#!/bin/sh HOST_OUTPUT="$(pwd)/output" DEVICE_OUTPUT="/data/local/tmp/result_unsorted.txt" RESULT_FILE="${HOST_OUTPUT}/result.txt" export RESULT_FILE LOOPS=1 TIMEOUT=300 usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-l ]" 1>&2 exit 1 } report_test() { test_key=$1 sum=$2 loops=$3 units=$4 avg=$((sum / loops)) echo "${test_key} pass ${avg} ${units}" } consolidate_results() { # Sort timed tests by name grep _time "${HOST_OUTPUT}/result_unsorted.txt" | sort > "${HOST_OUTPUT}/result_sorted.txt" # Count and calculate average for each timed test while read -r testres; do test=$(echo "${testres}" | awk '{print $1}') value=$(echo "${testres}" | awk '{print $3}') units=$(echo "${testres}" | awk '{print $4}') if [ "${test}" != "${curr_test}" ]; then if [ -n "${curr_test}" ]; then report_test "${curr_test}" "${sum}" "${LOOPS}" "${units}" >> \ "${RESULT_FILE}" fi curr_test="${test}" sum=${value} else sum=$((sum + value)) fi done < "${HOST_OUTPUT}/result_sorted.txt" # Last test from the loop: report_test "${curr_test}" "${sum}" "${LOOPS}" "${units}" >> "${RESULT_FILE}" # Add non-timed tests to result.txt grep -v _time "${HOST_OUTPUT}/result_unsorted.txt" | sort -u >> "${RESULT_FILE}" } while getopts "l:" o; do case "$o" in # Number of times the benchmarks will run. l) LOOPS="${OPTARG}" ;; *) usage ;; esac done # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . ../../lib/sh-test-lib . ../../lib/android-test-lib # Test run. create_out_dir "${HOST_OUTPUT}" initialize_adb wait_boot_completed "${TIMEOUT}" adb_push "./device-script.sh" "/data/local/tmp/" info_msg "About to run bionic-benchmarks on device ${ANDROID_SERIAL}" adb shell /data/local/tmp/device-script.sh "${LOOPS}" 2>&1 \ | tee "${HOST_OUTPUT}"/device-run.log adb_pull "${DEVICE_OUTPUT}" "${HOST_OUTPUT}" if [ "${LOOPS}" -gt 1 ]; then consolidate_results else cp -p "${HOST_OUTPUT}/result_unsorted.txt" "${RESULT_FILE}" fi