR/objdir -c \ "--enable-generated-files-in-srcdir --disable-multilib" build mv -v $REL_DIR/objdir/gcc/po/*.gmo $REL_DIR/gcc-linaro-${rname}/gcc/po/ popd 1>/dev/null } md5() { pushd $REL_DIR/gcc-linaro-${rname} 1>/dev/null cat - >MD5SUMS <>MD5SUMS popd 1>/dev/null } tag() { git tag -a ${release_tag} -m "${tagmsg}" if [ $? != 0 ]; then clean_and_die "Creation of git tag ${release_tag} failed." fi # Query the git repo for the tag as a sanity step. print_info "${bold}Created tag \"${red}$(git tag -l ${release_tag})${NC}${bold}\" with tag message \"${red}${tagmsg}${NC}${bold}\"" ask "Does this look right [N/y] ?" user_ok if [ "$user_ok" != "y" ]; then clean exit 1 fi } info() { print_info "${bold}${italic}You are about to create ${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot }${RELEASE:+release }${CANDIDATE:+release candidate }${red}${rname}" print_info "${bold}+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print_info "${bold}+ Tracking remote ${BRANCH:+branch}${TAG:+tag}:" print_info "${bold}| ${red}${track}" print_info "${bold}+ With new local branch:" print_info "${bold}| ${red}${local_branch}" print_info "${bold}+ The ${RELEASE:+release}${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot}${CANDIDATE:+release candidate} will be tagged as:" print_info "${bold}| ${red}${release_tag}" print_info "${bold}+ The local branch has gcc/LINARO-VERSION set:" print_info "${bold}| ${italic}to: ${red}$(git show ${track}:gcc/LINARO-VERSION)" print_info "${bold}+ For the ${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot}${RELEASE:+release}${CANDIDATE:+release candidate} gcc/LINARO-VERSION will be set:" print_info "${bold}| ${italic}to: ${red}${SNAPSHOT:+Snapshot }${release}" print_info "${bold}+ The gcc/LINARO-VERSION will be bumped:" print_info "${bold}| ${italic}to: ${red}${bump_mode_to}" print_info "${bold}+ The local branch should be pushed to:" print_info "${bold}| ${red}${remote_mode_branch}" if [ "${SNAPSHOT:+set}" = "set" ]; then print_info "${bold}| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" print_info "${bold}| + The local integration branch is:" print_info "${bold}| | ${red}${local_int_branch}" print_info "${bold}| + The local integration branch will have gcc/LINARO-VERSION bumped:" print_info "${bold}| | ${italic}from: ${red}$(git show ${remote_int__branch}:gcc/LINARO-VERSION)" print_info "${bold}| | ${italic}to: ${red}${bump_int_to}" print_info "${bold}| + The local integration branch should be pushed to:" print_info "${bold}| | ${red}${remote_int_branch}" print_info "${bold}+--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" else print_info "${bold}+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi } hint() { url=$(git config --get remote.${REMOTE}.url) if [ x"${url}" = x ]; then print_info "Couldn't determine viable url from remote \"${REMOTE}\"" fi print_info "${bold}Push local tag ${red}${release_tag}${NC}${bold} to remote \"${REMOTE}\" with:" print_info " git push ${url/https:\/\//ssh://git@} ${release_tag}" print_info "${bold}local branch ${red}${local_branch}${NC}${bold} to remote \"${REMOTE}\" with:" print_info " git push ${url/https:\/\//ssh://git@} ${local_branch}:${remote_mode_branch/remotes\/${REMOTE}/refs/heads}" if [ "${SNAPSHOT:+set}" = "set" ]; then print_info "${bold}local integration branch ${red}${local_int_branch}${NC}${bold} to remote \"${REMOTE}\" with:" print_info " git push ${url/https:\/\//ssh://git@} ${local_int_branch}:${remote_int_branch/remotes\/${REMOTE}/refs/heads}" print_info "" print_info "${italic}${bold}Note: ${NC}${italic}Someone with FSF write permission will need to cherry-pick the remote_int_branch changes into" print_info " refs/heads/fsf/linaro/gcc-${vstring%.