/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** DSL documentation The structure of this configuration DSL is pretty self-explanatory. The main section is 'components' that contains the description of all things included into the stack. The following words are considered terminals and shouldn't be modified as it will affect the parsing behavior: - bigtop - version - stack - version_base - apache - pkg - tarball, source, destinations - url, download_path, site, archive Also, the following are base constants and if renamed will affect the some of the stack's definitions - APACHE_MIRROR - APACHE_ARCHIVE bigtop { // *the name should be change: the parsing code depends on it* version = "STACK-VERSION" // *required* stack { // *required* Fundamental properties of the Stack: JDK, SDK, GDK, etc 'jdk' { version = '1.8'; version_base = version } 'scala' { version = '2.10.4'; version_base = version } } apache { // *required* These shoudn't be modified unless ASF Infra demands changes APACHE_MIRROR = "http://apache.osuosl.org" APACHE_ARCHIVE = "https://archive.apache.org/dist" } git { // *optional* This is a global setting to access protected git repositories, // can be specified per component as well user = "john_doe" token = "john's access token" } components { *required; preserve the name* if empty, nothing will be built 'label' { // label *SHOULD* be the same as the name; otherwise some tasks will fail name = 'component1' // *required* the name of the component // 'pkg' value is optional and will be set to that of 'name' i.e. [pkg := name] pkg = name // *optional* and will be set to the 'name' value // 'base' is required; [pkg := base ]; [release := 1 ] version { base = 'x.y.z'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { source = "apache-component1-${version.base}.tar.gz" // It is advised to use different destination filenames to avoid // clashes when working with git repos and downloading the artifacts // from the branches with the same names. destination = source } url { // *optional* download_path = "/component1/component1-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } } } End of DSL Documentation */ bigtop { /** Base Configuration of the mirror and archives */ version = "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT" stack { 'jdk' { version = "1." + ( System.getenv('BIGTOP_JDK') ?: "8" ); version_base = version } 'scala' { version = '2.11.8'; version_base = version } } apache { APACHE_MIRROR = "https://www-us.apache.org/dist" APACHE_ARCHIVE = "https://archive.apache.org/dist" } /** End of Base Configuration */ /** Dependencies section defines the order in which packages should be built. The syntax is as follows: dependsOn := [list of dependents] So, below phoenix and giraph ought to be build after the hbase has been built To build a component without its dependencies, simply comment out dependencies section or run build with -Dbuildnodeps=true */ dependencies = [ zookeeper:['hadoop', 'hbase'], hadoop:['ignite-hadoop', 'hbase', 'crunch', 'pig', 'hive', 'tez', 'sqoop', 'sqoop2', 'oozie', 'mahout', 'flume', 'giraph', 'solr', 'crunch', 'spark','spark1', 'phoenix', 'alluxio', 'kafka', 'ycsb', 'kite', 'hama', 'zeppelin', 'tajo', 'apex' ], hbase:['phoenix','giraph','ycsb','hive'], pig:['datafu', 'oozie'], hive:['oozie', 'pig','zeppelin'], 'ignite-hadoop':['zeppelin'], spark:['zeppelin'] ] components { 'zookeeper' { name = 'zookeeper' pkg = name version { base = '3.4.10' pkg = base release = 1 } tarball { source = "zookeeper-${version.base}.tar.gz" destination = source } url { download_path = "/zookeeper/zookeeper-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'hadoop' { name = 'hadoop' relNotes = 'Apache Hadoop' version { base = '2.7.3'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/common/$name-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'ignite-hadoop' { name = 'ignite-hadoop' relNotes = 'Apache Ignite in-memory data fabric' version { base = '1.9.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "apache-ignite-${version.base}-src.zip" } url { download_path = "/ignite/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'hbase' { name = 'hbase' relNotes = 'Apache HBase' version { base = '1.1.9'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'pig' { name = 'pig' pkg = 'pig' relNotes = 'Apache Pig' version { base = '0.15.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'hive' { name = 'hive' relNotes = 'Apache Hive' version { base = '1.2.1'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "apache-${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'tez' { name = 'tez' relNotes = 'Apache TEZ' version { base = '0.6.2'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "apache-${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'sqoop' { name = 'sqoop' relNotes = 'Apache Sqoop v1' version { base = '1.4.6'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'sqoop2' { name = 'sqoop2' relNotes = 'Apache Sqoop v2' version { base = '1.99.4'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "${sqoop.name}-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/${sqoop.name}/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'oozie' { name = 'oozie' relNotes = 'Apache Oozie' version { base = '4.3.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'mahout' { name = 'mahout' relNotes = 'Apache Mahout' version { base = '0.12.2'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "apache-$name-distribution-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'flume' { name = 'flume' relNotes = 'Apache Flume' version { base = '1.7.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "apache-$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'giraph' { name = 'giraph' relNotes = 'Apache Giraph' version { base = '1.1.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "$name-dist-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'hue' { name = 'hue' relNotes = 'Hadoop User Interface' version { base = '3.11.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "release-${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { site = "https://github.com/cloudera/hue/archive" archive = site } } 'datafu' { name = 'datafu' pkg = 'pig-udf-datafu' relNotes = 'Pig UDF Datafu' version { base = '1.3.