path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1040 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2b3723ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@
+# Usage :
+# cimonitor-configs/TCWG.yaml /public_html/
+import sys
+import json
+import os
+import yaml
+import datetime
+import re
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate ci monitor html files',
+ prog='',
+ usage='%(prog)s -o public_html [config_files]+')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, nargs=1,
+ help='Output directory of html generated files')
+parser.add_argument('configs', type=str, nargs='+',
+ help='Yaml config files to describe html format')
+# Basic, low level functions
+def nice_print(data):
+ json_formatted_str = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ print(json_formatted_str)
+def download_and_open(url):
+ fd, tmpnm=tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.system("wget " + "-o /dev/null " + "-O " + tmpnm + " " + url)
+ return os.fdopen(fd, 'r'), tmpnm
+def close_and_remove(tmpf, tmpnm):
+ tmpf.close()
+ os.remove(tmpnm)
+def days_since(timestamp):
+ return round(((int(dt_now.strftime('%s')) - round(timestamp/1000)) / 3600) / 24)
+def time_since(timestamp):
+ nhours=round((int(dt_now.strftime('%s')) - round(timestamp/1000)) / 3600)
+ ndays=int(nhours / 24)
+ nhours=round( nhours - ndays*24 )
+ return "%02ddays %02dhrs ago"%(ndays, nhours)
+Read and load yaml config file as it is."""
+def get_config(config_name):
+ with open(config_name, 'r') as file:
+ config = yaml.safe_load(file)
+ config_sanity_check(config)
+ # nice_print(config)
+ all_configs=config_instantiate_on_all_pattern(config)
+ # nice_print(all_configs)
+ return all_configs
+def config_sanity_check(config):
+ # nice_print(config)
+ if 'format' not in config:
+ assert("format not exists")
+def config_instantiate_on_all_pattern(config):
+ all_configs=[]
+ # Assume no pattern means LNT (static) dashboard, keep as-is
+ if 'pattern' not in config:
+ all_configs.append(config)
+ return all_configs
+ all_jobs=get_ci_page("", request="/api/json?tree=jobs[name]")
+ for pattern in config['pattern']:
+ config_fmt=config['format']
+ instantiated_config={}
+ instantiated_config['filename']=re.sub("@pattern@", pattern, config_fmt['filename'])
+ # summary_tables
+ if 'summary_table_all_runs' in config_fmt:
+ instantiated_config['summary_table_all_runs']=config_fmt['summary_table_all_runs']
+ if 'summary_table_last_run' in config_fmt:
+ instantiated_config['summary_table_last_run']=config_fmt['summary_table_last_run']
+ # links
+ if 'links' in config_fmt:
+ instantiated_config['links']=[]
+ for j in range(0, len(config_fmt['links'])):
+ if'@pattern@', config_fmt['links'][j]):
+ # Get matching pattern on all config[pattern] list
+ link_pattern=re.sub("@pattern@", pattern, config_fmt['links'][j])
+ for pat in config['pattern']:
+ if link_pattern==pat or not, pat):
+ continue
+ if"-", pat): char="-"
+ elif"_", pat): char="_"
+ # print("ref=%s tst=%s (char=%s)" %(pattern,pat,char))
+ if pat.count(char)>link_pattern.count(char)+1:
+ continue
+ instantiated_config['links'].append(pat)
+ else:
+ instantiated_config['links'].append( config_fmt['links'][j] )
+ # details_table
+ instantiated_config['details_table']={}
+ instantiated_config['details_table']['columns']=config_fmt['details_table']['columns']
+ instantiated_config['details_table']['lines']=[]
+ for j in range(0, len(config_fmt['details_table']['lines'])):
+ if'@pattern@', config_fmt['details_table']['lines'][j]) or'\*', config_fmt['details_table']['lines'][j]):
+ # Get matching pattern on all CI jobs
+ if pattern=="tcwg": pattern="tcwg_"
+ pjt_pattern = re.sub("@pattern@", pattern, config_fmt['details_table']['lines'][j])
+ for job in all_jobs['jobs']:
+ if"^"+pjt_pattern+"$", job['name']):
+ instantiated_config['details_table']['lines'].append( job['name'] )
+ else:
+ instantiated_config['details_table']['lines'].append( config_fmt['details_table']['lines'][j] )
+ all_configs.append(instantiated_config)
+ return all_configs
+Compute best message to display using internal ci-status representation
+- compute_smart_status()
+- compute_smart_diag()
+- compute_color()
+# compute_smart_status
+Status reported can any stage of RR algorithm :
+ init / success / reducing / bisecting / forced / failure
+def compute_smart_status(build):
