/* * OMAP5 thermal driver. * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Texas Instruments Inc. * Contact: * Eduardo Valentin * * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include "omap-bandgap.h" #include "omap-thermal.h" /* * omap5430 has one instance of thermal sensor for MPU * need to describe the individual bit fields */ static struct temp_sensor_registers omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_registers = { .temp_sensor_ctrl = OMAP5430_TEMP_SENSOR_MPU_OFFSET, .bgap_tempsoff_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMPSOFF_MASK, .bgap_soc_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_SOC_MASK, .bgap_eocz_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_EOCZ_MASK, .bgap_dtemp_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_DTEMP_MASK, .bgap_mask_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .mask_hot_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_HOT_MPU_MASK, .mask_cold_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COLD_MPU_MASK, .bgap_mode_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_COUNTER_MPU_OFFSET, .mode_ctrl_mask = OMAP5430_REPEAT_MODE_MASK, .bgap_counter = OMAP5430_BGAP_COUNTER_MPU_OFFSET, .counter_mask = OMAP5430_COUNTER_MASK, .bgap_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_THRESHOLD_MPU_OFFSET, .threshold_thot_mask = OMAP5430_T_HOT_MASK, .threshold_tcold_mask = OMAP5430_T_COLD_MASK, .tshut_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_TSHUT_MPU_OFFSET, .tshut_hot_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_HOT_MASK, .tshut_cold_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_COLD_MASK, .bgap_status = OMAP5430_BGAP_STATUS_OFFSET, .status_clean_stop_mask = 0x0, .status_bgap_alert_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_ALERT_MASK, .status_hot_mask = OMAP5430_HOT_MPU_FLAG_MASK, .status_cold_mask = OMAP5430_COLD_MPU_FLAG_MASK, .bgap_efuse = OMAP5430_FUSE_OPP_BGAP_MPU, }; /* * omap5430 has one instance of thermal sensor for GPU * need to describe the individual bit fields */ static struct temp_sensor_registers omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_registers = { .temp_sensor_ctrl = OMAP5430_TEMP_SENSOR_GPU_OFFSET, .bgap_tempsoff_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMPSOFF_MASK, .bgap_soc_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_SOC_MASK, .bgap_eocz_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_EOCZ_MASK, .bgap_dtemp_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_DTEMP_MASK, .bgap_mask_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .mask_hot_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_HOT_MM_MASK, .mask_cold_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COLD_MM_MASK, .bgap_mode_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_COUNTER_GPU_OFFSET, .mode_ctrl_mask = OMAP5430_REPEAT_MODE_MASK, .bgap_counter = OMAP5430_BGAP_COUNTER_GPU_OFFSET, .counter_mask = OMAP5430_COUNTER_MASK, .bgap_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_THRESHOLD_GPU_OFFSET, .threshold_thot_mask = OMAP5430_T_HOT_MASK, .threshold_tcold_mask = OMAP5430_T_COLD_MASK, .tshut_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_TSHUT_GPU_OFFSET, .tshut_hot_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_HOT_MASK, .tshut_cold_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_COLD_MASK, .bgap_status = OMAP5430_BGAP_STATUS_OFFSET, .status_clean_stop_mask = 0x0, .status_bgap_alert_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_ALERT_MASK, .status_hot_mask = OMAP5430_HOT_MM_FLAG_MASK, .status_cold_mask = OMAP5430_COLD_MM_FLAG_MASK, .bgap_efuse = OMAP5430_FUSE_OPP_BGAP_GPU, }; /* * omap5430 has one instance of thermal sensor for CORE * need to describe the individual bit fields */ static struct temp_sensor_registers omap5430_core_temp_sensor_registers = { .temp_sensor_ctrl = OMAP5430_TEMP_SENSOR_CORE_OFFSET, .bgap_tempsoff_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMPSOFF_MASK, .bgap_soc_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_SOC_MASK, .bgap_eocz_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_EOCZ_MASK, .bgap_dtemp_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_DTEMP_MASK, .bgap_mask_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .mask_hot_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_HOT_CORE_MASK, .mask_cold_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COLD_CORE_MASK, .bgap_mode_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_COUNTER_CORE_OFFSET, .mode_ctrl_mask = OMAP5430_REPEAT_MODE_MASK, .bgap_counter = OMAP5430_BGAP_COUNTER_CORE_OFFSET, .counter_mask = OMAP5430_COUNTER_MASK, .bgap_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_THRESHOLD_CORE_OFFSET, .threshold_thot_mask = OMAP5430_T_HOT_MASK, .threshold_tcold_mask = OMAP5430_T_COLD_MASK, .tshut_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_TSHUT_CORE_OFFSET, .tshut_hot_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_HOT_MASK, .tshut_cold_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_COLD_MASK, .bgap_status = OMAP5430_BGAP_STATUS_OFFSET, .status_clean_stop_mask = 0x0, .status_bgap_alert_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_ALERT_MASK, .status_hot_mask = OMAP5430_HOT_CORE_FLAG_MASK, .status_cold_mask = OMAP5430_COLD_CORE_FLAG_MASK, .bgap_efuse = OMAP5430_FUSE_OPP_BGAP_CORE, }; /* Thresholds and limits for OMAP5430 MPU temperature sensor */ static struct temp_sensor_data omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_data = { .tshut_hot = OMAP5430_MPU_TSHUT_HOT, .tshut_cold = OMAP5430_MPU_TSHUT_COLD, .t_hot = OMAP5430_MPU_T_HOT, .t_cold = OMAP5430_MPU_T_COLD, .min_freq = OMAP5430_MPU_MIN_FREQ, .max_freq = OMAP5430_MPU_MAX_FREQ, .max_temp = OMAP5430_MPU_MAX_TEMP, .min_temp = OMAP5430_MPU_MIN_TEMP, .hyst_val = OMAP5430_MPU_HYST_VAL, .adc_start_val = OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE, .adc_end_val = OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE, .update_int1 = 1000, .update_int2 = 2000, }; /* Thresholds and limits for OMAP5430 GPU temperature sensor */ static struct temp_sensor_data omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_data = { .tshut_hot = OMAP5430_GPU_TSHUT_HOT, .tshut_cold = OMAP5430_GPU_TSHUT_COLD, .t_hot = OMAP5430_GPU_T_HOT, .t_cold = OMAP5430_GPU_T_COLD, .min_freq = OMAP5430_GPU_MIN_FREQ, .max_freq = OMAP5430_GPU_MAX_FREQ, .max_temp = OMAP5430_GPU_MAX_TEMP, .min_temp = OMAP5430_GPU_MIN_TEMP, .hyst_val = OMAP5430_GPU_HYST_VAL, .adc_start_val = OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE, .adc_end_val = OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE, .update_int1 = 1000, .update_int2 = 2000, }; /* Thresholds and limits for OMAP5430 CORE temperature sensor */ static struct temp_sensor_data omap5430_core_temp_sensor_data = { .tshut_hot = OMAP5430_CORE_TSHUT_HOT, .tshut_cold = OMAP5430_CORE_TSHUT_COLD, .t_hot = OMAP5430_CORE_T_HOT, .t_cold = OMAP5430_CORE_T_COLD, .min_freq = OMAP5430_CORE_MIN_FREQ, .max_freq = OMAP5430_CORE_MAX_FREQ, .max_temp = OMAP5430_CORE_MAX_TEMP, .min_temp = OMAP5430_CORE_MIN_TEMP, .hyst_val = OMAP5430_CORE_HYST_VAL, .adc_start_val = OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE, .adc_end_val = OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE, .update_int1 = 1000, .update_int2 = 2000, }; static const int omap5430_adc_to_temp[OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE - OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE + 1] = { -40000, -40000, -40000, -40000, -39800, -39400, -39000, -38600, -38200, -37800, -37300, -36800, -36400, -36000, -35600, -35200, -34800, -34300, -33800, -33400, -33000, -32600, -32200, -31800, -31300, -30800, -30400, -30000, -29600, -29200, -28700, -28200, -27800, -27400, -27000, -26600, -26200, -25700, -25200, -24800, -24400, -24000, -23600, -23200, -22700, -22200, -21800, -21400, -21000, -20600, -20200, -19700, -19200, -9300, -18400, -18000, -17600, -17200, -16700, -16200, -15800, -15400, -15000, -14600, -14200, -13700, -13200, -12800, -12400, -12000, -11600, -11200, -10700, -10200, -9800, -9400, -9000, -8600, -8200, -7700, -7200, -6800, -6400, -6000, -5600, -5200, -4800, -4300, -3800, -3400, -3000, -2600, -2200, -1800, -1300, -800, -400, 