select c.c_last_name, c.c_first_name, c.c_salutation, c.c_preferred_cust_flag, dj.sstn, dj.cnt from ( select ss.ss_ticket_number as sstn, ss.ss_customer_sk as sscsk, count(*) cnt from dfs_test.tpcds.store_sales as ss, dfs_test.tpcds.date_dim as d, as s, dfs_test.tpcds.household_demographics as hd where ss.ss_sold_date_sk = d.d_date_sk and ss.ss_store_sk = s.s_store_sk and ss.ss_hdemo_sk = hd.hd_demo_sk and (hd.hd_buy_potential = '>10000' or hd.hd_buy_potential = 'unknown') and hd.hd_vehicle_count > 0 and case when hd.hd_vehicle_count > 0 then hd.hd_dep_count / hd.hd_vehicle_count else null end > 1 and s.s_county in ('Saginaw County', 'Sumner County', 'Appanoose County', 'Daviess County') and ss.ss_sold_date_sk between 2451180 and 2451269 group by ss.ss_ticket_number, ss.ss_customer_sk ) dj, dfs_test.tpcds.customer as c where dj.sscsk = c.c_customer_sk and dj.cnt between 1 and 5 order by dj.cnt desc limit 1000