*}-branch." fi print_info "" print_info "${bold}The ${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot}${RELEASE:+release}${CANDIDATE:+release candidate} tarball is in:" print_info " ${REL_DIR}/gcc-linaro-${rname}.tar.xz" } # ============================================================================== # Settings # ============================================================================== # Clear the directory stack so a popd in clean() always returns us to the right # place. dirs -c GIT_REPO="$PWD" # Leave these unset by default! SPIN= RELEASE= SNAPSHOT= RC= CANDIDATE= REMOTE= BUILD="build" NAME="$(git config user.name)" EMAIL="$(git config user.email)" today="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" gitlog_amend= release_script="$(basename "$0")" # Arguments. The first colon puts getopts into silent error reporting mode # which sets $OPTARG to the unknown option if one is encountered. while getopts ":a:b:d:e:hnrRSt:u" options do case $options in a ) gitlog_amend="--amend $OPTARG" ;; b ) BRANCH="$OPTARG" ;; d ) DATE=$(sanitize_input_date "$OPTARG") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # ${DATE} will contain the error message die "${DATE}" fi # We only use YYYY.MM format DATE=$(date -d "$DATE" +%Y.%m 2>&1) ;; e ) REMOTE="$OPTARG" ;; h ) help; exit 1; ;; n ) unset BUILD ;; r ) CANDIDATE=1 # If the next input is not a -option then it is an optional RC arg. [[ ${!OPTIND} =~ ^-. ]] || { RC=${!OPTIND} ; OPTIND=$(( OPTIND + 1 )); } # If the next input is not a -option then it is an optional SPIN # arg. [[ ${!OPTIND} =~ ^-. ]] || { SPIN=${!OPTIND} ; OPTIND=$(( OPTIND + 1 )); } # The default RC for release candidates is '1'. Set it if it's # undefined or the null string. The leading colon causes the # variable expansion to take place without evaluating the expansion # as a statement. : ${RC:=1} # SPIN is left unset if not provided by the user. ;; R ) RELEASE=1 # If the next input is not a -option then it is an optional SPIN # arg. [[ ${!OPTIND} =~ ^-. ]] || { SPIN=${!OPTIND} ; OPTIND=$(( OPTIND + 1 )); } ;; S ) SNAPSHOT=1 # If the next input is not a -option then it is an optional SPIN # arg. [[ ${!OPTIND} =~ ^-. ]] || { SPIN=${!OPTIND} ; OPTIND=$(( OPTIND + 1 )); } ;; t ) TAG="$OPTARG" ;; u ) extended_usage; exit 1; ;; \?) print_info "Option -${BOLD}$OPTARG${NC} Unsupported." ;; : ) extended_usage; die "Option \"-$OPTARG\" requires an argument." ;; esac done if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then extended_usage fi shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) # If DATE wasn't set by the user, set it. : ${DATE:=$(date -d "$today" +%Y.%m)} if [[ "${RELEASE:+rel}" = "rel" && "${SNAPSHOT:+snap}" = "snap" ]]; then die "-R and -S can not be specified at the same time." elif [[ "${RELEASE:+rel}" = "rel" && "${CANDIDATE:+rc}" = "rc" ]]; then die "-R and -r can not be specified at the same time." elif [[ "${CANDIDATE:+rc}" = "rc" && "${SNAPSHOT:+snap}" = "snap" ]]; then die "-r and -S can not be specified at the same time." fi # This uses variable substitution to test if SPIN is set, and NOT the empty # string which protects against -S "" or -R "" (which sets SPIN to the empty # string). if [ "${SPIN:+set}" = "set" ]; then # Test if the user input contains anything other than numbers. if [[ ${SPIN} =~ [^0-9] ]]; then die "${RELEASE:+Release}${Snapshot:+Snapshot}${CANDIDATE:+Release candidate} with SPIN input \"${SPIN}\" is not a number." elif [[ ${SPIN} -le 0 ]]; then die "${RELEASE:+Release}${Snapshot:+Snapshot}${CANDIDATE:+Release candidate} with SPIN number '${SPIN}' must be greater than zero." fi fi if [ "${RC:+set}" = "set" ]; then # Test if the user input contains anything other than numbers. if [[ ${RC} =~ [^0-9] ]]; then die "Release candidate with RC input \"${RC}\" is not a number." elif [[ ${RC} -lt 1 ]]; then die "Release candidate with RC number '${RC}' must be greater than one." fi fi # Test if the current working directory is a git directory. if [ x"$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" != xtrue ]; then die "${GIT_REPO} is not a git repository." elif [ ! -d "${GIT_REPO}/gcc" ]; then die "${GIT_REPO} is not the top-level GCC source directory." fi if [[ "${TAG:+t}" = "t" && "${BRANCH:+b}" = "b" ]]; then die "Using -t and -b together is not allowed." fi # Track either the BRANCH or the TAG track="${BRANCH:+${BRANCH}}${TAG:+${TAG}}" if [ "x${track}" = "x" ]; then # If the user didn't specify a tracking branch, just use the current # branch. track="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" # Set this because we use it to expand the "Branch" text later. BRANCH=$track fi # Test to make sure the branch or tag exists git rev-parse --abbrev-ref $track &>/dev/null || die "${TAG:+Tag }${BRANCH:+Branch }\"$track\" doesn't exist." # If the REMOTE hasn't been specified, default to 'origin'. : ${REMOTE:=origin} if [[ x"$(git remote -v | grep "${REMOTE}")" = x ]]; then die "remote ${REMOTE} is not in your git repository." fi # Place this here so that all info output is after all die conditions. if [[ "${RELEASE:+rel}" != "rel" && "${SNAPSHOT:+snap}" != "snap" && "${CANDIDATE:+rc}" != "rc" ]]; then print_info "${bold}${release_script} will default to creating a snapshot." SNAPSHOT=1 fi vstring=$(git show "$track":gcc/BASE-VER) release=${vstring%.*}-"$DATE" # Some things are only necessary when we're in snapshot mode. if [ "${SNAPSHOT:+set}" = "set" ]; then # The snapshot branch only gets the spin number bumped. bump_mode_to="${release}-$(( SPIN + 1 ))~dev" # The local integration branch only gets its DATE bumped. Ask `date` to # figure out what the next month is. Use mid-month as a starting point to # allow `date` to compute with accuracy. bump_int_date="$(date -d "$(date -d "${DATE//./-}-15" +%Y-%m-%d) +1 month" +%Y.%m)" # For next month on the integration branch there is no SPIN number. bump_int_to="${vstring%.*}-${bump_int_date}~dev" # Due to a change in the GCC branch naming policy, all new GCC releases # start with a single digit release. if [ ${vstring%%.*} -ge "5" ]; then int_vstring=${vstring%%.*} else # The 4.[1-9] branches have the .[digit] in the branch name. int_vstring=${vstring%.*} fi # This is the local branch where we bump the gcc/LINARO-VERSION to indicate # the next month. We don't need ~dev in the local int branch name. local_int_branch="snapshots/gcc-${int_vstring}-integration-branch-${bump_int_to%\~dev}" # At the end of the script it will recommend that changes to the # local_int_branch will be pushed to the remote_int_branch. remote_int_branch="remotes/${REMOTE}/linaro-local/gcc-${int_vstring}-integration-branch" elif [ "${CANDIDATE:+set}" = "set" ]; then bump_mode_to="${release}-${SPIN}-rc$(( RC + 1 ))~dev" else bump_mode_to="${release}-$(( SPIN + 1 ))-rc$(( RC + 1 ))~dev" fi # The local branch can have the SPIN number on the name. local_branch=${SNAPSHOT:+snapshots/}${RELEASE:+releases/}${CANDIDATE:+releases/}linaro-${release}${SPIN:+-$SPIN}${CANDIDATE:+-rc${RC}} if [ x"${local_branch}" = x"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" ]; then die "Local branch \"${local_branch}\" already exists and your tree is checked out in it." fi # Release candidates and releases always push against the future or current # release branch. Snapshots always go into the snapshots namespace. remote_mode_branch="remotes/${REMOTE}/linaro-local/${SNAPSHOT:+snapshots}${RELEASE:+releases}${CANDIDATE:+releases}/linaro-${release}" # The rest of the uses of ${release} should include the SPIN number so add the # SPIN number if it was specified. release="${release}${SPIN:+-${SPIN}}${CANDIDATE:+-rc${RC}}" # Differentiate between Snapshots and Releases, depending on what's set. rname=${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot-}$release chglmsg="GCC Linaro ${release} ${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot}${RELEASE:+release}${CANDIDATE:+release candidate}." commitmsg="Make Linaro GCC ${SNAPSHOT:+Snapshot }${RELEASE:+Release }${CANDIDATE:+Release Candidate }${release}." #Remove 'Make' for the front, and '.' from the back for the tag message. tagmsg=${commitmsg#Make } tagmsg=${tagmsg%.