device_group: - role: machine count: 2 device_type: mustang #device_type: mustang job_name: mwhudson-juju timeout: 30000 log_level: INFO actions: - &deploy-nfs command: deploy_linaro_kernel parameters: dtb: '' kernel: '' ramdisk: '' nfsrootfs: '' target_type: ubuntu login_prompt: 'login:' username: ubuntu password_prompt: Password password: ubuntu login_commands: ['sudo su -l'] - &boot-nfs command: boot_linaro_image parameters: boot_cmds: - 'setenv autoload no' - 'setenv kernel_addr_r ''{KERNEL_ADDR}''' - 'setenv initrd_addr_r ''{RAMDISK_ADDR}''' - 'setenv fdt_addr_r ''{DTB_ADDR}''' - 'setenv loadstuff ''tftp ${kernel_addr_r} {KERNEL}; tftp ${initrd_addr_r} {RAMDISK}; tftp ${fdt_addr_r} {DTB}''' - 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 panic root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot={SERVER_IP}:{NFSROOTFS} ip=dhcp' - 'setenv bootcmd ''dhcp; setenv serverip {SERVER_IP}; run loadstuff; {BOOTX}''' - 'boot' - command: lava_test_shell parameters: testdef_repos: - git-repo: parameters: LAVA_CLOUD_IMG_URL: '' timeout: 900 - &deploy-sata command: deploy_linaro_kernel parameters: # This dtb and kernel is actually ignored. dtb: kernel: target_type: ubuntu login_prompt: 'login:' username: ubuntu password_prompt: Password password: password # The sleep here is pretty mysterious, but without it, on the # *second* boot into the installed image, the call to sudo asks # for a password (some kind of race with cloud init?) I haven't # bracketed to find the length of sleep that is required; 60 # works and 3 doesn't. login_commands: ['sleep 60; sudo -s'] - &boot-sata command: boot_linaro_image parameters: boot_cmds: - 'setenv script_addr_r 0x4004000000' - 'scsi init' - 'ext4load scsi 0 ${script_addr_r} boot/boot.scr' - 'source ${script_addr_r}' - command: lava_test_shell parameters: testdef_repos: - git-repo: parameters: LAVA_SLEEP_FOR_ACCESS: 'yes' LAVA_SLEEP_DURATION: '7200' timeout: 24000 - command: submit_results parameters: server: '' stream: '/private/team/mustang/mwhudson/'