diff options
authorMilosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski@linaro.org>2020-06-18 10:49:54 +0100
committerMilosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski@linaro.org>2020-06-19 10:19:26 +0100
commit698a4004f267d689ab40aa7375bd7643262c4094 (patch)
parentb833b56c75b8423920b56b346bf6f1a1c424a9b0 (diff)
docs: added page about test-runner
Signed-off-by: Milosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski@linaro.org>
4 files changed, 184 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a82d168..160b357 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,109 +1,8 @@
-# Test Definitions
-A test suite works with and without [LAVA](http://lavasoftware.org/). The following two
-sets of automated tests are supported.
-- `automated/linux/`
-- `automated/android/`
-For each test case, both the test script and the corresponding test definition files are
-provided in the same folder and are named after the test case name. Test scripts are
-self-contained and work independently. Test definition files in YAML format are provided
-for test runs with local test-runner and within LAVA.
-## Installation
-Installing the latest development version:
- git clone https://github.com/Linaro/test-definitions
- cd ./test-definitions
- . ./automated/bin/setenv.sh
- pip install -r ${REPO_PATH}/automated/utils/requirements.txt
-If the above succeeds, try:
- test-runner -h
-## Running test
-### Running test script
-#### linux
- cd ./automated/linux/smoke/
- ./smoke.sh
-Skip package installation:
- ./smoke.sh -s true
-#### android
- cd ./automated/android/dd-wr-speed/
- ./dd-wr-speed.sh
-Specify SN when more than one device connected:
- ./dd-wr-speed.sh -s "serial_no"
-Specify other params:
- ./dd-wr-speed.sh -i "10" -p "/dev/block/mmcblk1p1"
+# Build status
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/Linaro/test-definitions.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/Linaro/test-definitions)
-### Using test-runner
-#### single test run
- test-runner -d ./automated/linux/smoke/smoke.yaml
-skip package install:
- test-runner -d ./automated/linux/smoke/smoke.yaml -s
-#### running test plan
-Run a set of tests defined in agenda file:
- test-runner -p ./plans/linux-example.yaml
-Apply test plan overlay to skip, amend or add tests:
- test-runner -p ./plans/linux-example.yaml -O test-plan-overlay-example.yaml
-## Collecting result
-### Using test script
-Test script normally puts test log and parsed results to its own `output` directory. e.g.
- automated/linux/smoke/output
-### Using test-runner
-test-runner needs a separate directory outside the repo to store test and result files.
-The directory defaults to `$HOME/output` and can be changed with `-o <dir>`. test-runner
-converts test definition file to `run.sh` and then parses its stdout. Results
-will be saved to results.{json,csv} by test. e.g.
- /root/output/smoke_9879e7fd-a8b6-472d-b266-a20b05d52ed1/result.csv
-When using the same output directory for multiple tests, test-runner combines results
-from all tests and save them to `${OUTPUT}/results.{json,csv}`. e.g.
- /root/output/result.json
-## Contributing
-Please use Github for pull requests: https://github.com/Linaro/test-definitions/pulls
-https://git.linaro.org/qa/test-definitions.git is a read-only mirror. New changes in the
-github repo will be pushed to the mirror every 10 minutes.
-Refer to [test writing guidelines](docs/test-writing-guidelines.md) to modify
-or add test.
-Changes need to be able to pass sanity check, which by default checks files in the most
-recent commit:
- ./sanity-check.sh
+# Test Definitions
+A set of testing scripts designed to work with [LAVA](http://lavasoftware.org/).
+Also contains test-runner script that allows execoution outside LAVA.
-To develop locally, there are Dockerfiles in test/ that can be used to simulate
-target environments. The easiest way to use is to run `test.sh
-[debian|centos]`. test.sh will run validate.py, and then build the Docker
-environment specified, run plans/linux-example.yaml, and then drop into a bash
-shell inside the container so that things like /root/output can be inspected.
-It is not (yet) a pass/fail test; merely a development helper and validation
+More details in [docs](docs/index.md)
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 44651ea..2d91dbb 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ from all tests and save them to `${OUTPUT}/results.{json,csv}`. e.g.
+More details on test-runner usage in [test-runner docs](test-runner.md)
## Generating documentation
[Full docs](https://test-definitions.readthedocs.io) are generated from existing
diff --git a/docs/test-runner.md b/docs/test-runner.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1be2cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/test-runner.md
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Test Runner
+## Installation
+Installing the latest development version:
+ git clone https://github.com/Linaro/test-definitions
+ cd ./test-definitions
+ . ./automated/bin/setenv.sh
+ pip install -r ${REPO_PATH}/automated/utils/requirements.txt
+If the above succeeds, try:
+ test-runner -h
+### Using virtualenv
+test-runner can also be installed inside virtualenv if one doesn't wish
+to install directly on the system. This might be useful for hacking the tool
+or the tests themselves.
+ git clone https://github.com/Linaro/test-definitions
+ cd ./test-definitions
+ . ./automated/bin/setenv.sh
+ virtualenv -p python3 venv
+ . ./venv/bin/activate
+ pip install -r ${REPO_PATH}/automated/utils/requirements.txt
+If the above succeeds, try:
+ test-runner -h
+## Running automated tests
+test-runner can be used to execute automated tests on the local or remote
+### Running tests on the local target (cheating a bit)
+Running tests on local target might be tricky. By default test-runner
+requires to be executed as root. This limitation is lifted for manual tests.
