path: root/code/pnd/GenerateQGL.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'code/pnd/GenerateQGL.pl')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/pnd/GenerateQGL.pl b/code/pnd/GenerateQGL.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c1372b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/pnd/GenerateQGL.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+open(INPUT_FILE, ">/tmp/input-$$.h") || die "$!";
+print INPUT_FILE "#import <GLES/gl.h>\n";
+close INPUT_FILE;
+open(CPP, "/usr/bin/cpp /tmp/input-$$.h|") || die "$!";
+print "/**** This file is autogenerated. Run GenerateQGL.pl to update it ****/\n\n";
+print "#ifdef QGL_LOG_GL_CALLS\n";
+print "extern unsigned int QGLLogGLCalls;\n";
+print "extern FILE *QGLDebugFile(void);\n";
+print "#endif\n\n";
+print "extern void QGLCheckError(const char *message);\n";
+print "extern unsigned int QGLBeginStarted;\n\n";
+print "// This has to be done to avoid infinite recursion between our glGetError wrapper and QGLCheckError()\n";
+print "static inline GLenum _glGetError(void) {\n";
+print " return glGetError();\n";
+print "}\n\n";
+@functionNames = ();
+while (<CPP>) {
+ chop;
+ /^extern/ || next;
+ s/extern //;
+ print "// $_\n";
+ # This approach is necessary to deal with glGetString whos type isn't a single word
+ ($type, $rest) = m/(.+)\s+(gl.*)/;
+# print "type='$type'\n";
+# print "rest='$rest'\n";
+ ($name, $argString) = ($rest =~ m/(\w+).*\s*\((.*)\)/);
+ next if ($name eq "glColor4f");
+ $isVoid = ($type =~ m/void/);
+ push(@functionNames, $name);
+# print "name=$name\n";
+# print "argString=$argString\n";
+# print "argCount=$#args\n";
+ # Parse the argument list into two arrays, one of types and one of argument names
+ if ($argString =~ m/^void$/) {
+ @args = ();
+ } else {
+ @args = split(",", $argString);
+ }
+ @argTypes = ();
+ @argNames = ();
+ for $arg (@args) {
+ ($argType, $argName) = ($arg =~ m/(.*[ \*])([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/);
+ $argType =~ s/^ *//;
+ $argType =~ s/ *$//;
+ push(@argTypes, $argType);
+ push(@argNames, $argName);
+# print "argType='$argType'\n";
+# print "argName='$argName'\n";
+ }
+ print "static inline $type q$name($argString)\n";
+ print "{\n";
+ if (! $isVoid) {
+ print " $type returnValue;\n";
+ }
+ print "#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(QGL_LOG_GL_CALLS)\n";
+ print " if (QGLLogGLCalls)\n";
+ print " fprintf(QGLDebugFile(), \"$name(";
+ if ($#argTypes >= 0) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $#argTypes; $i++) {
+ $argType = $argTypes[$i];
+ $argName = $argNames[$i];
+ $_ = $argType;
+ if (/^GLenum$/ || /^GLuint$/ || /^GLbitfield$/) {
+ print "$argName=%lu";
+ } elsif (/^GLsizei$/ || /^GLint$/ || /^GLsizeiptr$/ || /^GLintptr$/ || /^GLfixed$/ || /^GLclampx$/) {
+ print "$argName=%ld";
+ } elsif (/^GLfloat$/ || /^GLdouble$/ || /^GLclampf$/ || /^GLclampd$/) {
+ print "$argName=%f";
+ } elsif (/^GLbyte$/) {
+ print "$argName=%d";
+ } elsif (/^GLubyte$/) {
+ print "$argName=%u";
+ } elsif (/^GLshort$/) {
+ print "$argName=%d";
+ } elsif (/^GLushort$/) {
+ print "$argName=%u";
+ } elsif (/^GLboolean$/) {
+ print "$argName=%u";
+ } elsif (/\*$/) {
+ # TJW -- Later we should look at the count specified in the function name, look at the basic type and print out an array. Or we could just special case them...
+ print "$argName=%p";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Unknown type '$argType'\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ print ", " if ($i != $#argTypes);
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "void";
+ }
+ print ")\\n\"";
+ print ", " if $#argTypes >= 0;
+ print join(", ", @argNames);
+ print ");\n";
+ print "#endif\n";
+ if (! $isVoid) {
+ print " returnValue = ";
+ } else {
+ print " ";
+ }
+ print "$name(" . join(", ", @argNames) . ");\n";
+ print "#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(QGL_CHECK_GL_ERRORS)\n";
+ if ($name eq "glBegin") {
+ print " QGLBeginStarted++;\n";
+ }
+ if ($name eq "glEnd") {
+ print " QGLBeginStarted--;\n";
+ }
+ print " if (!QGLBeginStarted)\n";
+ print " QGLCheckError(\"$name\");\n";
+ print "#endif\n";
+ if (! $isVoid) {
+ print " return returnValue;\n";
+ }
+ print "}\n\n";
+print "// Prevent calls to the 'normal' GL functions\n";
+for $name (@functionNames) {
+ print "#define $name CALL_THE_QGL_VERSION_OF_$name\n";