path: root/build-scripts/rewrite-manifest.py
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-03-07rewrite-manifest.py: Handle manifests with relative fetch URLs.Paul Sokolovsky
2014-01-26Re-enable manifest rewriting, but try http://.../git/ .Paul Sokolovsky
2012-11-26Improve no-seed building and use scalable git-over-http for building.Danilo Šegan
2012-11-22Split out URLs being rewritten into a dict as per review.Danilo Šegan
2012-11-22Minor string reformatting.Danilo Šegan
2012-11-22Use argparse.Danilo Šegan
2012-11-22Minor refactoring.Danilo Šegan
2012-11-22Support all git URL variants in existence.Danilo Šegan
2012-11-22Rename sanitize-manifest to rewrite-manifest.Danilo Šegan