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "apache-$name-incubating-sources-${version.base}.tgz" } url { download_path = "incubator/$name/apache-$name-incubating-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'solr' { name = 'solr' relNotes = 'Apache Solr' version { base = '4.10.4'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}-src.tgz" source = destination } url { download_path = "lucene/$name/${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'crunch' { name = 'crunch' relNotes = 'Apache Crunch' version { base = '0.14.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "apache-$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'spark1' { name = 'spark1' pkg = 'spark-core' relNotes = 'Apache Spark' version { base = '1.6.2'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "spark-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "spark-${version.base}.tgz" } url { download_path = "/spark/spark-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'spark' { name = 'spark' pkg = 'spark-core' relNotes = 'Apache Spark' version { base = '2.1.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "$name-${version.base}.tgz" } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'flink' { name = 'flink' relNotes = 'Apache Flink' version { base = '1.1.3'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "$name-${version.base}-src.tgz" } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'phoenix' { name = 'phoenix' relNotes = 'Apache Phoenix: A SQL skin over HBase' /* * phoenix.hbase is used to select the Phoenix release corresponding * to the base HBase version. Update as needed whenever changing the * HBase version in the BOM. */ phoenix.hbase ='HBase-1.1' version { base = "4.9.0-${phoenix.hbase}"; pkg = '4.9.0'; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = "apache-$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/apache-$name-${version.base}/src" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'bigtop-groovy' { name = 'bigtop-groovy' version { base = '2.4.10'; pkg = '2.4.10'; release = 1} relNotes = "Groovy: a dynamic language for the Java platform" tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"; source = "apache-groovy-binary-${version.base}.zip"} url { site = "https://dl.bintray.com/groovy/maven/"; archive = site } // Optional, as only null values are specified git { repo = null; ref = null; dir = null} } 'bigtop-utils' { name = "bigtop-utils" relNotes = "Service package for Apache Bigtop runtime" version { base = bigtop.version; pkg = base-"-SNAPSHOT"; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "bigtop-utils-${version.base}.tar.gz" } } 'bigtop-jsvc' { name = "bigtop-jsvc" relNotes = "Apache Common Daemon (jsvc) service package" version { base = '1.0.15'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { source = "commons-daemon-${version.base}-native-src.tar.gz" destination = "commons-daemon-${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/commons/daemon/source" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'bigtop-tomcat' { name = "bigtop-tomcat" relNotes = "Apache Tomcat" version { base = '6.0.45'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { source = "apache-tomcat-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" destination = "apache-tomcat-${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/tomcat/tomcat-6/v${version.base}/src" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'alluxio' { name = "alluxio" pkg = "alluxio" relNotes = "Alluxio: a memory-centric distributed file system" version { base = '1.0.1'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "v${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { site = "https://github.com/Alluxio/alluxio/archive" archive = site } } 'kafka' { name = 'kafka' relNotes = 'Apache Kafka' version { base = ''; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "$name-${version.base}-src.tgz" } url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'ycsb' { name = 'ycsb' relNotes = 'Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark' version { base = '0.4.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { site = "https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/archive" archive = site } } 'kite' { name = 'kite' relNotes = 'Kite Software Development Kit' version { base = '1.1.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "release-${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { site = "https://github.com/kite-sdk/kite/archive" archive = site } } 'hama' { name = 'hama' relNotes = 'Apache Hama' version { base = '0.7.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-dist-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "$name-dist-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'zeppelin' { name = 'zeppelin' relNotes = 'Apache Zeppelin' version { base = '0.7.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { source = "$name-${version.base}.tgz" destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'tajo' { name = 'tajo' relNotes = 'Apache Tajo' version { base = '0.11.1'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { source = "$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'apex' { name = 'apex' relNotes = 'Apache Apex' version { base = '3.5.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { source = "apache-$name-core-${version.base}-source-release.tar.gz" destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { download_path = "/$name/apache-$name-core-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } 'qfs' { name = 'qfs' relNotes = 'Quantcast Filesystem' version { base = '1.1.4'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { site = "https://github.com/quantcast/qfs/archive" archive = site } } 'gpdb' { name = 'gpdb' relNotes = 'GreenPlum' version { base = '5.0.0-alpha.0'; pkg = '5.0.0+alpha.0'; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz" source = "${version.base}.tar.gz" } url { site = "https://github.com/greenplum-db/gpdb/archive/" archive = site } } 'ambari' { name = 'ambari' relNotes = 'Apache Ambari' version { base = '2.5.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 } tarball { destination = "apache-$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" source = destination } url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/" site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}" archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" } } } }