+ ret_attr={'text':"-", 'hlink':"", 'class':"", 'color':""}
+ if not build['result']:
+ return ret_attr
+ # default status (Success, failure, aborted)
+ ret_attr['text']=build['result']
+ ret_attr['color']=compute_color(build, ret_attr['text'])
+ # refine with , displayName, nb_components
+ displayname=build['displayName']
+ components=re.sub("^#[0-9]*(.*-)R.*",r'\1',displayname)
+ nb_components=components.count("-")-1
+ if'.*-force', displayname):
+ ret_attr['text']="FORCED"
+ elif'.*-init', displayname):
+ ret_attr['text']="INIT"
+ elif'.*-trigger-bisect', displayname):
+ ret_attr['text']="BISECTING"
+ elif'slowed down|grew in size|vect reduced|sve reduced|failed to build', displayname):
+ ret_attr['text']="REGRESSED"
+ elif nb_components==1 and 'actions' in build:# and 'parameters' in build['actions']:
+ params=[]
+ for act in build['actions']:
+ if 'parameters' in act:
+ params=act['parameters']
+ for param in params:
+ if re.sub("-(.*)-",r'\1_git', components) == param['name'] and \
+ param['value'] != "default":
+ ret_attr['text']="REDUCING"
+ break;
+ build['rr_status']=ret_attr
+ return ret_attr;
+# compute_smart_diag
+It mainly reads lastBuild project, artifacts/results, and console to compute the best diag for this build
+def compute_smart_diag(project, build):
+ ret_attr={'text':"-", 'hlink':"", 'class':"", 'color':""}
+ #ret_attr['hlink']=ci_url_job+project['project_name']+"/lastCompletedBuild"+"/artifact/artifacts/results"+"/*view*/"
+ if 'result' in build and build['result'] == "SUCCESS":
+ file, tmpf = download_and_open(ci_url_job+project['project_name']+"/"+str(build['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/results-vs-prev/csv-results-1/status.csv")
+ nb_failed=0
+ nb_passed=0
+ if not file:
+ return ret_attr
+ ret_attr={'text':"none", 'hlink':"", 'class':"", 'color':""}
+ for items in file:
+ if"failed-to-build", items) or"failed-to-run", items):
+ nb_failed=nb_failed+1
+ elif"success", items):
+ nb_passed=nb_passed+1
+ close_and_remove(file, tmpf)
+ if nb_failed!=0 or nb_passed!=0:
+ ret_attr['text']="%d fails out of %d"% (nb_failed, nb_failed+nb_passed)
+ return ret_attr
+ # return diag if found
+ file, tmpf = download_and_open(ci_url_job+project['project_name']+"/"+str(build['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/results")
+ last_step="-"
+ for items in file:
+ if"Benchmarking infra is offline", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="Board is offline"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"slowed down", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="slowed down"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"speeds up", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="speeds up"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"grew in size", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="grew in size"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif'vect reduced|sve reduced', items):
+ ret_attr['text']="vect/sve reduced"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"build errors in logs", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="Build errors in : "+last_step
+ break
+ elif"internal compiler error", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="ICE in : "+last_step
+ break
+ elif'^# .*(reset_artifacts|build_abe|build_bmk_llvm|benchmark|linux_n_obj)', items):
+ last_step=re.sub("^# ","", items)
+ last_step=re.sub(" --.*","", last_step)
+ last_step=re.sub(":","", last_step)
+ ret_attr['text']=last_step
+ close_and_remove(file, tmpf)
+ file, tmpf = download_and_open(ci_url_job+project['project_name']+"/"+str(build['number'])+"/consoleText")
+ build_machine=""
+ for items in file:
+ if"No space left on device", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="No space left on device"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif'java.*Exception', items):
+ ret_attr['text']="Java Exception"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif'Unable to create.*index.lock.*File exists', items):
+ ret_attr['text']="Lock file exists"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"Build timed out", items):
+ ret_attr['text']="Build timed out"
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"STOPPING at .* due to failure", items):
+ ret_attr['text']=re.sub("STOPPING at (.*) due to failure\n",r'\1', items)
