/************************************************************************* This file is part of libresourceqt Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *************************************************************************/ #include #include "resource-engine.h" using namespace ResourcePolicy; static quint32 resourceSetId=1; ResourceSet::ResourceSet(const QString &applicationClass, QObject * parent, bool initialAlwaysReply, bool initialAutoRelease) : QObject(parent), resourceClass(applicationClass), resourceEngine(NULL), audioResource(NULL), autoRelease(initialAutoRelease), alwaysReply(initialAlwaysReply), initialized(false), pendingAcquire(false), pendingUpdate(false), pendingAudioProperties(false) { identifier = resourceSetId++; memset(resourceSet, 0, sizeof(QPointer)*NumberOfTypes); } ResourceSet::ResourceSet(const QString &applicationClass, QObject * parent) : QObject(parent), resourceClass(applicationClass), resourceEngine(NULL), audioResource(NULL), autoRelease(false), alwaysReply(false), initialized(false), pendingAcquire(false), pendingUpdate(false), pendingAudioProperties(false) { identifier = resourceSetId++; memset(resourceSet, 0, sizeof(QPointer)*NumberOfTypes); } ResourceSet::~ResourceSet() { qDebug("ResourceSet::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, identifier); for (int i = 0;i < NumberOfTypes;i++) { delete resourceSet[i]; } if(resourceEngine != NULL) { qDebug("ResourceSet::%s(%d) - resourceEngine->disconnectFromManager()", __FUNCTION__, identifier); resourceEngine->disconnect(this); resourceEngine->disconnectFromManager(); } qDebug("ResourceSet::%s(%d) - deleted!", __FUNCTION__, identifier); } bool ResourceSet::initialize() { resourceEngine = new ResourceEngine(this); if (resourceEngine == NULL) { return false; } QObject::connect(resourceEngine, SIGNAL(connectedToManager()), this, SLOT(connectedHandler())); QObject::connect(resourceEngine, SIGNAL(resourcesGranted(quint32)), this, SLOT(handleGranted(quint32))); QObject::connect(resourceEngine, SIGNAL(resourcesDenied()), this, SLOT(handleDeny())); QObject::connect(resourceEngine, SIGNAL(resourcesReleased()), this, SLOT(handleReleased())); QObject::connect(resourceEngine, SIGNAL(resourcesLost(quint32)), this, SLOT(handleResourcesLost(quint32))); QObject::connect(resourceEngine, SIGNAL(resourcesBecameAvailable(quint32)), this, SLOT(handleResourcesBecameAvailable(quint32))); QObject::connect(resourceEngine, SIGNAL(errorCallback(quint32, const char*)), this, SIGNAL(errorCallback(quint32, const char*))); qDebug("initializing resource engine..."); if (!resourceEngine->initialize()) { return false; } qDebug("resourceEngine->initialize() returned true"); if (!resourceEngine->connectToManager()) { return false; } qDebug("ResourceSet is initialized engine=%p", resourceEngine); initialized = true; qDebug("**************** ResourceSet::%s().... %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return true; } void ResourceSet::addResourceObject(Resource *resource) { qDebug("**************** ResourceSet::%s().... %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if(resource == NULL) return; qDebug("**************** ResourceSet::%s().... %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); delete resourceSet[resource->type()]; resourceSet[resource->type()] = resource; if ((resource->type() == AudioPlaybackType)) { qDebug("**************** ResourceSet::%s().... %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); audioResource = static_cast(resource); QObject::connect(audioResource, SIGNAL(audioPropertiesChanged(const QString &, quint32, const QString &, const QString &)), this, SLOT(handleAudioPropertiesChanged(const QString &, quint32, const QString &, const QString &))); if(audioResource->streamTagIsSet() && (audioResource->processID() > 0)) { qDebug("registering audio properties"); registerAudioProperties(); } else