AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-06-06[SPARK-24187][R][SQL] Add array_join function to SparkRHEADmasterHuaxin Gao
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR adds array_join function to SparkR ## How was this patch tested? Add unit test in test_sparkSQL.R Author: Huaxin Gao <huaxing@us.ibm.com> Closes #21313 from huaxingao/spark-24187.
2018-06-05[SPARK-22384][SQL] Refine partition pruning when attribute is wrapped in Castjinxing
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Sql below will get all partitions from metastore, which put much burden on metastore; ``` CREATE TABLE `partition_test`(`col` int) PARTITIONED BY (`pt` byte) SELECT * FROM partition_test WHERE CAST(pt AS INT)=1 ``` The reason is that the the analyzed attribute `dt` is wrapped in `Cast` and `HiveShim` fails to generate a proper partition filter. This pr proposes to take `Cast` into consideration when generate partition filter. ## How was this patch tested? Test added. This pr proposes to use analyzed expressions in `HiveClientSuite` Author: jinxing <jinxing6042@126.com> Closes #19602 from jinxing64/SPARK-22384.
2018-06-05[SPARK-24453][SS] Fix error recovering from the failure in a no-data batchTathagata Das
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? The error occurs when we are recovering from a failure in a no-data batch (say X) that has been planned (i.e. written to offset log) but not executed (i.e. not written to commit log). Upon recovery the following sequence of events happen. 1. `MicroBatchExecution.populateStartOffsets` sets `currentBatchId` to X. Since there was no data in the batch, the `availableOffsets` is same as `committedOffsets`, so `isNewDataAvailable` is `false`. 2. When `MicroBatchExecution.constructNextBatch` is called, ideally it should immediately return true because the next batch has already been constructed. However, the check of whether the batch has been constructed was `if (isNewDataAvailable) return true`. Since the planned batch is a no-data batch, it escaped this check and proceeded to plan the same batch X *once again*. The solution is to have an explicit flag that signifies whether a batch has already been constructed or not. `populateStartOffsets` is going to set the flag appropriately. ## How was this patch tested? new unit test Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #21491 from tdas/SPARK-24453.
2018-06-04[SPARK-15784] Add Power Iteration Clustering to spark.mlWeichenXu
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? According to the discussion on JIRA. I rewrite the Power Iteration Clustering API in `spark.ml`. ## How was this patch tested? Unit test. Please review http://spark.apache.org/contributing.html before opening a pull request. Author: WeichenXu <weichen.xu@databricks.com> Closes #21493 from WeichenXu123/pic_api.
2018-06-05[SPARK-16451][REPL] Fail shell if SparkSession fails to start.Marcelo Vanzin
Currently, in spark-shell, if the session fails to start, the user sees a bunch of unrelated errors which are caused by code in the shell initialization that references the "spark" variable, which does not exist in that case. Things like: ``` <console>:14: error: not found: value spark import spark.sql ``` The user is also left with a non-working shell (unless they want to just write non-Spark Scala or Python code, that is). This change fails the whole shell session at the point where the failure occurs, so that the last error message is the one with the actual information about the failure. For the python error handling, I moved the session initialization code to session.py, so that traceback.print_exc() only shows the last error. Otherwise, the printed exception would contain all previous exceptions with a message "During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred", making the actual error kinda hard to parse. Tested with spark-shell, pyspark (with 2.7 and 3.5), by forcing an error during SparkContext initialization. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #21368 from vanzin/SPARK-16451.
2018-06-05[SPARK-24215][PYSPARK] Implement _repr_html_ for dataframes in PySparkYuanjian Li
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Implement `_repr_html_` for PySpark while in notebook and add config named "spark.sql.repl.eagerEval.enabled" to control this. The dev list thread for context: http://apache-spark-developers-list.1001551.n3.nabble.com/eager-execution-and-debuggability-td23928.html ## How was this patch tested? New ut in DataFrameSuite and manual test in jupyter. Some screenshot below. **After:** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4833765/40268422-8db5bef0-5b9f-11e8-80f1-04bc654a4f2c.png) **Before:** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4833765/40268431-9f92c1b8-5b9f-11e8-9db9-0611f0940b26.png) Author: Yuanjian Li <xyliyuanjian@gmail.com> Closes #21370 from xuanyuanking/SPARK-24215.
2018-06-04[SPARK-24300][ML] change the way to set seed in ↵Lu WANG
ml.cluster.LDASuite.generateLDAData ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Using different RNG in all different partitions. ## How was this patch tested? manually Please review http://spark.apache.org/contributing.html before opening a pull request. Author: Lu WANG <lu.wang@databricks.com> Closes #21492 from ludatabricks/SPARK-24300.
