p. The Linaro Networking Group (LNG) is pleased to announce the 2015.11 release of the Linaro Networking Kernel. h4. Interesting changes include: * Further development on the LNG v3.18 branches has been discontinued at this time. * The LNG v4.1 kernel branches have been updated with the October 2015 releases of the corresponding LSK v4.1 branches.
The release is also available via tags in the LNG git repository: git://git.linaro.org/kernel/linux-linaro-lng.git linux-lng-4.1.10-2015.11 git://git.linaro.org/kernel/linux-linaro-lng.git linux-lng-preempt-rt-4.1.7-2015.11 More information on Linaro Networking Group Kernels is available at "http://wiki.linaro.org/LNG/Engineering/Foundational":http://wiki.linaro.org/LNG/Engineering/Foundational h4. Fixed in this release h4. Known issues NO_HZ_FULL isolation is not fully functional in the LNG v4.1 'RT' kernel. Extended periods of isolation presently come at the expense of CPU accounting accuracy on the isolated cores while running in 'full tickless' mode. CPU cores designated for use as 'full tickless' isolated cores are excluded from CPU load balancing, so CPU load balancing is effectively disabled on the LNG 3.18 kernels as currently configured. This is due to the compile-time configuration setting of CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_ALL=y, coupled with the fact that the allocation of CPUs as either 'nohz_full' or 'housekeeping' cores is statically defined at boot time. A work-around would be to configure the kernel with CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y and CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_ALL=n, and then to use boot command line "nohz_full=..." CPU list parameter to apportion CPU resources appropriately. But for testing purposes the most convenient NO_HZ_FULL configuration is the one used in our kernel builds. h4. Feedback and Support Subscribe to the important Linaro mailing lists and join our IRC channels to stay on top of Linaro development. ** Linaro Networking Development "mailing list":http://groups.google.com/a/linaro.org/d/forum/linaro-networking ** Linaro Networking IRC channel on irc.freenode.net at @#linaro-networking@ * Bug reports should be filed in the Linaro Bug Tracking System against "LNG Kernel" product and "General" component: https://bugs.linaro.org * Questions? "ask Linaro":http://ask.linaro.org/. * Interested in commercial support? inquire at "Linaro support":mailto:support@linaro.org