import csv import datetime import json import logging import math import os import requests import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import urlparse from import ViewClient class ApkTestRunner(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.config['name']) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if self.config['verbose']: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(ch) self.config['output'] = os.getenv("OUTPUT", "./output/%s" % config['name']) if os.path.exists(self.config['output']): suffix ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') shutil.move(self.config['output'], '%s-%s' % (self.config['output'], suffix)) os.makedirs(self.config['output']) self.results = [] serialno = os.getenv('ANDROID_SERIAL') if serialno is None: serialno = '.*' kwargs1 = { 'serialno': serialno, 'verbose': True, 'ignoresecuredevice': False} self.logger.debug('VC kwargs1: %s' % kwargs1) self.device, self.serialno = ViewClient.connectToDeviceOrExit(**kwargs1) kwargs2 = { 'startviewserver': True, 'forceviewserveruse': False, 'autodump': False, 'ignoreuiautomatorkilled': True, 'compresseddump': False} self.logger.debug('VC kwargs2: %s' % kwargs2) = ViewClient(self.device, self.serialno, **kwargs2) def run(self): self.validate() for i in range(1, self.config['loops'] + 1): try:'Running iteration [%s/%s]' % (i, self.config['loops'])) self.config['itr'] = i'Test config: %s' % self.config) self.setUp() self.execute() self.parseResult() self.take_screencap() self.tearDown() except Exception as e: self.take_screencap() self.report_result(self.config['name'], 'fail') self.logger.error(e) sys.exit(1) self.collect_log() self.result_post_processing() def report_result(self, name, result, score=None, units=None): if score is not None: score = float(score) if units is not None: units = str(units) tc_name = str(name) if self.config['loops'] > 1 and self.config['itr'] != 'stats': tc_name = '%s-itr%s' % (name, self.config['itr']) result_string = '%s %s %s %s' % (tc_name, result, score, units) if score is None: result_string = '%s %s' % (tc_name, result) if score is not None and units is None: result_string = '%s %s %s' % (tc_name, result, score)'TestResult: %s' % result_string) with open('%s/result.txt' % self.config['output'], 'a') as f: f.write('%s\n' % result_string) # Save result to results for post processing. result = {'itr': self.config['itr'], 'test_case_id': str(name), 'result': str(result), 'measurement': score, 'units': units} self.results.append(result) def statistics_result(self): if self.config['loops'] == 1: return self.config['itr'] = 'stats' tc_list = [] for result in self.results: if result['measurement'] is not None: tc_list.append(result['test_case_id']) tc_list = set(tc_list) for tc in tc_list: ms_list = [] for result in self.results: if result['test_case_id'] == tc: ms_list.append(result['measurement']) units = '' for result in self.results: if result['test_case_id'] == tc: units = result['units'] break # Calculate and report population standard deviation and standard error. mean = sum(ms_list) / len(ms_list) variance = sum([(e - mean) ** 2 for e in ms_list]) / len(ms_list) pstdev = math.sqrt(variance) pstderr = pstdev / math.sqrt(len(ms_list)) self.report_result('%s-min' % tc, 'pass', min(ms_list), units) self.report_result('%s-max' % tc, 'pass', max(ms_list), units) self.report_result('%s-mean' % tc, 'pass', mean, units) self.report_result('%s-sigma' % tc, 'pass', pstdev, units) self.report_result('%s-stderr' % tc, 'pass', pstderr, units) def result_post_processing(self): self.statistics_result() # Save results to output/name/name-result.csv. fieldnames = ['itr', 'test_case_id', 'result', 'measurement', 'units'] with open('%s/result.csv' % self.config['output'], 'w') as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() for result in self.results: writer.writerow(result)'Result saved to %s/result.csv' % self.config['output']) # Save results to output/name/name-result.json with open('%s/result.json' % self.config['output'], 'w') as f: json.dump([self.results], f, indent=4)'Result saved to %s/result.json' % self.config['output']) def dump_always(self): success = False while not success: try: success = True except RuntimeError: print("Got RuntimeError when call vc.dump()") time.sleep(5) except ValueError: print("Got ValueError when call vc.dump()") time.sleep(5) def call_adb(self, args): self.logger.debug("calling") self.logger.debug("adb %s" % args) try: # Need to set shell=True to save output to host directly. subprocess.check_call("adb %s" % args, shell=True) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) def validate(self): if self.config['apk_file_name'] is None: self.logger.error("APK file name not set") sys.exit(1) if self.config['apk_package'] is None: self.logger.error("APK package name not set") sys.exit(1) if self.config['activity'] is None: self.logger.error("Activity name not set") sys.exit(1) def download_apk(self, apk_name): # create directory for downloaded files if not os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(self.config['apk_dir'])): os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(self.config['apk_dir'])) # download APK if not already downloaded apk_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.config['apk_dir']), apk_name) if not os.path.isfile(apk_path): apk_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.config['base_url'], apk_name) r = requests.get(apk_url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(apk_path, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) def install_apk(self, apk_name): apk_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.config['apk_dir']), apk_name)'Installing %s' % os.path.basename(apk_path)) self.call_adb("install %s" % apk_path) def uninstall_apk(self, package): install_packages = subprocess.check_output(['adb', 'shell', 'pm', 'list', 'packages']) if package in install_packages:'Stopping %s' % package) self.call_adb("shell am force-stop %s" % package)'Uninstalling %s' % package) self.call_adb("shell pm uninstall %s" % package) def take_screencap(self): screencap_file = '/data/local/tmp/%s-itr%s.png' % (self.config['name'], self.config['itr']) self.call_adb('shell screencap %s' % screencap_file)'Pulling %s to output directory...' % screencap_file) self.call_adb('pull %s %s' % (screencap_file, self.config['output'])) def collect_log(self):"Saving logcat.log, logcat-events.log and dmesg.log to output directory...") self.call_adb('logcat -d -v time > %s/logcat.log' % self.config['output']) self.call_adb('logcat -d -b events -v time > %s/logcat-events.log' % self.config['output']) self.call_adb('shell dmesg > %s/dmesg.log' % self.config['output']) def setUp(self): # Install APK. self.download_apk(self.config['apk_file_name']) self.uninstall_apk(self.config['apk_package']) self.install_apk(self.config['apk_file_name']) # Clear logcat buffer. self.call_adb("logcat -c") self.call_adb("logcat -b events -c") time.sleep(3) # Start intent.'Starting %s' % self.config['apk_package']) self.call_adb("shell am start -W -S %s" % self.config['activity']) def execute(self): raise NotImplementedError def parseResult(self): raise NotImplementedError def tearDown(self): self.uninstall_apk(self.config['apk_package'])