2018-06-04[SPARK-24290][ML] add support for Array input for instrumentation.logNamedValueLu WANG
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Extend instrumentation.logNamedValue to support Array input change the logging for "clusterSizes" to new method ## How was this patch tested? N/A Please review http://spark.apache.org/contributing.html before opening a pull request. Author: Lu WANG <lu.wang@databricks.com> Closes #21347 from ludatabricks/SPARK-24290.
2018-06-04[SPARK-21896][SQL] Fix StackOverflow caused by window functions inside ↵aokolnychyi
aggregate functions ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR explicitly prohibits window functions inside aggregates. Currently, this will cause StackOverflow during analysis. See PR #19193 for previous discussion. ## How was this patch tested? This PR comes with a dedicated unit test. Author: aokolnychyi <anton.okolnychyi@sap.com> Closes #21473 from aokolnychyi/fix-stackoverflow-window-funcs.
2018-06-04[SPARK-23903][SQL] Add support for date extractYuming Wang
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Add support for date `extract` function: ```sql spark-sql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TIMESTAMP '2000-12-16 12:21:13'); 2000 ``` Supported field same as [Hive](https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/rel/release-2.3.3/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/parse/IdentifiersParser.g#L308-L316): `YEAR`, `QUARTER`, `MONTH`, `WEEK`, `DAY`, `DAYOFWEEK`, `HOUR`, `MINUTE`, `SECOND`. ## How was this patch tested? unit tests Author: Yuming Wang <yumwang@ebay.com> Closes #21479 from wangyum/SPARK-23903.
2018-06-03[SPARK-23786][SQL] Checking column names of csv headersMaxim Gekk
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Currently column names of headers in CSV files are not checked against provided schema of CSV data. It could cause errors like showed in the [SPARK-23786](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-23786) and https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/20894#issuecomment-375957777. I introduced new CSV option - `enforceSchema`. If it is enabled (by default `true`), Spark forcibly applies provided or inferred schema to CSV files. In that case, CSV headers are ignored and not checked against the schema. If `enforceSchema` is set to `false`, additional checks can be performed. For example, if column in CSV header and in the schema have different ordering, the following exception is thrown: ``` java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CSV file header does not contain the expected fields Header: depth, temperature Schema: temperature, depth CSV file: marina.csv ``` ## How was this patch tested? The changes were tested by existing tests of CSVSuite and by 2 new tests. Author: Maxim Gekk <maxim.gekk@databricks.com> Author: Maxim Gekk <max.gekk@gmail.com> Closes #20894 from MaxGekk/check-column-names.
2018-06-03[SPARK-24369][SQL] Correct handling for multiple distinct aggregations ↵Wenchen Fan
having the same argument set ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? bring back https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/21443 This is a different approach: just change the check to count distinct columns with `toSet` ## How was this patch tested? a new test to verify the planner behavior. Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Author: Takeshi Yamamuro <yamamuro@apache.org> Closes #21487 from cloud-fan/back.
2018-06-04[SPARK-24455][CORE] fix typo in TaskSchedulerImpl commentxueyu
change runTasks to submitTasks in the TaskSchedulerImpl.scala 's comment Author: xueyu <xueyu@yidian-inc.com> Author: Xue Yu <278006819@qq.com> Closes #21485 from xueyumusic/fixtypo1.
2018-06-02[SPARK-24356][CORE] Duplicate strings in File.path managed by ↵Misha Dmitriev
FileSegmentManagedBuffer This patch eliminates duplicate strings that come from the 'path' field of java.io.File objects created by FileSegmentManagedBuffer. That is, we want to avoid the situation when multiple File instances for the same pathname "foo/bar" are created, each with a separate copy of the "foo/bar" String instance. In some scenarios such duplicate strings may waste a lot of memory (~ 10% of the heap). To avoid that, we intern the pathname with String.intern(), and before that we make sure that it's in a normalized form (contains no "//", "///" etc.) Otherwise, the code in java.io.File would normalize it later, creating a new "foo/bar" String copy. Unfortunately, the normalization code that java.io.File uses internally is in the package-private class java.io.FileSystem, so we cannot call it here directly. ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Added code to ExternalShuffleBlockResolver.getFile(), that normalizes and then interns the pathname string before passing it to the File() constructor. ## How was this patch tested? Added unit test Author: Misha Dmitriev <misha@cloudera.com> Closes #21456 from countmdm/misha/spark-24356.
2018-06-01[SPARK-23668][K8S] Added missing config property in running-on-kubernetes.mdYinan Li
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? PR https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/20811 introduced a new Spark configuration property `spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullSecrets` for specifying image pull secrets. However, the documentation wasn't updated accordingly. This PR adds the property introduced into running-on-kubernetes.md. ## How was this patch tested? N/A. foxish mccheah please help merge this. Thanks! Author: Yinan Li <ynli@google.com> Closes #21480 from liyinan926/master.