} release_tag="linaro-${rname}" REL_DIR="$PWD/../release/gcc-linaro-${rname}" # ============================================================================== # Prepare Sources # ============================================================================== # Display informational output about this run of ${release_script}. info # Terminal lines (minus 7 to account for interesting prior output. terminal_lines=$(( $(tput lines) - 7 )) ask "To see the most recent commits on the tracked ${BRANCH:+branch}${TAG:+tag} press [Enter]." user_ok # the last ten commits should be more than enough. git log -n 10 ${track} 2>/dev/null| head -n ${terminal_lines} ask "Does this look OK [N/y] ?" user_ok if [ "$user_ok" != "y" ]; then # No need to clean here since we haven't actually done anything. exit 1 fi # trap ctrl-c and call the handler function. We don't need to register the # handler until we actually need to do cleanup. trap handle_ctrl_c INT print_info "${bold}Creating git work dir \"${REL_DIR}/git\"..." git-new-workdir $GIT_REPO $REL_DIR/git || die "Couldn't extract sources." print_info "${bold}Checking out branch \"${local_branch}\"..." pushd $REL_DIR/git 1>/dev/null git checkout -B ${local_branch} ${track} 2>/dev/null save_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" echo "Saved branch ${save_branch}" popd 1>/dev/null if [ "${SNAPSHOT:+set}" = "set" ]; then print_info "${bold}Checking out branch \"${local_int_branch}\"..." pushd $REL_DIR/git 1>/dev/null git checkout -B ${local_int_branch} --track ${remote_int_branch} 1>/dev/null # Bump the integration branch gcc/LINARO-VERSION bump_and_dev "${bump_int_to}" print_info "${bold}Returning to git branch \"${save_branch}\"..." git checkout ${save_branch} 1>/dev/null popd 1>/dev/null fi print_info "${bold}Creating ${SNAPSHOT:+snapshot}${RELEASE:+release}${CANDIDATE:+release candidate} ChangeLog entries..." changelog print_info "${bold}The following commit was made when updating the ChangeLog entries." # Display the changes from the ChangeLog commit. git log -n 1 ${local_branch} 2>/dev/null # Empty line seems appropriate for visual continuity. echo "" ask "Does this look OK [N/y] ?" user_ok if [ "$user_ok" != "y" ]; then clean exit 1 fi tag print_info "${bold}Exporting sources from git..." export_source # Generate ChangeLog.linaro from git commit messages for GCC branches >= 5 if [ ${vstring%%.*} -ge "5" ]; then print_info "${bold}Generating ChangeLog.linaro from git commit messages..." SINCE=$(git log --format=%ai --grep="git-svn-id" | head -n 1) mydir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" ${mydir}/gitlog-to-changelog --since ${SINCE%% *} --no-cluster \ --strip-change-id --format=%B --strip-tab \ ${gitlog_amend} > $REL_DIR/gcc-linaro-${rname}/ChangeLog.linaro # Some git commit messages are not formatted correctly. Fix them manually. ask "Please check the generated ChangeLog and update it if needed by pressing [Enter]." user_ok $EDITOR $REL_DIR/gcc-linaro-${rname}/ChangeLog.linaro fi if [ "${BUILD:+set}" = "set" ]; then print_info "${bold}Building ${release}..." build else print_info "${bold}Skipping build for ${release}..." fi md5 pushd $REL_DIR 1>/dev/null tar cfJ gcc-linaro-${rname}.tar.xz gcc-linaro-${rname} popd 1>/dev/null if [ "${SNAPSHOT:+set}" = "set" ]; then bump_and_dev "${bump_mode_to}" fi hint