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"CARRYING ON after failure in .*", items):
+ ret_attr['text']=re.sub("CARRYING ON after failure in (.*)\n",r'\1', items)
+ ret_attr['text']=re.sub("build_abe ",'', ret_attr['text'])
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ elif"^ERROR: .* failed", items):
+ ret_attr['text']=re.sub("ERROR: (.*) failed\n",r'\1', items)
+ ret_attr['class']='diag'
+ break
+ close_and_remove(file, tmpf)
+ if ret_attr['color'] == "":
+ ret_attr['color']=compute_color(build, ret_attr['text'])
+ if ret_attr['text'] != "-":
+ return ret_attr
+ # Otherwise returns last stepg
+ ret_attr['text']=last_step
+ return ret_attr
+Choose best color
+def compute_color(pjt_info_build, text):
+ # CI failure
+ if'ABORTED', text):
+ return "purple"
+ elif'Board is offline|Java Exception|Board is offline|No space left on device', text):
+ return "purple"
+ # failure (normal flow)
+ elif'FAILURE', text):
+ return "red"
+ return "#E57373" # lightred
+ # Sucess (normal flow)
+ elif'FORCED|INIT|SUCCESS', text):
+ return "green"
+ elif not pjt_info_build or not pjt_info_build['result']:
+ return ""
+ elif'ABORTED', pjt_info_build['result']):
+ return "purple"
+ elif'SUCCESS', pjt_info_build['result']):
+ return "green"
+ return ""
+Get version of artifact format <major>.<minor>
+def get_artifact_format_version(project_name):
+ file, tmpf = download_and_open(ci_url_job+project_name+"/artifact/artifacts/")
+ major="-"
+ minor="-"
+ for items in file:
+ if"rr\[major\]=", items):
+ major=re.sub("rr\[major\]=\"([0-9]*)\"",r'\1', items.strip())
+ elif"rr\[minor\]=", items):
+ minor=re.sub("rr\[minor\]=\"([0-9]*)\"",r'\1', items.strip())
+ close_and_remove(file, tmpf)
+ return "%s.%s" % (major,minor)
+Get info from CI server and build ci-status representation
+- get_ci_page()
+- get_ci_project_infos()
+- get_ci_project_attribute()
+- get_ci_project()
+- get_ci()
+Download CI page as json.
+def get_ci_page(url, request=""):
+ global ci_pages
+ if url+request in ci_pages:
+ return ci_pages[url+request]
+ else:
+ #print(".", end='')
+ try:
+ print("wget "+url)
+ os.system("wget " + "-o /dev/null " + "-O /tmp/download.json " + url + "/api/json" + request)
+ f = open('/tmp/download.json')
+ ci_pages[url+request]=json.load(f)
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ ci_pages[url+request]={}
+ return ci_pages[url+request]
+Retrieve the information from a given project out of the CI server
+def get_ci_project_infos(pjt_name):
+ ci_pjt={}
+ usual_requests="?tree=number,result,timestamp,displayName,building,inQueue"
+ usual_requests+=",builds[number,building,result,timestamp,displayName,actions[parameters[name,value]]]"
+ usual_requests+=",actions[causes[upstreamUrl,upstreamBuild],parameters[name,value]]"
+ ci_pjt=get_ci_page(ci_url_job+pjt_name, request=usual_requests)
+ ci_pjt['project_name']=pjt_name
+ if 'builds' not in ci_pjt: return ci_pjt
+ for bld in ci_pjt['builds']:
+ if not bld['result']:
+ continue
+ if 'lastCompletedBuild' not in ci_pjt:
+ ci_pjt['lastCompletedBuild']=bld
+ if 'lastSuccessfulBuild' not in ci_pjt and bld['result']=='SUCCESS':
+ ci_pjt['lastSuccessfulBuild']=bld
+ if 'lastFailedBuild' not in ci_pjt and not bld['result']=='SUCCESS':
+ ci_pjt['lastFailedBuild']=bld
+ if 'lastRegressedBuild' not in ci_pjt and'.*-trigger-bisect', bld['displayName']):
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']=bld
+ bisect_name=re.sub("-build$", r'-bisect', pjt_name)
+ bld2=get_ci_page(ci_url_job+bisect_name, request=usual_requests)
+ # May need to check if -bisect/lastBuild bld is the upstream of -build/lastRegressedBuild
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']={}
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']['project_name']=bisect_name
+ if 'inQueue' in bld2:
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']['inQueue']=bld2['inQueue']
+ if 'builds' in bld2 and 0 in bld2['builds'] and bld2['builds'][0]:
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']['building']=bld2['builds'][0]['building']
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']['displayName']=bld2['builds'][0]['displayName']
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']['result']=bld2['builds'][0]['result']
+ ci_pjt['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']['timestamp']=bld2['builds'][0]['timestamp']
