path: root/arm-probe
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-10-22remove capture averaging from library add to arm probeAndy Green
2012-10-22refactor separate non aep specific stuffAndy Green
2012-10-19add fstack protector to everythingAndy Green
2012-10-19add FORTIFY_SOURCE everywhereAndy Green
2012-10-14config allow virtual summing supplies in configAndy Green
2012-10-14config add channel class fieldAndy Green
2012-10-12change process name of aep service forkAndy Green
2012-10-11issue libarmep results using shared mem from forked processAndy Green
2012-10-11optimize correctionAndy Green
2012-10-08add channel colour fieldAndy Green
2012-10-06reset simple average at triggerAndy Green
2012-10-06pass poll array management through callbackAndy Green
2012-10-06introduce autotools libarmepAndy Green