#include "playerpage.h" #include PlayerPage::PlayerPage() : MApplicationPage(), labelsVisible(true) { } /** * Creates a menu action to enable or disable "policy awareness", layouts, * the player widget (our own subclass of MVideoWidget) and labels that show * the file name and playback position. * */ void PlayerPage::createContent() { // 1. create menu menuAction = new MAction("Make policy-unaware", this); menuAction->setLocation(MAction::ApplicationMenuLocation); addAction(menuAction); connect(menuAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(togglePolicyAwareness())); // 2. create layouts MLayout *layout = new MLayout(centralWidget()); layoutPolicy = new MLinearLayoutPolicy(layout, Qt::Vertical); // video widget playerWidget = new PlayerWidget(this); playerWidget->setLooping(false); // height is hard-coded for a lack of a better option playerWidget->setMaximumSize(1000, 300); connect(playerWidget, SIGNAL(playerPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(onPositionChanged())); connect(playerWidget, SIGNAL(playing()), this, SLOT(setPlayingIcon())); connect(playerWidget, SIGNAL(paused()), this, SLOT(setPausedIcon())); // labels lblTitle = new MLabel("Tap audio or video button to load a file", this); lblTitle->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QFont titleFont; titleFont.setPixelSize(20); lblTitle->setFont(titleFont); lblPosition = new MLabel("", this); lblPosition->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QFont positionFont; positionFont.setPixelSize(50); lblPosition->setFont(positionFont); lblPosition->setPreferredSize(QSize(lblPosition->preferredSize().width(), 200)); // control bar MLayout *controlBarLayout = new MLayout(layout); controlBarPolicy = new MLinearLayoutPolicy(controlBarLayout, Qt::Horizontal); makeControlBar(controlBarPolicy); layoutPolicy->addItem(lblTitle, Qt::AlignVCenter); layoutPolicy->addItem(playerWidget); layoutPolicy->addItem(lblPosition, Qt::AlignVCenter); layoutPolicy->addStretch(); layoutPolicy->addItem(controlBarLayout, Qt::AlignBottom); } /** * A helper function to create icon buttons. */ MButton* PlayerPage::makeButton(QString iconID, bool enabled) { MButton *button = new MButton("", this); button->setViewType(MButton::iconType); button->setIconID(iconID); controlBarPolicy->addItem(button, Qt::AlignVCenter); setEnabled(button, enabled); return button; } /** * A helper function to make widgets appear enabled or disabled. */ void PlayerPage::setEnabled(MWidget *widget, bool enabled) { // seekbar dissappears completely when disabled on current theme if (widget != seekbar) widget->setEnabled(enabled); // and disabled widgets are not highlighted in any way, so we use opacity for that widget->setOpacity(enabled ? 1.0 : 0.5); } /** * Creates a control bar. It consists of the play/pause button, a seek bar to * scrub through media content, and two buttons to open audio and video files. */ void PlayerPage::makeControlBar(MLinearLayoutPolicy *controlBarPolicy) { btnPlay = makeButton("icon-m-common-play", false); seekbar = new MSeekBar(); controlBarPolicy->addItem(seekbar, Qt::AlignVCenter); setEnabled(seekbar, false); btnLoadAudio = makeButton("icon-m-content-audio"); btnLoadVideo = makeButton("icon-m-common-video"); connect(btnLoadAudio, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openAudioFile())); connect(btnLoadVideo, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openVideoFile())); connect(btnPlay, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(playOrPause())); connect(seekbar, SIGNAL(sliderPressed()), this, SLOT(sliderPressed())); connect(seekbar, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), this, SLOT(seekToNewPosition())); } /** * Shows/hides labels depending on orientation. * * \see PlayerPage::updateLabelsVisibility() */ void PlayerPage::orientationChangeEvent(MOrientationChangeEvent */*event*/) { updateLabelsVisibility(); } /** * Shows/hides labels depending on orientation. For audio files we show labels * at all times, and for video playback we hide the labels in landscape orientation, * since most of the space is occupied by the player widget. * */ void PlayerPage::updateLabelsVisibility() { if (sceneManager()->orientation() == M::Portrait || playerWidget->filetype == PlayerWidget::AUDIO) { if (!labelsVisible) { layoutPolicy->insertItem(0, lblTitle, Qt::AlignVCenter); layoutPolicy->insertItem(2, lblPosition, Qt::AlignVCenter); labelsVisible = true; } } else if (playerWidget->filetype == PlayerWidget::VIDEO) { if (labelsVisible) { layoutPolicy->removeItem(lblTitle); layoutPolicy->removeItem(lblPosition); labelsVisible = false; } } } /** * Opens the file open dialog on the .sounds directory of the user, * sets the "filetype" variable to AUDIO. * * \see PlayerPage::openFile() */ void PlayerPage::openAudioFile() { playerWidget->filetype = PlayerWidget::AUDIO; openFile("/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds/"); playerWidget->setVisible(false); } /** * Opens the file open dialog on the .videos directory of the user, * sets the "filetype" variable to VIDEO. * * \see PlayerPage::openFile() */ void PlayerPage::openVideoFile() { playerWidget->filetype = PlayerWidget::VIDEO; openFile("/home/user/MyDocs/.videos/"); playerWidget->setVisible(true); } /** * Opens the file open dialog, and then loads the file selected. * Helper function for PlayerPage::openAudioFile() and PlayerPage::openVideoFile(). */ void PlayerPage::openFile(QString dir) { qDebug("openFile"); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, tr("Open File"), dir, tr("All Files (*.*)")); if (fileName != "") { playerWidget->open(fileName); QString prettyName = fileName; if (prettyName.contains("/")) prettyName = prettyName.mid(prettyName.lastIndexOf("/")+1); lblTitle->setText(prettyName); seekbarPressed = false; setEnabled(btnPlay, true); setEnabled(seekbar, true); updateLabelsVisibility(); } } /** * Starts or pauses the playback. */ void PlayerPage::playOrPause() { if (playerWidget->state() != MVideo::Playing) { setPlayingIcon(); playerWidget->play(); } else { setPausedIcon(); playerWidget->pause(); } } /** * Displays the "playing" icon for the play/pause button. */ void PlayerPage::setPlayingIcon() { btnPlay->setIconID("icon-m-common-pause"); } /** * Displays the "paused" icon for the play/pause button. */ void PlayerPage::setPausedIcon() { btnPlay->setIconID("icon-m-common-play"); } /** * Updates the label that displays current playback position * and the seek bar. This signal is issued by PlayerWidget every * 100 ms. * * \see PlayerWidget::timerEvent() */ void PlayerPage::onPositionChanged() { QString pos; int mins = playerWidget->position() / 1000.0 / 60; int secs = (playerWidget->position() - mins * 60 * 1000.0) / 1000.0; pos.sprintf("%02d:%02d", mins, secs); lblPosition->setText(pos); seekbar->setRange(0, playerWidget->length()); if (!seekbarPressed) seekbar->setValue(playerWidget->position()); } /** * Sets our private variable seekbarPressed to true, so that we stop * updating the seekbar for the time the control is being used by the user. */ void PlayerPage::sliderPressed() { seekbarPressed = true; } /** * Jumps to a new position in the media. */ void PlayerPage::seekToNewPosition() { seekbarPressed = false; playerWidget->seek(seekbar->value()); } /** * A menu-action to put the demo to policy-aware or policy-unaware mode. * This means that depending on a flag we will or will not acquire the audio resource * prior to beginning to playback audio. See PlayerWidget for the policy-related functionality. */ void PlayerPage::togglePolicyAwareness() { playerWidget->setPolicyAware(!playerWidget->policyAware()); menuAction->setText(playerWidget->policyAware() ? "Make policy-unaware" : "Make policy-aware"); }