2018-06-01[SPARK-24340][CORE] Clean up non-shuffle disk block manager files following ↵Xingbo Jiang
executor exits on a Standalone cluster ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Currently we only clean up the local directories on application removed. However, when executors die and restart repeatedly, many temp files are left untouched in the local directories, which is undesired behavior and could cause disk space used up gradually. We can detect executor death in the Worker, and clean up the non-shuffle files (files not ended with ".index" or ".data") in the local directories, we should not touch the shuffle files since they are expected to be used by the external shuffle service. Scope of this PR is limited to only implement the cleanup logic on a Standalone cluster, we defer to experts familiar with other cluster managers(YARN/Mesos/K8s) to determine whether it's worth to add similar support. ## How was this patch tested? Add new test suite to cover. Author: Xingbo Jiang <xingbo.jiang@databricks.com> Closes #21390 from jiangxb1987/cleanupNonshuffleFiles.
2018-06-01[INFRA] Close stale PRs.Marcelo Vanzin
Closes #21444
2018-06-01Revert "[SPARK-24369][SQL] Correct handling for multiple distinct ↵Xiao Li
aggregations having the same argument set" This reverts commit 1e46f92f956a00d04d47340489b6125d44dbd47b.
2018-06-01[SPARK-24351][SS] offsetLog/commitLog purge thresholdBatchId should be ↵Huang Tengfei
computed with current committed epoch but not currentBatchId in CP mode ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Compute the thresholdBatchId to purge metadata based on current committed epoch instead of currentBatchId in CP mode to avoid cleaning all the committed metadata in some case as described in the jira [SPARK-24351](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-24351). ## How was this patch tested? Add new unit test. Author: Huang Tengfei <tengfei.h@gmail.com> Closes #21400 from ivoson/branch-cp-meta.
2018-05-31[SPARK-23920][SQL] add array_remove to remove all elements that equal ↵Huaxin Gao
element from array ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? add array_remove to remove all elements that equal element from array ## How was this patch tested? add unit tests Author: Huaxin Gao <huaxing@us.ibm.com> Closes #21069 from huaxingao/spark-23920.
2018-05-31[SPARK-24326][MESOS] add support for local:// scheme for the app jarStavros Kontopoulos
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? * Adds support for local:// scheme like in k8s case for image based deployments where the jar is already in the image. Affects cluster mode and the mesos dispatcher. Covers also file:// scheme. Keeps the default case where jar resolution happens on the host. ## How was this patch tested? Dispatcher image with the patch, use it to start DC/OS Spark service: skonto/spark-local-disp:test Test image with my application jar located at the root folder: skonto/spark-local:test Dockerfile for that image. From mesosphere/spark:2.3.0-2.2.1-2-hadoop-2.6 COPY spark-examples_2.11-2.2.1.jar / WORKDIR /opt/spark/dist Tests: The following work as expected: * local normal example ``` dcos spark run --submit-args="--conf spark.mesos.appJar.local.resolution.mode=container --conf spark.executor.memory=1g --conf spark.mesos.executor.docker.image=skonto/spark-local:test --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.cores.max=8 --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi local:///spark-examples_2.11-2.2.1.jar" ``` * make sure the flag does not affect other uris ``` dcos spark run --submit-args="--conf spark.mesos.appJar.local.resolution.mode=container --conf spark.executor.memory=1g --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.cores.max=8 --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fdp-stavros-test/spark-examples_2.11-2.1.1.jar" ``` * normal example no local ``` dcos spark run --submit-args="--conf spark.executor.memory=1g --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.cores.max=8 --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fdp-stavros-test/spark-examples_2.11-2.1.1.jar" ``` The following fails * uses local with no setting, default is host. ``` dcos spark run --submit-args="--conf spark.executor.memory=1g --conf spark.mesos.executor.docker.image=skonto/spark-local:test --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.cores.max=8 --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi local:///spark-examples_2.11-2.2.1.jar" ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945591/40283021-8d349762-5c80-11e8-9d62-2a61a4318fd5.png) Author: Stavros Kontopoulos <stavros.kontopoulos@lightbend.com> Closes #21378 from skonto/local-upstream.
2018-06-01[SPARK-24444][DOCS][PYTHON] Improve Pandas UDF docs to explain column assignmentBryan Cutler
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Added sections to pandas_udf docs, in the grouped map section, to indicate columns are assigned by position. ## How was this patch tested? NA Author: Bryan Cutler <cutlerb@gmail.com> Closes #21471 from BryanCutler/arrow-doc-pandas_udf-column_by_pos-SPARK-21427.
