BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdded example cron fileMatt Hart9 years
refactoringdjango 1.6 fixesMilosz Wasilewski9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2015-04-08Added example cron fileHEADmasterMatt Hart
2015-04-08Added index.wsgi fileMatt Hart
2015-04-01Remove some redundant requirements and add a .gitreview file for gerritMatt Hart
2014-10-29jenkins_lava_helper: fixed error handlingMilosz Wasilewski
2014-10-29testmanager: multiple data download fixesMilosz Wasilewski
2014-10-29testmanager: added longusername supportMilosz Wasilewski
2014-09-18testrunner: fixed urls.py to include . in jenkins job nameMilosz Wasilewski
2014-08-27testrunner: ordering of the results is now based on test nameMilosz Wasilewski
2014-08-27testreporter: only unique bugs are now displayed on the report pageMilosz Wasilewski
2014-08-27testreporter: added device type to results reportMilosz Wasilewski