diff options
authorLaurent Alfonsi <>2022-08-05 12:15:02 +0200
committerLaurent Alfonsi <>2022-08-10 08:36:26 +0200
commita496dfe077efaf7ae47214e62cf646fbb708cdab (patch)
parent836b21266129dd66906ab07766346486a79aef81 (diff)
tcwg-wip: First script to push a results to squad (WIP)
Change-Id: If30c34480211f3b638eed97724c4043fbcd1962d
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcwg-wip/ b/tcwg-wip/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..976c8649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcwg-wip/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+#!/bin/bash -f
+# Example to push a base-artifacts branch :
+# tcwg-wip/ --branch linaro-local/ci/tcwg_bmk_gnu_apm/gnu-master-aarch64-spec2k6-Os_LTO --push true
+set -e
+scripts=$(dirname "$0")/..
+# shellcheck
+. "$scripts/"
+convert_args_to_variables "$@"
+obligatory_variables branch
+if [ "$dryrun" == "false" ]; then
+ curl="curl"
+ echo "DRYRUN : Will show but not push result"
+ curl="echo curl"
+# --------------------------- UTILS --------------------------------
+ if $verbose; then
+ echo "$*"
+ fi
+ if $first_time; then
+ rm -rf squad_inputs/${project_run['project']}
+ fi
+ first_time=false
+# --------------------------- GET INFOS --------------------------------
+declare -A project_run
+get_infos_from_artifacts ()
+ local artifacts_dir=$1
+ local artifacts_sha1=$2
+ local artifacts_branch=$3
+ echo "# base-artifact : rev=$sha1 ($artifacts_branch)"
+ git -C $artifact_dir reset -q --hard
+ git -C $artifact_dir checkout -q -f $artifacts_sha1
+ local
+ if [ ! -f $fn ]; then
+ fn=jenkins/
+ fi
+ declare -A rr
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ source $artifacts_dir/$fn
+ if [ -d $artifacts_dir/dashboard ]; then
+ # Use dashboard directory
+ :
+ else
+ # general
+ project_run['artifact_topdir']="$artifacts_dir"
+ project_run['project']=$(echo $BUILD_URL |cut -d/ -f5)
+ project_run['run']=$(echo $BUILD_URL |cut -d/ -f6)
+ project_run['url']="$BUILD_URL"
+ # tool versions
+ set -x
+ project_run['version_binutils']=${rr[binutils_rev]}
+ project_run['version_gcc']=${rr[gcc_rev]}
+ set +x
+ project_run['version_glibc']=${rr[glibc_rev]}
+ project_run['version_linux']=${rr[linux_rev]}
+ [ -v "rr[llvm_rev]" ] && project_run['version_llvm']=${rr[llvm_rev]}
+ # url
+ project_run['artifacts_baseurl']=""
+ project_run['artifacts_branch_and_version']="h=$artifacts_branch&id=$artifacts_sha1"
+ project_run['artifacts_results']="${project_run['artifacts_baseurl']}/?${project_run['artifacts_branch_and_version']}"
+ # relative to artifact topdir
+ benchmark_dir=$(cd $artifacts_dir && find . -maxdepth 2 -name "*-benchmark")
+ check_regression_dir=$(cd $artifacts_dir && find . -maxdepth 2 -name "*-check_regression")
+ project_run['manifest']=""
+ if [ ! -f $artifacts_dir/${project_run['manifest']} ]; then
+ project_run['manifest']="jenkins/"
+ fi
+ project_run['benchmark_log']="$benchmark_dir/benchmark-build.log"
+ project_run['results_csv']="$check_regression_dir/csv-results-1/results.csv"
+ project_run['datetime']=$(date --iso-8601=seconds -r $artifacts_dir/${project_run['manifest']})
+ fi
+# --------------------------- GET INFOS --------------------------------
+# uses RESULTS_FILE argument
+# outputs project_results
+declare -A project_results
+ echo " * parsing base-artifacts inputs"
+ echo " ${project_run['artifact_topdir']}/${project_run['results_csv']}"
+ IFS=','
+ # benchmark, symbol, sample, size, num_vect_loops, symbol_md5sum
