diff options
authorPaul Sokolovsky <pfalcon@users.sourceforge.net>2016-06-29 22:55:40 +0300
committerPaul Sokolovsky <pfalcon@users.sourceforge.net>2017-09-12 09:06:19 +0300
commitaabca3733a17ffafb71ad38f83b86eba4c560c42 (patch)
parent52620c6b0e8a601e49866d0db37abbe217b16a0d (diff)
.travis.yml: Build esp-open-sdk, based on .travis.yml from esp-open-rtos.travis-esp8266
Before picking esp-open-rtos', I tried to add corresponding steps to standard MicroPython's .travis.yml, but it just doesn't work in that configuration (sudo: yes is the biggest difference), with completely senseless errors popping up, and working them around turns into very time consuming firefighting.
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 83ac2a112..5150765a5 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,51 @@
-sudo: required
-dist: trusty
language: c
- - gcc
+sudo: false
+ # Target commit for https://github.com/pfalcon/esp-open-sdk/
+ CROSS_ROOT="${HOME}/toolchain-xtensa"
- - "${HOME}/persist"
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - make
+ - unrar
+ - autoconf
+ - automake
+ - libtool
+ - gcc
+ - g++
+ - gperf
+ - flex
+ - bison
+ - texinfo
+ - gawk
+ - libncurses5-dev
+ - libexpat1-dev
+ - python
+ - python-serial
+ - sed
+ - git
+ - help2man
-# Extra CPython versions
-# - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
-# Extra gcc versions
-# - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
- - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded
- - sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
- - sudo apt-get update -qq || true
- - sudo apt-get install -y python3 gcc-multilib pkg-config libffi-dev libffi-dev:i386 qemu-system gcc-mingw-w64
- - sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes gcc-arm-none-eabi
- # For teensy build
- - sudo apt-get install realpath
- # For coverage testing (upgrade is used to get latest urllib3 version)
- - sudo pip install --upgrade cpp-coveralls
- - gcc --version
- - arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
- - python3 --version
+ # Install a toolchain using esp-open-sdk (parts we need for this are the GNU toolchain and libhal)
+ #
+ # Adds hack of "{$HAS_TC} || -Buildstep-" to avoid rebuilding toolchain if it's already
+ # installed from the cache. If this gets any more complex it should be spun out to a standalone shell script.
+ - export HAS_TC="test -d ${CROSS_BINDIR}"
+ - unset CC # Travis sets this due to "language: c", but it confuses autotools configure when cross-building
+ - ${HAS_TC} || git clone --recursive https://github.com/pfalcon/esp-open-sdk.git
+ - ${HAS_TC} || cd esp-open-sdk
+ - ${HAS_TC} || sed -i "s/2.69/2.68/" lx106-hal/configure.ac # this is a nasty hack as Ubuntu Precise only has autoconf 2.68 not 2.69...
+ - ${HAS_TC} || sed -r -i 's%TOOLCHAIN ?=.*%TOOLCHAIN=${CROSS_ROOT}%' Makefile
+ - ${HAS_TC} || make
- make -C mpy-cross
- - make -C ports/minimal CROSS=1 build/firmware.bin
- - ls -l ports/minimal/build/firmware.bin
- - tools/check_code_size.sh
- - mkdir -p ${HOME}/persist
- # Save new firmware for reference, but only if building a main branch, not a pull request
- - 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then cp ports/minimal/build/firmware.bin ${HOME}/persist/; fi'
- - make -C ports/unix deplibs
- - make -C ports/unix
- - make -C ports/unix nanbox
- - make -C ports/bare-arm
- - make -C ports/qemu-arm test
- - make -C ports/stm32
- - make -C ports/stm32 BOARD=PYBV11 MICROPY_PY_WIZNET5K=1 MICROPY_PY_CC3K=1
- - make -C ports/stm32 BOARD=STM32F769DISC
- - make -C ports/stm32 BOARD=STM32L476DISC
- - make -C ports/teensy
- - make -C ports/cc3200 BTARGET=application BTYPE=release
- - make -C ports/cc3200 BTARGET=bootloader BTYPE=release
- - make -C ports/windows CROSS_COMPILE=i686-w64-mingw32-
- # run tests without coverage info
- #- (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 ./run-tests)
- #- (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 ./run-tests --emit native)
- # run tests with coverage info
- - make -C ports/unix coverage
- - (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests)
- - (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests -d thread)
- - (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests --emit native)
- - (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests --via-mpy -d basics float)
- # run coveralls coverage analysis (try to, even if some builds/tests failed)
- - (cd ports/unix && coveralls --root ../.. --build-root . --gcov $(which gcov) --gcov-options '\-o build-coverage/' --include py --include extmod)
- - (cd tests && for exp in *.exp; do testbase=$(basename $exp .exp); echo -e "\nFAILURE $testbase"; diff -u $testbase.exp $testbase.out; done)
- - (grep "FAIL" ports/qemu-arm/build/console.out)
+ - make -C ports/esp8266 axtls
+ - make -C ports/esp8266