path: root/DOCS
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-12-23Updating version on Version filesJulie
2016-11-25merging: Various cleanups to makefiles #84Julie
2016-09-15Fix issue #8 reported by @matzeri on July 21st 2016Julie
2016-07-09STYLE: Remove trailing whitespace in MISC filesHans Johnson
2016-01-12Committing Christoph Conrads patch sent on Jan 11th on LAPACK Mailing Listjulie
2015-11-15Updating Docyfile for manpagesjulie
2015-11-15Updating version numberjulie
2015-11-12Update Doxyfile... one morejulie
2015-11-12Update Doxyfilejulie
2015-11-11Committing patch submitted by Christopher Conrad on Sept 25th 2015julie
2015-09-15Issues and fixes submitted by Christoph Conrads on Sept 14th by emailjulie
2013-02-15Remove unused filejulie
2013-02-07Fix typos in READMEjulie
2012-08-25(no commit message)julie
2012-08-10Correct comments and Doxygen generation following comments from Sa-Lin Cheng ...julie
2012-04-18Update date and revision numberjulie
2012-01-03Fix group problem for Level 2 BLAS routine in double precisionjulie
2011-11-11Add lapacke inside LAPACKjulie
2011-11-01Never say never...julie
2011-11-01Last commit related to Doxygen integration following Albert's commentjulie
2011-10-31Correct Warning detected during Doxygen Generation.julie
2011-10-06Integrating Doxygen in commentsjulie