+ if 'lastForcedBuild' not in ci_pjt and re.match('.*-force', bld['displayName']):
+ ci_pjt['lastForcedBuild']=bld
+ bld2=get_ci_page(ci_url_job+pjt_name+"/"+str(bld['number']), request=usual_requests)
+ if not bld2: continue
+ for action in bld2['actions']:
+ if 'causes' in action:
+ for cause in action['causes']:
+ if 'upstreamUrl' in cause:
+ ci_pjt['lastForcedBuild']['upstreamUrl']=cause['upstreamUrl']
+ ci_pjt['lastForcedBuild']['upstreamBuild']=cause['upstreamBuild']
+ bld3=get_ci_page(ci_url+cause['upstreamUrl']+str(cause['upstreamBuild']), request=usual_requests)
+ if bld3:
+ ci_pjt['lastForcedBuild']['upstreamBuildName']=bld3['displayName']
+ compute_smart_status(bld)
+ return ci_pjt
+Get one info from the CI server (1 project - 1 attribute)
+def get_ci_project_attribute(pjt_infos, attr_name):
+ ret_attr={'text':"-", 'hlink':"", 'class':"", 'color':""}
+ #if True:
+ try:
+ if attr_name=="project":
+ ret_attr['text']=pjt_infos['project_name']
+ ret_attr['hlink']=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']
+ elif attr_name=="display_name" or attr_name=="last_title":
+ ret_attr['text']=pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['displayName']
+ ret_attr['hlink']=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])
+ elif attr_name=="build_number":
+ ret_attr['text']=pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number']
+ ret_attr['hlink']=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])
+ elif attr_name=="pure_status":
+ ret_attr=pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['rr_status']
+ elif attr_name=="diag":
+ ret_attr=compute_smart_diag( pjt_infos, pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild'] )
+ elif attr_name=="status":
+ ret_status=pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['rr_status']
+ ret_diag=compute_smart_diag( pjt_infos, pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild'] )
+ if ret_diag['text'] != "-":
+ ret_attr['text']=ret_status['text']+" ("+ret_diag['text']+")"
+ else:
+ ret_attr['text']=ret_status['text']
+ ret_attr['color']=compute_color(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild'], ret_attr['text'])
+ ret_attr['text']="<input type=\"checkbox\">" + ret_attr['text']
+ elif attr_name=="since_last_build":
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ elif attr_name=="since_last_success":
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastSuccessfulBuild']['timestamp'])
+ elif attr_name=="since_last_fail":
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastFailedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ elif attr_name=="since_last_force":
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastForcedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ elif attr_name=="since_last_regressed":
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ elif attr_name=="nb_force":
+ total=0
+ forced=0
+ for bld in pjt_infos['builds']:
+ total=total+1
+ if re.match('.*-force', bld['displayName']):
+ forced=forced+1
+ ret_attr['text']="%02d%% (%d/%d)"% (int(forced/total*100), forced, total)
+ elif attr_name=="nb_fail":
+ total=0
+ failed=0
+ #nice_print(pjt_infos['builds'])
+ for bld in pjt_infos['builds']:
+ total=total+1
+ if not bld['result']=='SUCCESS':
+ failed=failed+1
+ ret_attr['text']="%.2f%% (%d out of %d)"% (forced/total, forced, total)
+ # Useful links
+ elif attr_name=="useful_links":
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/results/*view*/"
+ ret_attr['text']="<a href="+lnk+">res</a>"
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/console"
+ ret_attr['text']+=" / <a href="+lnk+">console</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="last_build":
+ if 'lastCompletedBuild' not in pjt_infos:
+ return {'text':"never", 'color':"#90A4AE", 'hlink':"", 'class':""}
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])
+ ret_attr['text']+=" : <a href="+lnk+">"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['displayName'])+"</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="last_success":
+ if 'lastSuccessfulBuild' not in pjt_infos:
+ return {'text':"never", 'color':"#90A4AE", 'hlink':"", 'class':""}
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastSuccessfulBuild']['timestamp'])
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastSuccessfulBuild']['number'])