if (audioResource->audioGroupIsSet()) { qDebug("ResourceSet::%s().... %d registering audio proprerties later", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); pendingAudioProperties = true; } } } bool ResourceSet::addResource(ResourceType type) { Resource *resource = NULL; switch (type) { case AudioPlaybackType: resource = new AudioResource; break; case AudioRecorderType: resource = new AudioRecorderResource; break; case VideoPlaybackType: resource = new VideoResource; break; case VideoRecorderType: resource = new VideoRecorderResource; break; case VibraType: resource = new VibraResource; break; case LedsType: resource = new LedsResource; break; case BacklightType: resource = new BacklightResource; break; case SystemButtonType: resource = new SystemButtonResource; break; case LockButtonType: resource = new LockButtonResource; break; case ScaleButtonType: resource = new ScaleButtonResource; break; case SnapButtonType: resource = new SnapButtonResource; break; case LensCoverType: resource = new LensCoverResource; break; case HeadsetButtonsType: resource = new HeadsetButtonsResource; break; default: return false; } if (resource == NULL) { return false; } addResourceObject(resource); return true; } void ResourceSet::deleteResource(ResourceType type) { if(type == AudioPlaybackType) { audioResource->disconnect(); audioResource = NULL; } delete resourceSet[type]; resourceSet[type] = NULL; } bool ResourceSet::contains(ResourceType type) const { if ((type < NumberOfTypes) && (resourceSet[type] != NULL)) return true; else return false; } bool ResourceSet::contains(const QList &types) const { bool containsAll = true; int i = 0; do { containsAll = contains(types.at(i)); i++; } while ((i < types.size()) && containsAll); return containsAll; } quint32 ResourceSet::id() const { return identifier; } QList ResourceSet::resources() const { QList listOfResources; for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTypes; i++) { if (resourceSet[i] != NULL) { listOfResources.append(resourceSet[i]); } } return listOfResources; } Resource * ResourceSet::resource(ResourceType type) const { return resourceSet[type]; } bool ResourceSet::acquire() { if (!initialized) { qDebug("ResourceSet::%s().... initializing...", __FUNCTION__); pendingAcquire = true; return initialize(); } if (!resourceEngine->isConnectedToManager()) { qDebug("ResourceSet::%s().... connecting...", __FUNCTION__); pendingAcquire = true; resourceEngine->connectToManager(); return true; } else { qDebug("ResourceSet::%s().... acquiring", __FUNCTION__); return resourceEngine->acquireResources(); } } bool ResourceSet::release() { if (!initialized || !resourceEngine->isConnectedToManager()) { return true; } qDebug("ResourceSet::%s().... releasing...", __FUNCTION__); return resourceEngine->releaseResources(); } bool ResourceSet::update() { if (!initialized) { return true; } if (!resourceEngine->isConnectedToManager()) { pendingUpdate = true; resourceEngine->connectToManager(); return true; } qDebug("ResourceSet::%s().... updating...", __FUNCTION__); return resourceEngine->updateResources(); } QString ResourceSet::applicationClass() { return this->resourceClass; } bool ResourceSet::setAutoRelease() { if(initialized) return false; autoRelease = true; return true; } bool ResourceSet::willAutoRelease() { return autoRelease; } bool ResourceSet::setAlwaysReply() { if(initialized) return false; alwaysReply = true; return true; } bool ResourceSet::alwaysGetReply() { return alwaysReply; } void ResourceSet::connectedHandler() { qDebug("**************** ResourceSet::%s().... %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (resourceEngine->isConnectedToManager()) { qDebug("ResourceSet::%s() Connected to manager!", __FUNCTION__); if (pendingAudioProperties) { registerAudioProperties(); } if (pendingUpdate) { resourceEngine->updateResources(); pendingUpdate = false; } if (pendingAcquire) { resourceEngine->acquireResources(); pendingAcquire = false; } } else { // assuming reconnecting qDebug("ResourceSet::%s() Reconnecting to manager...", __FUNCTION__); // first check if we have any acquired resources for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTypes; i++) { if (resourceSet[i] != NULL) { if (resourceSet[i]->isGranted()) { if (i == AudioPlaybackType) { pendingAudioProperties = true; qDebug("ResourceSet::%s() We have audio", __FUNCTION__); } qDebug("ResourceSet::%s() We have acquired resources. Re-acquire", __FUNCTION__); pendingAcquire = true; resourceSet[i]->unsetGranted(); } } } // now reconnect resourceEngine->connectToManager(); } } void ResourceSet::registerAudioProperties() { if (!initialized) { qDebug("%s(): initializing...", __FUNCTION__); pendingAudioProperties = true; initialize(); return; } else if (resourceEngine->isConnectedToManager()) { qDebug("Registering new audio settings:"); qDebug() << "\taudio group: " << audioResource->audioGroup(); qDebug() << "\tPID: " << audioResource->processID(); qDebug() << "\taudio stream: " << audioResource->streamTagName() << ":" << audioResource->streamTagValue(); if((audioResource->processID() > 0) && audioResource->streamTagName() != "media.name") { qWarning() << "streamTagName should be 'media.name' it is '" << audioResource->streamTagName() << "'"; } bool r = resourceEngine->registerAudioProperties(audioResource->audioGroup(), audioResource->processID(), audioResource->streamTagName(), audioResource->streamTagValue()); qDebug("resourceEngine->registerAudioProperties returned %s", r?"true":"false"); pendingAudioProperties = false; } else { //if (!resourceEngine->isConnectedToManager() && !resourceEngine->isConnectingToManager()) { qDebug("%s(): Connecting to Manager...", __FUNCTION__); pendingAudioProperties = true; resourceEngine->connectToManager(); return; } } void ResourceSet::handleGranted(quint32 bitmaskOfGrantedResources) { qDebug("in %s",__FUNCTION__); QList optionalResources; qDebug("Acquired resources: 0x%04x", bitmaskOfGrantedResources); for(int i=0;i < NumberOfTypes; i++) { if(resourceSet[i] == NULL) continue; ResourceType type = (ResourceType)i; quint32 bitmask = resourceTypeToLibresourceType(type); qDebug("Checking if resource 0x%04x is in the set", bitmask); if ((bitmask & bitmaskOfGrantedResources) == bitmask) { if (resourceSet[i]->isOptional()) { optionalResources << type; } resourceSet[i]->setGranted(); qDebug("Resource 0x%04x is now granted", i); } else { resourceSet[i]->unsetGranted(); } } emit resourcesGranted(optionalResources); } void ResourceSet::handleReleased() { for(int i=0;i < NumberOfTypes; i++) { if(resourceSet[i] != NULL) { resourceSet[i]->unsetGranted(); } } qDebug("ResourceSet(%d) - resourcesReleased!", identifier); emit resourcesReleased(); } void ResourceSet::handleDeny() { for(int i=0;i < NumberOfTypes; i++) { if(resourceSet[i] != NULL) { resourceSet[i]->unsetGranted(); } } emit resourcesDenied(); } void ResourceSet::handleResourcesLost(quint32 lostResourcesBitmask) { for(int i=0;i < NumberOfTypes; i++) { quint32 bitmask = resourceTypeToLibresourceType((ResourceType)i); if ((bitmask & lostResourcesBitmask) == bitmask) { resourceSet[i]->unsetGranted(); qDebug("Resource %04x is now lost", bitmask); } } emit lostResources(); } void ResourceSet::handleResourcesBecameAvailable(quint32 availableResources) { QList listOfResources; for (int i=0;i < NumberOfTypes; i++) { ResourceType type = (ResourceType)i; quint32 bitmask = resourceTypeToLibresourceType(type); if ((bitmask & availableResources) == bitmask) { listOfResources.append(type); } } emit resourcesBecameAvailable(listOfResources); } void ResourceSet::handleAudioPropertiesChanged(const QString &, quint32, const QString &, const QString &) { registerAudioProperties(); }