path: root/README
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+Here are few steps required to get Imagenet based on OpenCV working DB845c
+######################## On Host #################################
+Step 1: Build Hexagon NN DSP library for DB845c CDSP
+## First download (
+and Install Hexagon SDK 3.4.2 if you have not already done
+## Compile Hexagon NN with below commands.
+$ source $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/setup_sdk_env.source
+$ cd $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/libs/hexagon_nn/2.5/
+$ make tree VERBOSE=1 CDSP_FLAG=1 V=hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv82_v65 V65=1
+This step will generate hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv82_v65/ship/
+which is a shared library for the CDSP.
+Step 2: Generate Testsig and sign with it.
+##Get serial number from the DB845c console using below command and pass it to
+root@linaro-alip:/# cat /sys/bus/soc/devices/soc0/serial_number
+##elfsigner tool takes SoC Serial number as input to generate a testsig, you can get
+##serial number by using getserial or from board sysfs entry as described in above step
+$ python tools/elfsigner/ -t $SERIAL_NUMBER
+$ python tools/elfsigner/ -i libs/hexagon_nn/2.5/hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv82_v65/ship/
+Step 3: Generate Inception v3 model graph for hexagon.
+Option 1: Download the Tensorflow Inception v3 Frozen graph and covert to hexagon compatible c file.
+$ curl -o /tmp/inceptionv3.tgz
+$ tar xzf /tmp/inceptionv3.tgz -C /tmp/
+## Then download and Install bazel and build tensorflow More instructions at
+## I have used Bazel 0.21.0 and TensorFlow 1.13.2 release version.
+$ wget
+$ wget
+$ chmod +x
+$ sh ./ --user
+$ tar -zxvf v1.13.2.tar.gz
+$ cd tensorflow-1.13.2
+$ ./configure
+## Build transform_graph tool in tensorflow About tranform_graph
+$ bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph
+## Quantize protobuf using Graph Transform Tool
+$ bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph --in_graph=/tmp/classify_image_graph_def.pb --out_graph=/tmp/inception_v3_quantized.pb --inputs="Mul" --outputs='softmax' --transforms='add_default_attributes strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,299,299,3") remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics) fold_constants(ignore_errors=true) fold_batch_norms fold_old_batch_norms quantize_weights quantize_nodes fold_constants strip_unused_nodes sort_by_execution_order'
+##Then convert the quantized protobuf into a C file:
+$ cd $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/examples/hexagon_nn/
+$ virtualenv -p python2 env2
+$ source env2/bin/activate
+$ pip install -r environments/req2.txt
+$ cd -
+$ python $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/examples/hexagon_nn/scripts/ /tmp/inception_v3_quantized.pb $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/examples/hexagon_nn/tutorials/007-tensorflow-to-hexagon-nn/inceptionv3_v1.yaml > iv3.c
+$ cp iv3.c $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/libs/hexagon_nn/2.5/
+Option 2: download iv3.c file which I generated using above steps.
+I can share my iv3.c file incase you want to avoid installing tensor flow on your machine.
+$ cp iv3.c $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/libs/hexagon_nn/2.5/
+Step 4: Compile new fastrpc library
+$ git clone -b automake
+$ cd fastrpc
+$ ./
+$ ./configure --host=aarch64-linux-gnu
+$ make
+$ cp src/.libs/* $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/libs/common/remote/ship/UbuntuARM_Debug_aarch64/
+$ cp src/.libs/* $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/libs/common/remote/ship/UbuntuARM_Debug_aarch64
+Step 5: Compile hexagon-nn shared userspace library.
+## Patch Hexagon NN with patch to compile as shared library for userspace.
+$ cd $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/libs/hexagon_nn/2.5/
+$ wget
+$ patch -p1 < hexagon_nn_3.4.2_shared_lib.patch
+$ make tree V=UbuntuARM_Debug_aarch64 CDSP_FLAG=1 V65=1 GRAPHINIT="iv3.c"
+Step 6: Push files to target
+$ ssh linaro@DB_IP_ADDR mkdir /home/linaro/apps /home/linaro/dsp
+$ scp $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/output/testsig*.so linaro@DB_IP_ADDR:~/dsp/
+$ scp $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/output/ linaro@DB_IP_ADDR:~/dsp/
+$ scp $HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT/libs/hexagon_nn/2.5/UbuntuARM_Debug_aarch64/ship/ linaro@DB_IP_ADDR:~/apps/
+$ scp $FASTRPC_LIB_PATH/src/.libs/libcdsp* linaro@DB_IP_ADDR:~/apps/
+$ scp $FASTRPC_LIB_PATH/src/.libs/libadsp* linaro@DB_IP_ADDR:~/apps/
+$ scp $FASTRPC_LIB_PATH/src/.libs/*rpcd linaro@DB_IP_ADDR:~/apps/
+######################## on TARGET DB845c ###############################
+Step 1: Install new fastrpc lib on DB845c
+## For now remove any old adsprpc libraries. new releases should not need this, but for now lets do it.
+$ rm /usr/local/libadsp* /usr/local/libcdsp* /usr/local/bin/cdsprpcd /usr/local/bin/adsprpcd
+$ cp /home/linaro/apps/libcdsp* /usr/local/lib/
+$ cp /home/linaro/apps/libcdsp* /usr/local/lib/
+$ cp /home/linaro/apps/*rpcd /usr/local/bin
+Step 2: Copy dsp libraries to correct place and start cdsprpcd deamon
+$ mkdir /dsp
+$ mount /dev/disk/by-partlabel/dsp_a /dsp
+$ cp /home/linaro/dsp/* /dsp/cdsp/
+$ export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH=/dsp/cdsp
+$ cdsprpcd&
+Step 3: Install OpenCV on the Target
+##Its possible to optimize opencv by enabling neon but for now lets ignore this!
+$ git clone
+$ cd ~/opencv
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+$ cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
+$ make -j8
+$ sudo make install
+$ sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
+Step 4: Build OpenCV Imagenet application and run
+## To Build ##
+$ git clone
+$ cd ImagenetCv
+$ cmake .
+$ make
+$ ./ImagenetCv
+Same instructions apply to images branch aswell.
+This should show up a live video with Image Classifications.