+ ret_attr['text']+=" : <a href="+lnk+">"+str(pjt_infos['lastSuccessfulBuild']['displayName'])+"</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="last_fail":
+ if 'lastFailedBuild' not in pjt_infos:
+ return {'text':"never", 'color':"#90A4AE", 'hlink':"", 'class':""}
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastFailedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastFailedBuild']['number'])
+ ret_attr['text']+=" : <a href="+lnk+">"+str(pjt_infos['lastFailedBuild']['displayName'])+"</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="last_forced":
+ if 'lastForcedBuild' not in pjt_infos:
+ return {'text':"never", 'color':"#90A4AE", 'hlink':"", 'class':""}
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastForcedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastForcedBuild']['number'])
+ ret_attr['text']+=" : <a href="+lnk+">"+str(pjt_infos['lastForcedBuild']['displayName'])+"</a>"
+ lnk=ci_url+pjt_infos['lastForcedBuild']['upstreamUrl']+str(pjt_infos['lastForcedBuild']['upstreamBuild'])
+ ret_attr['text']+=" (<a href="+lnk+">bisect</a> : "
+ bldname=pjt_infos['lastForcedBuild']['upstreamBuildName']
+ if re.match(r'.*spurious|.*baseline', bldname):
+ bldname=re.sub("#([0-9]*)-(.*)-(.*)", r'\2-\3', bldname)
+ lnk=False
+ else:
+ compon=re.sub("#([0-9]*)-(.*)-(.*)", r'\2', bldname)
+ sha1=re.sub("#([0-9]*)-(.*)-(.*)", r'\3', bldname)
+ bldname = compon+"-"+sha1[0:7]
+ if not re.match('tcwg_bmk.*speed', pjt_infos['project_name']):
+ lnk=""%(compon, sha1)
+ if lnk:
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">"+bldname+"</a>)"
+ else:
+ ret_attr['text']+=bldname+")"
+ elif attr_name=="last_regressed":
+ if 'lastRegressedBuild' not in pjt_infos:
+ return {'text':"never", 'color':"#90A4AE", 'hlink':"", 'class':""}
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild']['timestamp'])
+ total=0
+ matched=0
+ for bld in pjt_infos['builds']:
+ total=total+1
+ if re.match('.*-trigger-bisect', bld['displayName']):
+ matched=matched+1
+ ret_attr['text']+="(%d/%d) : "% (matched, total)
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild']['number'])
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">"+str(pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild']['displayName'])+"</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="last_bisect":
+ if 'lastRegressedBuild' not in pjt_infos or 'bisectJob' not in pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild'] or \
+ not pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']:
+ return {'text':"never", 'color':"#90A4AE", 'hlink':"", 'class':""}
+ bisect_job=pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild']['bisectJob']
+ ret_attr['text']=time_since(bisect_job['timestamp'])
+ lnk=ci_url_job+bisect_job['project_name']
+ state=""
+ #nice_print(pjt_infos['lastRegressedBuild'])
+ if 'inQueue' in bisect_job and bisect_job['inQueue']:
+ state="(waiting)"
+ elif 'building' in bisect_job and bisect_job['building']:
+ lnk+="/lastBuild"
+ state="(running)"
+ elif not bisect_job['result']=="SUCCESS":
+ lnk+="/lastBuild"
+ state="(failed)"
+ elif re.match('.*-spurious|.*-advance-baseline', bisect_job['displayName']):
+ lnk+="/lastBuild"
+ state="(spurious)"
+ elif re.match('#[0-9]*-(.*)-[a-z0-9]{40}$', bisect_job['displayName']):
+ lnk+="/lastBuild"
+ state="(ok)"
+ else:
+ lnk+="/lastBuild"
+ #print(bisect_job)
+ state="("+bisect_job['displayName']+")"
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">bisect"+state+"</a> / "
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">"+str(bisect_job['displayName'])+"</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="statistics":
+ (tot, fail, forc, trig, pas)=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ #nice_print(pjt_infos['builds'])
+ for bld in pjt_infos['builds']:
+ tot=tot+1
+ if re.match('.*-force', bld['displayName']):
+ forc=forc+1
+ elif re.match('.*-trigger-bisect', bld['displayName']):
+ trig=trig+1
+ elif bld['result']=='FAILURE' or bld['result']=='ABORTED':
+ fail=fail+1
+ elif bld['result']=='SUCCESS':
+ pas=pas+1
+ ret_attr['text']="regressed(%02d%%) force(%02d%%) fail(%02d%%) ok(%02d%%) nbruns=%d"\
+ %(int(100*trig/tot), int(100*forc/tot), int(100*fail/tot), int(100*pas/tot), tot)
+ elif attr_name=="artifact_version":
+ if 'lastSuccessfulBuild' not in pjt_infos:
+ return {'text':"--", 'color':"#90A4AE", 'hlink':"", 'class':""}