+Passing *--kind manual* will result in test execution without root access.
+This only works if there is no need to install dependencies, so *--skip_install*
+is also required.
+ test-runner --kind manual --test_def automated/linux/smoke/smoke.yaml --skip_install
+### Running tests over ssh
+test-runner can connect to the target using ssh. It requires passwordless
+authentication. This means that:
+ * sshd on the target must accept certificate based authentication
+ * user's public key needs to be added to root's authorized_keys on the target
+#### ssh setup
+1. make sure sshd accepts passwordless connection. Content of /etc/sshd_config
+ ```
+ PubkeyAuthentication yes
+ AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
+ ```
+2. Copy your public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. Public key is usually located
+ at ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+#### Executing tests remotely
+ test-runner --target root@ --test_def automated/linux/smoke/smoke.yaml
+### Running a test plan
+Run a set of tests defined in agenda file:
+ test-runner -p ./plans/linux-example.yaml
+Apply test plan overlay to skip, amend or add tests:
+ test-runner -p ./plans/linux-example.yaml -O test-plan-overlay-example.yaml
+## Running manual tests
+test-runner also allows to execute and record results for manual tests.
+It has a built-in simple shell for test execution.
+2020-06-18 10:15:03,619 - RUNNER: INFO: Tests to run:
+{'path': 'manual/generic/kernel-version.yaml', 'uuid': '4ce9c17b-52f6-4eb9-8804-278d6191b454', 'timeout': None, 'skip_install': False}
+2020-06-18 10:15:07,482 - RUNNER.TestSetup: INFO: Test repo copied to: /home/milosz/output/kernel-version_4ce9c17b-52f6-4eb9-8804-278d6191b454
+ Welcome to manual test executor. Type 'help' for available commands.
+ This shell is meant to be executed on your computer, not on the system
+ under test. Please execute the steps from the test case, compare to
+ expected result and record the test result as 'pass' or 'fail'. If there
+ is an issue that prevents from executing the step, please record the result
+ as 'skip'.
+linux-kernel-version > help
+Documented commands (type help <topic>):
+EOF description fail next quit start
+current expected help pass skip steps
+linux-kernel-version > description
+Test if the kernel version is correct
+linux-kernel-version > steps
+0. uname -a
+1. Check the output of the kernel version matches the version displayed on the build page
+linux-kernel-version > expected
+0. Kernel version matches the version on build page
+linux-kernel-version > current
+0. uname -a
+linux-kernel-version > next
+1. Check the output of the kernel version matches the version displayed on the build page
+linux-kernel-version > pass
+Recording pass in /home/milosz/output/kernel-version_4ce9c17b-52f6-4eb9-8804-278d6191b454/stdout.log
+2020-06-18 10:16:06,439 - RUNNER.ResultParser: WARNING: All parameters for qa reports are not set, results will not be pushed to qa reports
+2020-06-18 10:16:06,439 - RUNNER.ResultParser: INFO: Result files saved to: /home/milosz/output/kernel-version_4ce9c17b-52f6-4eb9-8804-278d6191b454
+--- Printing result.csv ---
+### Running single test
+ test-runner --test_def manual/generic/kernel-version.yaml --kind manual
+## Executing manual tests from test plan
+When test plan contains manual tests, test-runned will execute them one-by-one
+in the built-in shell. Results will be recorder the same way as for automated tests
+ test-runner --test_plan plans/linux-test-plan-example.yaml --kind manual
+## Collecting result
+## Using test-runner
+test-runner needs a separate directory outside the repo to store test and result files.
+The directory defaults to `$HOME/output` and can be changed with `-o <dir>`. test-runner
+converts test definition file to `run.sh` and then parses its stdout. Results
+will be saved to results.{json,csv} by test. e.g.
+ /root/output/smoke_9879e7fd-a8b6-472d-b266-a20b05d52ed1/result.csv
+When using the same output directory for multiple tests, test-runner combines results
+from all tests and save them to `${OUTPUT}/results.{json,csv}`. e.g.
+ /root/output/result.json
+### Exporting test results to SQUAD (aka qa-reports)
+test-runner is now able to upload test results to SQUAD. Example below:
+ test-runner --test_def manual/generic/kernel-version.yaml \
+ --kind manual \
+ --qa-reports-server https://staging-qa-reports.linaro.org \
+ --qa-reports-project mwasilew-example \
+ --qa-reports-group people \
+ --qa-reports-env laptop \
+ --qa-reports-build-version 1 \
+ --qa-reports-token ${token}
+#### SQUAD metadata
+test-runner can also submit metadata as part of the results. Metadata is
+usually used to describe the versions of software under test and test suites.
+Following options for metadata upload are available:
+ Disable sending metadata to SQUAD. Default: false
+--qa-reports-metadata KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]
+ List of metadata key=value pairs to be sent to SQUAD
+--qa-reports-metadata-file QA_REPORTS_METADATA_FILE
+ YAML file that defines metadata to be reported to SQUAD
+Metadata file should be of format:
+key1: value1
+key2: value2
diff --git a/mkdocs_plugin/requirements.txt b/mkdocs_plugin/requirements.txt
index 53d448e..0e74602 100644
--- a/mkdocs_plugin/requirements.txt
+++ b/mkdocs_plugin/requirements.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@