AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-10-01focal: Add focal (20.04) to baseimagesHEADmasterKelley Spoon
2018-07-30Docker: Build our docker base image with ssh-ldap roleBenjamin Copeland
2018-06-26pubkeys: add RikuRiku Voipio
2018-05-23EventWatcher: upgrade to be version independent of docker python moduleKelley Spoon
2018-05-10Dockerfile: add in support for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic BeaverKelley Spoon
2018-04-30Merge "This option seems to be causing errors."Benjamin Copeland
2018-04-30This option seems to be causing errors.Benjamin Copeland
2018-04-05hostsdns: add support for command line argsKelley Spoon
2018-03-07Dockerfile: Add hostsdns to replace devdnsKelley Spoon
2018-02-28Dockerfile: Add ldaps tunnel to login-proxy containerKelley Spoon
2018-02-27Dockerfile: Fix typo for xenial image.Kelley Spoon
2018-02-22Dockerfile: Add compose configuration for testing.Kelley Spoon
2018-02-21Dockerfile: Add devdns container.Kelley Spoon
2018-02-16Merge "Dockerfile: daemonize ssh"Benjamin Copeland
2018-02-16Merge "Dockerfile: Adds latest ansible back to baseimage"Benjamin Copeland
2018-02-15Dockerfile: adds Dockerfile for the login-proxy containerKelley Spoon
2018-02-15Dockerfile: Adds latest ansible back to baseimageKelley Spoon
2018-02-15Dockerfile: daemonize sshKelley Spoon
2018-02-15Add .git-reviewBenjamin Copeland
2018-02-13Rename readme fileBenjamin Copeland
2018-02-13Initial commitBenjamin Copeland