*> \brief \b SLASDT creates a tree of subproblems for bidiagonal divide and conquer. Used by sbdsdc. * * =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== * * Online html documentation available at * http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/ * *> \htmlonly *> Download SLASDT + dependencies *> *> [TGZ] *> *> [ZIP] *> *> [TXT] *> \endhtmlonly * * Definition: * =========== * * SUBROUTINE SLASDT( N, LVL, ND, INODE, NDIML, NDIMR, MSUB ) * * .. Scalar Arguments .. * INTEGER LVL, MSUB, N, ND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * INTEGER INODE( * ), NDIML( * ), NDIMR( * ) * .. * * *> \par Purpose: * ============= *> *> \verbatim *> *> SLASDT creates a tree of subproblems for bidiagonal divide and *> conquer. *> \endverbatim * * Arguments: * ========== * *> \param[in] N *> \verbatim *> N is INTEGER *> On entry, the number of diagonal elements of the *> bidiagonal matrix. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] LVL *> \verbatim *> LVL is INTEGER *> On exit, the number of levels on the computation tree. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] ND *> \verbatim *> ND is INTEGER *> On exit, the number of nodes on the tree. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] INODE *> \verbatim *> INODE is INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) *> On exit, centers of subproblems. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] NDIML *> \verbatim *> NDIML is INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) *> On exit, row dimensions of left children. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[out] NDIMR *> \verbatim *> NDIMR is INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) *> On exit, row dimensions of right children. *> \endverbatim *> *> \param[in] MSUB *> \verbatim *> MSUB is INTEGER *> On entry, the maximum row dimension each subproblem at the *> bottom of the tree can be of. *> \endverbatim * * Authors: * ======== * *> \author Univ. of Tennessee *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver *> \author NAG Ltd. * *> \date September 2012 * *> \ingroup OTHERauxiliary * *> \par Contributors: * ================== *> *> Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of *> California at Berkeley, USA *> * ===================================================================== SUBROUTINE SLASDT( N, LVL, ND, INODE, NDIML, NDIMR, MSUB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.4.2) -- * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- * September 2012 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LVL, MSUB, N, ND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER INODE( * ), NDIML( * ), NDIMR( * ) * .. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. REAL TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0E+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IL, IR, LLST, MAXN, NCRNT, NLVL REAL TEMP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC INT, LOG, MAX, REAL * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Find the number of levels on the tree. * MAXN = MAX( 1, N ) TEMP = LOG( REAL( MAXN ) / REAL( MSUB+1 ) ) / LOG( TWO ) LVL = INT( TEMP ) + 1 * I = N / 2 INODE( 1 ) = I + 1 NDIML( 1 ) = I NDIMR( 1 ) = N - I - 1 IL = 0 IR = 1 LLST = 1 DO 20 NLVL = 1, LVL - 1 * * Constructing the tree at (NLVL+1)-st level. The number of * nodes created on this level is LLST * 2. * DO 10 I = 0, LLST - 1 IL = IL + 2 IR = IR + 2 NCRNT = LLST + I NDIML( IL ) = NDIML( NCRNT ) / 2 NDIMR( IL ) = NDIML( NCRNT ) - NDIML( IL ) - 1 INODE( IL ) = INODE( NCRNT ) - NDIMR( IL ) - 1 NDIML( IR ) = NDIMR( NCRNT ) / 2 NDIMR( IR ) = NDIMR( NCRNT ) - NDIML( IR ) - 1 INODE( IR ) = INODE( NCRNT ) + NDIML( IR ) + 1 10 CONTINUE LLST = LLST*2 20 CONTINUE ND = LLST*2 - 1 * RETURN * * End of SLASDT * END