path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author Scan files in the current working dirDavid Spickett
This is prep work for running sanity checks on bmk-scripts as well. Change-Id: I3a0a08c97c0daf256f6839055b6b574c83460e35
2020-04-30Shellcheck fixes round 5David Spickett
Quote command line args in tcwg_bmk-build. Remove the manual list of shellcheck excludes now that we've settled on a newer version that supports --severity. Change-Id: I102ea9bad1ac6245885c410edf3410b13b0727c6
2020-04-28Shellcheck fixes round 3David Spickett
Now using the version that's present in the bionic images. Meaning we have more warnings but can also set the minimum level to ignore a lot of them. Fix the check for whether shellcheck supports --severity. (we have pipefail on, but we expect shellcheck to fail in this case) Change-Id: I296b8554591b7d327c75393e3924184abc6512b7
2020-04-23Shellcheck fixes round 2David Spickett
Also update the sanity check script to include .job files. Change-Id: Ibf72d9ff346ff7b012d4e282a6ac8f3b7e73590d Allow local usersDavid Spickett
to check individual scripts Change-Id: I4982aa64b7324351493f36a23a5916710e20ae12 Ignore Style and Info warningsDavid Spickett
Later versions of shellcheck can ignore by level but our version in docker cannot. So emulating that with a list. (may go back and fix these too at some point) Change-Id: I406ccd23a8894b32e70373bb148a964cb2f43a98 Add script to shellcheck jenkins-scriptsDavid Spickett
This will be run by the "tcwg-jenkins-scripts-sanity-check" job in Jenkins. Placed in a seperate script for running locally and so we can configure error checking without regenerating the job. Change-Id: I6dd58ff4b96244266af8ff2ccbbb69d21de36d2e