#include "playerwidget.h" using namespace ResourcePolicy; /** * Creates a resource set in the "player" application class, this application class * best suites our application description. The application class is used to determine the priority * order of the application. * We create one AudioResource object and add it to the set. For that audio resource we * have to set the pid of the audio renderer, which in our case is the same as the pid of the application, * and stream tag, which we simply set to an all-allowing "*". * * Also, we connect to three signals: * - resourcesGranted, which is triggered whenever the resource we asked for is granted to us; * - lostResources, which is triggered whenever another application has been granted with our resource * and we are no longer able to use it; * - resourcesReleased, which is triggered whenever a call to release() is done and the resource * has been successfully released. * * At last, we add a timer which fires every 100 milliseconds in order to update the current playback position. * This is done because MVideoWidget currently only updates said position for video files, and not for audio. * It might not be as precise, but will serve our needs for the demo. * * \see PlayerWidget::resourceAcquiredHandler * \see PlayerWidget::resourceLostHandler * \see PlayerWidget::resourceReleasedHandler */ PlayerWidget::PlayerWidget(QGraphicsItem *parent) : MVideoWidget(parent) { qDebug("PlayerWidget::PlayerWidget"); resourceSet = new ResourceSet("player", this); resourceSet->setAlwaysReply(); audioResource = new ResourcePolicy::AudioResource("player"); audioResource->setProcessID(QCoreApplication::applicationPid()); audioResource->setStreamTag("media.name", "*"); resourceSet->addResourceObject(audioResource); connect(resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesGranted(const QList&)), this, SLOT(resourceAcquiredHandler(const QList&))); connect(resourceSet, SIGNAL(lostResources()), this, SLOT(resourceLostHandler())); connect(resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesReleased()), this, SLOT(resourceReleasedHandler())); // playback timer startTimer(100); } /** * Calls acquire() on the resource set. Shortly after we should receive a notification * when resources are granted, which means we can begin using audio output. * * \see PlayerWidget::resourceAcquiredHandler * */ void PlayerWidget::acquire() { if (filetype == VIDEO) { resourceSet->addResource(ResourcePolicy::VideoPlaybackType); } else { resourceSet->deleteResource(ResourcePolicy::VideoPlaybackType); } resourceSet->acquire(); } /** * Calls release() on the resource set. Called whenever we are not using the resource. * We can acquire the same resource set again if required. We release resource every time * a pause button is pressed or audio playback is finished, so that other applications can * make use of it. * Call to release() yields resourceReleased() signal shortly after to inform us that resource * has indeed been released. * * \see PlayerWidget::resourceReleasedHandler * */ void PlayerWidget::release() { resourceSet->release(); } /** * Overrides parent play() method to add wrapping with resource policy handling. * If we are in resource policy aware mode, asks to acquire the resource, * otherwise begins playback immediately. * * \see MVideoWidget::play(). */ void PlayerWidget::play() { qDebug("PlayerWidget::play()"); if (policyAware()) acquire(); else beginPlayback(); } /** * Calls parent play() method to begin playback and emits the playing() signal. * This function is used in place of play(), which only prepares the playback * prior to actually starting it. * */ void PlayerWidget::beginPlayback() { MVideoWidget::play(); emit playing(); } /** * Overrides parent pause() method. Releases the audio resource on pause so * that another application can start using it immediately. Emits paused() signal. * An optional parameter releaseResources is added to opt out of releasing the * resource in PlayerWidget::resourceLostHandler() handler. * * \see MVideoWidget::pause(). */ void PlayerWidget::pause(bool releaseResources) { MVideoWidget::pause(); if (releaseResources && policyAware()) release(); emit paused(); } /** * The most interesting kind of event in resource policy. This event * arrives to notify us that the resources we asked for are available for us to use. * Note that not all resources of the resource set might be granted, but we have * only one resource in total (audio). If the granted resources list is not empty, * we begin the playback. * * \see signal ResourcePolicy::ResourceSet::resourcesGranted(). */ void PlayerWidget::resourceAcquiredHandler(const QList& /*grantedOptionalResList*/) { qDebug("PlayerWidget::resourceAcquiredHandler()"); QList list = resourceSet->resources(); if (list.empty()) { qDebug("Granted resource set is empty"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { qDebug("Granted resource %d", (int)list[i]); } if (filetype == AUDIO || (filetype == VIDEO && list.count() > 1)) beginPlayback(); } } /** * This notification arrives to acknowledge that we no longer own the resources from * our resource set. The handler is a no-op in our case. * * \see signal ResourcePolicy::ResourceSet::resourcesReleased(). */ void PlayerWidget::resourceReleasedHandler() { qDebug("PlayerWidget::resourceReleasedHandler()"); } /** * Handles the event of a resource being taken by another application. * Our application is forced to stop using audio resource by muting the sound output. * We will pause the audio, but will not release the resource yet, * so that we receive the acquire notification as soon as the audio resource * is available again. * * \see signal ResourcePolicy::ResourceSet::lostResources(). */ void PlayerWidget::resourceLostHandler() { qDebug("PlayerWidget::resourceLostHandler()"); if (state() == MVideo::Playing) { pause(false); } } /** * Timer event is used to update current playback position, since MVideoWidget updates it * only for video files and not audio files. Our own instance variable, d.pos, is used. * It also handles the Stopped state, in which case paused() signal will be issued. * Every time we emit playerPositionChanged() for the subscribed widget to do its own * processing as well. * */ void PlayerWidget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent */*event*/) { // MVideoWidget doesn't update position on audio files, so we'll keep our own count // /* position = videoWidget->position(); */ if (state() == MVideo::Playing) { d.pos += 100; } if (state() == MVideo::Stopped) { d.pos = 0; pause(); } emit playerPositionChanged(); } /** * Getter for policyAware property, which can be set to true to make the demo behave * like policy-aware and to false for otherwise. */ bool PlayerWidget::policyAware() { return d.policyAware; } /** * Setter for policyAware property, which can be set to true to make the demo behave * like policy-aware and to false for otherwise. */ void PlayerWidget::setPolicyAware(bool aware) { d.policyAware = aware; if (policyAware()) { if (state() == MVideo::Playing) acquire(); } else { release(); } } /** * Getter for position property, our own current playback position counter. Note that * this overrides parent method, but we could call it with full qualification if needed. */ quint64 PlayerWidget::position() { return d.pos; } /** * Setter for position property, our own current playback position counter. Note that * this overrides parent method, but we could call it with full qualification if needed. */ void PlayerWidget::setPosition(quint64 pos) { d.pos = pos; } /** * Overrides parent seek() method, which prior to seek() also updates our own playback position * counter. * * \see PlayerWidget::position() */ void PlayerWidget::seek(quint64 pos) { setPosition(pos); MVideoWidget::seek(pos); }