This file intends to be a quick howto on how to setup openstack together with XCP. This should also apply to the commercial version of XCP: XenServer, but this hasn't been tested by the author of this file. 1/ Setting-up XCP ----------------- Please follow the XCP README.Debian howto. Make sure that you can create, boot, shutdown and destroy virtual machines using the xe command line. 2/ Setting-up a domU to install openstack on it ----------------------------------------------- Best way to setup Openstack with XCP is to set it up in a XCP domU. Again, follow the XCP README.debian located in /usr/share/doc/xcp-xapi once you have installed the XenAPI package (eg: apt-get install xcp-xapi). About 1GB of RAM should be enough for your first Openstack domU. With nova-compute-kvm, you would install nova-compute on each physical server. Not with nova-compute-xen. Here, you need only one instance of nova-compute, which will "talk" to XenAPI. XCP will then manage pooling of servers and storage. 3/ Preparing the server ----------------------- You may want to lower the debconf priority to have all questions prompted to you when you install software: dpkg-reconfigure debconf Then make sure you select priority medium (by default on Debian systems, the priority is set to high, asking you less things). Because you're on a server environment, it's better not to install the packages that are in the Recommends: of each package: echo "APT { Install-Recommends \"false\"; }" >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20norecommends You might also want to receive mail for root, so installing postfix might be a good idea: apt-get install postfix then make sure that /etc/aliases has something like this (not needed if you have changed the debconf priority to medium): root: and run "newaliases". You can check if sending mail to root forwards to your email address by installing the bsd-mailx package, watching the /var/log/mail.log and using the below command: Mailx root 4/ Getting all needed packages installed on your server ------------------------------------------------------- You will need to install all nova packages, plus a bit more: apt-get install nova-network nova-compute-xen nova-compute nova-api \ nova-scheduler nova-console glance-api glance-registry python-glance glance \ keystone python-keystoneclient mysql-server rabbitmq-server dnsmasq \ python-software-properties python-mysqldb python-mysqldb is only needed if you wish to use MySQL as SQL server (eg: you could also use postgres if you like, in which case... I don't know!). 5. Setting-up the MySQL server and the nova and glance dbs ---------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 MySQL root password - - - - - - - - - - - - Make sure you have changed the default root password for mysql-server. If needed, do dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 to set the password after the MySQL server is installed. 5.2 Listening on all IPs - - - - - - - - - - - - If you wish to setup nova components using a remote MySQL server (eg not on the domU where nova will run), then you should set your MySQL server to listen on the network. To do so, configure /etc/mysql/my.cnf so that it listen not just on (which is the default in Debian): sed -i "s/" /etc/mysql/my.cnf Then restart MySQL: invoke-rc.d mysql start 5.3 Setting-up glance and nova dbs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Create the nova and glance dbs: mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e \ "CREATE DATABASE nova; CREATE DATABASE glance;" then create the nova and glance users, give them passwords, and access to their respective databases: mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e \ "CREATE USER 'nova'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'change-this-pass';" mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e \ "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;" mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e \ "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;" mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e \ "CREATE USER 'glance'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'change-this-pass';" mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e \ "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e \ "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; The above lines with "localhost" are to grant access only on the local network, the one with % for everything else (take your pick). 6/ Configuring Openstack ------------------------ 6.1 Configuration file for nova - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In /etc/nova/nova.conf, you will need a configuration file looking like this one: --sql_connection=mysql://nova:change-this-pass@ --rabbit_host= --flat_network_bridge=xenbr0 --connection_type=xenapi --xenapi_connection_url=https:// --xenapi_connection_username=root --xenapi_connection_password=XXXXXXXXXXXX --reboot_timeout=600 --rescue_timeout=86400 --resize_confirm_window=86400 --allow_admin_api --allow_resize_to_same_host --logdir=/var/log/nova --state_path=/var/lib/nova --lock_path=/var/lock/nova --force_dhcp_release --use_deprecated_auth --use_project_ca --verbose If you decide to install rabbitmq or MySQL on another server, of course, you should set the matching IP address above. Options for --network_manager are: VLAN networking with DHCP (the 3rd one above) is the Default if no network manager is defined in nova.conf. In this mode, each projects will have its virtual machines isolated in a VLAN. If you don't know, just choose that one. 6.2 Getting the dbs in sync with the latest nova and glance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Make sure all tables and SQL schema are up-to-date with what Nova and glance are using: nova-manage db sync glance-manage db_sync Then restart all nova daemons. 7/ Install the XCP nova plugin on the XCP dom0 ---------------------------------------------- XCP has a plugin architecture, and nova implements it. So you need to install the nova plugin for XCP in your dom0 running XenAPI: apt-get install nova-xcp-pluggins XCP is supposed to report a PRODUCT_VERSION, but as of now, this isn't yet ready. So for the moment, you need to do: echo 6.0.0 >/etc/xcp/xapi_version_override and then restart xcp-xapi. (Do not worry too much about this.) 8/ Restarting daemons --------------------- Restart nova-compute, nova-api, nova-scheduler, nova-objectstore and nova-network and check that they really are started, then check the logs files in /var/log/nova to make sure no daemon crashed and did a python stack dump. Particularly, you should be seeing nova-compute polling XCP every X seconds and ouput something like this: nova...vm_utils [uuid] (VM_UTILS) xenserver vm state -> |Halted| nova...vm_utils [uuid] (VM_UTILS) xenapi power_state -> |4| nova...vm_utils [uuid] (VM_UTILS) xenserver vm state -> |Running| nova...vm_utils [uuid] (VM_UTILS) xenapi power_state -> |1| Note: I have reformated the log output (removed some of it) so that the log line can fit on 80 cols of this text file. This should match more or less what you see on the dom0 when you do "xe vm-list". That's it, you have a working nova installation! Now, let's play with our new cloud computing infrastructure by creating projects, users and VMs. 9/ Create a nova user and project --------------------------------- In Nova, each user owns projects, and in each projects, you can start virtual machines. So we need to first create a user, attach a project to it, and finally assign a private network to it. Everything is done using the nova-manage userland tool, where you've installed nova. The syntax is like this: nova-manage user create nova-manage project create nova-manage network create \ So, let's say I want to have a user "zigo" with project name "proj1", and a simple private network, it goes like this: nova-manage user create zigo nova-manage project create proj1 zigo nova-manage network create 1 256 When you create the new user, you will see the EC2 keys printed on the screen. You don't need to write them down though, we will later on fetch all of these in a convenient .zip file: nova-manage project zipfile proj1 zigo This will save a file for the proj1 of zigo. Unzip that file with: unzip This will extract the below files: cacert.pem cert.pem novarc pk.pem novarc contains all the script variables needed for you to remote control nova as a user. The above .pem files contain the keys that are referenced by the novarc. Then everything is done with the "nova" command if you want to use the native "nova-client", or with euca-* if you wish to use the EC2 API (the novarc define variables for both). 10/ Upload a VM image and start the VM to check everything is working 6/ Generate the Openstack CA -- Thomas Goirand Wed, 28 Dec 2011 12:19:41 +0000