/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.drill.exec.compile.bytecode; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.List; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.ObjectIntHashMap; import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.ObjectIntCursor; import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.collect.Lists; class ValueHolderIden { // private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ValueHolderIden.class); // the index of a field is the number in which it appears within the holder private final ObjectIntHashMap fieldMap; // field name -> index private final Type[] types; // the type of each field in the holder, by index private final String[] names; // the name of each field in the holder, by index private final int[] offsets; // the offset of each field in the holder, by index private final Type type; // type of the holder itself public ValueHolderIden(Class c) { Field[] fields = c.getFields(); // Find the non-static member variables List fldList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Field f : fields) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) { fldList.add(f); } } this.type = Type.getType(c); this.types = new Type[fldList.size()]; this.names = new String[fldList.size()]; this.offsets = new int[fldList.size()]; fieldMap = new ObjectIntHashMap(fldList.size()); int i = 0; // index of the next holder member variable int offset = 0; // offset of the next holder member variable for (Field f : fldList) { types[i] = Type.getType(f.getType()); names[i] = f.getName(); offsets[i] = offset; fieldMap.put(f.getName(), i); // the next offset and index offset += types[i].getSize(); i++; } } public void dump(final StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("ValueHolderIden: type=" + type + '\n'); for (ObjectIntCursor oic : fieldMap) { sb.append(" " + oic.key + ": i=" + oic.value + ", type=" + types[oic.value] + ", offset=" + offsets[oic.value] + '\n'); } } private static void initType(int offset, Type t, DirectSorter v) { switch(t.getSort()) { case Type.BOOLEAN: case Type.BYTE: case Type.CHAR: case Type.SHORT: case Type.INT: v.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_0); v.directVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, offset); break; case Type.LONG: v.visitInsn(Opcodes.LCONST_0); v.directVarInsn(Opcodes.LSTORE, offset); break; case Type.FLOAT: v.visitInsn(Opcodes.FCONST_0); v.directVarInsn(Opcodes.FSTORE, offset); break; case Type.DOUBLE: v.visitInsn(Opcodes.DCONST_0); v.directVarInsn(Opcodes.DSTORE, offset); break; case Type.OBJECT: v.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); v.directVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, offset); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * Add the locals necessary to replace the members of a holder of this type. * * @param adder the method visitor to use to add the necessary instructions * @param defaultFirst the default index to return for the first variable * if we don't find another one * @return the index of the first local variable (standing in for the first holder member) */ private int addLocals(final DirectSorter adder, final int defaultFirst) { int first = defaultFirst; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { int varIndex = adder.newLocal(types[i]); if (i == 0) { first = varIndex; // first offset } } return first; } public ValueHolderSub getHolderSub(DirectSorter adder) { final int first = addLocals(adder, -1); return new ValueHolderSub(first); } public ValueHolderSub getHolderSubWithDefinedLocals(int first) { return new ValueHolderSub(first); } /** * Return the DUP or DUP2 opcode appropriate for the given type. * * @param type the type * @return the DUP/DUP2 opcode to use for type */ private static int getDupOpcode(final Type type) { assert type.getSize() >= 1; return type.getSize() == 1 ? Opcodes.DUP : Opcodes.DUP2; } /** * Transfer the member variables of this holder to local variables. * *

If this is used, the maximum stack size must be increased by one * to accommodate the extra DUP instruction this will generate. * * @param adder a visitor that will be called to add the necessary instructions * @param localVariable the offset of the first local variable to use */ public void transferToLocal(final DirectSorter adder, final int localVariable) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { final Type t = types[i]; if (i + 1 < types.length) { adder.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP); // not size dependent: always the objectref from which we'll GETFIELD } adder.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, type.getInternalName(), names[i], t.getDescriptor()); adder.directVarInsn(t.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), localVariable + offsets[i]); } } /** * Create local variables and transfer the members of a holder to them. * * @param adder the method visitor to use to add the variables * @return the index of the first variable added */ public int createLocalAndTransfer(final DirectSorter adder) { final int first = addLocals(adder, 0); transferToLocal(adder, first); return first; } public class ValueHolderSub { private int first; // TODO: deal with transfer() so this can be made final @Override public String toString() { return "ValueHolderSub(" + first + ")"; } public ValueHolderSub(int first) { assert first != -1 : "Create Holder for sub that doesn't have any fields."; this.first = first; } public ValueHolderIden iden() { return ValueHolderIden.this; } public void init(DirectSorter mv) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { initType(first + offsets[i], types[i], mv); } } public int first() { return first; } private int getFieldIndex(final String name, final InstructionModifier mv) { if (!fieldMap.containsKey(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Unknown name '%s' on line %d.", name, mv.getLastLineNumber())); } return fieldMap.get(name); // using lget() is not thread-safe } public void addInsn(String name, InstructionModifier mv, int opcode) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.GETFIELD: addKnownInsn(name, mv, Opcodes.ILOAD); return; case Opcodes.PUTFIELD: addKnownInsn(name, mv, Opcodes.ISTORE); } } // TODO: do we really need this? Instead of moving the variables, can't we just // use the original locations in the subsequent references? public void transfer(InstructionModifier mv, int newStart) { // if the new location is the same as the current position, there's nothing to do if (first == newStart) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { mv.directVarInsn(types[i].getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), first + offsets[i]); mv.directVarInsn(types[i].getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), newStart + offsets[i]); } this.first = newStart; } private void addKnownInsn(String name, InstructionModifier mv, int analogOpcode) { int f = getFieldIndex(name, mv); Type t = types[f]; mv.directVarInsn(t.getOpcode(analogOpcode), first + offsets[f]); } /** * * @param adder * @param owner * @param name * @param desc * @return amount of additional stack space that will be required for this instruction stream */ public int transferToExternal(final DirectSorter adder, final String owner, final String name, final String desc) { // create a new object and assign it to the desired field. adder.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, type.getInternalName()); adder.visitInsn(getDupOpcode(type)); adder.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, type.getInternalName(), "", "()V", false); // now we need to set all of the values of this new object. int additionalStack = 0; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { final Type t = types[i]; // dup the object where we are putting the field. adder.visitInsn(getDupOpcode(type)); // dup for every as we want to save in place at end. adder.directVarInsn(t.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), first + offsets[i]); adder.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.PUTFIELD, type.getInternalName(), names[i], t.getDescriptor()); /* * The above substitutes a reference to a scalar in a holder with a direct reference to * the scalar. * * In the case of longs or doubles, this requires more stack space than was used before; * if we were moving a reference to a holder with a long, we were previously moving the * reference. But now we're moving the long, which is twice as big. So we may need more * stack space than has currently been allocated. */ if (t.getSize() > additionalStack) { additionalStack = t.getSize(); } } // lastly we save it to the desired field. adder.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.PUTFIELD, owner, name, desc); return additionalStack; } } }