+ # get_artifact_version
+ ret_attr['text']=get_artifact_format_version(pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastSuccessfulBuild']['number']))
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastSuccessfulBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/99-rewrite/more"
+ res=os.system("wget -o /dev/null -O /tmp/more "+lnk)
+ if res == 0:
+ ret_attr['text']+=" (not-completed)"
+ elif attr_name=="result_file":
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/results/*view*/"
+ ret_attr['text']="<a href="+lnk+">res</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="console":
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/console"
+ ret_attr['text']="<a href="+lnk+">console</a>"
+ # TODO
+ elif attr_name=="notify_verif":
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/"
+ ret_attr['text']="<a href="+lnk+">artifacts</a>/"
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/results/*view*/"
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">results</a>/ "
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/jenkins/mail-body.txt/*view*/"
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">email</a>/"
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/jenkins/jira-body.txt/*view*/"
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">jira</a>/ "
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/jenkins/notify.log/*view*/"
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">log</a>/"
+ lnk=ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/"+str(pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['number'])+"/artifact/artifacts/results-vs-prev/csv-results-1/status.csv/*view*/"
+ ret_attr['text']+="<a href="+lnk+">status</a>"
+ elif attr_name=="bmk_job":
+ file, tmpf = download_and_open(ci_url_job+pjt_infos['project_name']+"/lastCompletedBuild"+"/artifact/artifacts/results_id")
+ for items in file:
+ ret_attr['text']=re.sub(".*/","", items)
+ ret_attr['hlink']=ci_url_job+"tcwg-benchmark"+"/"+ret_attr['text']
+ close_and_remove(file, tmpf)
+ elif attr_name=="components":
+ ret_attr['text']=re.sub("^#[0-9]*-(.*)-R.*",r'\1',pjt_infos['lastCompletedBuild']['displayName'])
+ elif attr_name=="failing_step":
+ ret_attr=compute_smart_diag(pjt_infos)
+ except:
+ ret_attr['text']="-"
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return ret_attr
+Get ci-status internal representation for a project (PJT)
+Iterates over the CONFIG columns, and request the infos for each one
+def get_ci_project(config, ci, pjt_name):
+ ci_project={}
+ ci_project['data']=get_ci_project_infos(pjt_name)
+ for attr in config['details_table']['columns']:
+ ci_project[attr] = get_ci_project_attribute(ci_project['data'], attr)
+ return ci_project
+def count_jobs(ci, requested_status, summary_style, mindays, maxdays):
+ nb=0
+ for job in ci:
+ if not 'data' in ci[job] or not 'lastCompletedBuild' in ci[job]['data']:
+ continue
+ if summary_style=='summary_table_last_run':
+ bld=ci[job]['data']['lastCompletedBuild']
+ if 'timestamp' not in bld or not bld['rr_status']['text']:
+ continue
+ days=days_since(bld['timestamp'])
+ if days>=mindays and days<=maxdays and, bld['rr_status']['text']):
+ nb=nb+1
+ elif summary_style=='summary_table_all_runs':
+ for bld in ci[job]['data']['builds']:
+ #nice_print(bld)
+ if 'timestamp' not in bld:
+ continue
+ if 'rr_status' not in bld or not bld['rr_status']['text']:
+ continue
+ days=days_since(bld['timestamp'])
+ if days>=mindays and days<=maxdays and, bld['rr_status']['text']):
+ nb=nb+1
+ #if nb==0: return "-"
+ #else: return nb
+ return nb
+def get_ci_summary_laps(ci, timelaps, nb_of, summary_style):
+ ret_attr={'text':"-", 'hlink':"", 'class':"", 'color':""}
+ mindays=0
+ maxdays=9999
+ if'([0-9]*)-days-ago$', timelaps):
+ mindays=maxdays=int(re.sub("([0-9]*)-days-ago$",r'\1', timelaps))
+ if'last-([0-9]*)-days', timelaps):
+ maxdays=int(re.sub("last-([0-9]*)-days",r'\1', timelaps))
+ if'last-week', timelaps):
+ maxdays=7
+ #try:
+ if nb_of=="last_run_date":
+ ret_attr['text']=timelaps
+ ret_attr['color']="blue"
+ elif nb_of[0]=="#":
+ ret_attr['text']=count_jobs(ci, nb_of[1:].upper(), summary_style, mindays, maxdays)
+ ret_attr['color']=compute_color(None, nb_of[1:].upper())
+ #except:
+ # ret_attr['text']="-"
+ return ret_attr
+Get ci-status internal representation main routine.
