path: root/docs/library/asyncio.rst
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authorJim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>2023-06-08 16:08:09 +1000
committerDamien George <damien@micropython.org>2023-06-19 18:36:54 +1000
commit9092909bf5e5f3347a93ea5146dd93320527956a (patch)
tree4ecab114ec4a3bb3a3a9b1f2bfe24bdea6c33473 /docs/library/asyncio.rst
parent6027c41c8f5b8f1a9e7b85b2bb93b3e6f2718e54 (diff)
docs: Rename uasyncio to asyncio.
This work was funded through GitHub Sponsors. Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/library/asyncio.rst')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/library/asyncio.rst b/docs/library/asyncio.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a2c14e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/library/asyncio.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+:mod:`asyncio` --- asynchronous I/O scheduler
+.. module:: asyncio
+ :synopsis: asynchronous I/O scheduler for writing concurrent code
+`asyncio <https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/asyncio.html>`_
+ import asyncio
+ async def blink(led, period_ms):
+ while True:
+ led.on()
+ await asyncio.sleep_ms(5)
+ led.off()
+ await asyncio.sleep_ms(period_ms)
+ async def main(led1, led2):
+ asyncio.create_task(blink(led1, 700))
+ asyncio.create_task(blink(led2, 400))
+ await asyncio.sleep_ms(10_000)
+ # Running on a pyboard
+ from pyb import LED
+ asyncio.run(main(LED(1), LED(2)))
+ # Running on a generic board
+ from machine import Pin
+ asyncio.run(main(Pin(1), Pin(2)))
+Core functions
+.. function:: create_task(coro)
+ Create a new task from the given coroutine and schedule it to run.
+ Returns the corresponding `Task` object.
+.. function:: current_task()
+ Return the `Task` object associated with the currently running task.
+.. function:: run(coro)
+ Create a new task from the given coroutine and run it until it completes.
+ Returns the value returned by *coro*.
+.. function:: sleep(t)
+ Sleep for *t* seconds (can be a float).
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. function:: sleep_ms(t)
+ Sleep for *t* milliseconds.
+ This is a coroutine, and a MicroPython extension.
+Additional functions
+.. function:: wait_for(awaitable, timeout)
+ Wait for the *awaitable* to complete, but cancel it if it takes longer
+ than *timeout* seconds. If *awaitable* is not a task then a task will be
+ created from it.
+ If a timeout occurs, it cancels the task and raises ``asyncio.TimeoutError``:
+ this should be trapped by the caller. The task receives
+ ``asyncio.CancelledError`` which may be ignored or trapped using ``try...except``
+ or ``try...finally`` to run cleanup code.
+ Returns the return value of *awaitable*.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. function:: wait_for_ms(awaitable, timeout)
+ Similar to `wait_for` but *timeout* is an integer in milliseconds.
+ This is a coroutine, and a MicroPython extension.
+.. function:: gather(*awaitables, return_exceptions=False)
+ Run all *awaitables* concurrently. Any *awaitables* that are not tasks are
+ promoted to tasks.
+ Returns a list of return values of all *awaitables*.
+ This is a coroutine.
+class Task
+.. class:: Task()
+ This object wraps a coroutine into a running task. Tasks can be waited on
+ using ``await task``, which will wait for the task to complete and return
+ the return value of the task.
+ Tasks should not be created directly, rather use `create_task` to create them.
+.. method:: Task.cancel()
+ Cancel the task by injecting ``asyncio.CancelledError`` into it. The task may
+ ignore this exception. Cleanup code may be run by trapping it, or via
+ ``try ... finally``.
+class Event
+.. class:: Event()
+ Create a new event which can be used to synchronise tasks. Events start
+ in the cleared state.
+.. method:: Event.is_set()
+ Returns ``True`` if the event is set, ``False`` otherwise.
+.. method:: Event.set()
+ Set the event. Any tasks waiting on the event will be scheduled to run.
+ Note: This must be called from within a task. It is not safe to call this
+ from an IRQ, scheduler callback, or other thread. See `ThreadSafeFlag`.
+.. method:: Event.clear()
+ Clear the event.
+.. method:: Event.wait()
+ Wait for the event to be set. If the event is already set then it returns
+ immediately.
+ This is a coroutine.
+class ThreadSafeFlag
+.. class:: ThreadSafeFlag()
+ Create a new flag which can be used to synchronise a task with code running
+ outside the asyncio loop, such as other threads, IRQs, or scheduler
+ callbacks. Flags start in the cleared state. The class does not currently
+ work under the Unix build of MicroPython.
+.. method:: ThreadSafeFlag.set()
+ Set the flag. If there is a task waiting on the flag, it will be scheduled
+ to run.
+.. method:: ThreadSafeFlag.clear()
+ Clear the flag. This may be used to ensure that a possibly previously-set
+ flag is clear before waiting for it.