2018-06-01[SPARK-24330][SQL] Refactor ExecuteWriteTask and Use `while` in writing filesGengliang Wang
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? 1. Refactor ExecuteWriteTask in FileFormatWriter to reduce common logic and improve readability. After the change, callers only need to call `commit()` or `abort` at the end of task. Also there is less code in `SingleDirectoryWriteTask` and `DynamicPartitionWriteTask`. Definitions of related classes are moved to a new file, and `ExecuteWriteTask` is renamed to `FileFormatDataWriter`. 2. As per code style guide: https://github.com/databricks/scala-style-guide#traversal-and-zipwithindex , we avoid using `for` for looping in [FileFormatWriter](https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/21381/files#diff-3b69eb0963b68c65cfe8075f8a42e850L536) , or `foreach` in [WriteToDataSourceV2Exec](https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/21381/files#diff-6fbe10db766049a395bae2e785e9d56eL119). In such critical code path, using `while` is good for performance. ## How was this patch tested? Existing unit test. I tried the microbenchmark in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/21409 | Workload | Before changes(Best/Avg Time(ms)) | After changes(Best/Avg Time(ms)) | | --- | --- | -- | |Output Single Int Column| 2018 / 2043 | 2096 / 2236 | |Output Single Double Column| 1978 / 2043 | 2013 / 2018 | |Output Int and String Column| 6332 / 6706 | 6162 / 6298 | |Output Partitions| 4458 / 5094 | 3792 / 4008 | |Output Buckets| 5695 / 6102 | 5120 / 5154 | Also a microbenchmark on my laptop for general comparison among while/foreach/for : ``` class Writer { var sum = 0L def write(l: Long): Unit = sum += l } def testWhile(iterator: Iterator[Long]): Long = { val w = new Writer while (iterator.hasNext) { w.write(iterator.next()) } w.sum } def testForeach(iterator: Iterator[Long]): Long = { val w = new Writer iterator.foreach(w.write) w.sum } def testFor(iterator: Iterator[Long]): Long = { val w = new Writer for (x <- iterator) { w.write(x) } w.sum } val data = 0L to 100000000L val start = System.nanoTime (0 to 10).foreach(_ => testWhile(data.iterator)) println("benchmark while: " + (System.nanoTime - start)/1000000) val start2 = System.nanoTime (0 to 10).foreach(_ => testForeach(data.iterator)) println("benchmark foreach: " + (System.nanoTime - start2)/1000000) val start3 = System.nanoTime (0 to 10).foreach(_ => testForeach(data.iterator)) println("benchmark for: " + (System.nanoTime - start3)/1000000) ``` Benchmark result: `while`: 15401 ms `foreach`: 43034 ms `for`: 41279 ms Author: Gengliang Wang <gengliang.wang@databricks.com> Closes #21381 from gengliangwang/refactorExecuteWriteTask.
2018-06-01[MINOR][YARN] Add YARN-specific credential providers in debug logging messagehyukjinkwon
This PR adds a debugging log for YARN-specific credential providers which is loaded by service loader mechanism. It took me a while to debug if it's actually loaded or not. I had to explicitly set the deprecated configuration and check if that's actually being loaded. The change scope is manually tested. Logs are like: ``` Using the following builtin delegation token providers: hadoopfs, hive, hbase. Using the following YARN-specific credential providers: yarn-test. ``` Author: hyukjinkwon <gurwls223@apache.org> Closes #21466 from HyukjinKwon/minor-log. Change-Id: I18e2fb8eeb3289b148f24c47bb3130a560a881cf
2018-05-31[SPARK-24232][K8S] Add support for secret env varsStavros Kontopoulos
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? * Allows to refer a secret as an env var. * Introduces new config properties in the form: spark.kubernetes{driver,executor}.secretKeyRef.ENV_NAME=name:key ENV_NAME is case sensitive. * Updates docs. * Adds required unit tests. ## How was this patch tested? Manually tested and confirmed that the secrets exist in driver's and executor's container env. Also job finished successfully. First created a secret with the following yaml: ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: test-secret data: username: c3RhdnJvcwo= password: Mzk1MjgkdmRnN0pi ------- $ echo -n 'stavros' | base64 c3RhdnJvcw== $ echo -n '39528$vdg7Jb' | base64 MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm ``` Run a job as follows: ```./bin/spark-submit \ --master k8s://http://localhost:9000 \ --deploy-mode cluster \ --name spark-pi \ --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \ --conf spark.executor.instances=1 \ --conf spark.kubernetes.container.image=skonto/spark:k8envs3 \ --conf spark.kubernetes.driver.secretKeyRef.MY_USERNAME=test-secret:username \ --conf spark.kubernetes.driver.secretKeyRef.My_password=test-secret:password \ --conf spark.kubernetes.executor.secretKeyRef.MY_USERNAME=test-secret:username \ --conf spark.kubernetes.executor.secretKeyRef.My_password=test-secret:password \ local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 10000 ``` Secret loaded correctly at the driver container: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945591/40174346-7fee70c8-59dd-11e8-8705-995a5472716f.png) Also if I log into the exec container: kubectl exec -it spark-pi-1526555613156-exec-1 bash bash-4.4# env > SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY=1g > SPARK_EXECUTOR_CORES=1 > LANG=C.UTF-8 > HOSTNAME=spark-pi-1526555613156-exec-1 > SPARK_APPLICATION_ID=spark-application-1526555618626 > **MY_USERNAME=stavros** > > JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk > KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO=tcp > KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR= > JAVA_VERSION=8u151 > KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp:// > PWD=/opt/spark/work-dir > HOME=/root > SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/var/data/spark-b569b0ae-b7ef-4f91-bcd5-0f55535d3564 > KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS=443 > KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT=443 > SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark > SPARK_DRIVER_URL=spark://CoarseGrainedSchedulerspark-pi-1526555613156-driver-svc.default.svc:7078 > KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP=tcp:// > SPARK_EXECUTOR_POD_IP= > TERM=xterm > SPARK_EXECUTOR_ID=1 > SHLVL=1 > KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443 > SPARK_CONF_DIR=/opt/spark/conf > PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/jre/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/bin > JAVA_ALPINE_VERSION=8.151.12-r0 > KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST= > **My_password=39528$vdg7Jb** > _=/usr/bin/env > Author: Stavros Kontopoulos <stavros.kontopoulos@lightbend.com> Closes #21317 from skonto/k8s-fix-env-secrets.