0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2100, 2600, 3000, 3400, 3800, 4200, 4600, 5100, 5600, 6000, 6400, 6800, 7200, 7600, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9400, 9800, 10200, 10800, 11100, 11400, 11900, 12400, 12800, 13200, 13600, 14000, 14400, 14800, 15300, 15800, 16200, 16600, 17000, 17400, 17800, 18200, 18700, 19200, 19600, 20000, 20400, 20800, 21200, 21600, 22100, 22600, 23000, 23400, 23800, 24200, 24600, 25000, 25400, 25900, 26400, 26800, 27200, 27600, 28000, 28400, 28800, 29300, 29800, 30200, 30600, 31000, 31400, 31800, 32200, 32600, 33100, 33600, 34000, 34400, 34800, 35200, 35600, 36000, 36400, 36800, 37300, 37800, 38200, 38600, 39000, 39400, 39800, 40200, 40600, 41100, 41600, 42000, 42400, 42800, 43200, 43600, 44000, 44400, 44800, 45300, 45800, 46200, 46600, 47000, 47400, 47800, 48200, 48600, 49000, 49500, 50000, 50400, 50800, 51200, 51600, 52000, 52400, 52800, 53200, 53700, 54200, 54600, 55000, 55400, 55800, 56200, 56600, 57000, 57400, 57800, 58200, 58700, 59200, 59600, 60000, 60400, 60800, 61200, 61600, 62000, 62400, 62800, 63300, 63800, 64200, 64600, 65000, 65400, 65800, 66200, 66600, 67000, 67400, 67800, 68200, 68700, 69200, 69600, 70000, 70400, 70800, 71200, 71600, 72000, 72400, 72800, 73200, 73600, 74100, 74600, 75000, 75400, 75800, 76200, 76600, 77000, 77400, 77800, 78200, 78600, 79000, 79400, 79800, 80300, 80800, 81200, 81600, 82000, 82400, 82800, 83200, 83600, 84000, 84400, 84800, 85200, 85600, 86000, 86400, 86800, 87300, 87800, 88200, 88600, 89000, 89400, 89800, 90200, 90600, 91000, 91400, 91800, 92200, 92600, 93000, 93400, 93800, 94200, 94600, 95000, 95500, 96000, 96400, 96800, 97200, 97600, 98000, 98400, 98800, 99200, 99600, 100000, 100400, 100800, 101200, 101600, 102000, 102400, 102800, 103200, 103600, 104000, 104400, 104800, 105200, 105600, 106100, 106600, 107000, 107400, 107800, 108200, 108600, 109000, 109400, 109800, 110200, 110600, 111000, 111400, 111800, 112200, 112600, 113000, 113400, 113800, 114200, 114600, 115000, 115400, 115800, 116200, 116600, 117000, 117400, 117800, 118200, 118600, 119000, 119400, 119800, 120200, 120600, 121000, 121400, 121800, 122200, 122600, 123000, 123400, 123800, 124200, 124600, 124900, 125000, 125000, 125000, 125000, }; const struct omap_bandgap_data omap5430_data = { .features = OMAP_BANDGAP_FEATURE_TSHUT_CONFIG | OMAP_BANDGAP_FEATURE_TALERT | OMAP_BANDGAP_FEATURE_MODE_CONFIG | OMAP_BANDGAP_FEATURE_COUNTER, .fclock_name = "ts_clk_div_ck", .div_ck_name = "ts_clk_div_ck", .conv_table = omap5430_adc_to_temp, .expose_sensor = omap_thermal_expose_sensor, .remove_sensor = omap_thermal_remove_sensor, .sensors = { { .registers = &omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_registers, .ts_data = &omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_data, .domain = "cpu", .register_cooling = omap_thermal_register_cpu_cooling, .unregister_cooling = omap_thermal_unregister_cpu_cooling, .slope = OMAP_GRADIENT_SLOPE_5430_CPU, .constant = OMAP_GRADIENT_CONST_5430_CPU, .slope_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_SLOPE_W_PCB_5430_CPU, .constant_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_CONST_W_PCB_5430_CPU, }, { .registers = &omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_registers, .ts_data = &omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_data, .domain = "gpu", .slope = OMAP_GRADIENT_SLOPE_5430_GPU, .constant = OMAP_GRADIENT_CONST_5430_GPU, .slope_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_SLOPE_W_PCB_5430_GPU, .constant_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_CONST_W_PCB_5430_GPU, }, { .registers = &omap5430_core_temp_sensor_registers, .ts_data = &omap5430_core_temp_sensor_data, .domain = "core", }, }, .sensor_count = 3, };