+Iterates over the CONFIG project, and request the infos for each one
+def get_ci(config):
+ ci={}
+ # LNT dashboard does not have a details_table
+ if 'details_table' not in config:
+ return ci
+ for line in config['details_table']['lines']:
+ all_jobs=get_ci_page("", request="/api/json?tree=jobs[name]")
+ for job in all_jobs['jobs']:
+ if, job['name']):
+ ci[job['name']]=get_ci_project(config, ci, job['name'])
+ if 'summary_table_last_run' in config:
+ summary={}
+ for timelaps in config['summary_table_last_run']['lines']:
+ summary[timelaps]={}
+ for nb_of in config['summary_table_last_run']['columns']:
+ summary[timelaps][nb_of]=get_ci_summary_laps(ci, timelaps, nb_of, 'summary_table_last_run')
+ ci['summary_table_last_run']=summary
+ if 'summary_table_all_runs' in config:
+ summary={}
+ for timelaps in config['summary_table_all_runs']['lines']:
+ summary[timelaps]={}
+ for nb_of in config['summary_table_all_runs']['columns']:
+ summary[timelaps][nb_of]=get_ci_summary_laps(ci, timelaps, nb_of, 'summary_table_all_runs')
+ ci['summary_table_all_runs']=summary
+ return ci
+dump html routines
+- dump_html_one_line
+- dump_html
+html_header = """<html>
+ table, td, th {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ }
+ tbody tr:nth-child(even) td {
+ background-color: #ededed;
+ }
+<title>CI Infrastructure Status - %s</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sorting-table-css/example.css" />
+<h1>CI Infrastructure Status - %s</h1>
+html_footer = """
+ <script>
+ var table = document.querySelector('.massive')
+ var tbody = table.tBodies[0]
+ var rows = [], 0)
+ var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
+ for (var k = 0; k < 50; k++) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
+ fragment.appendChild(rows[i].cloneNode(true))
+ }
+ }
+ tbody.innerHTML = ''
+ tbody.appendChild(fragment)
+ </script>
+ <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="sortable.js"></script> -->
+ <script src="sorting-table-css/sortable.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ function prepareAdvancedTable() {
+ function convertSizeToBytes(str) {
+ var matches = str.match(/^([0-9.]+)(\w+)$/)
+ if (matches) {
+ var vals = {
+ kB: 1, // 1024 B
+ KiB: 1,// 1024 B
+ MB: 2, // 1024 * 1024 B
+ GB: 3, // 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
+ TB: 4, // 1024 * 1024 * 1024 *1024 B
+ }
+ return (matches[1] || 0) * Math.pow(1024, vals[matches[2]])
+ }
+ return str
+ }
+ var size_table = document.querySelector('.advanced-table')
+ var rows = size_table.tBodies[0].rows
+ for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
+ const date_element = rows[i].cells[2]
+ const size_element = rows[i].cells[1]
+ date_element.setAttribute('data-sort', date_element.innerText.replace(/(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/, '$3$1$2'))
+ size_element.setAttribute('data-sort', convertSizeToBytes(size_element.innerText))
+ }
+ }
+ prepareAdvancedTable()
+ </script>
+def dump_html_one_line(f, config_table, ci_pjt):
+ f.write(" <tr>\n")
+ for attr in config_table['columns']:
+ f.write(" <td>")
+ if ci_pjt[attr]['color']:
+ f.write("<font color=\""+ci_pjt[attr]['color']+"\">")
+ if ci_pjt[attr]['hlink']:
+ f.write("<a href='"+ci_pjt[attr]['hlink']+"'>")
+ f.write(str(ci_pjt[attr]['text']))
+ if ci_pjt[attr]['hlink']:
+ f.write("</a>")
+ if ci_pjt[attr]['color']:
+ f.write("</font>")
+ f.write("</td>\n");
+ f.write(" </tr>\n")
+def dump_html_util(config_name, output_dirname):
+ print("# Copy yaml : "+ config_name)
+ os.system("cp " + config_name + " " + output_dirname)
+ print("# Copy html : help.html")
+ os.system("cp "+scripts_dir+"/cimonitor-configs/help.html " + output_dirname)
+ print("# Copy css : sorting-table-css")
+ os.system("cp -ar "+scripts_dir+"/cimonitor-configs/sorting-table-css " + output_dirname)
+def dump_html(config, ci):
+ print("# Emit html : "+ config['filename'])