2018-05-31[SPARK-23900][SQL] format_number support user specifed format as argumentYuming Wang
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? `format_number` support user specifed format as argument. For example: ```sql spark-sql> SELECT format_number(12332.123456, '##################.###'); 12332.123 ``` ## How was this patch tested? unit test Author: Yuming Wang <yumwang@ebay.com> Closes #21010 from wangyum/SPARK-23900.
2018-05-31[SPARK-24397][PYSPARK] Added TaskContext.getLocalProperty(key) in PythonTathagata Das
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This adds a new API `TaskContext.getLocalProperty(key)` to the Python TaskContext. It mirrors the Java TaskContext API of returning a string value if the key exists, or None if the key does not exist. ## How was this patch tested? New test added. Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #21437 from tdas/SPARK-24397.
2018-05-31[SPARK-24414][UI] Calculate the correct number of tasks for a stage.Marcelo Vanzin
This change takes into account all non-pending tasks when calculating the number of tasks to be shown. This also means that when the stage is pending, the task table (or, in fact, most of the data in the stage page) will not be rendered. I also fixed the label when the known number of tasks is larger than the recorded number of tasks (it was inverted). Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #21457 from vanzin/SPARK-24414.
2018-05-31[WEBUI] Avoid possibility of script in query param keysSean Owen
As discussed separately, this avoids the possibility of XSS on certain request param keys. CC vanzin Author: Sean Owen <srowen@gmail.com> Closes #21464 from srowen/XSS2.
2018-05-31[SPARK-24146][PYSPARK][ML] spark.ml parity for sequential pattern mining - ↵WeichenXu
PrefixSpan: Python API ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? spark.ml parity for sequential pattern mining - PrefixSpan: Python API ## How was this patch tested? doctests Author: WeichenXu <weichen.xu@databricks.com> Closes #21265 from WeichenXu123/prefix_span_py.
2018-05-30[SPARK-24337][CORE] Improve error messages for Spark conf valuesWilliam Sheu
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Improve the exception messages when retrieving Spark conf values to include the key name when the value is invalid. ## How was this patch tested? Unit tests for all get* operations in SparkConf that require a specific value format Author: William Sheu <william.sheu@databricks.com> Closes #21454 from PenguinToast/SPARK-24337-spark-config-errors.
2018-05-30[SPARK-24276][SQL] Order of literals in IN should not affect semantic equalityMarco Gaido
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? When two `In` operators are created with the same list of values, but different order, we are considering them as semantically different. This is wrong, since they have the same semantic meaning. The PR adds a canonicalization rule which orders the literals in the `In` operator so the semantic equality works properly. ## How was this patch tested? added UT Author: Marco Gaido <marcogaido91@gmail.com> Closes #21331 from mgaido91/SPARK-24276.
2018-05-30[SPARK-23901][SQL] Add masking functionsMarco Gaido
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? The PR adds the masking function as they are described in Hive's documentation: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+UDF#LanguageManualUDF-DataMaskingFunctions. This means that only `string`s are accepted as parameter for the masking functions. ## How was this patch tested? added UTs Author: Marco Gaido <marcogaido91@gmail.com> Closes #21246 from mgaido91/SPARK-23901.
2018-05-30[SPARK-23161][PYSPARK][ML] Add missing APIs to Python GBTClassifierHuaxin Gao
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Add featureSubsetStrategy in GBTClassifier and GBTRegressor. Also make GBTClassificationModel inherit from JavaClassificationModel instead of prediction model so it will have numClasses. ## How was this patch tested? Add tests in doctest Author: Huaxin Gao <huaxing@us.ibm.com> Closes #21413 from huaxingao/spark-23161.
