metadata: name: opengl-fps format: "Manual Test Definition 1.0" description: "Measure OpenGL FPS with glxgears and Tux Racer." maintainer: - os: - debian scope: - benchmark devices: - hi6220-hikey - db410c - Bubblegum environment: - manual-test run: steps: - Install glxgears and Tux Racer with the following command. - "# apt-get install mesa-utils extremetuxracer" - Run glxgears with the following command and record FPS. - "# glxgears" - "Start Tux Racer by clicking 'Games' -> 'Extreme Tux Racer' in system application menu." - "Display FPS in Tux Racer by selecting 'Configuration' -> 'Graphics' -> 'Display FSP'." - Play Tux Racer and record FPS. expected: - glxgears and Tux Racer works. - glxgears and Tux Racer print FPS numbers.