path: root/docs/management/watcher-ui/create-threshold-alert.asciidoc
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+=== Create Threshold Alert
+You can create a threshold alert to periodically check when your data goes above or below a certain threshold within a given time interval. It's one of the most common type of alerts that you can create using Watcher. For more advanced watches, see the <<watcher-create-advanced-watch>>.
+To create a new threshold alert:
+. Select the `Create new watch` button
+image:management/watcher-ui/images/create-watch-select.png["Create a Watch",link="management/watcher-ui/images/create-watch-select.png"]
+. Select `Threshold Alert`
+Next, let's look at the UI and how to use it.
+==== Inputs & Triggers
+To create a threshold alert, you need to first configure the inputs and triggers.
+. Add a `name` for the alert.
+. Choose one or more indices that have a time-based field as the alert input.
+. Configure a trigger interval.
+image:management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/create-threshold-alert-created.png["Created Threshold Alert",link="management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/create-threshold-alert-created.png"]
+Next, you will be able to specify the conditions to trigger the alert.
+==== Condition
+Here, you can configure the condition that will cause alert to trigger. The UI is interactive and selecting the various elements within the expression will display a UI to change the values.
+image:management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-aggType.png["Threshold Alert Agg Type",link="management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-aggType.png"]
+Let's look at a few examples of common alerts based on x-pack monitoring data:
+* High heap usage:
+image:management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/high-heap-usage.png["Threshold Alert Example High Heap Usage",link="management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/high-heap-usage.png"]
+* System load:
+image:management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/system-load.png["Threshold Alert Example System Load",link="management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/system-load.png"]
+Here are some specifics of how the visualization works:
+* The time window that is used in the visualization is calculated by taking the duration defined in the expression and multiplying it by 5. So, if you select `FOR THE LAST 5 hours`, the visualization will show data from the last 25 hours.
+* In the chart, you will see a blue line that represents the aggregated data. There is also a red line that represents the threshold value.
+* If you use the `terms` aggregation to aggregate over a specific field, there will be multiple visualizations available and pagination controls will appear as shown below.
+** image:management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-groupBy-pagination.png["Threshold Alert Group By pagination",link="management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-groupBy-pagination.png"]
+==== Actions
+Here you can configure the various actions that will occur when the alert fires.
+Click `Add new action` to trigger a dropdown selection:
+image:management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-select-action.png["Threshold Alert Select Action",link="management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-select-action.png"]
+Selecting an action will allow you to customize settings for the respective action.
+image:management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-action.png["Threshold Alert Logging Action",link="management/watcher-ui/images/threshold-alert/threshold-alert-action.png"]
+All fields for an alert support using http://mustache.github.io/mustache.5.html[mustache syntax] and expose a `{{ctx}}` variable which exposes {stack-ov}/condition-script.html#accessing-watch-payload[various properties of the alert]
+The supported actions are:
+* {stack-ov}/actions-slack.html[Slack]
+* {stack-ov}/actions-logging.html[Logging]
+* {stack-ov}/actions-email.html[Email]
+Note that certain actions require configuration within {es}, such as
+{stack-ov}/actions-email.html#configuring-email[email] and