path: root/docs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-11py/py.mk: Make user-C-module handling self-contained in py.mk.Jim Mussared
2022-10-11all: Use += rather than = everywhere for CFLAGS/LDFLAGS/LIBS.Jim Mussared
2022-10-01tools/mpremote: Add `mpremote mip install` to install packages.Jim Mussared
2022-09-30top: Replace upip with mip everywhere.Jim Mussared
2022-09-29docs/Makefile: Enable parallel compilation for Sphinx.Jim Mussared
2022-09-19py/persistentcode: Introduce .mpy sub-version.Jim Mussared
2022-09-13mimxrt/machine_spi: Allow a setting of -1 for cs in the constructor.robert-hh
2022-09-09extmod/modbluetooth: Replace def_handle with end_handle in char IRQ.Jim Mussared
2022-09-06drivers/display: Don't include tests by default.Damien George
2022-08-31docs/renesas-ra: Add pin drive keyword argument description.Takeo Takahashi
2022-08-31docs/library/machine.UART: Add docs for uart.flush() and uart.txdone().robert-hh
2022-08-31docs/library/machine.I2C: Add a note about I2C pull-up resistors.robert-hh
2022-08-30docs/templates/topindex.html: Update forum link.Jim Mussared
2022-08-26docs/library/micropython: Fix spelling of compiler.Laurens Valk
2022-08-26docs/library: Fix nested rst styles not rendering.Laurens Valk
2022-08-26docs/library/machine.UART: Add notes about UART init and deinit.Tomasz 'CeDeROM' CEDRO
2022-08-26docs/esp32: Update UART quickref on input-only pins.Tomasz 'CeDeROM' CEDRO
2022-08-26docs: Update CPython differences and improve the look of table layouts.Matt Trentini
2022-08-26tools/mpremote: Print nicer errors for unsupported 'cp -r' arguments.Damien George
2022-08-26drivers/cc3000: Remove CC3000 WiFi driver files.Damien George
2022-08-23rp2/machine_wdt: Check for the maximum timeout value of watchdog.robert-hh
2022-08-19extmod/modframebuf: Add polygon drawing methods.Mat Booth
2022-08-19extmod/modframebuf: Add ellipse drawing method.Peter Hinch
2022-08-19extmod/modframebuf: Add fill argument to rect().Jim Mussared
2022-08-18tools/mpremote: Add "edit" command.Jim Mussared
2022-08-18tools/pyboard.py: Add "touch" filesystem command.Jim Mussared
2022-08-18tools/mpremote: Allow + terminator for fs commands.Jim Mussared
2022-08-17docs/esp32: Fix string quoting consistency in SDCard mount example.David Peake
2022-08-12extmod/uasyncio: Add clear method to ThreadSafeFlag.Ned Konz
2022-08-11docs/library/rp2: Fix pull_thresh docs to use pull instead of push.Nathan Hendler
2022-08-11docs: Update links for Arm GCC toolchain.David Lechner
2022-07-29docs/library/pyb.Timer: Document how to use BKIN pin with example.chrismas9
2022-07-29docs/library/pyb.Pin: Add Pin.ALT constant.chrismas9
2022-07-29docs/library/pyb.Pin: Fix out-of-context paragraphs, and AF_PP typo.chrismas9
2022-07-29docs/library/time: Provide more info about which epoch is used.Peter Hinch
2022-07-23docs/library/neopixel: Add note that neopixel is included in rp2 builds.Andrew Scheller
2022-07-20extmod/modussl_mbedtls: Implement cert_reqs and cadata arguments.Carlosgg
2022-07-18shared/readline: Use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER().David Lechner
2022-07-05esp32,esp8266: Rename WLAN dhcp_hostname config to hostname.IhorNehrutsa
2022-06-24docs/library/bluetooth: Add link to aioble.Jim Mussared
2022-06-24extmod/uasyncio: Implement stream read(-1) to read all data up to EOF.Damien George
2022-06-23esp32/modesp32: Add wake_on_ulp() so ULP can wake CPU from deepsleep.Christian Walther
2022-06-21docs/library/uasyncio: Consistently use "uasyncio" instead of "asyncio".Luiz Brandao
2022-06-21docs/library/machine: Add note on interrupts being critical to system.Patrick Joy
2022-06-21docs: Set LaTeX engine to XeLaTeX for PDF generation.Stewart C. Russell
2022-06-21docs/library: Remove unnecessary "pyb." prefix on class names.Damien George
2022-06-21docs/library/pyb.Timer: Document `brk` argument and its constants.Howard Lovatt
2022-06-21extmod/modbtree: Use buffer protocol for keys/values.David Lechner
2022-06-21extmod/extmod.mk: Separate out extmod file list from py.mk to extmod.mk.David Lechner
2022-06-17docs: Update to use new WLAN argument names for ssid/security/key.iabdalkader