#include #include #include #include #include #include "client.h" using namespace ResourcePolicy; Client::Client(QString appClass) : QObject() { applicationClass = appClass; resourceSet = NULL; standardInput = new QTextStream(stdin, QFile::ReadOnly); mainTimerID = startTimer(0); } Client::~Client() { killTimer(mainTimerID); if (resourceSet != NULL) { delete resourceSet; resourceSet = NULL; } if (standardInput != NULL) { delete standardInput; standardInput = NULL; } } uint32_t Client::parseResourceList(QString resourceListStr) { struct { uint32_t resourceType; const char* resourceName; } resourceDef[] = { { RES_AUDIO_PLAYBACK , "AudioPlayback" }, { RES_VIDEO_PLAYBACK , "VideoPlayback" }, { RES_AUDIO_RECORDING, "AudioRecording" }, { RES_VIDEO_RECORDING, "VideoRecording" }, { RES_VIBRA , "Vibra" }, { RES_LEDS , "Leds" }, { RES_BACKLIGHT , "BackLight" }, { RES_SYSTEM_BUTTON , "SystemButton" }, { RES_LOCK_BUTTON , "LockButton" }, { RES_SCALE_BUTTON , "ScaleButton" }, { RES_SNAP_BUTTON , "SnapButton" }, { RES_LENS_COVER , "LensCover" }, { 0 , NULL } }; uint32_t resourceList = 0; if (resourceListStr.isEmpty() || resourceListStr.isNull()) { return 0; } else { QStringList resList = resourceListStr.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int i = 0; i < resList.count(); i++) { int pos = 0; while (resourceDef[pos].resourceName != NULL) { if (resList[i] == resourceDef[pos].resourceName) break; pos++; } if (!resourceDef[pos].resourceName) { const char* res = qPrintable(resList[i]); printf("Ignoring invalid resource name '%s'\n", res); } else { resourceList |= resourceDef[pos].resourceType; } } } return resourceList; } void Client::showPrompt() { printf("res-client> "); fflush(stdout); } void Client::updateSet(uint32_t list, uint32_t optional, bool remove) { uint32_t resources[] = { RES_AUDIO_PLAYBACK, RES_VIDEO_PLAYBACK, RES_AUDIO_RECORDING, RES_VIDEO_RECORDING, RES_VIBRA, RES_LEDS, RES_BACKLIGHT, RES_SYSTEM_BUTTON, RES_LOCK_BUTTON, RES_SCALE_BUTTON, RES_SNAP_BUTTON, RES_LENS_COVER, 0 }; int pos = 0; while (resources[pos]) { if ((list & resources[pos]) == resources[pos]) { Resource* resource = NULL; ResourceType res = getResourceType(resources[pos]); bool opt = (optional & resources[pos]) == resources[pos]; if (remove) { if (!resourceSet->contains(res)) { continue; } if (optional) { resource = resourceSet->resource(res); resource->setOptional(false); } else { resourceSet->deleteResource(res); } } else { if (resourceSet->contains(res)) { resource = resourceSet->resource(res); if (resource->isOptional() != opt) { resource->setOptional(opt); } continue; } resource = allocateResource(res, opt); if (resource) { resourceSet->addResourceObject(resource); } } } pos++; } } bool Client::initialize(uint32_t all, uint32_t optional, bool alwaysReply, bool autoRelease) { resourceSet = new ResourceSet(applicationClass); if (resourceSet == NULL) { return false; } if (alwaysReply) { qDebug("client: alwaysReply"); resourceSet->setAlwaysReply(); } if (autoRelease) { qDebug("client: autoRelease"); resourceSet->setAutoRelease(); } updateSet(all, optional, false); if (!connect(resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesGranted(QList)), this, SLOT(resourceAcquiredHandler(QList)))) { return false; } if (!connect(resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesDenied()), this, SLOT(resourceDeniedHandler()))) { return false; } if (!connect(resourceSet, SIGNAL(lostResources()), this, SLOT(resourceLostHandler()))) { return false; } connect(resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesReleased()), this, SLOT(resourceReleasedHandler())); showPrompt(); return true; } Resource* Client::allocateResource(ResourceType resource, bool optional) { Resource* retValue = NULL; switch (resource) { case AudioPlaybackType: retValue = new AudioResource(); break; case VideoPlaybackType: retValue = new VideoResource(); break; case AudioRecorderType: retValue = new AudioRecorderResource(); break; case VideoRecorderType: retValue = new VideoRecorderResource(); break; case VibraType: retValue = new VibraResource(); break; case