#!/bin/env perl use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Path; $inpath = Cwd::abs_path(dirname($0)); $outpath = Cwd::getcwd; #makes sure the windows path are set correctly and compliant with windows standard $inpath =~ s/^\/([a-z])/$1:/i; $outpath =~ s/^\/([a-z])/$1:/i; print "inpath : $inpath\n"; print "outpath: $outpath\n"; open( CACHE, ">$outpath/.qmake.cache" ); print CACHE "M_BUILD_TREE = \$\$quote($outpath)\n"; print CACHE "M_SOURCE_TREE = \$\$quote($inpath)\n"; close( CACHE ); $specpath = "$outpath/mkspecs/features"; if ( ! -d "$specpath" ) { mkpath( "$specpath" ) } open( INF, "<$inpath/mkspecs/features/meegotouch_defines.prf.in" ); open( OUTF, ">$specpath/meegotouch_defines.prf" ); while ( ) { chomp; my $line = $_; # do variable substitution here if needed print OUTF "$line\n"; } close( INF ); close( OUTF );