2018-05-30[SPARK-24384][PYTHON][SPARK SUBMIT] Add .py files correctly into ↵hyukjinkwon
PythonRunner in submit with client mode in spark-submit ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? In client side before context initialization specifically, .py file doesn't work in client side before context initialization when the application is a Python file. See below: ``` $ cat /home/spark/tmp.py def testtest(): return 1 ``` This works: ``` $ cat app.py import pyspark pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() import tmp print("************************%s" % tmp.testtest()) $ ./bin/spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --py-files /home/spark/tmp.py app.py ... ************************1 ``` but this doesn't: ``` $ cat app.py import pyspark import tmp pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() print("************************%s" % tmp.testtest()) $ ./bin/spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --py-files /home/spark/tmp.py app.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/spark/spark/app.py", line 2, in <module> import tmp ImportError: No module named tmp ``` ### How did it happen? In client mode specifically, the paths are being added into PythonRunner as are: https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/628c7b517969c4a7ccb26ea67ab3dd61266073ca/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmit.scala#L430 https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/628c7b517969c4a7ccb26ea67ab3dd61266073ca/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/PythonRunner.scala#L49-L88 The problem here is, .py file shouldn't be added as are since `PYTHONPATH` expects a directory or an archive like zip or egg. ### How does this PR fix? We shouldn't simply just add its parent directory because other files in the parent directory could also be added into the `PYTHONPATH` in client mode before context initialization. Therefore, we copy .py files into a temp directory for .py files and add it to `PYTHONPATH`. ## How was this patch tested? Unit tests are added and manually tested in both standalond and yarn client modes with submit. Author: hyukjinkwon <gurwls223@apache.org> Closes #21426 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-24384.
2018-05-31[SPARK-24369][SQL] Correct handling for multiple distinct aggregations ↵Takeshi Yamamuro
having the same argument set ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This pr fixed an issue when having multiple distinct aggregations having the same argument set, e.g., ``` scala>: paste val df = sql( s"""SELECT corr(DISTINCT x, y), corr(DISTINCT y, x), count(*) | FROM (VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 2)) t(x, y) """.stripMargin) java.lang.RuntimeException You hit a query analyzer bug. Please report your query to Spark user mailing list. ``` The root cause is that `RewriteDistinctAggregates` can't detect multiple distinct aggregations if they have the same argument set. This pr modified code so that `RewriteDistinctAggregates` could count the number of aggregate expressions with `isDistinct=true`. ## How was this patch tested? Added tests in `DataFrameAggregateSuite`. Author: Takeshi Yamamuro <yamamuro@apache.org> Closes #21443 from maropu/SPARK-24369.
2018-05-30[SPARK-24419][BUILD] Upgrade SBT to 0.13.17 with Scala 2.10.7 for JDK9+DB Tsai
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Upgrade SBT to 0.13.17 with Scala 2.10.7 for JDK9+ ## How was this patch tested? Existing tests Author: DB Tsai <d_tsai@apple.com> Closes #21458 from dbtsai/sbt.
2018-05-30[SPARK-23754][PYTHON] Re-raising StopIteration in client codee-dorigatti
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Make sure that `StopIteration`s raised in users' code do not silently interrupt processing by spark, but are raised as exceptions to the users. The users' functions are wrapped in `safe_iter` (in `shuffle.py`), which re-raises `StopIteration`s as `RuntimeError`s ## How was this patch tested? Unit tests, making sure that the exceptions are indeed raised. I am not sure how to check whether a `Py4JJavaError` contains my exception, so I simply looked for the exception message in the java exception's `toString`. Can you propose a better way? ## License This is my original work, licensed in the same way as spark Author: e-dorigatti <emilio.dorigatti@gmail.com> Author: edorigatti <emilio.dorigatti@gmail.com> Closes #21383 from e-dorigatti/fix_spark_23754.
2018-05-29[SPARK-24331][SPARKR][SQL] Adding arrays_overlap, array_repeat, map_entries ↵Marek Novotny
to SparkR ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? The PR adds functions `arrays_overlap`, `array_repeat`, `map_entries` to SparkR. ## How was this patch tested? Tests added into R/pkg/tests/fulltests/test_sparkSQL.R ## Examples ### arrays_overlap ``` df <- createDataFrame(list(list(list(1L, 2L), list(3L, 1L)), list(list(1L, 2L), list(3L, 4L)), list(list(1L, NA), list(3L, 4L)))) collect(select(df, arrays_overlap(df[[1]], df[[2]]))) ``` ``` arrays_overlap(_1, _2) 1 TRUE 2 FALSE 3 NA ``` ### array_repeat ``` df <- createDataFrame(list(list("a", 3L), list("b", 2L))) collect(select(df, array_repeat(df[[1]], df[[2]]))) ``` ``` array_repeat(_1, _2) 1 a, a, a 2 b, b ``` ``` collect(select(df, array_repeat(df[[1]], 2L))) ``` ``` array_repeat(_1, 2) 1 a, a 2 b, b ``` ### map_entries ``` df <- createDataFrame(list(list(map = as.environment(list(x = 1, y = 2))))) collect(select(df, map_entries(df$map))) ``` ``` map_entries(map) 1 x, 1, y, 2 ``` Author: Marek Novotny <mn.mikke@gmail.com> Closes #21434 from mn-mikke/SPARK-24331.