LedsType: retValue = new LedsResource(); break; case BacklightType: retValue = new BacklightResource(); break; case SystemButtonType: retValue = new SystemButtonResource(); break; case LockButtonType: retValue = new LockButtonResource(); break; case ScaleButtonType: retValue = new ScaleButtonResource(); break; case SnapButtonType: retValue = new SnapButtonResource(); break; case LensCoverType: retValue = new LensCoverResource(); break; case NumberOfTypes: return NULL; } if (retValue) { retValue->setOptional(optional); } else { printf("Unknown resource type - %d\n", resource); } return retValue; } ResourceType Client::getResourceType(uint32_t resource) { switch (resource) { case RES_AUDIO_PLAYBACK: return AudioPlaybackType; case RES_VIDEO_PLAYBACK: return VideoPlaybackType; case RES_AUDIO_RECORDING: return AudioRecorderType; case RES_VIDEO_RECORDING: return VideoRecorderType; case RES_VIBRA: return VibraType; case RES_LEDS: return LedsType; case RES_BACKLIGHT: return BacklightType; case RES_SYSTEM_BUTTON: return SystemButtonType; case RES_LOCK_BUTTON: return LockButtonType; case RES_SCALE_BUTTON: return ScaleButtonType; case RES_SNAP_BUTTON: return SnapButtonType; case RES_LENS_COVER: return LensCoverType; } return NumberOfTypes; } void Client::showResources(const QList resList) { const char* resTypes[] = { "AudioPlayback", "VideoPlayback", "AudioRecorder", "VideoRecorder", "Vibra", "Leds", "Backlight", "SystemButton", "LockButton", "ScaleButton", "SnapButton", "LensCover" }; for (int i = 0; i < resList.count(); i++) { printf("\t%s\n", resTypes[resList[i]]); } } void Client::showResources(const QList resList) { const char* resTypes[] = { "AudioPlayback", "VideoPlayback", "AudioRecorder", "VideoRecorder", "Vibra", "Leds", "Backlight", "SystemButton", "LockButton", "ScaleButton", "SnapButton", "LensCover" }; for (int i = 0; i < resList.count(); i++) { Resource* r = resList[i]; printf("\t%s%s%s\n", resTypes[r->type()], r->isOptional() ? " (optional)" : "", r->isGranted() ? " (granted)" : ""); } } void Client::resourceAcquiredHandler(const QList& /*grantedResList*/) { if( timeStat.markEnd() ) { timeStat.report("\nOperation took %.2f ms\n"); } QList list = resourceSet->resources(); if (!list.count()) { printf("\nGranted resource set is empty. Possible bug?\n"); } else { printf("\nManager grants access to these resources:\n"); printf("Resource set:\n"); showResources(list); } showPrompt(); } void Client::resourceDeniedHandler() { if( timeStat.markEnd() ) { timeStat.report("\nOperation took %.2f ms\n"); } printf("\nManager denies access to resources!\n"); showPrompt(); } void Client::resourceLostHandler() { if( timeStat.markEnd() ) { timeStat.report("\nOperation took %.2f ms\n"); } printf("\nLost resources from manager!\n"); showPrompt(); } void Client::resourceReleasedHandler() { if( timeStat.markEnd() ) { timeStat.report("\nOperation took %.2f ms\n"); } printf("\nAll resources released\n"); showPrompt(); } void Client::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) { bool quitFlag = false; fd_set stdinfd; FD_ZERO(&stdinfd); FD_SET(0, &stdinfd); timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; int ready = select(1, &stdinfd, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ready > 0) { QString line = standardInput->readLine(); if (!line.isNull()) { QStringList params = line.split(" "); if (params[0] == "quit") { quitFlag = true; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QCoreApplication::instance(), "quit"); } else if (params[0] == "help") { printf("Available commands:\n"); printf("\t help \tprint this help message\n"); printf("\t quit \texit application\n"); printf("\t free \tdestroy and free the resources\n"); printf("\t acquire\tacquire required resources\n"); printf("\t release\trelease resources\n"); printf("\t update\tupdate modified resource set after add or remove command\n"); printf("\t add reslist [-o]\tadd reosurce list, if -o provided, set as optional\n"); printf("\t remove reslist [-o]\tremove reosurce list, if -o provided, removed only optional flag\n"); printf("\t audio pid | group