metadata: name: bluetooth-audio-ui format: "Manual Test Definition 1.0" description: "Test bluetooth audio streaming from UI on Debian." maintainer: - os: - debian scope: - functional devices: - hi6220-hikey - apq8016-sbc environment: - manual-test run: steps: - Flash any UI enabled Xfce based build, power on the board until boot up successfully. - Make sure mouse and/or keyboard is connected to the board. - Make sure some bluetooth audio device (speaker, headset) is turned on and within the range. - Click on BT icon an select "Setup a new device" option. Click continue to search devices. - Change "Device type" to "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" to only display audio devices. - Select the audio device and pair it. - Download audio file "" - Open sound option and select output as the conected BT audio device. - Play the audio file. expected: - Audio device can be connected and paired. - Proper sound can be heard from audio device when music file is played.