#!/bin/bash set -euf -o pipefail scripts=$(dirname $0) # shellcheck source=jenkins-helpers.sh . $scripts/jenkins-helpers.sh convert_args_to_variables "$@" distro="${distro-default}" node="${node-host}" group="${group-default}" force="${force-false}" test_docker="${test_docker-false}" additional_options="${additional_options-}" dryrun="${dryrun-false}" verbose="${verbose-true}" if $verbose; then set -x; fi # Resolve LTS and LTS-1 values to Ubuntu distros. case "$distro" in lts_1) distro=focal ;; lts|default) distro=jammy ;; esac image="linaro/ci-$(print_arch_for_host localhost)-tcwg-host-ubuntu:$distro" if [ x"$group" = x"default" ]; then group="all" if [ x"$node" != x"host" ]; then group="tcwg-infra" fi fi if $force; then keep_existing=false else keep_existing=keep_if_same_image fi $scripts/tcwg-start-container.sh \ --container "$node" \ --dryrun "$dryrun" \ --image "$image" \ --keep_existing "$keep_existing" \ --test_docker "$test_docker" \ --additional_options "$additional_options" \ --verbose "$verbose" \ -- \ $image $group $node