path: root/CTestCustom.cmake.in
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-07-29COMP: Ignore nfs future file modification warningHans Johnson
Many NFS mount points are slightly out of sync with the build computer. This cuases warnings that are not related to the actual codebase.
2016-07-29ENH: Only run python summary tests with compatible versionsHans Johnson
The summary tests python script requires features that are only available in python 2.7 and greater. If the python version is insufficient, simply disable the summary tests. This was identified on a nightly dashboard build zoot.icl.utk.edu where the python version found is 2.4.
2016-07-10STYLE: Convert CMake-language commands to lower caseHans Johnson
Ancient CMake versions required upper-case commands. Later command names became case-insensitive. Now the preferred style is lower-case. Run the following shell code: NOTE: MUST USE GNU compliant version of sed cmake --help-command-list \ | grep -v "cmake version" \ | while read c; do echo 's/\b'"$(echo $c | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"'\(\s*\)(/'"$c"'\1(/g' done >convert.sed \ && git ls-files -z -- bootstrap '*.cmake' '*.cmake.in' '*CMakeLists.txt' \ | xargs -0 gsed -i -f convert.sed \ && rm convert.sed
2016-07-09STYLE: Remove trailing whitespace in CMake filesHans Johnson
This is mostly a long term maintenance improvement. Many coding styles require elimination of trailing whitespace, and many editors and source code management configurations automatically gobble up whitespace. When these tools gobble up whitespace, it complicates reviewing the meaningful code changes. By removing whitespace on one patch, it makes future code reviews much easier.
2011-09-23Improve CMAKE BUILD system and OUTPUT PARSING when not all precisions are ↵julie
needed. The following variables will control the precision to be built: BUILD_SINGLE BUILD_DOUBLE BUILD_COMPLEX BUILD_COMPLEX16 For mixed precision SINGLE/DOUBLE routines, both BUILD_SINGLE and BUILD_DOUBLE needs to be on. (same for COMPLEX/COMPLEX16)
2011-06-28CHANGE IN THE SCRIPT:julie
lapack_testing.py has been moved to the top directory One argument was added : - d [dir] is to indicate where is the LAPACK testing directory (.out files). By default, the script will use .-d or --dir to The -f argument was replaced by -r argument. Now by default the script will use the LAPACK output. - r is to use to run the LAPACK tests then analyse the output (.out files). By default, the script will not run all the LAPACK tests INTEGRATION: Integration of the LAPACK Testing parsing in the Makefile and CMake build process. In the Makefile build: now the lapack_testing target will call the script after running the tests In the CMAKE build: after the tests are run, the script will be executed with the option -s (short) the end of the output will look like this: 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 98 Total Test time (real) = 211.83 sec SUMMARY numerical error other error ================ ================= ================ REAL 40 (0.004%) 0 (0.000%) DOUBLE PRECISION 202 (0.020%) 0 (0.000%) COMPLEX 2 (0.000%) 0 (0.000%) COMPLEX16 28 (0.005%) 0 (0.000%) --> ALL PRECISIONS 272 (0.009%) 0 (0.000%)
2011-03-06Added compiler options needed for HP Fortranjulie
- Chuck Atkins (Kitware)
2011-02-28Added warning suppressions for the Intel compiler on Windowsjulie
- Chuck Atkins (Kitware)
2011-01-09Suppress a warning from SUN compilers when building exclusively for your nativejulie
platform. - Chuck Atkins (Kitware)
2011-01-08Suppress harmless linker warnings on IRIX + MIPSprojulie
- Chuck Atkins (Kitware)
2011-01-05Removed output truncation on ctest submissions.julie
- Chuck Atkins (Kitware)
2010-12-20Added a CTestCustom.cmake file to filter unwanted files from code coverage ↵julie
and suppress harmless warnings on the dashboard. - Chuck Atkins (Kitware)