/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2008 LSI Corporation. * * * Name: mpi_tool.h * Title: MPI Toolbox structures and definitions * Creation Date: July 30, 2001 * * mpi_tool.h Version: 01.05.03 * * Version History * --------------- * * Date Version Description * -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------ * 08-08-01 01.02.01 Original release. * 08-29-01 01.02.02 Added DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER and related defines. * 01-16-04 01.02.03 Added defines and structures for new tools *. MPI_TOOLBOX_ISTWI_READ_WRITE_TOOL and * MPI_TOOLBOX_FC_MANAGEMENT_TOOL. * 04-29-04 01.02.04 Added message structures for Diagnostic Buffer Post and * Diagnostic Release requests and replies. * 05-11-04 01.03.01 Original release for MPI v1.3. * 08-19-04 01.05.01 Original release for MPI v1.5. * 10-06-04 01.05.02 Added define for MPI_DIAG_BUF_TYPE_COUNT. * 02-09-05 01.05.03 Added frame size option to FC management tool. * Added Beacon tool to the Toolbox. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef MPI_TOOL_H #define MPI_TOOL_H #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_TOOL (0x00) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_MEMORY_MOVE_TOOL (0x01) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_TOOL (0x02) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_ISTWI_READ_WRITE_TOOL (0x03) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_FC_MANAGEMENT_TOOL (0x04) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_BEACON_TOOL (0x05) /****************************************************************************/ /* Toolbox reply */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_TOOLBOX_REPLY { U8 Tool; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved3; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ } MSG_TOOLBOX_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_TOOLBOX_REPLY, ToolboxReply_t, MPI_POINTER pToolboxReply_t; /****************************************************************************/ /* Toolbox Clean Tool request */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_REQUEST { U8 Tool; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U32 Flags; /* 0Ch */ } MSG_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_REQUEST, ToolboxCleanRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pToolboxCleanRequest_t; #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_NVSRAM (0x00000001) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_SEEPROM (0x00000002) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_FLASH (0x00000004) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_BOOTLOADER (0x04000000) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_FW_BACKUP (0x08000000) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_FW_CURRENT (0x10000000) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_OTHER_PERSIST_PAGES (0x20000000) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_PERSIST_MANUFACT_PAGES (0x40000000) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_CLEAN_BOOT_SERVICES (0x80000000) /****************************************************************************/ /* Toolbox Memory Move request */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_TOOLBOX_MEM_MOVE_REQUEST { U8 Tool; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ SGE_SIMPLE_UNION SGL; /* 0Ch */ } MSG_TOOLBOX_MEM_MOVE_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_TOOLBOX_MEM_MOVE_REQUEST, ToolboxMemMoveRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pToolboxMemMoveRequest_t; /****************************************************************************/ /* Toolbox Diagnostic Data Upload request */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_TOOLBOX_DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_REQUEST { U8 Tool; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U32 Flags; /* 0Ch */ U32 Reserved3; /* 10h */ SGE_SIMPLE_UNION SGL; /* 14h */ } MSG_TOOLBOX_DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_TOOLBOX_DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_REQUEST, ToolboxDiagDataUploadRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pToolboxDiagDataUploadRequest_t; typedef struct _DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER { U32 DiagDataLength; /* 00h */ U8 FormatCode; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved; /* 05h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 06h */ } DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER, MPI_POINTER PTR_DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER, DiagDataUploadHeader_t, MPI_POINTER pDiagDataUploadHeader_t; #define MPI_TB_DIAG_FORMAT_SCSI_PRINTF_1 (0x01) #define MPI_TB_DIAG_FORMAT_SCSI_2 (0x02) #define MPI_TB_DIAG_FORMAT_SCSI_3 (0x03) #define MPI_TB_DIAG_FORMAT_FC_TRACE_1 (0x04) /****************************************************************************/ /* Toolbox ISTWI Read Write request */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_TOOLBOX_ISTWI_READ_WRITE_REQUEST { U8 Tool; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U8 Flags; /* 0Ch */ U8 BusNum; /* 0Dh */ U16 Reserved3; /* 0Eh */ U8 NumAddressBytes; /* 10h */ U8 Reserved4; /* 11h */ U16 DataLength; /* 12h */ U8 DeviceAddr; /* 14h */ U8 Addr1; /* 15h */ U8 Addr2; /* 16h */ U8 Addr3; /* 17h */ U32 Reserved5; /* 18h */ SGE_SIMPLE_UNION SGL; /* 1Ch */ } MSG_TOOLBOX_ISTWI_READ_WRITE_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_TOOLBOX_ISTWI_READ_WRITE_REQUEST, ToolboxIstwiReadWriteRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pToolboxIstwiReadWriteRequest_t; #define MPI_TB_ISTWI_FLAGS_WRITE (0x00) #define MPI_TB_ISTWI_FLAGS_READ (0x01) /****************************************************************************/ /* Toolbox FC Management request */ /****************************************************************************/ /* ActionInfo for Bus and TargetId */ typedef struct _MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_BUS_TID_AI { U16 Reserved; /* 00h */ U8 Bus; /* 02h */ U8 TargetId; /* 03h */ } MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_BUS_TID_AI, MPI_POINTER PTR_MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_BUS_TID_AI, MpiTbFcManageBusTidAi_t, MPI_POINTER pMpiTbFcManageBusTidAi_t; /* ActionInfo for port identifier */ typedef struct _MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_PID_AI { U32 PortIdentifier; /* 00h */ } MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_PID_AI, MPI_POINTER PTR_MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_PID_AI, MpiTbFcManagePidAi_t, MPI_POINTER pMpiTbFcManagePidAi_t; /* ActionInfo for set max frame size */ typedef struct _MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_FRAME_SIZE_AI { U16 FrameSize; /* 00h */ U8 PortNum; /* 02h */ U8 Reserved1; /* 03h */ } MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_FRAME_SIZE_AI, MPI_POINTER PTR_MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_FRAME_SIZE_AI, MpiTbFcManageFrameSizeAi_t, MPI_POINTER pMpiTbFcManageFrameSizeAi_t; /* union of ActionInfo */ typedef union _MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_AI_UNION { MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_BUS_TID_AI BusTid; MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_PID_AI Port; MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_FRAME_SIZE_AI FrameSize; } MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_AI_UNION, MPI_POINTER PTR_MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_AI_UNION, MpiTbFcManageAiUnion_t, MPI_POINTER pMpiTbFcManageAiUnion_t; typedef struct _MSG_TOOLBOX_FC_MANAGE_REQUEST { U8 Tool; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U8 Action; /* 0Ch */ U8 Reserved3; /* 0Dh */ U16 Reserved4; /* 0Eh */ MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_AI_UNION ActionInfo; /* 10h */ } MSG_TOOLBOX_FC_MANAGE_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_TOOLBOX_FC_MANAGE_REQUEST, ToolboxFcManageRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pToolboxFcManageRequest_t; /* defines for the Action field */ #define MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_ACTION_DISC_ALL (0x00) #define MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_ACTION_DISC_PID (0x01) #define MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_ACTION_DISC_BUS_TID (0x02) #define MPI_TB_FC_MANAGE_ACTION_SET_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (0x03) /****************************************************************************/ /* Toolbox Beacon Tool request */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_TOOLBOX_BEACON_REQUEST { U8 Tool; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U8 ConnectNum; /* 0Ch */ U8 PortNum; /* 0Dh */ U8 Reserved3; /* 0Eh */ U8 Flags; /* 0Fh */ } MSG_TOOLBOX_BEACON_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_TOOLBOX_BEACON_REQUEST, ToolboxBeaconRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pToolboxBeaconRequest_t; #define MPI_TOOLBOX_FLAGS_BEACON_MODE_OFF (0x00) #define MPI_TOOLBOX_FLAGS_BEACON_MODE_ON (0x01) /****************************************************************************/ /* Diagnostic Buffer Post request */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_DIAG_BUFFER_POST_REQUEST { U8 TraceLevel; /* 00h */ U8 BufferType; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U32 ExtendedType; /* 0Ch */ U32 BufferLength; /* 10h */ U32 ProductSpecific[4]; /* 14h */ U32 Reserved3; /* 24h */ U64 BufferAddress; /* 28h */ } MSG_DIAG_BUFFER_POST_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_DIAG_BUFFER_POST_REQUEST, DiagBufferPostRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pDiagBufferPostRequest_t; #define MPI_DIAG_BUF_TYPE_TRACE (0x00) #define MPI_DIAG_BUF_TYPE_SNAPSHOT (0x01) #define MPI_DIAG_BUF_TYPE_EXTENDED (0x02) /* count of the number of buffer types */ #define MPI_DIAG_BUF_TYPE_COUNT (0x03) #define MPI_DIAG_EXTENDED_QTAG (0x00000001) /* Diagnostic Buffer Post reply */ typedef struct _MSG_DIAG_BUFFER_POST_REPLY { U8 Reserved1; /* 00h */ U8 BufferType; /* 01h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved2; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved3; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved4; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ U32 TransferLength; /* 14h */ } MSG_DIAG_BUFFER_POST_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_DIAG_BUFFER_POST_REPLY, DiagBufferPostReply_t, MPI_POINTER pDiagBufferPostReply_t; /****************************************************************************/ /* Diagnostic Release request */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_DIAG_RELEASE_REQUEST { U8 Reserved1; /* 00h */ U8 BufferType; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved2; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved3; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ } MSG_DIAG_RELEASE_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_DIAG_RELEASE_REQUEST, DiagReleaseRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pDiagReleaseRequest_t; /* Diagnostic Release reply */ typedef struct _MSG_DIAG_RELEASE_REPLY { U8 Reserved1; /* 00h */ U8 BufferType; /* 01h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved2; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved3; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved4; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ } MSG_DIAG_RELEASE_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_DIAG_RELEASE_REPLY, DiagReleaseReply_t, MPI_POINTER pDiagReleaseReply_t; #endif