tag namebyteswap-for-linus-20121219 (c43f093e25947b25bf42bc878a773bf9d52a80a5)
tag date2012-12-19 13:03:01 +0000
tagged byDavid Woodhouse <>
tagged objectcommit cf66bb93e0...
This single patch is effectively a no-op for now. It enables architectures
to opt in to using GCC's __builtin_bswapXX() intrinsics for byteswapping, and if we merge this now then the architecture maintainers can enable it for their arch during the next cycle without dependency issues. It's worth making it a par-arch opt-in, because although in *theory* the compiler should never do worse than hand-coded assembler (and of course it also ought to do a lot better on platforms like Atom and PowerPC which have load-and-swap or store-and-swap instructions), that isn't always the case. See for example. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAlDRvNsACgkQdwG7hYl686O7KACeKQMiuZMLB9ctF5u0Iql+33PF +WAAnisvZ8HCUjG5E8DF6HWy45r4BjUp =eeUs -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----