+.. method:: ThreadSafeFlag.wait()
+ Wait for the flag to be set. If the flag is already set then it returns
+ immediately. The flag is automatically reset upon return from ``wait``.
+ A flag may only be waited on by a single task at a time.
+ This is a coroutine.
+class Lock
+.. class:: Lock()
+ Create a new lock which can be used to coordinate tasks. Locks start in
+ the unlocked state.
+ In addition to the methods below, locks can be used in an ``async with`` statement.
+.. method:: Lock.locked()
+ Returns ``True`` if the lock is locked, otherwise ``False``.
+.. method:: Lock.acquire()
+ Wait for the lock to be in the unlocked state and then lock it in an atomic
+ way. Only one task can acquire the lock at any one time.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. method:: Lock.release()
+ Release the lock. If any tasks are waiting on the lock then the next one in the
+ queue is scheduled to run and the lock remains locked. Otherwise, no tasks are
+ waiting an the lock becomes unlocked.
+TCP stream connections
+.. function:: open_connection(host, port)
+ Open a TCP connection to the given *host* and *port*. The *host* address will be
+ resolved using `socket.getaddrinfo`, which is currently a blocking call.
+ Returns a pair of streams: a reader and a writer stream.
+ Will raise a socket-specific ``OSError`` if the host could not be resolved or if
+ the connection could not be made.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. function:: start_server(callback, host, port, backlog=5)
+ Start a TCP server on the given *host* and *port*. The *callback* will be
+ called with incoming, accepted connections, and be passed 2 arguments: reader
+ and writer streams for the connection.
+ Returns a `Server` object.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. class:: Stream()
+ This represents a TCP stream connection. To minimise code this class implements
+ both a reader and a writer, and both ``StreamReader`` and ``StreamWriter`` alias to
+ this class.
+.. method:: Stream.get_extra_info(v)
+ Get extra information about the stream, given by *v*. The valid values for *v* are:
+ ``peername``.
+.. method:: Stream.close()
+ Close the stream.
+.. method:: Stream.wait_closed()
+ Wait for the stream to close.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. method:: Stream.read(n=-1)
+ Read up to *n* bytes and return them. If *n* is not provided or -1 then read all
+ bytes until EOF. The returned value will be an empty bytes object if EOF is
+ encountered before any bytes are read.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. method:: Stream.readinto(buf)
+ Read up to n bytes into *buf* with n being equal to the length of *buf*.
+ Return the number of bytes read into *buf*.
+ This is a coroutine, and a MicroPython extension.
+.. method:: Stream.readexactly(n)
+ Read exactly *n* bytes and return them as a bytes object.
+ Raises an ``EOFError`` exception if the stream ends before reading *n* bytes.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. method:: Stream.readline()
+ Read a line and return it.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. method:: Stream.write(buf)
+ Accumulated *buf* to the output buffer. The data is only flushed when
+ `Stream.drain` is called. It is recommended to call `Stream.drain` immediately
+ after calling this function.
+.. method:: Stream.drain()
+ Drain (write) all buffered output data out to the stream.
+ This is a coroutine.
+.. class:: Server()
+ This represents the server class returned from `start_server`. It can be used
+ in an ``async with`` statement to close the server upon exit.
+.. method:: Server.close()
+ Close the server.
+.. method:: Server.wait_closed()
+ Wait for the server to close.
+ This is a coroutine.
+Event Loop
+.. function:: get_event_loop()
+ Return the event loop used to schedule and run tasks. See `Loop`.
+.. function:: new_event_loop()
+ Reset the event loop and return it.
+ Note: since MicroPython only has a single event loop this function just
+ resets the loop's state, it does not create a new one.
+.. class:: Loop()
+ This represents the object which schedules and runs tasks. It cannot be
+ created, use `get_event_loop` instead.
+.. method:: Loop.create_task(coro)
+ Create a task from the given *coro* and return the new `Task` object.
+.. method:: Loop.run_forever()
+ Run the event loop until `stop()` is called.
+.. method:: Loop.run_until_complete(awaitable)
+ Run the given *awaitable* until it completes. If *awaitable* is not a task
+ then it will be promoted to one.
+.. method:: Loop.stop()
+ Stop the event loop.
+.. method:: Loop.close()
+ Close the event loop.
+.. method:: Loop.set_exception_handler(handler)
+ Set the exception handler to call when a Task raises an exception that is not
+ caught. The *handler* should accept two arguments: ``(loop, context)``.
+.. method:: Loop.get_exception_handler()
+ Get the current exception handler. Returns the handler, or ``None`` if no
+ custom handler is set.
+.. method:: Loop.default_exception_handler(context)
+ The default exception handler that is called.
+.. method:: Loop.call_exception_handler(context)
+ Call the current exception handler. The argument *context* is passed through and
+ is a dictionary containing keys: ``'message'``, ``'exception'``, ``'future'``.