/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.drill.exec.store.parquet; import org.apache.drill.PlanTestBase; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import static org.apache.drill.exec.util.StoragePluginTestUtils.DFS_TMP_SCHEMA; public class TestPushDownAndPruningWithItemStar extends PlanTestBase { private static final String TABLE_NAME = "order_ctas"; @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { test("create table `%s`.`%s/t1` as select o_orderkey, o_custkey, cast(o_orderdate as date) as o_orderdate from cp.`tpch/orders.parquet` " + "where o_orderdate between date '1992-01-01' and date '1992-01-03'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); test("create table `%s`.`%s/t2` as select o_orderkey, o_custkey, cast(o_orderdate as date) as o_orderdate from cp.`tpch/orders.parquet` " + "where o_orderdate between date '1992-01-04' and date '1992-01-06'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); test("create table `%s`.`%s/t3` as select o_orderkey, o_custkey, cast(o_orderdate as date) as o_orderdate from cp.`tpch/orders.parquet` " + "where o_orderdate between date '1992-01-07' and date '1992-01-09'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); } @AfterClass public static void tearDown() throws Exception { test("drop table if exists `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); } @Test public void testPushProjectIntoScanWithGroupByClause() throws Exception { String query = String.format("select o_orderdate, count(*) from (select * from `%s`.`%s`) group by o_orderdate", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=3, numRowGroups=3, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`o_orderdate`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select o_orderdate, count(*) from `%s`.`%s` group by o_orderdate", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testPushProjectIntoScanWithExpressionInProject() throws Exception { String query = String.format("select o_custkey + o_orderkey from (select * from `%s`.`%s`)", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=3, numRowGroups=3, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`o_custkey`, `o_orderkey`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select o_custkey + o_orderkey from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testPushProjectIntoScanWithExpressionInFilter() throws Exception { String query = String.format("select o_orderdate from (select * from `%s`.`%s`) where o_custkey + o_orderkey < 5", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=3, numRowGroups=3, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`o_orderdate`, `o_custkey`, `o_orderkey`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select o_orderdate from `%s`.`%s` where o_custkey + o_orderkey < 5", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testPushProjectIntoScanWithComplexInProject() throws Exception { String query = "select t.user_info.cust_id, t.user_info.device, t.marketing_info.camp_id, t.marketing_info.keywords[2] " + "from (select * from cp.`store/parquet/complex/complex.parquet`) t"; String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, " + "columns=\\[`user_info`.`cust_id`, `user_info`.`device`, `marketing_info`.`camp_id`, `marketing_info`.`keywords`\\[2\\]\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select t.user_info.cust_id, t.user_info.device, t.marketing_info.camp_id, t.marketing_info.keywords[2] " + "from cp.`store/parquet/complex/complex.parquet`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testPushProjectIntoScanWithComplexInFilter() throws Exception { String query = "select t.trans_id from (select * from cp.`store/parquet/complex/complex.parquet`) t " + "where t.user_info.cust_id > 28 and t.user_info.device = 'IOS5' and t.marketing_info.camp_id > 5 and t.marketing_info.keywords[2] is not null"; String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, " + "columns=\\[`trans_id`, `user_info`.`cust_id`, `user_info`.`device`, `marketing_info`.`camp_id`, `marketing_info`.`keywords`\\[2\\]\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select t.trans_id from cp.`store/parquet/complex/complex.parquet` t " + "where t.user_info.cust_id > 28 and t.user_info.device = 'IOS5' and t.marketing_info.camp_id > 5 and t.marketing_info.keywords[2] is not null", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testProjectIntoScanWithNestedStarSubQuery() throws Exception { String query = String.format("select *, o_orderdate from (select * from `%s`.`%s`)", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=3, numRowGroups=3, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `o_orderdate`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select *, o_orderdate from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testProjectIntoScanWithSeveralNestedStarSubQueries() throws Exception { String subQuery = String.format("select * from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String query = String.format("select o_custkey + o_orderkey from (select * from (select * from (%s)))", subQuery); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=3, numRowGroups=3, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`o_custkey`, `o_orderkey`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select o_custkey + o_orderkey from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testDirectoryPruning() throws Exception { String query = String.format("select * from (select * from `%s`.`%s`) where dir0 = 't1'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `dir0`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select * from `%s`.`%s` where dir0 = 't1'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testDirectoryPruningWithNestedStarSubQuery() throws Exception { String subQuery = String.format("select * from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String query = String.format("select * from (select * from (select * from (%s))) where dir0 = 't1'", subQuery); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `dir0`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select * from `%s`.`%s` where dir0 = 't1'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testDirectoryPruningWithNestedStarSubQueryAndAdditionalColumns() throws Exception { String subQuery = String.format("select * from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String query = String.format("select * from (select * from (select *, `o_orderdate` from (%s))) where dir0 = 't1'", subQuery); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `o_orderdate`, `dir0`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select * from `%s`.`%s` where dir0 = 't1'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testFilterPushDownSingleCondition() throws Exception { String query = String.format("select * from (select * from `%s`.`%s`) where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `o_orderdate`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select * from `%s`.`%s` where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testFilterPushDownMultipleConditions() throws Exception { String query = String.format("select * from (select * from `%s`.`%s`) where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01' or o_orderdate = date '1992-01-09'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=2, numRowGroups=2, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `o_orderdate`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select * from `%s`.`%s` where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01' or o_orderdate = date '1992-01-09'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testFilterPushDownWithSeveralNestedStarSubQueries() throws Exception { String subQuery = String.format("select * from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String query = String.format("select * from (select * from (select * from (%s))) where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01'", subQuery); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `o_orderdate`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select * from `%s`.`%s` where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } @Test public void testFilterPushDownWithSeveralNestedStarSubQueriesWithAdditionalColumns() throws Exception { String subQuery = String.format("select * from `%s`.`%s`", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME); String query = String.format("select * from (select * from (select *, o_custkey from (%s))) where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01'", subQuery); String[] expectedPlan = {"numFiles=1, numRowGroups=1, usedMetadataFile=false, columns=\\[`\\*\\*`, `o_custkey`, `o_orderdate`\\]"}; String[] excludedPlan = {}; PlanTestBase.testPlanMatchingPatterns(query, expectedPlan, excludedPlan); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .sqlBaselineQuery("select *, o_custkey from `%s`.`%s` where o_orderdate = date '1992-01-01'", DFS_TMP_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) .build(); } }