2018-05-30[SPARK-24365][SQL] Add Data Source write benchmarkGengliang Wang
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Add Data Source write benchmark. So that it would be easier to measure the writer performance. Author: Gengliang Wang <gengliang.wang@databricks.com> Closes #21409 from gengliangwang/parquetWriteBenchmark.
2018-05-29[SPARK-24371][SQL] Added isInCollection in DataFrame API for Scala and Java.DB Tsai
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Implemented **`isInCollection `** in DataFrame API for both Scala and Java, so users can do ```scala val profileDF = Seq( Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), Some(4), Some(5), Some(6), Some(7), None ).toDF("profileID") val validUsers: Seq[Any] = Seq(6, 7.toShort, 8L, "3") val result = profileDF.withColumn("isValid", $"profileID". isInCollection(validUsers)) result.show(10) """ +---------+-------+ |profileID|isValid| +---------+-------+ | 1| false| | 2| false| | 3| true| | 4| false| | 5| false| | 6| true| | 7| true| | null| null| +---------+-------+ """.stripMargin ``` ## How was this patch tested? Several unit tests are added. Author: DB Tsai <d_tsai@apple.com> Closes #21416 from dbtsai/optimize-set.
2018-05-29[SPARK-23991][DSTREAMS] Fix data loss when WAL write fails in ↵Gabor Somogyi
allocateBlocksToBatch When blocks tried to get allocated to a batch and WAL write fails then the blocks will be removed from the received block queue. This fact simply produces data loss because the next allocation will not find the mentioned blocks in the queue. In this PR blocks will be removed from the received queue only if WAL write succeded. Additional unit test. Author: Gabor Somogyi <gabor.g.somogyi@gmail.com> Closes #21430 from gaborgsomogyi/SPARK-23991. Change-Id: I5ead84f0233f0c95e6d9f2854ac2ff6906f6b341
2018-05-28[SPARK-24250][SQL][FOLLOW-UP] support accessing SQLConf inside tasksXiao Li
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? We should not stop users from calling `getActiveSession` and `getDefaultSession` in executors. To not break the existing behaviors, we should simply return None. ## How was this patch tested? N/A Author: Xiao Li <gatorsmile@gmail.com> Closes #21436 from gatorsmile/followUpSPARK-24250.
2018-05-29[SPARK-24377][SPARK SUBMIT] make --py-files work in non pyspark applicationjerryshao
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? For some Spark applications, though they're a java program, they require not only jar dependencies, but also python dependencies. One example is Livy remote SparkContext application, this application is actually an embedded REPL for Scala/Python/R, it will not only load in jar dependencies, but also python and R deps, so we should specify not only "--jars", but also "--py-files". Currently for a Spark application, --py-files can only be worked for a pyspark application, so it will not be worked in the above case. So here propose to remove such restriction. Also we tested that "spark.submit.pyFiles" only supports quite limited scenario (client mode with local deps), so here also expand the usage of "spark.submit.pyFiles" to be alternative of --py-files. ## How was this patch tested? UT added. Author: jerryshao <sshao@hortonworks.com> Closes #21420 from jerryshao/SPARK-24377.
2018-05-29[SPARK-19613][SS][TEST] Random.nextString is not safe for directory namePrefixDongjoon Hyun
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? `Random.nextString` is good for generating random string data, but it's not proper for directory name prefix in `Utils.createDirectory(tempDir, Random.nextString(10))`. This PR uses more safe directory namePrefix. ```scala scala> scala.util.Random.nextString(10) res0: String = 馨쭔ᎰႻ穚䃈兩㻞藑並 ``` ```scala StateStoreRDDSuite: - versioning and immutability - recovering from files - usage with iterators - only gets and only puts - preferred locations using StateStoreCoordinator *** FAILED *** java.io.IOException: Failed to create a temp directory (under /.../spark/sql/core/target/tmp/StateStoreRDDSuite8712796397908632676) after 10 attempts! at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.createDirectory(Utils.scala:295) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.StateStoreRDDSuite$$anonfun$13$$anonfun$apply$6.apply(StateStoreRDDSuite.scala:152) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.StateStoreRDDSuite$$anonfun$13$$anonfun$apply$6.apply(StateStoreRDDSuite.scala:149) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.package$.quietly(package.scala:42) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.StateStoreRDDSuite$$anonfun$13.apply(StateStoreRDDSuite.scala:149) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.StateStoreRDDSuite$$anonfun$13.apply(StateStoreRDDSuite.scala:149) ... - distributed test *** FAILED *** java.io.IOException: Failed to create a temp directory (under /.../spark/sql/core/target/tmp/StateStoreRDDSuite8712796397908632676) after 10 attempts! at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.createDirectory(Utils.scala:295) ``` ## How was this patch tested? Pass the existing tests.StateStoreRDDSuite: Author: Dongjoon Hyun <dongjoon@apache.org> Closes #21446 from dongjoon-hyun/SPARK-19613.
