path: root/code/tools/lcc/src/prof.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'code/tools/lcc/src/prof.c')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/src/prof.c b/code/tools/lcc/src/prof.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02709ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/tools/lcc/src/prof.c
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#include "c.h"
+struct callsite {
+ char *file, *name;
+ union coordinate {
+ unsigned int coord;
+ struct { unsigned int y:16,x:10,index:6; } le;
+ struct { unsigned int index:6,x:10,y:16; } be;
+ } u;
+struct func {
+ struct func *link;
+ struct caller *callers;
+ char *name;
+ union coordinate src;
+struct map { /* source code map; 200 coordinates/map */
+ int size;
+ union coordinate u[200];
+int npoints; /* # of execution points if -b specified */
+int ncalled = -1; /* #times prof.out says current function was called */
+static Symbol YYlink; /* symbol for file's struct _bbdata */
+static Symbol YYcounts; /* symbol for _YYcounts if -b specified */
+static List maplist; /* list of struct map *'s */
+static List filelist; /* list of file names */
+static Symbol funclist; /* list of struct func *'s */
+static Symbol afunc; /* current function's struct func */
+/* bbcall - build tree to set _callsite at call site *cp, emit call site data */
+static void bbcall(Symbol yycounts, Coordinate *cp, Tree *e) {
+ static Symbol caller;
+ Value v;
+ union coordinate u;
+ Symbol p = genident(STATIC, array(voidptype, 0, 0), GLOBAL);
+ Tree t = *e;
+ defglobal(p, LIT);
+ defpointer(cp->file ? mkstr(cp->file)->u.c.loc : (Symbol)0);
+ defpointer(mkstr(cfunc->name)->u.c.loc);
+ if (IR->little_endian) {
+ u.le.x = cp->x;
+ u.le.y = cp->y;
+ } else {
+ u.be.x = cp->x;
+ u.be.y = cp->y;
+ }
+ (*IR->defconst)(U, unsignedtype->size, (v.u = u.coord, v));
+ if (caller == 0) {
+ caller = mksymbol(EXTERN, "_caller", ptr(voidptype));
+ caller->defined = 0;
+ }
+ if (generic((*e)->op) != CALL)
+ t = (*e)->kids[0];
+ assert(generic(t->op) == CALL);
+ t = tree(t->op, t->type,
+ tree(RIGHT, t->kids[0]->type,
+ t->kids[0],
+ tree(RIGHT, t->kids[0]->type, asgn(caller, idtree(p)), t->kids[0])),
+ t->kids[1]);
+ if (generic((*e)->op) != CALL)
+ t = tree((*e)->op, (*e)->type, t, (*e)->kids[1]);
+ *e = t;
+/* bbentry - return tree for _prologue(&afunc, &YYlink)' */
+static void bbentry(Symbol yylink, Symbol f) {
+ static Symbol prologue;
+ afunc = genident(STATIC, array(voidptype, 4, 0), GLOBAL);
+ if (prologue == 0) {
+ prologue = mksymbol(EXTERN, "_prologue", ftype(inttype, voidptype));
+ prologue->defined = 0;
+ }
+ walk(vcall(prologue, voidtype, pointer(idtree(afunc)), pointer(idtree(yylink)), NULL), 0, 0);
+/* bbexit - return tree for _epilogue(&afunc)' */
+static void bbexit(Symbol yylink, Symbol f, Tree e) {
+ static Symbol epilogue;
+ if (epilogue == 0) {
+ epilogue = mksymbol(EXTERN, "_epilogue", ftype(inttype, voidptype));
+ epilogue->defined = 0;
+ }
+ walk(vcall(epilogue, voidtype, pointer(idtree(afunc)), NULL), 0, 0);
+/* bbfile - add file to list of file names, return its index */
+static int bbfile(char *file) {
+ if (file) {
+ List lp;
+ int i = 1;
+ if ((lp = filelist) != NULL)
+ do {
+ lp = lp->link;
+ if (((Symbol)lp->x)->u.c.v.p == file)
+ return i;
+ i++;
+ } while (lp != filelist);
+ filelist = append(mkstr(file), filelist);
+ return i;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* bbfunc - emit function name and src coordinates */