+ os.system("mkdir -p "+os.path.dirname(output_dirname+"/"+config['filename']))
+ f = open(output_dirname+"/"+config['filename'], 'w')
+ f.write(html_header % (os.path.basename(config['filename']), os.path.basename(config['filename'])))
+ f.write("<p> date = "+str("</p>\n")
+ f.write("<p> config = <a href="+os.path.basename(config_name)+">"+os.path.basename(config_name)+"</a></p>\n")
+ # LNT dashboard (upstream projects health)
+ if 'lnt_dashboard' in config:
+ f.write("<h2>LNT dashboard (upstream projects health)</h2>\n")
+ f.write("<ul>\n")
+ for project in config['lnt_dashboard']:
+ f.write(" <h1>"+project+"</h1>\n")
+ for entry in config['lnt_dashboard'][project]:
+ text=entry.split()
+ f.write(" <li><a href=\""+text[1]+"\">"+text[0]+"</a></li>\n")
+ f.write("</ul>\n\n")
+ if 'links' in config:
+ f.write("<h2> LINKS </h2>\n")
+ f.write("<ul>\n")
+ for lnk in config['links']:
+ f.write(" <li><a href=\""+lnk+".html\">"+lnk+".html</a></li>\n")
+ f.write("</ul>\n\n")
+ # SUMMARY_TABLE (Last run)
+ if 'summary_table_last_run' in config:
+ f.write("<h2> SUMMARY_TABLE (Last completed build only)</h2>\n")
+ f.write("<p> statistics on last-completed build of all jenkins job</p>\n")
+ f.write("<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 class=\"sortable\">\n")
+ f.write(" <thead>\n")
+ for col in config['summary_table_last_run']['columns']:
+ f.write(" <th>"+col+"</th>\n")
+ f.write(" </thead>\n")
+ for laps in config['summary_table_last_run']['lines']:
+ dump_html_one_line(f, config['summary_table_last_run'], ci['summary_table_last_run'][laps])
+ f.write("</table>\n\n")
+ # SUMMARY_TABLE (All runs)
+ if 'summary_table_all_runs' in config:
+ f.write("<h2> SUMMARY_TABLE (All completed runs)</h2>\n")
+ f.write("<p> statistics on all completed builds of all jenkins job</p>\n")
+ f.write("<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 class=\"sortable\">\n")
+ f.write(" <thead>\n")
+ for col in config['summary_table_all_runs']['columns']:
+ f.write(" <th>"+col+"</th>\n")
+ f.write(" </thead>\n")
+ for laps in config['summary_table_all_runs']['lines']:
+ dump_html_one_line(f, config['summary_table_all_runs'], ci['summary_table_all_runs'][laps])
+ f.write("</table>\n\n")
+ if 'details_table' in config:
+ f.write("<h2> DETAILS_TABLE </h2>\n")
+ f.write("<p> help for the table format : <a href=\"help.html\">here</a>")
+ f.write("<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 class=\"sortable\">\n")
+ f.write(" <thead>\n")
+ for col in config['details_table']['columns']:
+ f.write(" <th>"+col+"</th>\n")
+ f.write(" </thead>\n")
+ for pjt in config['details_table']['lines']:
+ dump_html_one_line(f, config['details_table'], ci[pjt])
+ f.write("</table>\n")
+ f.write("<p> time to build html = "+str( - dt_now)+"</p>\n")
+ f.write(html_footer)
+ f.close()
+Basic ascii dump routines
+- dump_ascii_one_line
+- dump_ascii
+def dump_ascii_fmt(k):
+ if k=="project":
+ return "%70s,"
+ else:
+ return "%20s,"
+def dump_ascii_one_line(config_table, ci, pjt_name):
+ for attr in config_table['columns']:
+ fmt=dump_ascii_fmt(attr)
+ print(fmt % (ci[pjt_name][attr]['text']), end='')
+ print("")
+def dump_ascii(config, ci):
+ i=0
+ print("\n\n=== DETAILS TABLE - %s" %(config['filename']))
+ # Array header
+ for col in config['details_table']['columns']:
+ fmt=dump_ascii_fmt(col)
+ print(fmt % (col), end='');
+ print("")
+ for pjt in config['details_table']['lines']:
+ dump_ascii_one_line(config['details_table'], ci, pjt)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
+ output_dirname=args.output[0]
+ if not os.path.isdir(output_dirname):
+ parser.print_help()
+ exit(1)
+ for config_name in args.configs[1:]:
+ all_configs=get_config(config_name)
+ for config in all_configs:
+ ci=get_ci(config)
+ dump_html(config, ci)
+ # dump_ascii(config, ci)
+ dump_html_util(config_name, output_dirname)
+ print("# Time to generated all html files : " + str( - dt_now))