+ while read bench symb perf size vect md5sum
+ do
+ [[ $symb == *.default* ]] || continue
+ if [ -v project_results["func:$bench"] ] && [ ${project_results["func:$bench"]} != "pass" ]; then
+ : # do nothing if fail is already
+ else
+ case $perf in
+ 999999999)
+ project_results["func:$bench"]="build_fail"
+ # project_results["perf:$bench"]=""
+ # project_results["size:$bench"]=""
+ # project_results["vect:$bench"]=""
+ ;;
+ 888888888)
+ project_results["func:$bench"]="run_fail"
+ [ $size != "-1" ] && project_results["size:$bench"]="$size"
+ [ $vect != "-1" ] && project_results["vect:$bench"]="$vect"
+ # project_results["perf:$bench"]=""
+ ;;
+ *)
+ project_results["func:$bench"]="pass"
+ [ $size != "-1" ] && project_results["size:$bench"]="$size"
+ [ $vect != "-1" ] && project_results["vect:$bench"]="$vect"
+ [ $perf != "-1" ] && project_results["perf:$bench"]="$perf"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ #echo " # $bench,$symb,$perf,$size,$vect,$md5sum"
+ verbose " $bench : ${project_results["func:$bench"]}, ${project_results["perf:$bench"]}, " \
+ "${project_results["size:$bench"]}, ${project_results["vect:$bench"]}, $md5sum"
+ done < "${project_run['artifact_topdir']}/${project_run['results_csv']}"
+ unset IFS
+ # hh:mm:ss Finished: SUCCESS
+ project_run['run_status']=$(grep '^Finished: ' ${project_run['artifact_topdir']}/${project_run['benchmark_log']} | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2)
+# --------------------------- WRITING OUTPUTS --------------------------------
+# uses project_results[] project_run[]
+# dump files in ${project_run['project_run_dir']}
+ local nbtest=0 nbpass=0 nbfail=0 nbskip=0
+ outdir=squad_inputs/${project_run['project']}/${project_run['run']}
+ rm -rf $outdir
+ mkdir -p $outdir
+ clean_squad_project_if_first_time
+ echo " * writing json for squad"
+ for key in "${!project_results[@]}"; do
+ kind=$(echo $key | cut -d: -f1)
+ bench=$(echo $key | cut -d: -f2)
+ [[ "$kind" == "func" ]] || continue
+ # echo " - writing $outdir/$bench # ${project_results["func:$bench"]}"
+ mkdir -p $outdir/$bench
+ case ${project_results["func:$bench"]} in
+ "build_fail")
+ build_func="fail"; ((nbfail+=1));
+ run_func="skip"; ((nbskip+=1));
+ ((nbtest+=2));
+ ;;
+ "run_fail")
+ build_func="pass"; ((nbpass+=1));
+ run_func="fail"; ((nbfail+=1));
+ ((nbtest+=2));
+ ;;
+ "pass")
+ build_func="pass"; ((nbpass+=1));
+ run_func="pass"; ((nbpass+=1));
+ ((nbtest+=2));
+ ;;
+ esac
+ resfile=$outdir/$bench/results-functional.json
+ echo "{" >> $resfile
+ echo " \"build\" : \"$build_func\"", >> $resfile
+ echo " \"run\" : \"$run_func\"" >> $resfile
+ echo "}" >> $resfile
+ resfile=$outdir/$bench/results-metrics.json
+ echo "{" >> $resfile
+ [ -v project_results["perf:$bench"] ] && echo " \"perf\" : \"${project_results["perf:$bench"]}\"," >> $resfile
+ [ -v project_results["vect:$bench"] ] && echo " \"vect\" : \"${project_results["vect:$bench"]}\"," >> $resfile
+ [ -v project_results["size:$bench"] ] && echo " \"size\" : \"${project_results["size:$bench"]}\"" >> $resfile
+ echo "}" >> $resfile
+ resfile=$outdir/$bench/results-metadata.json
+ echo "{" >> $resfile
+ # general infos
+ echo " \"datetime\": \"${project_run['datetime']}\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"build_url\": \"${project_run['url']}\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"build_log\": \"${project_run['url']}console\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"job_status\": \"${project_run['run_status']}\"," >> $resfile
