metadata: name: linux-wifi-terminal format: "Manual Test Definition 1.0" description: "Test if WiFi works well from Terminal" maintainer: - os: - ubuntu - openembedded scope: - functional devices: - hi6220-hikey - apq8016-sbc environment: - manual-test run: steps: - Power on the board and wait till it boots succesfully. - To scan for WiFi, run "$ iwlist wlan0 scan" - Note ESSID of the access point to connect. - If the network is open, run "$ iwconfig wlan0 essid NAME_OF_ACCESS_POINT" - If network requires password, run "$ iwconfig wlan0 essid NAME_OF_ACCESS_POINT key PASSWORD" - To accquire IP address, run "$ dhclient wlan0" - To check if IP address is assigned, run "$ ifconfig wlan0" - To check WiFi connection, run "ping" expected: - "Should be able to connect to available WiFi network." - "Ping command works and should not show any data loss."