metadata: name: qemu-edk2-boot format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0" description: "Setup and run a test on Aarch64 QEMU System Image, with networking." maintainer: - os: - debian scope: - functional devices: - kvm params: # The QEMU executable QEMU_BIN: /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-aarch64 # The QEMU machine definitions QEMU_ARGS: -machine virt -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -pflash /home/flash0.img -pflash /home/flash1.img -device virtio-net-device,netdev=v0 -netdev tap,id=v0,ifname=tap0 -nographic -smp 1 -m 256 # Args for local disk: -machine virt -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=virt -pflash /home/flash0.img -pflash /home/flash1.img -drive file=/root/iscsi-disk-image.bin,if=none,id=blk -device virtio-blk-device,drive=blk -nographic -smp 1 -m 256 # Test name to identify specific configuration TEST_NAME: iscsi install: deps: - wget - expect run: steps: # Put the flash image in /home with the disk image provided files # for QEMU to keep them all together. - pushd /home - wget -O QEMU_EFI.fd ${EDK2_BIN} # Pad to 64 MBytes as required for QEMU flash images - dd if=QEMU_EFI.fd of=flash0.img ibs=64M conv=sync - popd - export QEMU_BIN QEMU_ARGS TEST_NAME - ubuntu/scripts/