+ # tool versions
+ echo " \"version_binutils\": \"${project_run['version_binutils']}\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"version_gcc\": \"${project_run['version_gcc']}\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"version_glibc\": \"${project_run['version_glibc']}\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"version_linux\": \"${project_run['version_linux']}\"," >> $resfile
+ [ -v project_run['version_llvm'] ] && echo " \"version_llvm\": \"${project_run['version_llvm']}\"," >> $resfile
+ # links to base-artifacts
+ echo " \"artifact_results\": " \
+ "\"${project_run['artifacts_baseurl']}/?${project_run['artifacts_branch_and_version']}\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"build_manifest\": "\
+ "\"${project_run['artifacts_baseurl']}/${project_run['manifest']}?${project_run['artifacts_branch_and_version']}\"," >> $resfile
+ echo " \"benchmark_log\": "\
+ "\"${project_run['artifacts_baseurl']}/${project_run['benchmark_log']}?${project_run['artifacts_branch_and_version']}\"" >> $resfile
+ echo "}" >> $resfile
+ done
+ project_run['squad_input_dir']=$outdir
+ echo " $outdir ($nbtest test, $nbpass pass, $nbfail fail, $nbskip skip)"
+ local outdir=squad_inputs/${project_run['project']}/${project_run['run']}
+ local pushcmdfile=$outdir/
+ rm -f $pushcmdfile
+ echo " * generating cmd to push results"
+ SQUAD_TOKEN="e1e2856837b6c89c08e1031f3263e290b5aeefb5"
+ squad_server=
+ GRP="~laurent.alfonsi"
+ echo "#!/bin/bash -f" > $pushcmdfile
+ echo "cd $(pwd)" >> $pushcmdfile
+ echo "" >> $pushcmdfile
+ for key in "${!project_results[@]}"; do
+ kind=$(echo $key | cut -d: -f1)
+ bench=$(echo $key | cut -d: -f2)
+ [[ "$kind" == "func" ]] || continue
+ PRJ="${project_run['project']}"
+ BLD="${project_run['run']}"
+ ENV="$bench"
+ SQUAD_URL=$squad_server/api/submit/$GRP/$PRJ/$BLD/$ENV
+ # result files
+ RESULTS_RESULTS=${project_run['squad_input_dir']}/$bench/results-functional.json
+ RESULTS_METRICS=${project_run['squad_input_dir']}/$bench/results-metrics.json
+ RESULTS_METADATA=${project_run['squad_input_dir']}/$bench/results-metadata.json
+ echo $curl \
+ --header \"Authorization: Token $SQUAD_TOKEN\" \
+ --form tests=@$RESULTS_RESULTS \
+ --form metrics=@$RESULTS_METRICS \
+ --form metadata=@$RESULTS_METADATA \
+ $SQUAD_URL >> $pushcmdfile
+ echo "echo $SQUAD_URL pushed" >> $pushcmdfile
+ done
+ echo " $pushcmdfile"
+ chmod a+x $pushcmdfile
+ # push command for all project
+ pushcmdfile=squad_inputs/${project_run['project']}/
+ if [ ! -f $pushcmdfile ]; then
+ echo "#!/bin/bash -fx" > $pushcmdfile
+ chmod a+x $pushcmdfile
+ fi
+ echo "" >> $pushcmdfile
+ echo "./squad_inputs/${project_run['project']}/${project_run['run']}/" >> $pushcmdfile
+ echo ""
+get_and_push_one_project ()
+ artifact_dir=$1
+ artifact_branch=$2
+ echo "# base_artifact : fetch $artifact_branch"
+ git -C $artifact_dir fetch -q origin $artifact_branch
+ git -C $artifact_dir checkout FETCH_HEAD
+ for sha1 in $(git -C $artifact_dir log FETCH_HEAD --pretty=%H | tac); do
+ get_infos_from_artifacts $artifact_dir $sha1 $artifact_branch
+ parse_results_csv_files
+ dump_json_for_squad
+ push_results_to_squad_server
+ done
+ echo "squad_inputs/${project_run['project']}/"
+ echo ""
+# restart from scrach. Checkout single branch.
+# rm -rf $artifact_dir
+if [ ! -d $artifact_dir ]; then
+ git clone --single-branch --branch empty $gitserver $artifact_dir
+get_and_push_one_project $artifact_dir $branch