metadata: name: big.LITTLE_Scheduler_tests version: 1.0 format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0" description: "big.LITTLE Scheduler tests: This test suite generates synthetic loads to validate the scheduler task placements functionality on big and little cores according to the load of the task. Test execution takes around 60 minutes" maintainer: - "" os: - "android" devices: - "vexpress-tc2" scope: - "functional" timeout: 6000 install: steps: - "echo 0 > /sys/kernel/bL_switcher/active" - "mkdir /data/local/fts" - "cd /data/local/fts" - "wget" - "tar -xvzf scheduler_testrun.tar.gz" - "mv testrunner testrunner_back" - "cp testrunner_back/ ." - "cp testrunner_back/testrunner ." run: steps: - "sh /data/local/fts/ &> sched_output.log" - "cat sched_output.log | egrep -w 'succeeded|failed|deprecated'" - "lava-test-run-attach sched_output.log text/plain" parse: pattern: "^(?P\\S+):\\s+(?P\\S+)$" fixupdict: succeeded: pass failed: fail deprecated: skip