/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.drill; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.apache.drill.test.TestBuilder.listOf; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.drill.categories.SqlTest; import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserRemoteException; import org.apache.drill.exec.store.dfs.WorkspaceSchemaFactory; import org.apache.drill.test.BaseTestQuery; import org.apache.drill.test.TestBuilder; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; @Category(SqlTest.class) public class TestSelectWithOption extends BaseTestQuery { private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkspaceSchemaFactory.class); private File genCSVFile(String name, String... rows) throws IOException { File file = new File(format("%s/%s.csv", dirTestWatcher.getRootDir(), name)); try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file)) { for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { fw.append(rows[i] + "\n"); } } return file; } private String genCSVTable(String name, String... rows) throws IOException { File f = genCSVFile(name, rows); return format("dfs.`%s`", f.getName()); } private void testWithResult(String query, Object... expectedResult) throws Exception { TestBuilder builder = testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .ordered() .baselineColumns("columns"); for (Object o : expectedResult) { builder = builder.baselineValues(o); } builder.build().run(); } @Test public void testTextFieldDelimiter() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testTextFieldDelimiter", "\"b\"|\"0\"", "\"b\"|\"1\"", "\"b\"|\"2\""); String queryTemplate = "select columns from table(%s (type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '%s'))"; testWithResult(format(queryTemplate, tableName, ","), listOf("b\"|\"0"), listOf("b\"|\"1"), listOf("b\"|\"2") ); testWithResult(format(queryTemplate, tableName, "|"), listOf("b", "0"), listOf("b", "1"), listOf("b", "2") ); } @Test public void testTabFieldDelimiter() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testTabFieldDelimiter", "1\ta", "2\tb"); String fieldDelimiter = new String(new char[]{92, 116}); // represents \t testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type=>'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '%s'))", tableName, fieldDelimiter), listOf("1", "a"), listOf("2", "b")); } @Test public void testSingleTextLineDelimiter() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testSingleTextLineDelimiter", "a|b|c"); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'TeXT', lineDelimiter => '|'))", tableName), listOf("a"), listOf("b"), listOf("c")); } @Test // '\n' is treated as standard delimiter // if user has indicated custom line delimiter but input file contains '\n', split will occur on both public void testCustomTextLineDelimiterAndNewLine() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testTextLineDelimiter", "b|1", "b|2"); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'TeXT', lineDelimiter => '|'))", tableName), listOf("b"), listOf("1"), listOf("b"), listOf("2")); } @Test public void testTextLineDelimiterWithCarriageReturn() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testTextLineDelimiterWithCarriageReturn", "1, a\r", "2, b\r"); String lineDelimiter = new String(new char[]{92, 114, 92, 110}); // represents \r\n testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type=>'TeXT', lineDelimiter => '%s'))", tableName, lineDelimiter), listOf("1, a"), listOf("2, b")); } @Test public void testMultiByteLineDelimiter() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testMultiByteLineDelimiter", "1abc2abc3abc"); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type=>'TeXT', lineDelimiter => 'abc'))", tableName), listOf("1"), listOf("2"), listOf("3")); } @Test public void testDataWithPartOfMultiByteLineDelimiter() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testDataWithPartOfMultiByteLineDelimiter", "ab1abc2abc3abc"); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type=>'TeXT', lineDelimiter => 'abc'))", tableName), listOf("ab1"), listOf("2"), listOf("3")); } @Test public void testTextQuote() throws Exception { String tableName = genCSVTable("testTextQuote", "\"b\"|\"0\"", "\"b\"|\"1\"", "\"b\"|\"2\""); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '|', quote => '@'))", tableName), listOf("\"b\"", "\"0\""), listOf("\"b\"", "\"1\""), listOf("\"b\"", "\"2\"") ); String quoteTableName = genCSVTable("testTextQuote2", "@b@|@0@", "@b$@c@|@1@"); // It seems that a parameter can not be called "escape" testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(`escape` => '$', type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '|', quote => '@'))", quoteTableName), listOf("b", "0"), listOf("b$@c", "1") // shouldn't $ be removed here? ); } @Test public void testTextComment() throws Exception { String commentTableName = genCSVTable("testTextComment", "b|0", "@ this is a comment", "b|1"); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '|', comment => '@'))", commentTableName), listOf("b", "0"), listOf("b", "1") ); } @Test public void testTextHeader() throws Exception { String headerTableName = genCSVTable("testTextHeader", "b|a", "b|0", "b|1"); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '|', skipFirstLine => true))", headerTableName), listOf("b", "0"), listOf("b", "1") ); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(format("select a, b from table(%s(type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '|', extractHeader => true))", headerTableName)) .ordered() .baselineColumns("b", "a") .baselineValues("b", "0") .baselineValues("b", "1") .build().run(); } @Test public void testVariationsCSV() throws Exception { String csvTableName = genCSVTable("testVariationsCSV", "a,b", "c|d"); // Using the defaults in TextFormatConfig (the field delimiter is neither "," not "|") String[] csvQueries = { // format("select columns from %s ('TeXT')", csvTableName), // format("select columns from %s('TeXT')", csvTableName), format("select columns from table(%s ('TeXT'))", csvTableName), format("select columns from table(%s (type => 'TeXT'))", csvTableName), // format("select columns from %s (type => 'TeXT')", csvTableName) }; for (String csvQuery : csvQueries) { testWithResult(csvQuery, listOf("a,b"), listOf("c|d")); } // the drill config file binds .csv to "," delimited testWithResult(format("select columns from %s", csvTableName), listOf("a", "b"), listOf("c|d")); // setting the delimiter testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s (type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => ','))", csvTableName), listOf("a", "b"), listOf("c|d")); testWithResult(format("select columns from table(%s (type => 'TeXT', fieldDelimiter => '|'))", csvTableName), listOf("a,b"), listOf("c", "d")); } @Test public void testVariationsJSON() throws Exception { String jsonTableName = genCSVTable("testVariationsJSON", "{\"columns\": [\"f\",\"g\"]}"); // the extension is actually csv testWithResult(format("select columns from %s", jsonTableName), listOf("{\"columns\": [\"f\"", "g\"]}\n") ); String[] jsonQueries = { format("select columns from table(%s ('JSON'))", jsonTableName), format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'JSON'))", jsonTableName), // we can use named format plugin configurations too! format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'Named', name => 'json'))", jsonTableName), }; for (String jsonQuery : jsonQueries) { testWithResult(jsonQuery, listOf("f","g")); } } @Test public void testUse() throws Exception { File f = genCSVFile("testUse", "{\"columns\": [\"f\",\"g\"]}"); String jsonTableName = String.format("dfs.`%s`", f.getName()); // the extension is actually csv test("use dfs"); try { String[] jsonQueries = { format("select columns from table(%s ('JSON'))", jsonTableName), format("select columns from table(%s(type => 'JSON'))", jsonTableName), }; for (String jsonQuery : jsonQueries) { testWithResult(jsonQuery, listOf("f","g")); } testWithResult(format("select length(columns[0]) as columns from table(%s ('JSON'))", jsonTableName), 1L); } finally { test("use sys"); } } @Test(expected = UserRemoteException.class) public void testAbsentTable() throws Exception { String schema = "cp.default"; String tableName = "absent_table"; try { test("select * from table(`%s`.`%s`(type=>'parquet'))", schema, tableName); } catch (UserRemoteException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(String.format("Unable to find table [%s] in schema [%s]", tableName, schema))); throw e; } } }