2018-05-28[SPARK-24392][PYTHON] Label pandas_udf as ExperimentalBryan Cutler
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? The pandas_udf functionality was introduced in 2.3.0, but is not completely stable and still evolving. This adds a label to indicate it is still an experimental API. ## How was this patch tested? NA Author: Bryan Cutler <cutlerb@gmail.com> Closes #21435 from BryanCutler/arrow-pandas_udf-experimental-SPARK-24392.
2018-05-28[SPARK-24373][SQL] Add AnalysisBarrier to RelationalGroupedDataset's and ↵Marco Gaido
KeyValueGroupedDataset's child ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? When we create a `RelationalGroupedDataset` or a `KeyValueGroupedDataset` we set its child to the `logicalPlan` of the `DataFrame` we need to aggregate. Since the `logicalPlan` is already analyzed, we should not analyze it again. But this happens when the new plan of the aggregate is analyzed. The current behavior in most of the cases is likely to produce no harm, but in other cases re-analyzing an analyzed plan can change it, since the analysis is not idempotent. This can cause issues like the one described in the JIRA (missing to find a cached plan). The PR adds an `AnalysisBarrier` to the `logicalPlan` which is used as child of `RelationalGroupedDataset` or a `KeyValueGroupedDataset`. ## How was this patch tested? added UT Author: Marco Gaido <marcogaido91@gmail.com> Closes #21432 from mgaido91/SPARK-24373.
2018-05-28[SPARK-24334] Fix race condition in ArrowPythonRunner causes unclean ↵Li Jin
shutdown of Arrow memory allocator ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? There is a race condition of closing Arrow VectorSchemaRoot and Allocator in the writer thread of ArrowPythonRunner. The race results in memory leak exception when closing the allocator. This patch removes the closing routine from the TaskCompletionListener and make the writer thread responsible for cleaning up the Arrow memory. This issue be reproduced by this test: ``` def test_memory_leak(self): from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, col, PandasUDFType, array, lit, explode # Have all data in a single executor thread so it can trigger the race condition easier with self.sql_conf({'spark.sql.shuffle.partitions': 1}): df = self.spark.range(0, 1000) df = df.withColumn('id', array([lit(i) for i in range(0, 300)])) \ .withColumn('id', explode(col('id'))) \ .withColumn('v', array([lit(i) for i in range(0, 1000)])) pandas_udf(df.schema, PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP) def foo(pdf): xxx return pdf result = df.groupby('id').apply(foo) with QuietTest(self.sc): with self.assertRaises(py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError) as context: result.count() self.assertTrue('Memory leaked' not in str(context.exception)) ``` Note: Because of the race condition, the test case cannot reproduce the issue reliably so it's not added to test cases. ## How was this patch tested? Because of the race condition, the bug cannot be unit test easily. So far it has only happens on large amount of data. This is currently tested manually. Author: Li Jin <ice.xelloss@gmail.com> Closes #21397 from icexelloss/SPARK-24334-arrow-memory-leak.
2018-05-26[SPARK-24381][TESTING] Add unit tests for NOT IN subquery around null valuesMiles Yucht
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR adds several unit tests along the `cols NOT IN (subquery)` pathway. There are a scattering of tests here and there which cover this codepath, but there doesn't seem to be a unified unit test of the correctness of null-aware anti joins anywhere. I have also added a brief explanation of how this expression behaves in SubquerySuite. Lastly, I made some clarifying changes in the NOT IN pathway in RewritePredicateSubquery. ## How was this patch tested? Added unit tests! There should be no behavioral change in this PR. Author: Miles Yucht <miles@databricks.com> Closes #21425 from mgyucht/spark-24381.
2018-05-26[SPARK-19112][CORE][FOLLOW-UP] Add missing shortCompressionCodecNames to ↵Yuming Wang
configuration. ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Spark provides four codecs: `lz4`, `lzf`, `snappy`, and `zstd`. This pr add missing shortCompressionCodecNames to configuration. ## How was this patch tested? manually tested Author: Yuming Wang <yumwang@ebay.com> Closes #21431 from wangyum/SPARK-19112.