+static void bbfunc(Symbol yylink, Symbol f) {
+ Value v;
+ union coordinate u;
+ defglobal(afunc, DATA);
+ defpointer(funclist);
+ defpointer(NULL);
+ defpointer(mkstr(f->name)->u.c.loc);
+ if (IR->little_endian) {
+ u.le.x = f->u.f.pt.x;
+ u.le.y = f->u.f.pt.y;
+ u.le.index = bbfile(f->u.f.pt.file);
+ } else {
+ u.be.x = f->u.f.pt.x;
+ u.be.y = f->u.f.pt.y;
+ u.be.index = bbfile(f->u.f.pt.file);
+ }
+ (*IR->defconst)(U, unsignedtype->size, (v.u = u.coord, v));
+ funclist = afunc;
+/* bbincr - build tree to increment execution point at *cp */
+static void bbincr(Symbol yycounts, Coordinate *cp, Tree *e) {
+ struct map *mp = maplist->x;
+ Tree t;
+ /* append *cp to source map */
+ if (mp->size >= NELEMS(mp->u)) {
+ NEW(mp, PERM);
+ mp->size = 0;
+ maplist = append(mp, maplist);
+ }
+ if (IR->little_endian) {
+ mp->u[mp->size].le.x = cp->x;
+ mp->u[mp->size].le.y = cp->y;
+ mp->u[mp->size++].le.index = bbfile(cp->file);
+ } else {
+ mp->u[mp->size].be.x = cp->x;
+ mp->u[mp->size].be.y = cp->y;
+ mp->u[mp->size++].be.index = bbfile(cp->file);
+ }
+ t = incr('+', rvalue((*optree['+'])(ADD, pointer(idtree(yycounts)),
+ consttree(npoints++, inttype))), consttree(1, inttype));
+ if (*e)
+ *e = tree(RIGHT, (*e)->type, t, *e);
+ else
+ *e = t;
+/* bbvars - emit definition for basic block counting data */
+static void bbvars(Symbol yylink) {
+ int i, j, n = npoints;
+ Value v;
+ struct map **mp;
+ Symbol coords, files, *p;
+ if (!YYcounts && !yylink)
+ return;
+ if (YYcounts) {
+ if (n <= 0)
+ n = 1;
+ YYcounts->type = array(unsignedtype, n, 0);
+ defglobal(YYcounts, BSS);
+ }
+ files = genident(STATIC, array(charptype, 1, 0), GLOBAL);
+ defglobal(files, LIT);
+ for (p = ltov(&filelist, PERM); *p; p++)
+ defpointer((*p)->u.c.loc);
+ defpointer(NULL);
+ coords = genident(STATIC, array(unsignedtype, n, 0), GLOBAL);
+ defglobal(coords, LIT);
+ for (i = n, mp = ltov(&maplist, PERM); *mp; i -= (*mp)->size, mp++)
+ for (j = 0; j < (*mp)->size; j++)
+ (*IR->defconst)(U, unsignedtype->size, (v.u = (*mp)->u[j].coord, v));
+ if (i > 0)
+ (*IR->space)(i*coords->type->type->size);
+ defpointer(NULL);
+ defglobal(yylink, DATA);
+ defpointer(NULL);
+ (*IR->defconst)(U, unsignedtype->size, (v.u = n, v));
+ defpointer(YYcounts);
+ defpointer(coords);
+ defpointer(files);
+ defpointer(funclist);
+/* profInit - initialize basic block profiling options */
+void prof_init(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int i;
+ static int inited;
+ if (inited)
+ return;
+ inited = 1;
+ type_init(argc, argv);
+ if (IR) {
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (strncmp(argv[i], "-a", 2) == 0) {
+ if (ncalled == -1
+ && process(argv[i][2] ? &argv[i][2] : "prof.out") > 0)
+ ncalled = 0;
+ } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0
+ || strcmp(argv[i], "-C") == 0) && YYlink == 0) {
+ YYlink = genident(STATIC, array(unsignedtype, 0, 0), GLOBAL);
+ attach((Apply)bbentry, YYlink, &events.entry);
+ attach((Apply)bbexit, YYlink, &events.returns);
+ attach((Apply)bbfunc, YYlink, &events.exit);
+ attach((Apply)bbvars, YYlink, &events.end);
+ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0) {
+ YYcounts = genident(STATIC, array(unsignedtype, 0, 0), GLOBAL);
+ maplist = append(allocate(sizeof (struct map), PERM), maplist);
+ ((struct map *)maplist->x)->size = 0;
+ attach((Apply)bbcall, YYcounts, &events.calls);
+ attach((Apply)bbincr, YYcounts, &events.points);
+ }
+ }
+ }